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December 08, 2022
The Morning Report — 12/8/22
Good morning, kids. Thursday and a bit of housekeeping before getting into the main event.
After today, I will no longer be linking to the New York Post. This morning as I was gathering the links, I came across this article, and, aside from my own personal interest in this subject it was one that I thought you all would be as well:
Former Nazi "Secretary of Evil," 97, Speaks Out for the First Time
So, after a long history of this person, her deeds, her quotes, survivors' quotes, etc. etc., I get to the last paragraph:
The end of Furchner’s proceedings also comes at a particularly fraught time, as rapper Kanye West’s rants praising Hitler and Nazis have led to a surge in anti-Semitism. Earlier this week, NYPD statistics also revealed that anti-Semitic hate crimes in New York City were up 125% in November compared to the same month in 2021.
Jonathan Greenblatt, national director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said Jewish communities are bracing for backlash after West’s comments, warning that the vitriol was “escalating from ugliness to incitement.”
Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? Kanye West. Translation: DONALD TRUMP and the MAGA MOVEMENT. To say that these two stories are even tangentially related is, at best, a stretch. In point of fact, they have nothing to do with each other. But, let's play along for a moment. The "reporter," some bimbo with the byline of Olivia Land wants to link a nonagenarian Nazi concentration camp secretary to the current rise of anti-Semitism. Okay. Yet, with everything from Al Sharpton to Jessie Jackson to Calypso Louie to "The Squad" to Obama/Jeremiah Wright and on and on and on for freaking decades, this hack chooses Ye.
And who does she quote? Jonathan Greenblatt, a self-gassing apostate Jew who runs the ADL. The only defamation they are anti is that against Democrats and leftists. The real anti-semitism of, say, the religion of peace peaceniks and BLM and Antifa are to be excused if not defended.
The in-your-face, amateur hour, cheap propaganda hackery of Land and her editors is embarrassing, and disgusting. Look, a newspaper has every right to publish editorials for or against people, policies and whatever. Even the Post's anti-Trump ravings, rabid and frothing at the mouth as they were, were kept to the editorial pages. I put up with the Podhoretz's and McCarthy's because of the value of the Devine's and Harlan-Reynolds'.
No more. This kind of propaganda is what I expect of the NY Times, WaPo and CNN. The last thing we need is another one of them. So, thank you and fuck you New York Post. "Never again," pun intended.
Moving on, yesterday, in the wake of wife-beating, Jew-hating, (hello? Olivia Land?) slum-lording Raphael Warnock's big "win" in the Georgia Senate seat runoff (and this poor man's Creflo Dollar-looking doppelgänger is bitching about "voter suppression" despite a record turnout at the polls) as I was bemoaning the state of affairs vis a vis electoral politics and who wields the real power, this link only underscores the near futility of voting, even if the GOP wins.
Proposed changes to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) rules will strip access to public waters and devastate local economies along most of the eastern U.S. coastline, according to boating and fishing advocacy groups.
The North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule will decimate the U.S.’s multi-billion-dollar boating and fishing industry without protecting endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW) from severe injuries and deaths, the Center for Sportfishing Policy (CSP) and the South Carolina Boating and Fishing Alliance (SCBFA) told the Daily Caller. . .
. . . “When you talk about putting a 10-knot or an 11.5 mph speed limit on boats over 35 feet, you are suddenly making a day trip to the Gulf Stream or going offshore, in general, more dangerous and more time-consuming,” Brannon said. “It’s not just the time it takes to travel out to sea that is dangerous, but how long it takes to steer cargo ships into the harbor.”
The federal government’s regulation is also causing an untenable economic situation for boating and fishing industries in South Carolina and along the east coast, Brannon warned. “We represent about 23,000 jobs and over 600 related businesses in the $5 billion fishing and boating sector. And those are the businesses — when the federal government does not take into account any balance between the economy and ecology — are the ones that are going to be hurt the most,” he said. . .
