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February 10, 2023
Woke Lunatic Bob Iger Chopping $3 Billion from Disney's "Content Creation" Budget
Good. They can do less damage with less money.
Walt Disney is targeting $5.5 billion in cost savings, including $3 billion in non-sports related content, CEO Bob Iger said today on a meaty call after earnings where he detailed a company-wide restructuring.
He said the other $2.5 billion are general operating costs, of which $1 billion is already underway. The rest in incremental and will fully materialize by the end of fiscal 2024.
He also announced that they're cutting 7,000 jobs.
Midnight's Edge reminds that Iger told his "content creators" -- and that's all they are, "content creators," not artists or filmmakers -- to spare no expense in producing a large quantity of low quality schlocky "content" for Disney+.
Disney+ didn't lose as many subscribers as they feared -- but they're way behind their subscriber goals.
And now they're shutting down the Schlock Production line, which results in less "content" on Disney+ to attract subscribers.
Speaking of Disney spending like a drunken sailor under Iger for no great return -- remember, Disney spent Seventy-Freaking-Billion dollars to acquire Fox's entertainment divisions.
$70 billion.
Iger had spent $4 billion for Marvel and $4.05 billion for Lucafilm, and I forget how many billions for Pixar.
And then, to top it off, he bought an entire major studio for seventy fingerbanging billion dollars, almost entirely just to bring the X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises over from Fox to Marvel.
Does anyone believe that the X-Men franchise -- which already got lame and repetitive over two decades of exploitation by Fox -- and the also played-out Fantastic Four franchise are worth seventy skullfucking billion dollars?
Yes, they also got the Avatar franchise. And that's nice.
That's not seventy footsucking billion dollars of nice, though.
So now Disney is in the position it was in the early eighties -- broke and out of ideas.
Meanwhile, VodkaPundit writes about some of the people not being laid off by Ultra-Woke Lunatic Bob Iger at Disney.
Do you know who isn't getting the boot? Disney+ producer Latoya Raveneau, who admits to pushing a "gay agenda" by "adding queerness" to children's programming wherever she can.
Or Jim Morris, who heads up Disney's Pixar division. Pixar has been slowly losing steam since Disney purchased the computer animation studio from Steve Jobs in 2006, and its last three films -- Luca, Turning Red, and Lightyear -- have all been massive flops. Lightyear might have been the worst of the lot. It took a beloved Toy Story bad-ass astronaut whose catchphrase was "To infinity and beyond!" and turned him into an all-too-typical clueless white male clod who couldn't even successfully leave a single planet.
Or Kathleen Kennedy. She runs the Lucasfilm division, purchased from George Lucas in 2012 for $4 billion. Since then, she's run the Star Wars franchise into the ground with a combination of bad scripts and "the Force is female" wokeness.
Worse is the damage done and yet to be done to beloved characters like Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, who became unrecognizable, unlikeable, and unheroic in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, respectively.
Now there's this:
One character that has been the focus of discussions about LGBTQ+ representation is Luke Skywalker. In June 2022, a short story was published in Stories of the Jedi and Sith, in which Luke Skywalker was depicted as being attracted to a man. This story is now part of Disney's Star Wars canon.
"Writer Sam Maggs, hired by Disney's Star Wars," the report continues, "openly admits to including queer characters in her work as part of her mission to promote LGBTQ+ representation in the media."
The "story" in which Luke Skywalker wonders if he's attracted to men was published in 2022 -- last year.
Disney hired a gay activist to write a Luke Skywalker story in 2022, and now, 45 years after his debut on the screen as a heterosexual teenager so horny he's hot for his sister, he's part of the Rainbow Mafia.
People need to vote for Norman Peltz on the Disney board to have a non-woke-lunatic asking the occasional question of Bob Iger about his plan to drive Disney's stock value into the ground so that he can prove he's the Wokest of the Woke in time for the 2028 Democratic presidential primary.