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December 12, 2023

Quick Hits

Big: Biden says he'd be willing to consider the GOP's demands on the border in exchange for Ukraine funding.

From CBS News:

The Biden administration on Tuesday indicated to congressional lawmakers that it would be willing to support a new border authority to expel migrants without asylum screenings, as well as a dramatic expansion of immigration detention and deportations, to convince Republicans to back aid to Ukraine, four people familiar with the matter told CBS News.

The White House informed Senate Democrats that it could back those sweeping and hardline immigration policy changes as part of the negotiations over President Biden's emergency funding request, a roughly $100 billion package that includes military aid to Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine, as well as money to bolster border enforcement and hire additional immigration officials.

The GOP's demands are pretty minor. One of them will be helpful, however: the provision that anyone who came through Mexico to apply for asylum in the US will have his asylum claim automatically rejected. The idea is that if you're really an asylum seeker fleeing for your life, you can stop in a safe place like Mexico. You don't have to continue on to an economic powerhouse like the US.

Unless you're actually just an economic migrant. Who is of course not eligible for political asylum.

This would be a very fast and easily-applied rule for getting rid of thousands of "asylum seekers." It would also, of course, discourage millions of similar fake asylum seekers.

In the current rule, we are forced to pretend we really believe these are legitimate asylum seekers, and give them court dates and release them into the country awaiting their hearings which will be 4, 6, 8 years from now. And they'll just tell the stories they were coached by their corrupt lawyers to tell, and they'll probably be given asylum. (When the country they're from has no animus against their people or tribe, they just claim that criminal gangs are harassing their family -- something that's impossible to disprove.)

So a rule that allows us to just reject thousands and thousands of fake asylum claims immediately would be very, very helpful.

Will Biden actually agree to the rule change? Or just say he'll "consider" it in the future if we agree to the money for Ukraine now? We'll have to see.

No money without an agreement on this provision, now.

Christopher F. Rufo

The conservative press, the Harvard student newspaper, and the Harvard board of trustees all published articles and statements about Claudine Gay's plagiarism scandal before the NYT, WaPo, and WSJ. Why?

Now they're on it, though: They want to tell you what "scholars say!"


Christopher Rufo points out that the reporters at the Harvard Crimson -- who are as ultrawoke as any -- are honest enough to admit that Gay plagiarized, whereas "the apparatchiks" at the New York Times claim that "scholars say" that not all plagiarism is plagiarism. Right, Regime plagiarism is not plagiarism, just like treason unpunished is no treason, for if it is unpunished, then it must not have been treason.

Dr. Carol M. Swain @carolmswain

I rarely get angry, but I am angry right now about the racial double standards that are TEMPORARILY giving #ClaudineGay an opportunity to resign. White progressives created her and white progressives are protecting her. The rest of us have had to work our rear ends off to achieve success. Some get it handed to them. #Adversityofdiversity #DEI # affirmativeaction #HarvardisAntisemitic #PresidentGay

And that was before Harvard cleared her completely.

Gay, of course, claimed that Harvard could not forbid students from calling for intifada because it followed a policy of very strong protection of free speech, even speech it disagreed with.

Two days after telling that lie to Congress -- perjuring herself -- Harvard cancelled a planned speech that a Congressman was to give at Harvard.

In the interim, he mocked Gay's farcical commitment to free speech.

Harvard then canceled the event.

On the afternoon of Friday, December 8, Harvard's John Adams Society, a conservative-leaning student group, was to host a discussion on the future of U.S.--China relations and their ramifications for American industrial policy, featuring Reps. Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts and Ro Khanna of California. The planned event was cosponsored by American Affairs, the heterodox policy journal edited by Julius Krein (and where--full disclosure--I've published a single piece).

A month earlier, on November 6, David Vega, a current student affiliated with the John Adams Society, booked a room through the proper channels and received an email from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences confirming the room and the event. "YOUR ROOM HAS BEEN CONFIRMED," read the confirmation email, which I've reviewed. The administration even offered audiovisual assistance and day-of contact information; everything seemed to be going swimmingly.