. . . Six Republican U.S. Senators, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, signed a letter urging NOAA administrator Richard Spinrad to “modify its proposal so that the NARW is protected, but the unintended consequences … can be eliminated.”
Kevin Bishop, a spokesman for Sen. Graham, told the Caller the rule was “an example of government overreach and government not effectively engaging stakeholders.”
“Senator Graham remains concerned about the safety impact the proposed rule will have on cargo ships and their pilots,” Bishop said, adding that the senator worries the rule will “lead to further delays and exacerbate already strained supply chains” and impact East Coast ports that are part of the National Port Readiness Network.
Say what you will about Lindsay Graham, but he is the duly elected Senator from the state of South Carolina. His purview – in theory – along with his colleagues in the Senate and in the House is the passage of laws that reflect the will of the people who elected him and whom he represents.
With all due respect, that is to say none whatsoever, who the hell elected NOAA administrator Richard Spinrad?
By what authority as laid out in the United States Constitution does this person have to enact what is in fact a law?
And Senator Graham "remains concerned?" If I were the Senator from the State of South Carolina, I'd take a stroll over to the NOAA, march into this prick's cubicle, and do a Pelosi by tearing up the law in his face. Or make it into a barbed-wire-wrapped flaming pineapple and insert it sideways in a certain aperture.
Look, no doubt, the installation of Warnock into the Senate is not exactly healthy for our nation and society. But considering that at best it's on life support and since 2020 is in fact clinically dead, what's the big deal? Are we worried that the filibuster will be killed and leftist judges will be installed? Hell, at least half the judiciary and SCOTUS itself is teetering on the brink. Law schools are pumping out commie apparatchiks now by the bushel. Ditto every damn school including medical schools. But I digress.
So, Warnock's in and it's now 51-49 in the Senate. Look at this and tell me if it really makes a damn bit of difference?
A dozen Senate Republicans already voted to abolish the Defense of Marriage Act, eliminating both marriage and religious freedom in one fell swoop, just as the Supreme Court was moving to protect it. Some of the senators then had the chutzpah to claim that they did it to protect religious freedom. The betrayal is bad enough, treating voters like bamboozled idiots is worse.
And that’s just the beginning of the lame duck sellout session.
Senate Republican RINOs are rushing through their betrayals while they hope no one is paying attention. Next up is amnesty for illegal aliens. Every time you hear about secret negotiations to reach a deal on immigration, it’s always the same damn sellout that it’s been for decades.
The latest incarnation of “immigration reform” once again promises more money for “border security” in exchange for amnesty for illegal aliens. Trading amnesty for border security is like trading your alarm code for a better alarm system. And after multiple rounds of these deals, our border is more open than ever and our country is more filled with illegal migrants than ever.
While Senate sellouts are conducting secret negotiations in the latest incarnation of amnesty (as befits a nation where the people answer to the government, not the other way around), it starts by ratifying Obama’s illegal DACA amnesty to legalize at least 2 million illegal aliens.
And, if past immigration dirty deals are anything to go by, the dirty deal will get much worse.
Republican proponents of making Obama’s lawlessness, lawful, call this a “DACA fix”. An actual fix would end the lawlessness and enforce immigration law, instead of finding new spin for their sellouts. But many of the Senate Republicans who had voted to abolish marriage and religious freedom have also been longtime supporters of illegal alien amnesty. And this is their hour.
Most Americans, in poll after poll, say that they’re sick and tired of Biden’s immigration policies, and yet, somehow, a number of Senate RINOs looked at those numbers and decided that they want a piece of those 60% disapproval ratings while giving Democrats millions more voters.
Why try for win-win, when lose-lose is so much better.
Senate Republicans keep promising that their latest bipartisan deal will finally secure the border. Only the most naive human being alive who had already bought the Brooklyn Bridge with the crypto millions from FTX would take them seriously. Money won’t secure the border. Only a consensus to follow the laws of our country will do that. Politicians who cut the heart out of immigration laws while promising that they’ll enforce them in the future don’t mean it.
