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December 11, 2023

Jews and Others Are Calling for Lorne Michaels and SNL to Apologize for Sketch That Mocked Concerns Over Campus Calls for Intifada and Violence Against Jews

Some Jews are demanding that SNL producer Lorne Michaels apologize for this sketch in which he bent over backwards to find that the Jews were just as worthy as mockery in the campus calls for intifada.

I've linked the sketch before, but here it is again, before getting to the article:

"Saturday Night Live" is facing mounting calls to apologize -- and even be officially investigated -- over its tone-deaf sketch making light of university presidents refusing to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews.

"This is really appalling," Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn, a "historian of Israel and Jews" and a visiting professor at the University of Haifa in Israel, wrote of Saturday's cold open.

"NBC do you think antisemitism is acceptable as the punchline of a joke about American society?" the historian asked.

"This needs to be investigated by the [Federal Communications Commission]," she urged, tagging the federal agency.

Many demanded an apology for the sketch, which poked fun at US Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for demanding the university leaders answer to outrage at their failure to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews on campuses.

One SNL cast member backed out of the sketch, due to feeling "uncomfortable" about casting those opposed to antsemitism as the bad guys.

Former "Saturday Night Live" star Cecily Strong backed out of playing Rep. Elise Stefanik on the show this past weekend because she was "uncomfortable" with the heavily criticized cold-open sketch, sources confirm to The Post.

Strong, 39, appeared as a guest in the dress rehearsal ahead of the live show, then changed her mind "last minute" about playing Stefanik in the sketch, which mocked last week's congressional hearings on antisemitism on college campuses. Newcomer Chloe Troast replaced Strong on air.

The opening sketch is always the last one to be written and Saturday's was slightly rushed, according to sources. Indeed, there was a mix-up with the nameplates in front of stars Heidi Gardner (playing now-resigned UPenn president Elizabeth Magill) and Chloe Fineman (playing MIT president Sally Kornbluth), later corrected in the online version.

Strong's guest appearance would have been her first time back since leaving in December 2022, after 11 seasons on the NBC show.

A TV source told The Post: "Cecily was uncomfortable with the sketch."

She doesn't say why she was "uncomfortable" with it, but what other reason would there be? It can't be that she was uncomfortable with it due to it not being funny. The show was barely ever funny when she was there, and hasn't been funny since 2017. Cecily Strong was the show's "star" before Catherine McKinnon dethroned her, and participated in all sorts of riotously unfunny political sketches.

So why would she bail on this one, except for a self-preservation instinct kicking on telling her, "Don't participate in a pro-Hamas sketch"?

Trump broke the left's brains so hard that even when the left and it's allies are clearly in the wrong -- as when the left's ally Hamas rapes and murders 1200+, and then their allies on campus defend and justify those rapes and murders, and call for more -- they cannot bring themselves to condemn it. They can only laugh about how silly the stupid racist conservatives are for being racist against Brown People.

No matter how awful the left's behavior, the unfunny clowns at Saturday Night Live have to write their sketches to make sure that Republicans turn out to be the bad guys and the left turns out to be the good guys.

Even if they're calling for the murder of Jews.

Update: Lorne Michaels is name-dropping starfucking asshole who is still living in 1977:

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:42 PM

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