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September 21, 2023
Governor Abbott Declares the Border to Be In a State of Invasion, Vows to Repel Invaders
Governor Greg Abbott announced an hour ago that he officially declared an invasion at the southern border today and he's going to begin repelling it.
He sent a letter to Joe Biden and declared that he's sending troops to the border and they are building a wall, deploying razor wire and marine barriers to protect his state from the Mexican drug cartels since Biden won't do it:
He wrote: "The federal government's failure has forced me to invoke Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, thereby enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels."
A bigger, more readable version of the letter is at the link.
Also from The Right Scoop, leftwing thug Mayor Eric Adams followed Joe Biden's lead in pushing illegal aliens out of areas controlled by leftwingers and into Republican-leaning areas -- namely, Staten Island.
Staten Islanders blocked the buses transporting the illegals, though cops arrived to break up the blockade of the street and arrest the protesters.
Weird, the cops routinely allow BLM to take over the streets and block all traffic. I wonder what accounts for this Illegal Disparate Treatment of Political Protesters.
The blue cities and states are getting more serious about simply closing their borders to illegals, while allowing them to live wherever they please in red jurisdictions. Via John Sexton at Hot Air, a Chicago resident made this explicit by demanding to know: Why can't Chicago just seal its borders to illegals, while allowing them to camp in the suburbs?
Chicago's mayor is demanding that all ward leaders nominate space for camps for migrants. He wants 2 acres of migrant camp area.
[T]hat brings us to a town hall meeting Chicago alderman Ronnie Mosley held last week. Alderman Mosley was trying to assure people that an empty lot slated to become housing was not going to become a tent camp for migrants. He said it didn't seem likely to happen now but couldn't rule it out in the future.
But the highlight of this meeting came when a local resident asked why this was allowed to happen: "Why can't we close the borders of Chicago or the state of Illinois in the first place? Why can't we close the border?" Alderman Mosley did his best to blame Gov. Abbott but was forced to admit it was the federal government making the decisions.
The end of the exchange:
WOMAN: That's what I wanted to know. Can we say no we won't take anymore?
MOSLEY: It has to come from the federal government.
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
02:45 PM
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