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Happy Happy Cafe »
August 01, 2023
The Talking Points Go Out: Unable to Deny Any Longer That Hunter Biden Was Selling Access, The Media Now Claims He Was Only Selling the "Illusion of Access," Because Of Course the Incorruptible Joe Biden Could Never Be Bought
Update: Of course -- Trump indicted again.
Is this a real indictment, or just the illusion of an indictment?
The real kind, right?
Is CNN now, for serious, attempting the same kind of endless walkback they used successfully in defending Bill Clinton? First he never had sex with that woman, and then, when the Blue Dress was entered into evidence: "It was just sex" and we mustn't criminalize sex! Love is love, H8rs!
And now, after screaming along with Grandpa Moneygrubber that he "never talked with Hunter" about his "businesses," and never met with Hunter's "business" associates, the media is forced to abandon the positions they once defended unto the death, and now retreat to the last bastion--
Yes, Joe Biden talked about "business" with Hunter.
Yes, Joe Biden met with Hunter's "business" partners.
But we don't have proof yet of Joe Biden actually delivering quid pro quos, so we'll now claim -- Hunter only sold "the illusion of access," not actual access.
It wasn't access-access, as Whoopie Goldberg will no doubt claim tomorrow.
And we'll just claim that despite the fact that every prior thing Joe Biden has told us is a proven lie, because we know, as all skeptical, truth-probing, "if your mother says she loves you get a second source" "reporters," that Joe Biden must be telling the truth, somehow, even if that truth is hidden beneath a cake of lies.
He must be innocent, because our religion says that he must.
Joe Biden sniffs children. No one who sniffs children could be a bad man.
But yes, that is today's new spin. Hunter was only selling the "illusion of access."
A week or two ago I wrote about the "limited hangout" strategy of dealing with a crisis. It is a strategy used by intelligence agencies that have been caught doing something illegal and/or embarrassing, made famous during the Watergate scandal.
Basically, you make a small admission to hide a much larger scandal--make it seem like you are coming clean while still hiding the bigger scandal.
That is the new Democrat strategy dealing with the Hunter Biden influence-peddling scandal.
It is no longer possible to maintain that Joe Biden never spoke to Hunter about his business dealings nor that he did nothing to further them. The evidence is too voluminous, to the point of being irrefutable. So the Democrats don't even try anymore.
Wow, who knew Devon Archer's explosive testimony was so helpful to proving Joe Biden's innocence, huh?
Say, CNN: When Joe Biden repeatedly got on the phone with Hunter's "business" partners to wave the flag and show he was part of Hunter's "business' -- was he also only selling the "illusion of access" to himself?
And when the Vice President sells "the illusion of access" to himself to foreign gangsters and Chinese Party officials, is that treason? Or merely "the illusion of treason"?
Or maybe he didn't even know he was selling the illusion of access to himself. CNN, was he just an old, stupid, senile man being tricked by his conniving crackhead son?
You're not going to parse that too carefully, are you?
Wait, wait wait.
If I can, for real, get Joe Biden strolling through the kitchen to lean over the phone and say Hi to my buddies, that's not the _illusion_ of access.
That's access.
I can summon the guy like a genie, and I can get him to make nice to my buddies without him even asking who they are and what they're talking about. That's how much the guy and I are in agreement. My buddies are his buddies.
How is this not access?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia
why do you have to be so racist