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October 20, 2023
The Morning Report — 10/20/23
Good morning, kids. So, they changed Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants from out of his Ensure-stained track suit he sported on AF-1 – which eerily reminded me of the outfits the terrorists wore who slaughtered the Israeli Olympic team in Munich 51 years ago – and into a suit and tie so he can hector the nation and demand that we all come together in our righteous might to stand shoulder to shoulder with . . . UKRAINE:
Joe Biden gave a rare Oval Office address Thursday night that began with a clear condemnation of Hamas terror, but quickly shifted focus to cynical politicking and narrative setting, even while Americans are still being held hostage.
. . . he tries to shift the political focus to something more favorable for him when his back is against the wall. That’s what he tried to do tonight.
The dominant news cycle right now – radical Islamic terror directed at Israel – is a terrible one for Joe. As I noted in an article earlier this week, Joe Biden has harmed Israel in numerous ways over his presidency and vice presidency while simultaneously enabling terrorists and their funders. He is also clearly perceived as a weak target by our adversaries around the world; so, the longer the media is focused on Israel, Jews, Hamas rockets, decapitated babies, and American hostages, the worse Joe is going to look. His political instincts told him to try to switch gears.He did that in his speech tonight. It was not only clumsy, it was offensive.
Actually, it was an attempted hoodwinking. The world thought the speech would be about Israel. And he did talk about Israel. But the speech was really about Ukraine.
He tried to connected Israel and Ukraine in order to suggest to Americans that if you support Israel’s war for its own survival, you must also support limitless taxpayer resources being sent to Ukraine – after those funds make a pit stop in the bank accounts of U.S. defense contractors, of course.
He ended up saying nothing newsworthy about Israel or Hamas, yet he revived the Ukraine funding discussion.
Yes, duplicitous Joe used dead Jews as an excuse to give a speech about Ukraine funding — from the Oval Office, no less. . .
. . . Using the death of Israelis and Americans, especially children, to shake the can for the defense industry was not merely a little too on the nose, it was grotesque. . .
. . . In what was another low point for the night, Joe scolded Americans for Islamophobia from two decades ago, despite the fact that radical Muslims targeted Jews for torture, rape, and murder just this month. “I know many of you in the Muslim American community are outraged saying to yourself ‘here we go again’ with Islamophobia and distress we saw after 9/11,” Joe said.
The timing would seem a bit off, unless you see it as a dog whistle to extremists in his political base.
The analysis comes from Alex Marlow who quite literally wrote the book on Biden and how his criminal mind, or at this stage criminal rotting rutabaga of a brain, works. When it works. Which means doing whatever it can to preserve, protect and defend the 50-plus year criminal enterprise and corruption that is the worthless existence that passes for a life.
As an aside, and not totally unrelated to the propaganda mill's throwing gasoline on the fire by regurgitating the Hamas lie that Israel vaporized a Gaza hospital and killed 500 people, instead of Palestinian Islamic Jihad launching a homemade Big Bertha that took out maybe a dozen people and a few cars in the parking lot, we have journalism's current grand old man Brit Hume who had this to say about Biden's spiel:
“One of the best - if not the best - speeches of his presidency.”
Wherein Brit Hume firmly claims the undisputed title of being the Walter Duranty of Jim Acostas. Or vice versa.
If there is a positive takeaway from this latest in the ongoing string of debasements from the de-Basement Dweller-in-Chief it's that, besides the shameless attempt to bait and switch from the war on Israel which he and his former boss had a major hand in setting the table (as Daniel Greenfield describes with his usual wit and detail here), it's perhaps this.
The Democrat Party and anti-American Left set into motion as far back as Aaron Burr, which Obama kicked into overdrive, that is the destruction and then subsuming of the nation, its political system and culture into a nightmare totalitarian state. In order to achieve this, especially in the past 60 years has relied on the uniting of disparate and many times antagonistic grievance groups and minorities with the common theme of hating the very nation and system that allows them to not only exist but thrive like no time in history and no place else.
