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Daily Tech News 10 December 2022 »
December 09, 2022
I Want To Nominate This ONT To My Reformed Orthodox Rabbi, Bill Clinton
Howdy Horde! Friday night! Sit back, relax, pop open a cold one and bathe in the warm waters of meme madness!
Speaking of madness, I think I see a problem here.
Pitch: A ripoff of Pokémon, but with machine guns and chattel slavery!
Maybe CBD can cover this ancient Chinese cooking method in a food thread
Does Elon take requests?
How to impress a pretty girl
Cute story
Spider cat
The coolest guy in baseball
Even better than the catch was the guy to his right who scrambles and dives toward the exact spot where the bat was going to hit.
There's a lot to unpack here
Close call
I had to slow it down to see exactly what happened. The truck hits the car and knocks it far enough that the bike goes right between the two.
It pays to increase your word power
The science is settled
”Be back in a bit, I'm going down to the fair to get me a wife”
Ryan Reynolds is a pretty funny guy
I feel ya sister
Feed me Seymour!
According to the Daily Mail the guy survived.
Super size me
This is me
Fido Friday: Saved from the dog chopper!
Not sure if this is a warning sign or an advertisement
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by a cylinder:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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