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December 12, 2023

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (12/12/23)

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The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. Frank Zappa

Quote II

"They had to make a landing urgently." Passenger Aditi Shankar


I knew Harvard and the other Poison Ivies had deep pockets. But this is astounding.

Harvard University announced Tuesday that under-fire President Claudine Gay will keep her job — even after reportedly losing more than $1 billion in donations since her disastrous congressional testimony about antisemitism.

The Harvard Corporation — the university’s highest governing body — made its announcement Tuesday following night-long talks between Gay and university leaders, a source familiar with the decision told the student newspaper, the Harvard Crimson.

“As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University. Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing,” the group said in a statement.


Oh it sounds so promising. I for one am not holding my breath.

Panasonic’s New Powder-Powered Batteries Will Supercharge EVs
A company working with Tesla’s main US battery supplier has silicon-based tech that could soon give electric cars 500-mile ranges and charge refills in just 10 minutes.
Sila, a Californian company cofounded in 2011 by Tesla’s seventh staffer, is going to supply Panasonic with a US-made silicon powder for EV batteries that could banish range anxiety, slash charge times, and even reduce reliance on China.

Panasonic’s main US customer is Tesla, and produces around 10 percent of EV batteries globally. Last year, Sila signed a supply agreement with Mercedes-Benz for its new long-range G-class electric SUV, expected to debut in 2025. (The German automaker led Sila’s Series E funding round in 2019.)

Sila’s Titan Silicon anode powder consists of micrometer-sized particles of nano-structured silicon and replaces graphite in traditional lithium-ion batteries. This switch-out for EVs could soon enable 500-mile nonstop trips and 10-minute recharges. What’s more, the anode swap doesn’t require new manufacturing techniques. The black powder already powers the five-day battery life of the latest Whoop activity-tracking wearable.

The ONT Musical Interlude & Candy Cane Emporium



Novel legal theory for tonight's Genius Award Winner.

Alleged Iowa tree thief claims protection by England’s Charter of the Forest

An 800-year-old English charter that was hugely consequential for establishing rights of people to use public lands also protects a rural Rolfe man accused of illegally cutting down and stealing dozens of trees from a wildlife management area in northwest Iowa, the man’s attorney argues.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Subliminal Messaging.

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Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. Remember, we know who has been naughty or nice. And you know who we are referring to don't we.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:54 PM

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