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Twitter Files Part 7: The Guns Begin to Smoke »
December 19, 2022
Is There Any Lingering Doubt That the Drudge Report Was Clearly Bought By a Leftwing Billionaires to Serve as Leftwing Propaganda?
Apparently it's currently an anti-Elon-Musk slander site.
Who runs the Drudge Report? Certainly not Matt Drudge. Keeping the name on the website without revealing the extent of Drudge's involvement seems as dishonest as some of the more recent headlines. The many anti-Elon Musk headlines from the weekend included "Is He Tripping on Drugs?" and "No Police Report Filed in Musk's 'Stalker' Claims, LAPD Says."
The writer, Dan Flynn, says he can't break his Drudge habit, even knowing it's pure sh*t, like he couldn't break his MTV habit even after that turned to crap.
What about you guys? Does anyone check Drudge any more?
I stopped checking him pretty fast. Almost moment he turned, I stopped checking. Well, actually, we didn't notice he'd been bought out for a while; he just seemed to be posting a lot of leftwing links, and nothing interesting to a rightwing audience. It took a little while to put two and two together.
Every once in while since then, when I needed to find some random story and was going to go through my normal cycle of aggregators, my fingers would, through pure muscle memory, start typing www.drudgereport.com, but I'd often stop before I'd finished, and rarely actually continue on to the site. I think I've only checked the site a few times since the Unacknowledged Sale to Leftwing Election Fortifiers and usually by accident.
I think he's a scumbag to have sold out to a group of leftwing buyers knowing they planned to turn it into a leftwing Election Fortification site, and doubly a scumbag for then participating in the deception, by agreeing to their term to continue pretending he still owned it and was still posting stories on it.