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Daily Tech News 10 February 2023 »
February 09, 2023
The Year Without An ONT
I'll have a blue evening,
without you
There's no content streaming,
It's so true
A complete empty thread,
For the overnight hours
Posts don't appear
And the whole Horde is dour
I'll have a blue evening
On Thursday
The lack of links and jokes
Should go away
We'll be doing alright
With memes tomorrow night
But tonight it's a blue
Blue ONT
What, you want more?
I'm Mister COB David
I'm Mister Weird
I'm Mister Meme Poster
I'm Mister He-Who-Is-Feared
I never want to see a thread less that 500 replies
I'd rather have a lot more even a thousand replies
I'm Mister COB David
I'm Mister Weird
I'm Mister Meme Poster
I'm Mister He-Who-Is-Feared
I'm Mister...oh, enough already. I need a writer. MULDOON! HEY, SOMEBODY CALL MULDOON!
So, uh, anyway. I had a browser explode tonight and lost every bit of content I had for the ONT. All of it. Poof. Firefox decided to open a 2500 line CSV file with every cell opening in its own tab (I think. It just started opening thousands of new tabs. I had to kill the entire browser to make it stop). Our surgeons did all that they could, but it took them two hours just to get the smile off of it's face.
In any event, I did what all top flight journalists do when they are facing a deadline and they need to produce a story. I went desperately to Twitter to steal content from other people.
Tyre Nichols’ Deaths Doesn’t Prove White Supremacy, It Proves A Need To Inflame Fear Of White Supremacy
Messaging is the catalyst for the cultural divide. There’s an ongoing battle for the distribution and suppression of factual information. Buzzwords have usurped facts in influence. And the fear of white supremacy has served among the Left’s most valued forms of messaging.
Dividing Americans into groups of victims and oppressors causes rage, confusion, desperation, and sometimes violence. The idea weakens society by convincing them to feel guilty for their whiteness or resentful of their blackness.
Just the ticket if your goal is to destroy the existing order so it can be replaced with a Marxist Utopia.
Second Republican New Jersey Lawmaker Shot Dead Within a Week
This one at least seems personal, but the killer from last week is still at large. Weird how these murders aren't getting more play in the media, isn't it? After all we're in a world that has to be concerned with wave after wave of “right-wing violence”, right?
OK, tonight's game. Would you have been drafted to fight in Vietnam? Find out here:
Vietnam War Draft Lottery
I would not have been. Neither would my wife or Big. Little on the other hand, well, he ain't no fortunate son. Goodbye my darling, hello Vietnam. How about you, are you headed to the Land Of Bad Things?
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by dad jokes:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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