Just like a drunk who promises to stop drinking tomorrow doesn’t mean it. . .
. . . Every so often, the RINOs remind their voters that they don’t work for them, they serve the criminals, junkies, illegal aliens and worsening every crisis that we are already drowning in.
While you hang up your Christmas lights and light your menorah, in Washington D.C. they’re finally getting to work on their real jobs of destroying our lives, our beliefs and our country.
Look, Warnock's gonna Warnock. It is what it is and I can sort of deal with that. Thom Tillis on the other hand, not so much.
After surrendering to Democrats on a myriad of hot-button issues, Senate Republicans may get yet another chance to sell out their base before the year’s end — this time, on a last-minute immigration bill reportedly engineered by North Carolina GOP Sen. Thom Tillis that would provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. . .
. . . While it’s unclear whether the Senate plans to take up the bill before the current congressional session ends, Tillis’s last-minute attempt to ram through an amnesty package before Republicans take control of the House of Representatives next month runs contrary to claims issued by his office earlier this year. Back in June, a representative from the North Carolina senator’s office told Fox News there was “not much to negotiate” on immigration until President Joe Biden “enforce[s] immigration laws” and takes action “to end the crisis at the [U.S. southern] border.”
At this rate, the Democrats don't have to rig or otherwise "fortify" elections. With scum like Thom Tillis, no one will show up at the polls anyway.
- "The NAB came out of the shadows and activated its extensive grassroots network to harass conservative members of Congress blocking the JCPA. NAB is led by leftist president and CEO Curtis LeGeyt, a former Senior Counsel to the powerful Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The NAB is pushing local broadcasters to call congressional offices demanding that lawmakers drop their opposition in a desperate lobbying barrage."
Shadow Greed: National Association of Broadcasters Harasses Congress for JCPA Media Bailout
- "Klobuchar rolled out the national security argument Tuesday amid a massive backlash against plans to attach the JCPA, essentially corporate welfare for media companies, to the defense spending bill. 'It is about our own national future and national security,' said Klobuchar." (hopefully with you a complete non-factor and nonexistent - jjs)
After NDAA Defeat, Amy Klobuchar Drops National Security Rationale for Media Cartel Bill JCPA
- "The bill focuses on recent reporting indicating that the Biden [junta] is using the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to police Americans’ online speech."
Republicans Trying to Stop Federal Government From Working With Big Tech on Censorship
- "Big Tech is so in sync with big brother that the former reliably does the bidding of the latter."
With FBI Supervisor’s Admission of Feds’ Synergy With Big Tech, the "Private Company" Defense is Dead
- "Functionally, there is no line between the state and private industry in this context and many others, but technically there is. Although it’s violated in spirit, there may be no prosecutable violation of the letter of the First Amendment when Twitter uses a former FBI official as its in-house Deep State Whisperer to channel the censorious desires of the permanent bureaucracy and tip the scales in favor of its chosen candidate."
The Twitter Files: How the Corporate State Uses Legal Jiujitsu to Blur Lines Between Private Industry and Government
- "By creating an environment in which it appears that the First and Second Amendments are destructive, they can justify prohibiting those rights."
Democrat Crime Policies Pave The Way For Destroying Constitutional Rights
* * * * *
- “Oh, sorry, I think I got ahead of myself there,” she said, then laughed, before finding the correct script to parrot. (more "bad veal" for dinner? - jjs)
FACEPALM: Karine Jean-Pierre Reads Wrong Answer During Press Briefing
- “The elite simply refuses to acknowledge certain realities.”
The Real Danger of Censorship
- I hope "democracy" is destroyed and representative republicanism restored.
