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December 13, 2023

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (12/13/23)

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The Quotes of The Day

Quotes I

“You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but in the very least you need a beer.”Frank Zappa

Quote II

“You have to have a little bit of common sense. You’ve got to make a decision. Is this sincere? Is this device being used for what they’re saying? I think every American could use a little more training in disability understanding and disability etiquette.” Neil Romano, the former chairman of the National Council on Disability

Unfortunately, a majority of the TSA agents are knuckle dragging booger eating bullys. There's a reason they don't carry sidearms.

Quote III

"I did what I had to do to protect my store and my employees. I had no idea what she was capable of." Store owner Jeff Dennis


Chock one up for KARMA.

A member of the Turkish parliament collapsed from an apparent heart attack on Tuesday as he went on a tirade against the people of Israel, according to multiple reports.

The Times of Israel reported Hasan Bitmez was speaking before the Muslim country’s legislative body during a session on an unrelated matter when he decided to take his remarks off course.

As Bitmez discussed Israel’s ongoing war against Islamic terrorists in Gaza, he took aim at Jews in the region, saying, “You will not escape the wrath of Allah.”


Jewish Comedian Jerry Seinfeld Targeted by Pro-Hamas Protesters: ‘Complicit in Genocide’

Legendary Jewish-American comedian Jerry Seinfeld has been targeted by pro-Hamas protesters who accuse the TV sitcom star of being “complicit in genocide.”

The angry mob gathered outside the Landmark Theatre in Syracuse, New York to protest Seinfeld’s stand-up show over his support for Israel.

According to The Daily Orange, an independent student newspaper at Syracuse University, protesters called for Israel to stop defending itself against Hamas.

Yes, protesting a comedian and his audience half way around the world is the answer.

Instead of harrasing people who had nothing to do with the Hamas animals why not call them?

“If you want a real ceasefire, here is the right address,” he said, holding up a sign.

“This is the phone number of Hamas’ office in Gaza,” Erdan said. “You can all call +970-599373765 and ask for Yahya Sinwar. Tell Hamas to put down their arms, turn themselves in, and return our hostages. This will bring a complete ceasefire that will last forever.”

The sign stated, “For a Ceasefire dial +970-599373765,” and “Ask for Yahya Sinwar” alongside a photo of Sinwar.


If we really lived in a democracy we wouldn't be subject to unelected bureaucrats coming up with laws that are impossible to achieve currently.

Feds want anti-drunk-driving tech in cars — here’s what stands in the way

The in-car tech used by the likes of Ford and GM to make sure drivers pay attention to the road has come a long way. But it’s just not ready to help prevent or mitigate the damage done by drunk driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

That assessment is threaded throughout a new 99-page “advanced notice of proposed rulemaking” the agency released Tuesday, a sort of pit stop along the way to issuing regulations that would mandate in-car technology that could recognize when a driver has been drinking alcohol.

NHTSA is now asking for help determining what technologies should be built into cars to help mitigate or prevent it outright — in part because the agency says there are no commercially available options. After the notice is published to the Federal Register, the public will have 60 days to submit comments.


The dream of Henry Ford ever quickly dies. Henry Ford knew what the every man wanted. Now Ford Motor Co. dreams what every man should want. And the every man isn't having anything to do with that dream.

It turns out the shining star in the EV firmament Ford thought they had was actually more of a dwarf star, and rapidly turning into a black hole. Execs have unsheathed the corporate katana, and gone to work slashing away on the production numbers.

Ford Cuts Electric F-150 Plans in Ominous Sign for EV Market

Ford Motor Co. is cutting 2024 production goals in half for its F-150 Lightning plug-in pickup truck — its signature electric vehicle — due to slowing demand for battery-powered models.

The automaker now intends to build 1,600 of the trucks a week next year at its plant in Dearborn, Michigan, down from a previous plan to manufacture 3,200 weekly, a company spokeswoman said. Ford has been informing suppliers of the production cuts on a model Chief Executive Officer Jim Farley once said was “a test for adoption for electric vehicles” in America.


Their obligation is to feed, clothe and house you until you are 18. Stop being an ungrateful twat.

A woman who had to move back in with her parents explains why it's such a hassle to live with them.
“I feel like there are a lot of struggles with having to move back in with your parents after having lived on your own, but one of the biggest ones that’s been f------ with my mental health lately is my lack of privacy,” says a TikTok creator named Joyce in a video.

She explains that she’s not talking about her parents being intrusive if she's on the phone with a friend, or has someone over, but rather her personal privacy.


Filler material on an ONT? Never! Well Thursday and Friday nights don't count. Are you superstitious? If so here are some foods to avoid on News Year Eve.

More than any other holiday, New Year’s brings out our superstitious sides. Some people will try anything to shed their misfortunes from the previous 12 months and boost their chances of good luck in the year ahead. You may already cook the traditional New Year’s dishes for good luck, but you should also be avoiding these foods if want to cover all your bases. From chicken to lobster, consider leaving these unlucky food items off your New Year’s Eve and Day menus.

1. Catfish


The ONT Musical Interlude & Chocolate Covered Cherry Emporium



She saw one too many episodes of some show. Genius Award Winner.

Woman found guilty of murder after citizen’s arrest gone horribly wrong

Too serious??????? This is a little bit lighter.
Genius Award Winners.

2 men convicted of stealing $2,095 of stuff from Kohl's argued for lesser charges because there was a sale and they had coupons


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Personal Pizza Perspective.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. No animals were injured in the production of this ONT including but not limited to Hamsters and Cobs.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:30 PM

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