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August 14, 2023
Virtue Signaling For Free Is Winding Down
The EV that is in your driveway or God forbid your garage, how did you swing the purchase? Government tax subsidies? Did you qualify for a $7,500 credit from the rest of us non-virtue signalers?
While you were driving by the gas station did you laugh at us with ICEs? Did you think, Suckers, you are paying for gas and taxes. And I use the roads without contributing anything to road maintenance.
Not so fast there paragons of automotive virtue, Techno-Hell: Utah and Oregon Now Require GPS Trackers on EVs in Lieu of Registration Fee, Tax Drivers by the Mile
Via the Utah Department of Transportation:
Utah roads are maintained using taxes from gasoline sales. As vehicles become more fuel efficient and the number of electric vehicles grows, the Utah Department of Transportation and Division of Motor Vehicles is changing to a per-mile fee as a way for drivers to pay their portion of roadway operations and maintenance…
You will pay 1.00 cents per mile, deducted from the prepaid wallet, up to the amount of the flat fee. Enrolling in Utah’s Road Usage Charge program gives you access to DriveSync® for Utah DOT an app that makes your driving safer and more productive through trip tracking and driving reports.
For a little added Orwellianism, the DriveSync® app also assigns a “driving score” based on how fast the slave citizen accelerates, brakes, corners turns, and drives. The app records bad driving behavior and shows it to the slave citizen on a digital map.
Torn? Have an uneasy feeling with Big Brother's electronic eavesdropping and social credit scoring system? I know I am. My guess those who truly believe they are curbing the dreaded "Climate Change" with their cars care not one iota government overreach.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The daydreams of youth, obtaining that drivers license and the freedom of the road. Leave it to government to stick its thumb into every facet of life.
Franklin? Of course he was right.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
06:15 PM
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