‘Democracy Itself Is on the Line’: MSLSD Panel Completely Melts Down Over SCOTUS Redistricting Case
- "The New York Times continues to insist that the protesters have blood on their hands. Fact check: false."
When Do Dems Give Media Gold Medals for Lying About Jan. 6?
- "Protecting the powerful from the truth."
Left-Wing Journalists Propagandists Are Truly Some of the Worst People on the Planet
- San Francisco's Department of Building Inspection dispatched agents to the social media company's headquarters after two anonymous Twitter users tweeted complaints that the company was violating the city's building codes by setting up office bedrooms for employees. The complaints followed a Monday Forbes article that described how Twitter has set up "modest bedrooms" for workers who spend the night at the office—a not uncommon practice among Silicon Valley tech workers.
Anti-Musk Twitter Users Sic San Francisco Building Inspectors on Company’s San Francisco HQ
* * * * *
- "The slipping of their mask confirms what we’ve been saying all along: that the new standards they insist upon for language use, behavior, and public interaction with gender non-conforming persons are blatantly unworkable."
The Mask Slips: The Colorado Massacre and the “Non-Binary” Con
- "The company and union will now have to pay, and Carter has her job back. . . Southwest however does not have my business, and likely never will again."
Pushback: Judge rules flight attendant must be rehired by Southwest, but reduces her award significantly
- Daniel Greenfield: "RINOs sell out conservatives while rewarding crack dealers and illegal aliens."
Amnesty, Crack and Other RINO Senate Sellouts
- "The Democrats suck because they’re trying to. The Republicans suck because they don’t know how to do anything else."
Thom Tillis Is Why That Red Wave Didn’t Materialize
- Spoiler alert: Yes.
Will Thom Tillis’s Plan To Give Amnesty To Illegal Aliens Be Senate Republicans’ Next Act Of Betrayal?
- “I know the White House is tying Homeland Security – there’s a lot of career people there that know what job needs to be done,” Cuellar continued. “The White House is paying attention only to the immigration activists. Who is paying attention to the men and women in green and blue and who is paying attention to our communities on the border?” (Cuellar's pollos are coming home to roost - jjs)
Dem Rep Says Biden Junta is "Tying" Up Homeland Security, Only Listening to "Immigration Activists"
- "With two of America’s leading states hell-bent on self-destruction, the source for our future optimism will have to come from somewhere else."
New York and California in a Race to Hit Rock Bottom
- "As welcome as the easing of restrictions is, there are still vestiges of the old policy that will raise the hackles of Chinese citizens."
Frightened Chinese Leaders Further Ease Chinese COVID Rules Ending Most of the Restrictive Policy
- "We of course should trust these scientists without question. How could they possibly be wrong?"
Computer Modelers Predict Millions Will Die if China Relaxes its Zero Chinese COVID Lockdown Policy
- "Things aren’t looking so sunny for Xi Jinping."
How’s the Weather in China?
- "The Chinese government ‘ordained’ a bishop to oversee a diocese that answers to the CCP, not the Vatican. How will Pope Francis respond?"
Pope "Fiction" Francis Owes Catholics In China An Apology
- Lloyd Billingsley: ". . . But it’s no surprise Joe Biden isn’t listening."
China’s People Cry, "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
- "A number of Republican state governments have recently divested from prominent asset managers over concerns that the companies’ voting priorities are driven by political ideology rather than the maximization of returns. Following divestments from South Carolina, Louisiana, Missouri, West Virginia, and Utah, the state of Florida revealed plans last week to remove $2 billion from BlackRock next year."
Vanguard Drops Out of Climate Initiative as Reaction Against Woke Investing Continues
- Well, now the Krauts can starve and freeze this winter.
Germany Bans Proper Farm Fertilizing to Serve Climate Insanity
- "Where and when will it all end? Not in the realisation of pipedreams. Think, instead, of an ocean of tears that not even the wizards of Oz can make disappear."
Panglossian Pipedreams of a 'Green' Superpower
- "What the climate change movement is really all about."