That coalition of the unwilling and ungrateful cannot last. Ultimately it has to come apart at the seams. The fractures are already evident with such issues as the crime wave, open borders, homo- and transexual perversion and even to an extent censorship and cancel culture. And now, we have the absolutely repulsive reaction in celebration to the worst slaughter of Jews since 1933-1945 from Muslims, Maoists and sadly apostate self-gassing Jews-by-birth-only, is causing so-called independents and more crucially what's left of for lack of a better word "normal" Democrats to recoil in horror.
So, Joey now has to pull his fingers out of the panties of the closest little girl or daughter within reach and use them to plug the dyke. Dike? Regardless, that is all that this speech is, along with fleecing an already empty Treasury to wag the dog in Ukraine against a nuclear armed Putin.
TOP. Men.
Playing devil's advocate for a moment, I ask myself are the rivalries and arguments within these disparate groups big enough to cleave them from the Junta or is America- and Jew-hatred too powerful a magnetic force? Reading this account, the situation is very much in doubt:
Americans are shocked and horrified as university and law-school students nationwide show support for the terrorist group Hamas after its heinous attacks against the Jewish people.
“Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life,” declared the NYU Student Bar Association president. Israel is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” more than 30 Harvard student groups stated. “The apartheid regime is the only one to blame.” These statements do not feature geopolitical commentary, just brazen support for terrorism.
As law students who have witnessed firsthand the ideological takeover of American universities, we aren’t surprised — not by the statements or administrations’ slow response to them. . .
. . . Those outside academia should know these students are likely shocked that wider society is not applauding their actions. They don’t see these statements as particularly heterodox — in fact, the opposite. Why? Schools have, by their own design, become devoid of free inquiry and exchange, adopting instead a homogenous set of viewpoints, many of them extremely radical.
For years, admissions offices across the country have deliberately prioritized passion for social justice and activism in potential applicants — to their detriment. While community engagement is a worthwhile pursuit, at 17 years old, zealous activism for any complex cause is too often accompanied by a lack of intellectual curiosity and misplaced confidence in one’s point of view. Have you changed your mind on fundamental issues since the age of 17? We sure have. Yet increasingly, these young “activists” have neither the opportunity nor the incentive to allow their thinking to evolve. Their views are rewarded by admissions offices around the country, then encouraged and intensified by like-minded students and faculty members.
The cycle repeats in law schools. At elite institutions particularly, good jobs are nearly guaranteed, irrespective of students’ ability to display intellectual curiosity and exercise good judgment. Curious students without such convictions who secure spots at top universities are generally in the minority. They must be careful articulating their views lest they commit a “microaggression” against their peers.
All the while, students proudly support terrorists, ostracize their Jewish peers and espouse views nothing short of moral degradation under the guise of the “activism” institutions have so loudly praised.
Why are such gifted students so willing to go along, especially when the end result is antisemitism? While the wider population wonders in horror, the explanation is simple, albeit anticlimactic: They are doing precisely what the educational system rewards — applying the logic they have learned, even if it leads them to immoral ends.
The authors of this piece are two young law students at Boston College and Georgetown. If you don't think that they have targets on their backs, and quite likely in the most literal sense, then you've been asleep for a few years. As for what I emphasized at the end, if that doesn't scare the shit out of you, nothing will. I hope, as they assume, that the wider population is horrified by the support for the Dark Age butchers and the calling for the blood of the Jews that with a few tweaks are word for word echoing from 90 years ago in Germany.
That is not hyperbole. The observation encapsulates perfectly what historian Christopher Browning writes about in his harrowing account of the actions and motivations of one particular unit of the Einsatzgruppen who shot tens of thousands of Jews, one by one, into mass graves all over Russia.
It's bad enough that it's coming as it does from the classrooms and campuses of academia. But the same poisonous rot has been going on now for more than half a century. If you include scum like Horace Mann, John Dewey and Herbert Marcuse – and yes, dear reader, Bill Ayers – to name but a few, make it the full century. This is how you get raging idiots from the c-suites to government and little by little more of Main Street, or what's left of it now that our jobs have been outsourced.
And on top of that, we have full-on freak Taqqiya-sunrise practitioners at the highest levels of government who don't even have to lie about their allegiance to Islamic world conquest.
So, devil's advocate Joe Biden reverse-Joo chin horns off. They've been exposed. The question is, is it too late to do anything about it? And I don't necessarily mean via national elections because those are more and more meaningless. The world wonders.
