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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (10/25/23) »
October 25, 2023
Garrett's Mom Cafe

Devataki cave, Bulgaria
Cute little cave-swimmer.
I think that the idea with this road, which forces you into lane-changes into oncoming traffic through tight turns, is to give everyone a good turning radius, but this still seems crazy to me.
Platypus! Apparently a baby platypus is called a "puggle," which I'm surprised isn't more widely publicized.
Claustrophobia alert.
Aww, poor little fox wants to steal a fish.
This striped cuckoo's dance moves are fiyah.
The Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland, whose 72 waterfalls inspired Tolkein's Rivendell. The other landmark inspiring Rivendell? Garrett's Mom.
I cannot figure out what this guy is doing to achieve this ghost-walking effect, so I will assume it's CGI. I will also assume that I could do it, if I felt like it.
A train-themed restaurant where your drinks and food are delivered by, yes, model trains.
The maned wolf or "golden dog" of South America. What it looks like is a sexier hyena.
Eclipse at sunset. Like all eclipses, it is disappointing.
Volcanic smoke-ring.
Today in 1996, Tomb Raider was released, in which Laura Croft searches for treasures inside Garrett's Mom.
There's a man on the wing.
As I always say: Nature is weird and gross.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:29 PM
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