No, America Does Not Owe the World Climate ‘Reparations’
- "The North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule will decimate the U.S.’s multi-billion-dollar boating and fishing industry without protecting endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW) from severe injuries and deaths, the Center for Sportfishing Policy (CSP) and the South Carolina Boating and Fishing Alliance (SCBFA) told the Daily Caller."
New Federal Regulation Could Devastate Coastal Communities
- "The U.S. central bank last month raised rates by 75 basis points during its fourth consecutive meeting to 3.75%-4%, but it also signaled hopes to shift to smaller hikes as soon at its next meeting."
US Banks Warn of Recession as Inflation Takes Toll on Consumers, Stocks Plummet
- "The investment bank found that 65% of institutions see stagflation, which refers to economic stagnation combined with inflationary pressures, as a more significant threat than a recession. Rising price levels are still seen as the top overall risk for the year ahead; 69% of investors identified inflation as the greatest threat to their portfolios."
Stagflation Risk More Concerning Than An Outright Recession, Investors Believe
- Well, they went woke and they can go broke. Those in the C-suites won't feel any pain but working class and poor people will.
Walmart May Hike Prices and Close Stores Due to Theft
- "Establishment Republicans sided with [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and Democrats against rail workers."
The Establishment Railroads the Working Class
- "Stacie Laughton has falsely reported bomb threats, committed identity fraud as state rep." (but Trump's an anti-Semite!!! - jjs)
Transgender New Hampshire Dem in Jail on Stalking Charges
- Shaun Ferguson will retire at the end of 2022, Democratic New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said Tuesday. New Orleans’ Metropolitan Crime Commission named the city the “murder capital of the United States” for the first half of 2022, determining that its homicide rate outpaced any other city nationwide when population was taken into account, according to WDSU.
New Orleans Police Superintendent Retiring After Hundreds of Cops Leave Department
- "The sad case of the child who was used by left-wing media and abortionist Caitlin Bernard to prop up their abortion narrative back in July is still roiling with controversy."
New Information in Ohio Child Rape Case
- "It’s been more than two weeks since Kaylee Goncalves, 21; Ethan Chapin, 20; Xana Kernodle, 20; and Madison Mogen, 21, were murdered in their off-campus residence — and police still have not named any suspects or found the murder weapon."
Police Seek Occupants of Newly Identified Vehicle in Case of 4 Murdered Idaho Students
- "Before mask madness spreads like an out-of-control virus to other states, the resistance has to start in California."
Civil Disobedience Starts Here
- "Public health schemes adopted in the U.S. to ‘flatten the curve’ were shaped by a WHO-backed, CCP-driven agenda, not scientific evidence."
America’s Draconian Chinese Covid Lockdowns Were About Following Communist China, Not the Science
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Without strategic reforms, white coat supremacy will remain the rule moving forward."
America After Faucism
- The program will be carried out at select military installations.
NDAA 2023 Contains ‘Safe Storage of Personally Owned Firearms’ Experiment
- “Absent entry of this Temporary Restraining Order, Plaintiffs will be deprived of their right to bear arms pursuant to Or. Const. Art. l, Sec. 27 by being made unable to lawfully purchase a firearm or bear a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition in the State of Oregon. Deprivation of fundamental constitutional rights for any period constitutes irreparable harm,” the judge wrote in his Tuesday order.
Oregon Judge Freezes Gun Control Law Over Questions About "Fundamental Constitutional Rights"
- Ziegler’s termination came shortly after a special grand jury report concluded that the public school district “dropped the ball” on student safety after multiple sexual assaults took place in the district. LCPS prioritized the interests of district administrators over the safety of students, according to the special grand jury’s findings.
Loudoun County School Board Terminates Superintendent Who Oversaw Multiple Assaults
- "Oklahoma gets the First Amendment right."
Time for Religious Charter Schools
- John Roberts will say "No standing. Rejected!"