But the world does go on, and even in the darkest moments, there are sparks of humanity that shine quite brightly.
An NYPD cop broke down in tears after helping talk a suicidal man down from a Manhattan overpass in a rarely seen raw moment captured on police bodycam.
The harrowing clip, posted by the department on X Wednesday, shows officers Carl Fayette and Eleodoro Mata calmly reassuring the man as he stands on the edge of the raised Riverside Drive highway in Manhattanville on Oct. 5.
“I’ve been in your shoes, man. It’s not worth it,” Fayette tells the man as he stands outside a fence on the edge of the overpass. “I’ve been in your shoes, brother, and there are solutions. There is a way to ensure you get out of this situation. . . ”
. . . “I love you, brother. I care for you, brother. You have my shoulder, brother. Lean on my shoulder, brother,” he reassures the man. “I promise you you’re my friend. I promise you that we will be fighting together. I promise you that we will give you the services that you need. I love you, brother. Just listen to my voice. You got this brother.”
The man folds over, bending forward while still grabbing onto the fence behind him, the footage shows.
“Life is beautiful. The sun is beautiful. You are beautiful, man,” Fayette tells him. “Please don’t give up on me brother.”
Compare and contrast to what happened at that music festival and the kibbutzim.
This little light of mine. . .
Have a good weekend.
- "Future historians may well look back and mark 2020 as the year America’s greatest threat began, for what happened that year and continued over the two and half years radically changed the country."
Beyond Orwell: The High-tech Lynching of America
- Victor Davis Hanson: "A Middle East policy in ruins."
Our Post-Hamas Wreckage - Daniel Greenfield: "But at least she has a degree in Islamic Studies."
Pentagon CFO’s Chief of Staff Has Family Ties to Islamic Terrorism
- “California’s answer to the criminal misuse of a few is to disarm its many good residents. That knee-jerk reaction is constitutionally untenable, just as it was 250 years ago.”
Judge Rules California Assault Weapons Ban is Unconstitutional, Violates Second Amendment
- Lang has not allowed the Orwellian ordeal to crush him, though. “Friday, October 13th marked my 1,000th day in prison. But God’s grace has supplied me and the rest of the January 6 prisoners with strength, endurance, perseverance, and hope, knowing that we will have vindication from this political persecution,” he insisted. “One day, from all over the country, more than 200 of us will emerge from these prisons and gulags. We will be redeemed and restored and all of the things they’ve done to us will all be washed away.” I pray he is right.
January 6 Prisoner Passes 1,000 Days Jailed Without Trial, Shares Horror Stories of DC ‘Gulag’
- “While now, start using that imagination,” he continued. “Who was tortured before [the others]? Who saw if this was, this was on purpose? If this was the children looking at the parents being tortured? The parents seeing? And when I say tortured, I would say missing body pieces. An eye. Just taken out, an eye. One eye. Fingers being, fingers being,” he made a chopping motion with his hand to indicate fingers being cut off.
Israeli First Responder Tells Horrifying Story of Parents, Young Children, Tortured In Front of Each Other Before Being Killed by Hamas
- "A military operation to rescue the hostages held by Hamas terrorists appears all but impossible, with experts warning that diplomacy should now be the main focus — as Israel’s military revealed the number of kidnapped has risen to more than 200."
Why Rescuing the Hamas Hostages is So Hard: "We've Not Seen a Case Quite Like This in the Modern Era"
* * * * *
- "The address was about Ukraine, not Israel."
Breaking Biden Author: Five Takeaways from Joe’s Duplicitous Oval Office Address About Ukraine
- And he would just like you to know, America, that “they tell me I’m the first American president to travel there during a war.” What a complete ass.
So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Biden Gaslights Americans in Oval Office Address on Ukraine, Israel
- "Biden is preparing to run for reelection and needs to minimize disagreements within his increasingly diverse coalition."
Biden Warns Allies Against "Islamophobia" and "Anti-Semitism"
- Brit Hume is now the Jim Acosta of Walter Durantys - jjs
Fox News Brit Hume Gushes over Biden’s Address: "One of the Best, If Not the Best, Speeches of His [illegitimate] Presidency"
* * * * *
- "FACT: The corporate media did not believe Hamas — let me assure you of that. The truth is much, much more troubling than gullible, and the truth is this… The corporate media are in the business of violence against Western Civilization, and right now, business is good. Violence equals ratings, which equals profits. Better still, violence furthers the far-left Cause. The Gaza Hospital Hoax was what the media call a two-fer."
