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August 12, 2023
The Music Thread: It's Like Proust's Madeleines, Only Louder

[Garrett looked fabulous!]
Sometimes when I hear music the actual tune is less important than the memories it evokes. And as I get older (I'm creeping up on 29!) there is more music in my head that reminds me of events, even though it's just not my cup of musical tea.
And even if it isn't a particular event, music can evoke memories of a time...a summer spent at the beach, 9th grade, freshman year...
Mostly it's fun, although I have to admit that when I hear this (go ahead...I DARE you!), all I remember is that I was mostly working my ass off, and why the hell do I remember that song?
This one is better...Take The A Train checks all the pre-1960s boxes, and I can imagine some of my relatives..the more adventurous ones...heading into the city to listen to some jazz, and coming back whispering about that strange-smelling cigarette someone was smoking.
Talk about songs that are redolent of the 1960s!
California Dreamin' has survived for 60 years, in spite of those haircuts!
Mozart's 15th Piano Concerto by Murray Perahia reminds me of driving with my father on I-87 and seeing huge herds of deer in one particular field along the road.
16th Piano Concerto ain't bad either.
At the risk of dating myself, Fleetwood Mac's
Go Your Own Way reminds me of some very pleasant events in high school, and I was no fan of high school!
We Are The Mods!
We Are The Mods!
We Are We Are We Are The Mods!
[Oooh! A Sting sighting!]
It's not even a song, but I remember watching Quadrophenia and getting a huge kick out of that chant.
And an unappreciated song from that great album...
Love, Reign O'er Me
Anyway...get the picture? What music is especially memory inducing?