Kari Lake Promises to Take Lawsuit 'All the Way to the Supreme Court'
- The unmitigated fucking temerity of these criminals is just unbearable.
Wife-Beating, Jew-Hating Slumlord Lowlife Warnock Raises Alarm on "Voter Suppression" After Record Turnout, Cites Long Lines, Weather, "Tricks" and Tricky Jooz Controlling the Weather (last part is fake but accurate - jjs)
- In my JNS column, I argue that the White House meeting is designed “to give the impression the [junta] cares about increasing crime against Jews, when the evidence is, it doesn’t.”
Anti-Semitism Rountable Led By VP’s Husband Predicted To Be Propaganda Exercise – And It Was
- "Democrat Jew-haters are having a deleterious effect on U.S. policy toward Israel and Jewish Americans."
The Squad Is Way More Anti-Semitic Than Trump’s Dinner With Ye
- "Democrats and the media have a green thumb when it comes time to the cultivation of anti-Semitism."
The American Left Sows the Seeds and Waters the Roots of Anti-Semitism
- "The committee did not reveal what it is investigating Ocasio-Cortez for, in accordance with its rules." (using too much teeth - jjs)
"Titty Caca" Ocasio-Cortez Under investigation, Ethics Committee Says
- “The Congresswoman has always taken ethics incredibly seriously, refusing any donations from lobbyists, corporations, or other special interests,” Ocasio-Cortez’s office claimed in a statement. “We are confident that this matter will be dismissed.” (Pelosi or an ally is out to get her - jjs)
"Titty Caca" Ocasio-Cortez Responds To Being Under Congressional Investigation
- The New York Times reported that the investigation is centered around examining if Bankman-Fried “steered the prices of two interlinked currencies, TerraUSD and Luna, to benefit the entities he controlled, including FTX and Alameda Research, a hedge fund he co-founded and owned.”
Federal Prosecutors Open Criminal Investigation Into Disgraced FTX Founder Sam "Sham Bank-Fraud" Bankman-Fried, Report Says
- Pfft.
Maxine "Mikva" Waters Not Planning On Subpoenaing Sam "Sham Bank-Fraud" Bankman-Fried To Testify On FTX Collapse: Report
- Daniel Greenfield: "Who really funds the billionaire-hating senator? Soros, Gates and the Rockefeller Brothers."
Elizabeth Warren’s Billionaire Sugar Daddy
- "The 51-seat majority will give Democrats much more power in committee matters, such as confirmations, investigations, and regulations." (meh, the nation's gone anyway - jjs)
Schemer's (Laughing) Advice: 'Turn Left, Republicans! Or at Least, Don't Turn Hard Right'
- “RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel should not run for a 4th term. I won’t be running for RNC Chair at this time with McDaniel’s reelection pre-baked by design, but that doesn’t mean she should even be running again,” he explained.
Lee Zeldin Will Not Challenge Ronna McDaniel: Her Victory Is ‘Pre-Baked by Design’
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime you find you get what you need.”
And Now for a Painful 2024 Decision That Republicans Will Celebrate for a Generation
- "Republicans are once again using the ‘quality candidate’ excuse as the reason for Herschel Walker’s loss. They’re wrong."
3 Unsexy Reasons Warnock Beat Walker in the Georgia Runoff
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Given events since Trump’s departure, he should be in the driver’s seat. But he is not."
Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?
- ". . . identity politics wasn’t enough to get Warnock elected. His opponent, Herschel Walker, is just as black. Yet black voters went mostly for Warnock. Why? Because black folks are still dedicated to the Democrats, which is amazing considering how the Democrats have mistreated black people for 400 years."
Why Are Black People Still Voting for Democrats? It's Magic! (magic negroes? - jjs)
- "There are just wars, and there are needless wars, but all wars are tragic. None should ever be entered into lightly or haphazardly."