Ferguson II – Media Spread Hamas Hospital Hoax to Create More Violence
- "Do your goddam job!" (Umm, lying is exactly their job - jjs)
Former Israeli PM Goes Off on Anderson Cooper Over Gaza Hospital Rocket Strike
- Margot Cleveland: "In reporting that Israel bombed the Gaza hospital and killed hundreds, media proved they have no real interest in fighting disinformation."
Gaza Hospital Misinformation is One More Reason to Destroy the Censorship Complex
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "The media conspires with the terrorists."
The Hamas, Arab, and BBC Big Lie About Israel and the Bombed Gaza Hospital
- "We know corporate media are biased, but the reporting on Gaza shows they’re willing to be propagandists — even if their false reports are likely to get people killed."
Press Must Be Held Accountable for Fake Gaza Story That Instigated Violence Worldwide
- Robert Spencer: "U.S. embassies under threat in the Middle East and South America." (“At THAT point, what difference WILL it make???!!!” - jjs)
Another Benghazi in the Offing?
- ". . . at the very least, he doesn’t look or sound well, and it’s amazing he was allowed to continue speaking for so long without his handlers whisking him away."
Biden Word Salad Casts Doubt About Whether He Even Knows What’s Going On
- Additionally, the IDF has released drone footage showing that the blast hit the parking lot next to the hospital and that there is “very limited damage to the parking lot itself,” The Times of Israel reports. It is also apparent that the blast did not create a crater in the lot, strongly indicating it could not have been an IDF strike.
Number of Dead in Gaza Hospital Blast Revised from 500 to 10-50: European Intelligence Source
- "The sanctions relief is the largest concession of its kind to Maduro under leftist American President Joe Biden since he took office in 2021. It occurred on the same day that United Nations sanctions on Iran’s missile program expired and hours before Iran — a critical ally to Maduro and partner in rehabilitating Venezuela’s oil industry — once again threatened to destroy key American ally Israel."
Joe Biden Eases Oil and Gas Sanctions on Top Iran Ally Venezuela, Likely Funding Hamas
- "After observers pointed out that identifying features of the personnel were not blurred, the White House deleted the photo without explanation."
White House Appears to Reveal Identities of Special Operators in Israel in Social Media Post
* * * * *
- "Agency-funded schools have glorified terrorism and encouraged martyrdom, according to a report."
FLASHBACK: Congressional Dems Defend UN’s Anti-Semitic Palestinian Relief Agency
- “'Pro-Palestine' rallies have infested the West."
State Department Issues Rare Worldwide Caution Travel Alert
- There are so many of these people who want to be free from this terrorist rule; they want to be free from all of that, and America has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorists, and that’s what we have to do.” (Use a crowbar, or a MOAB, and leave them the fuck in the 7th century shit-hole they created for themselves - jjs)
Nikki Haley Goes on Defense over Issue of Resettling Palestinians in U.S.
- "Movement of Rank and File Educators will join the Democratic Socialists of America for a 'Ceasefire Now Rally for Gaza.'"
United Federation of Teachers Subsidiary Will Rally With Pro-Hamas Socialist Groups
- The kids chanting the anti-Semitic slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” should send a shiver down your spine.
Hundreds of San Francisco High School Students Leave Class to Protest Israel
- "The Ivy League school failed in its response to Hamas’ invasion of Israeli towns, donors say."
Billionaire Donors Revolt Against Harvard
- Christopher Rufo: "Left-wing radicals have long supported the violent 'decolonization' of Israel."
Intersectionality Devolves
- "Why are such gifted students so willing to go along, especially when the end result is antisemitism? While the wider population wonders in horror, the explanation is simple, albeit anticlimactic: They are doing precisely what the educational system rewards — applying the logic they have learned, even if it leads them to immoral ends." (If that doesn't frighten the living shit out of you, nothing will - jjs)
We Law Students Aren't Surprised Campuses are So pro-Hamas
- "Daniel Goldman family foundation gave to group dropped by Paypal and Stripe for terror ties."
Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With "Palestinian" Terror Links
* * * * *
- Daniel Greenfield: "We’re still living out the consequences of Obama’s worldview."
Obama, Iran and the Road to Gaza
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Iranians have little clue they are one stupid missile volley, or one reckless intervention away from a devastating Western response." (Sorry, Dr. Hanson but I don't see it, given the divisions in this country, and as you stated, the Junta's desire to elevate Iran to dominate the Middle East - jjs)
Does Iran Realize Its Own Growing Danger?
- "Of course, the fact that there aren’t good options doesn’t mean that Israel and America don’t have to make some important decisions."
There Are No Good Options For Israel and America
- "'Si vis pacem, para bellum' ('If you want peace, prepare for war') is ancient advice, but it's still good advice – if done right."
Thinking Seriously About Deterring Iran and Hezb'allah
- "The young woman sustained minor injuries, but is expected to be okay - physically, at least. Whether she feels safe enough to walk around her own neighborhood without fear of being randomly clobbered by a hateful bigot is probably another story." (Swarthy piece of shit looks like a head chopper - jjs)
NYC Police Searching for Man Who Randomly Punched a Jewish Woman on the Subway
- Robert Spencer: "This is . . . an extremely weak foundation for interfaith harmony and an appeal to those true Muslims who detest all this jihad terrorism, about whom we hear so very much from non-Muslims and so very little from directly. Nagen’s earnest irenicism is understandable but nevertheless naïve and ill-informed. It is better to have a full and accurate understanding of who and what we’re dealing with."
Rabbi Claims That Hamas Has ‘Perverted Islam.’ Alas, No.
- "Why would anyone expect anything different?"
Hamas Chief: Israel is Only the First Target
- "They should fear us."
UC Davis Professor Threatens Jewish Journalists and Their Children
- "Six years probation, $6,000 fine, and $2,700 restitution."
Trump Georgia Case: Sidney Powell Takes Plea Deal, Must Testify Against Codefendants
- "Reparations talk was at the forefront of 2020 Democrat platforms, and states and localities have adopted their own versions of the policy." (Make the rubble Obama created bounce - jjs)
Report: Democrats’ Reparations Crusade Could Cost Your Household Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
- "Promoting a diverse range of voices within the Black community is essential to a thriving democracy."
Challenging Black Conservative Criticism (More like near blood-libeling - jjs)
- Part 1 is in yesterday's Morning Report - jjs
Part 2: Q&A with Dinesh D’Souza About His New Film, Police State
- “What prison sentences were given out to those who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information?”
Elon Musk Comments on Man IMPRISONED for Posting Hillary Clinton Memes On Twitter
- "A stronger regulatory regime harmed access during the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic."
American Broadband Regulators Should Learn Lessons From Europe
- "The media absolutely adore violence when they can link it to someone or something that they hate. That anyone might die because of it is neither here nor there."
Video Call Masturbator Jeffrey Toobin Loves the Idea of Trump Inspiring a Shooting or Bombing
- ". . . as Tesla shares surge on the excitement around Dojo, one venture capitalist and tech visionary’s attention is riveted on one of Elon Musk’s lesser-known exploits. He’s calling it 'Project Omega.' And it’s already forecast to be orders of magnitude larger than the $500 billion wealth explosion that Dojo could unlock."
Tesla Shares Are Surging as Analysts Say Musk’s New Dojo Supercomputer Could Add $500 Billion in Value
- ". . . he’s nothing more than a partisan pugilist who is tarnishing the Nobel name."
The Nobel Foundation Should Ask Paul Krugman for Its Award Back
- "Homeownership has been in precipitous decline across the country, with Virginia witnessing the largest drop at 8.8 percent since 2000. Worse still, renting affordability is at an all-time low as the average American is forced to pay over $2,600 per month."
Bidenomics: Mortgage Demand Falls to Lowest Level Since 1995
- "One thing is certain, the WEF miscreants are planning on cutting meat out of our diets."
Eat Ze Bugs! Meat Giant Tyson Invests in Insect 'Food' for People
- "London police also arrest Just Stop Oil co-founders in dawn raids after these eco-zealots threatened three more weeks of slow marches across the city."
