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March 09, 2023
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Just a few months ago the conventional wisdom in conservative circles was that Kevin McCarthy was a machine politician in service to the GOPe moneyed interests, and he would reject true conservative principles in the interest of "bipartisanship" and the even more egregious "kinder, gentler nation."
Has he changed? Did Kevin McCarthy undergo some philosophical awakening that revealed the true nature of conservatism and the meaning of "opposition party?" Was it all a facade until he reached the pinnacle of congressional power?
Not a chance in hell. Those Trump-curious representatives held his feet to the fire during the long and contentious speaker election and forced changes to the way he did business.
I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.
-- Milton Friedman
It's power politics, nothing more, and McCarthy likes being Speaker of the House and wants to stay in that seat. So he has to adapt to the outliers in spite of his baseline politics of accommodation and gradual failure.
Kevin McCarthy REJECTS Zelensky's invite to visit Ukraine
Zelensky told press that McCarthy should visit the war-torn European state to see what Russia has done to it, noting that it would help his position. McCarthy told CNN that he has no plans of visiting the country, however.
McCarthy voiced concerns in November of last year that Ukraine should not be given a "blank check," showing the GOP's hesitance in handing over billions to an effort an ocean away.
Good. And while the funds will keep flowing until Russia consolidates its position within Ukraine and declares an end to hostilities (very possible), or Ukraine drives the Russians back across the border (not likely), it is important that there is some push-back against the administration's war-mongering and chaotic spending in a meaningless war, far from our interests.
Add the January 6 videos that McCarthy released to Tucker Carlson, obviously against the wishes of McConnell and the GOPe, whose blathering about supporting the police and concerns about security are idiotic, and we arrive at the inescapable conclusion that McCarthy is going to be, at least in the near term, an adequate foil against the lunatic Democrats and the squishy Republicans who tacitly support them.
I would prefer a more aggressive Speaker...someone who embraces Preston Brooks' method of negotiation, but until McCarthy betrays us -- and he will -- it could be a lot worse.