May the Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Remind Us of the Gravity of War, as Our Inept Government Barrels Toward It
- "Peru entered a constitutional crisis on Wednesday after Castillo, a former schoolteacher and left-wing Marxist politician elected in 2021, announced that he would dissolve the unicameral Peruvian Congress and impose a state of national emergency, which included a national curfew and authority to rule by decree. The Congress was in the middle of impeachment proceedings against Castillo for allegations of corruption, previously investigated by Peru’s Public Prosecutor, that Castillo received $510,000 in exchange for granting Heaven Petroleum, a foreign company, a contract to sell biodiesel, per MercoPress."
Peruvian Embassy Has ‘No Idea’ Who Its President Is Following Attempted Coup (ditto the USA post-2020 - jjs)
- "Peru is one of those countries where the Executive and the Legislator try to dissolve each other. Guess who won this time around."
Down in Lima is Where the Action Is
- "Mona Loa’s lava flow continues to head toward major Hawaiian highway."
Volcanic Eruptions Now Occurring in Indonesia and Italy
- "So because right-wing nuts protested against pandemic restrictions, that delegitimizes them completely? Sheesh. As we saw with the January 6 investigation and the way that Democrats have politicized and exaggerated the riot, no doubt the socialists in charge in Germany will look to exploit this incident for all it’s worth."
Federal Police in Germany Arrest 25 'Far-Right Extremists' in Bizarre Coup Plot
- "Joe Biden is a lame duck. In the coming years, the House of Representatives offers the only available means to prevent the China crisis from worsening."
What the House Needs to Do to Check the China Threat
- "Four Republicans from the House and Senate Armed Services Committee are asking the Pentagon comply with a statute that mandates it provide unclassified information about China’s military might, including data that could show it is on pace to exceed the United States' number of intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads, according to a letter sent to the Pentagon. While a classified version of such data was provided, the Pentagon has yet to furnish the unclassified companion."
Pentagon Withholds Critical Data on China’s Expanding Nuclear Arsenal, Republicans Say
- "Microvast’s close relationship with China is no secret," wrote Barrasso. "I remind you that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was ostensibly intended to develop robust domestic manufacturing bases and supply chains free from the predations of the [People’s Republic of China]."
‘Endangering Our National Security’: Senator Launches Inquiry Into Biden’s $200 Million Grant to China-Based Battery Company
- "Capitalizing on self-promotion no matter how crass."
Hamas-Linked CAIR Exploits Misfortune in Minneapolis
- "Virginia’s innovative governor unveils a promising, if incomplete, new plan."
Youngkin’s Housing Start
- “Our cleaning contractor at Twitter was told by Twitter that they are cutting the contract,” said Olga Miranda, the janitors’ union president. “So we have about 48 families out of work. And it just so happens that it’s three weeks before Christmas.” Perhaps it was a bad idea to strike three weeks before Christmas then, no?
Janitors’ Union Went on Strike Outside Twitter, So Musk Gave Them the Reagan Treatment
- "This higher flight means Ingenuity can fly up above higher terrain, such as the delta that is Perseverance’s next goal."
Ingenuity sets altitude record on 35th flight
- "It also normalizes childhood obesity."
American Girl Book Teaches Girls to Change Gender, Even Behind Parents’ Backs
- "Reflections on American decline from a trip back home."
I’m a Stranger Here Myself
- Christian Toto: "Show's far-left hosts (even Joy Behar) rally behind Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles."
The View Perfectly Defends Edgy Humor
- "Corporate diversity consultants and woke journalists keep losing their jobs."
The Silver Lining in Joe Biden’s Failed Economy
- "America is the land of positive thinking, from Mary Baker Eddy to Donald Trump."
The Best of All Possible Worlds
- Fuck you, New York Post. Never again, pun intended with extreme prejudice.
Former Nazi ‘Secretary of Evil’, 97, Speaks Out for the First Time
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:50 AM
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