As the days went by, various Harvard authorities helped the organizers and congressional staff through the byzantine campus process. When Auchincloss's chief of staff reached out to the Harvard events team to discuss security, Christine Haverty, director of events management, replied, "Thank you! For this, you would work with the team planning the event and Harvard University Police," adding: "They are wonderful!" ...

The planning process continued. There were no ominous signs. As recently as December 5, Harvard confirmed the event as scheduled and set to go forward. Then, that same day, Gay gave her Washington testimony--you know, the one where she insisted the sacred principle of free speech protects even extreme anti-Jewish animus, depending on the context. Two days later, on December 7, the student organizer received an email informing him that the event was canceled....

What happened between December 5 and December 7? Gay's congressional testimony took place on December 5. Auchincloss published a statement on December 6 mocking her for her supposed commitment to free speech. "Harvard ranks last out of 248 universities for support of free speech," Auchincloss said. "But when it comes to denouncing anti-Semitism, suddenly the university has anxieties about the First Amendment. It rings hollow." On December 7, the event was canceled.

A Harvard spokesman claimed that the university has "no record of an event registration request," notwithstanding the registration confirmation reviewed by The American Conservative and dozens of back-and-forth emails between organizers and Harvard staff, all predicated upon the fact that the event is registered and moving forward.

Harvard has a policy of untrammeled free speech much like the New York Times only permits right-wing opinion.

She's baaaack! Down in the polls, Joe Biden calls on the one politician in America who can really bring the case against Donald Trump and his constant election denialism -- HILLARY CLINTON!!!

In case you haven't watched in the past ten days, here are twenty-four straight minutes of the Democrats denying election results, with Hillary Clinton accounting for about ten of them.

The Enemy of the People media never asks her about this. Not once. Except, I mean, to allow her to pontificate about how the election was stolen from her.

They never confront her with her, and ask her to reconcile how the Democrats can maintain that it's "election denialism" that threatens democracy for Trump to say that the 2020 election was "fortified," which even The Atlantic proudly admits it was, but that Hillary Clinton can continue pushing the fake claim that her campaign entirely fabricated that "Russia stole the election."

Not once. Not a single time.

It's so brazenly corrupt. It's breathtaking.

Now that the Boy Scouts -- I'm sorry, I mean the Scouts; it's no longer for boys -- is fully woke, it's also no longer fit for purpose.

But a new organization is stepping up. Trail Life USA seeks to provide boys with mentorship and what I think is crucial in this derangedly virtual age, vital contact with the real.

Trail Life USA isn't just a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts; it's an answer to the deep crisis affecting boys in America.

"We're growing boys into godly men," Mark Hancock, the scouting organization's CEO, tells "The Daily Signal Podcast." "We've discovered a proven process for turning boys into godly men, and it involves four things."

Hancock, today's guest on the podcast, diagnoses four major problems American boys face: They are unguided, ungrounded, unappreciated, and uninspired.

"One in four boys now doesn't have a father in his household," Hancock says. "They go to school, 76% of teachers are female. Eighty-something percent of Sunday school teachers are female. So, these girls have wonderful models of leadership. Boys don't have that, so we are guiding boys. We think that's important."

Trail Life USA requires leaders to be confessing Christians, but it welcomes boys of any or no faith tradition.

Hancock also laments that boys are ungrounded, noting that "58% of Americans no longer believe that God is a source of moral truth." His organization aims to "ground them in biblical truths," through its six essentials of a Christian worldview.

"We also know that boys are unappreciated," the CEO adds. He says the culture's "gender blurring" sends the message that "it's like a boy is some sort of a defective girl."

I might sign up. Not as a troop leader, but as a scout. I know I'm a little old for this but I don't mind confessing, I need some mentoring. I need to get a haircut and get my head straightened out.

This is one of the two "WOCs" who arrange that "Race2Dinner," where they con stupid AWFL white women to pay them thousands of dollars to come to dinner so that these two awful women of color can call them racist and insult them for two or three hours.

You may be surprised to hear that her opinions on foreign policy are shallow, poorly-informed, and revolve excessively around celebrities she follows on Twitter.

Please take my money to teach me how to be "anti-racist," Saira Rao. I want to be cleansed of hatred of other races like you so clearly have been.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:35 PM

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