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December 06, 2023

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (12/6/23) Hodge Podge Edition



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. Frank Zappa

Quote II

“This was an extremely volatile situation involving a dangerous and unpredictable suspect who put so many of our residents and police officers in harm’s way,” Police Chief Christopher Francesconi

Quote III

“Despite our efforts to reduce costs this past year, our cost structure for where we need to be is still too big.” Spotify co-founnder and CEO Daniel Ek


***SNORT*** Yeah right. Keep on virtue signaling and living in the faculty lounge.

Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered cars in winter—here’s why
All cars lose range when the temperature drops below freezing, not just EVs.

You just can't tow anything, anywhere.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Science knows what we like.

EXCLUSIVE What the perfect male and female buttocks look like, according to science - and it's all about the waist-to-hip ratio

EXCLUSIVE What the perfect male and female buttocks look like, according to science - and it's all about the waist-to-hip ratio

Plastic surgeons have revealed the type of rear-end Americans find most attractive.

The findings, from two studies published in an academic journal, show that, size is not the most important factor when it comes to an aesthetically pleasing derriere on women, despite the 'Kardashian effect' on beauty standards.

In one study, by surgeons at Loma Linda University in California, experts recruited 1,100 men and women and asked them to look at pictures of eight different sets of female buttocks, which the doctors had digitally generated.


Did your latest canoe accident leave you defenseless? The ONT Is Always Looking Out For YouTM

Evil Week: How to Befriend Crows and Turn Them Against Your Enemies
Revenge is a dish best served by a murder of crows.


I wonder if a certain man by the name of Mark Hamlet will be out of someone's will?

Nan and grandad unwittingly roped into 'Wetherspoons Game' and end up hammered

Mark Hamlet from Sandbach, Cheshire, took his nan and grandad out for what they thought was a quiet nightcap before people from all over the UK started sending them drinks via the Wetherspoons app


Well, there goes ordering coffee on the old air flight.

It's no secret that there are some dirty parts of a plane. The seat-back pockets have held plenty of nasty items and aren't often cleaned, and the tray tables and seatbelts often aren't sanitary either. Then you have passengers with awful habits like putting bare feet on arm rests or drying bathing suits on their seats. But one flight attendant has revealed something particularly disgusting that goes on in the friendly skies, and if you or a loved one ever drinks coffee or tea on planes, you'll want to know about it.

There have been studies that the water on many planes is unsafe due to bacteria, since the tanks that hold the water are rarely cleaned, so already it might be risky to get coffee or tea onboard if they aren't using bottled water, but even if they do use water from bottles, there is a far more disturbing issue, and a flight attendant named Kevin shared what the gross problem is on TikTok.


Piss on it takes on a whole new meaning.

York, Pennsylvania is one of the worst cities in the state. It’s very violent, and the residents would shoot someone for simply looking toward them. There is a golf course – Heritage Hills – which is fabulous, but that’s about all you’ll find good there.

Any hoo, a York man gave $300 to a woman in exchange that the woman would, um, urinate on the man.

It seemed like a straightforward arrangement: I give you $300. You urinate on me in the bathroom of the Days Inn across from the Ryder rental office in York, Pennsylvania.


The ONT Musical Interlude & Hot Cider Emporium

RIP Denny Laine.

Denny Laine, a co-founder of both the Moody Blues and Wings, has died at the age of 79.

His wife, Elizabeth Hines, shared the news on social media on Tuesday. She had helped set up a GoFundMe page for Laine in September following a battle with interstitial lung disease.




Sleaze. Genius Award Winner.

A registered nursing assistant in Georgia was recently arrested for a series of inappropriate sexual relationships with her patients, authorities say.

Jessica Camp, 39, stands accused of improper conduct by an employee in the first and second degree, according to the Walker County Sheriff’s Office and LaFayette Police Department.

In at least two incidents, the defendant allegedly took advantage of disabled patients at a rehabilitation facility in the far northwestern part of the Peach State.


The survival of the fittest? Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

In a heartwarming tale of collaboration and quick thinking, wildlife officers near Evergreen Lake successfully rescued a stranded deer, thanks to the unexpected assistance of a nearby crane truck operator.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Confidence.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. Four score and seven years ago The ONT wasn't here.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:00 PM

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