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December 20, 2023

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (12/20/23) Could This Be The Best Zappa Edition Ever Edition

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The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mother, your Dad, your priest, to some guy on television, to any of the people telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.Frank Zappa

Quote II

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. C. S. Lewis

Quote III

"This case is at its heart about lies, deceit and procuring sexual experiences by grossly misleading another person. It is about a carefully created, cruelly maintained deception that you practised on your wholly innocent victim for the best part of two years." Judge Grey

Quote IV

"It really will be the highest quality water delivered in the state when it's done,"Darrin Polhemus, the division of drinking water director with the State Water Resources Control Board

I sure do enjoy well water here at Casa Misanthrope


The ONT Is Always (And I mean ALWAYS) Looking Out For YouTM

20+ Incredible Gifts For Everyone On Your Christmas List!

When considering gifts for everyone on your list, Amazon remains the reliable go-to, ensuring your items are swiftly delivered with the convenience of two-day Prime delivery – a feature we highly appreciate.

Don't forget about the small Mom & Pop stores, they sell firearms as reasonable as the big box stores.


If coke prices are low now, just wait until you get the government involved.

Switzerland considers legalising COCAINE: Politicians declare 'the war on drugs has failed'
Switzerland capital Bern is examining a pilot scheme to allow the sale of cocaine

Switzerland's capital is examining a pilot scheme to allow the sale of cocaine for recreational use - a radical approach to the war on drugs that is not thought to have been tried elsewhere.

The Parliament in Bern has supported the idea, which still needs to overcome opposition from the city government and will also require a change in national law.

Drugs policy around the world is evolving, with the U.S. state of Oregon, for example, decriminalising possession of small amounts of cocaine in 2021 in favour of drug treatment.

Wealthy Switzerland has one of the highest levels of cocaine use in Europe, according to the levels of illicit drugs and their metabolites measured in waste water, with Zurich, Basel and Geneva all featuring in the top 10 cities in Europe.

Swiss cities, including Bern, are also showing increasing usage, while prices of cocaine have halved in the last five years, according to Addiction Switzerland, a non-governmental organisation.

'We have a lot of cocaine in Switzerland right now, at the cheapest prices and the highest quality we have ever seen,' said Frank Zobel, deputy director at Addiction Switzerland.

'You can get a dose of cocaine for about 10 francs these days, not much more than the price for a beer.'


Once again FZ was ahead of his time.

Those who get to experience snow know the joys of sledding, having a snowball fight, building a snowman, making snow angels, and of course, scooping up some of the white stuff and eating it - as long as there is no yellow near it. However, it turns out that eating snow could be extremely dangerous.

New research has shown that even newly fallen snow can have deadly items in it, like tiny rocks, bacteria, viruses, road salt, and other forms of pollution. It is so dangerous in fact that experts are urging snow lovers to avoid eating any. According to the study, "Seemingly innocent fresh snow can hide small rocks and debris, creating a risk of choking or causing dental damage. These hazards are often invisible to the naked eye, making snow consumption risky. Contrary to popular belief, snow is not always clean and pure. As it falls, it can absorb pollutants from the air, including car exhaust and industrial emissions, posing health risks if ingested."

Are they eating snow along the New Jersey Turnpike?

And to celebrate Mr. Zappa's warning about snow consumption.........

You're welcome.........


Hey 'rons, let's be careful out there.

Risk of penile fractures rises at Christmas, doctors find
Researchers suspect euphoria and intimacy of season may be behind spike in cases

Risk of penile fractures rises at Christmas, doctors find
Researchers suspect euphoria and intimacy of season may be behind spike in cases

Linda Geddes Science correspondent
Wed 20 Dec 2023 05.01 EST
It may be the season of loving and giving, but doctors have warned against embracing this spirit too enthusiastically – at least where sexual relations are concerned. They have discovered that the Christmas period is associated with a significantly increased risk of penile fractures – a medical emergency in which the erection-producing regions of the penis snap, usually as a result of forceful bending during over-enthusiastic sexual intercourse.

“This injury tends to occur during wild sex – particularly in positions where you’re not in direct eye contact [with your partner], such as the reverse cowgirl,” said Dr Nikolaos Pyrgides, a urologist at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, who led the research.

The fractures are often heralded by an audible crack, followed by severe pain, rapid loss of erection and severe swelling and bruising. “When [patients] present to their doctor their penis often looks like an eggplant,” Pyrgides said.


The ONT Musical Interlude, Zappa, & Christmas Music Emporium

Regular commenter and all around good Moron Doof submitted the following: The band Frank Zappa labelled “distasteful”

There are as many cases of Frank Zappa sharing his anger at conventional pop music as there are notes on the guitar he wields with such ferocity. The archetypal rock artiste, Zappa has long been a purporter of the purer side of music making, rejecting commercialism at every turn and championing the pursuit of creativity as his only true calling.

Over the years, this has led him to confront some of the titans of the rock and roll world head-on. While later softening his view on the band, he once famously took umbrage with fair-faced Fab Four from Liverpool, who had invaded America’s rock and roll sanctity with a brand new form of pop music. Zappa casually dismissed their influence on a few occasions, once noting: “Everybody else thought they were God! I think that was not correct. They were just a good commercial group.”

Born on: 21 Dec 1940
Frank Zappa multi instrumentalist, producer and composer. Recorded with The Mothers Of Invention and solo, 1969 album 'Hot Rats', 1974 album 'Apostrophe', featuring 'Don't Eat The Yellow Snow'. First band was The Blackouts, recorded one of the first concept albums 'Freak Out'. Zappa died of prostate cancer on 4th December 1993. via



Christmas dinner should be interesting. Genius Award Winner.

Man Poisoned Kin's Meatballs With Visine
Cops: Sandwich was doused with eye drops, served to relative

DECEMBER 15--After purchasing a meatball sandwich for his nephew, a Florida Man poured Visine all over the food, which was later partially consumed by his relative, according to police who arrested the man on a felony poisoning charge.

Investigators say James Leach, 45, was at a market near his Pinellas Park home Wednesday evening when he asked an employee “for a bottle of ‘Visine’ due to having dry eyes.”

Upon securing the Visine, Leach allegedly opened a container of food and “proceeded to pour the eye drop solution all over the meatball sandwich” inside, according to an arrest affidavit.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Christmas Travel.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. There's still time to go out and purchase those presents. I'm not that hard to shop for.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:35 PM

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