Climate Cult Icon Greta Thunberg Arrested at Eco-Activist Protest in London
- "Just say no way."
E.V.s Are Out of Control
- "The policies that have led to our nation’s failure on multiple fronts are not being fixed. They are the problem, not their figureheads."
Biden’s Policies Endanger the U.S. Far More Than One Hamas-Supporting Immigration Official
- "Border Patrol recorded 218,777 encounters across the southern border in September, the highest on record for the month going back to at least the year 2000, according to the data. September marks the end of fiscal year 2023, meaning Border Patrol apprehensions surpassed 2 million."
Illegal Immigration at Southern Border Hits New September Record
- "We can no longer guarantee shelter placement." (Maura, Healy thyself - jjs)
Massachusetts Governor Says State Can No Longer Guarantee Shelter For Migrant Families
- "The man, identified as 53-year-old Leonard Allen Cure, spent 16 years in jail after being wrongfully convicted of armed robbery in 2003. He was exonerated in Dec. 2020 after a reinvestigation."
Man Wrongly Jailed for 16 Years Shot and Killed After Assaulting Deputy, Dashcam Video Shows
- "For Ben Crump to assert that Aldridge was not in fear for his life and that Cure was triggered, that Cure being a large, physically fit man would not pose a threat to a man of equal size (likely smaller, under the uniform’s bulk) is not only insulting to the situation, but it’s also a slap in the face to black Americans who are wrongfully targeted by law enforcement, which does happen in this country, by the way."
Dashcam Footage Analysis: Why 'Justice for Leonard' Will Fail
- "Determined to defend face coverings, a Scientific American article dismisses scientific 'rigor.'”
The Mask Comes Off
- "It turns out university lectures on self-care and transgender literacies don’t prepare teachers for real classrooms."
Where Should Teachers Turn When Marxist Training Leaves Them Unprepared for Real Classrooms?
- Backstabbing backbench scumbag illustrates perfectly the fact that we have zero representation - jjs
Vern Buchanan Bowls at Biden White House After Opposing Jim Jordan Speaker Bid
- "Granting McHenry temporary powers to essentially serve as Speaker will require some Democrat votes. At this time it remains unclear what concessions have been made to Democrats by Republicans – if any at all."
Jim Jordan WON’T Pursue Third Vote for Speaker
- "While the speaker’s gavel remains up for grabs, some moderate Republicans are reportedly floating the idea of colluding with Democrats to pass a resolution expanding the powers of the chamber’s interim speaker."
If Only Republicans Fought Democrats as Much as They Did Their Own Voters
- "Gaetz, who forced the motion to vacate the chair vote in early October that successfully removed Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy from office, has continued to face criticism from many House Republicans for going against the status quo and holding McCarthy’s feet to the fire."
Republicans Voting Against Jordan are Doing It to ‘Spite Matt Gaetz,’ Members Say
- "The House cannot pass bills without selecting a successor to McCarthy."
No Speaker Isn’t So Bad, After All — How About Nobody Holds the Gavel?
- "Trump lost 10 points in the latest Marist poll."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Taking Votes Away From Trump After Switching to Independent
- "They’re stuck with a [so-called quote-unquote "president"] stuck in reverse."
Democrats Begin Scapegoating Biden
- “Kari calls it how she sees it. In fact, if you consider constructive suggestions to be microaggressions, then you may find her candid observations sound like booming thunder. And she sees a swampy quagmire in Washington DC that needs to be plowed up and aired out. She’s just the one to do it too."
Congressman Louie Gohmert Endorses Kari Lake
* * * * *
- "The New Deal was not a 'conservative' program; it was an assault on law, liberty, and the American way of life."
The New Deal Was a Great Reset
- A U.S. Navy destroyer has been involved in a security incident in the Red Sea, a U.S. official said Thursday. The USS Carney encountered multiple missiles launched by Houthis in Yemen and fired missiles in response, the official said…The Houthi missiles were not thought to have been fired at the ship.
Report: U.S.S. Carney Intercepts Missiles Fired by Iran-backed Houthis Near Yemen
- "One of the drones was shot down before it could cause damage, while the other one caused minor injuries to personnel at the al-Tanf coalition garrison, one U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press. The Conoco site in Syria’s Deir al-Zor region was also targeted, Politico reported, citing a U.S. official and a person familiar with the attacks." (Wait, we're in Syria? - jjs)
US Bases in Syria Attacked by Drones in Latest Act of Violence Over US Support for Israel
- Jack Lew = Lack Jew - jjs
Biden’s Israel Ambassador Nominee Played Key Role In Crafting Iran Nuclear Deal Fiercely Opposed By Netanyahu
- Doug Bandow: "The war party has fallen into the 'credibility' trap."
Tossing Good Lives After Bad Interventions
- Jack Posobiec: ". . . the Republican foreign policy elite is stuck in their mindset from 1980, and the liberal foreign policy elite is stuck in their mindset from their college postcolonial studies classes. Which has led to a foreign policy approach that, except for the brief interregnum of sanity under President Trump, essentially amounts to dropping bombs on anyone who dissents from globalist neoliberal social norms, snapping selfies with the locals, heightening regional tensions (and prolonging conflict), and then running off to DC to pat ourselves on the back for showing “global leadership.”
Globalist Foreign Policy Has Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII
* * * * *
- "The unbroken Jewish connection to the land argues for the Jewish State, but so does the fact that Jews have been the most persecuted people around the world." (The persecution – horrible as it always was and is – is not justification for the Jewish State. The unbroken Jewish presence and intermittent nationhood is the only reason - jjs)
A History of Pogroms: The Case for a Jewish State
- “The man I raised, the man I dropped off at boot camp, the man who spent the holidays with me before deploying did not drink,” Gates said. “A mother knows her son, and I believe something happened to mine while he was deployed. The Army promised to investigate what happened at Camp Humphreys, and I await the results.” (Considering what the military brass have turned that institution into, maybe she has a point - jjs)
Army Slaps Travis King With Charges Including Desertion, Soliciting Child Porn
- And yet the world falls apart if God-forbid the government shuts down?! Also, how can I scam my way into some of that lucre? - jjs
Research Program At Department Of Agriculture Went Years Without Hiring A Single Employee, Emails Show
- "The FDA's upcoming ban of menthol cigarettes is aimed at Blacks and gays."
Biden Declares War on Menthol Cigarettes
- Considering the FDA's horrendous recent (and perhaps not so recent) history, why should we trust them? - jjs
CVS Pulls Popular Cold Medicines From Store Shelves
- Robert Zimmerman: "As always, the focus is on giving the government agency 'more resources.' No one ever suggests that maybe its inability to meet the demand is because of mission creep, in which the government continually grabs more regulatory power than it is supposed to have, which then requires it to have additional resources, which then allows it to grab even more power, which then requires more resources, and on and on the merry-go-round goes."
At Senate hearings numerous launch companies complain of regulatory bottleneck
- "Getting to 12 launches per month will be a challenge, but not an unreasonable one."
SpaceX to push for more than 140 launches in 2024
- "Not mentioned in the lengthy letter are the innocent civilians murdered in Israel by Hamas."
More Than 3,000 UK Artists Blame Israel for Being Attacked by Terror Group Hamas
- "C.J. Pearson unveils the history and philosophy of this ancient promise."
Prager U Video: Zionism – Why All the Controversy?
- "Athletes like Trevor Bauer and Matt Araiza are rejecting financial settlements for the chance to speak freely and clear their names."
How Pro Athletes and #MeToo Witch-Hunt Victims are Rewriting the Anti-Cancellation Playbook
- "Creator of Webtective series brings Biblical spirit to children's programming."
Dot Conner Fires Shot Across Disney’s Bow
- "Bill O'Reilly's new book is a near-perfect read about hysteria, cancel culture, and the history of religious freedom."
Killing the Witches (Substitute a "B" for the "W" and I'd be down for the struggle - jjs)
- "Van der Sloot’s confession was anticlimactic. But may have given Natalee’s family comfort or closure"
The 18-Year Saga of Natalee Holloway's Disappearance Is Over
- “Life is beautiful. The sun is beautiful. You are beautiful, man,” Fayette tells him. “Please don’t give up on me brother.”
NYPD Cop Breaks Down in Tears After Talking Suicidal Man Down From Manhattan Overpass
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:00 AM
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