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December 08, 2022
For Some Reason, Traditionalist Men, Who Have Filled the Ranks of the Armed Services Throughout American History, Just Aren't Signing Up Any Longer
The military is having so much trouble recruiting that they're considering dropping their standards to the lowet levels in history.
The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is scored by combining points scored on four of the ASVAB subtests. The raw score is then translated into a percentile and ranked to determine a candidate's basic eligibility and placement. In the Navy that translates into one's potential Naval Enlisted Classification code (NEC) and rating. I'll spare you the details.
Due to circumstances that may have been mentioned here, recruiting is markedly down. Every branch of the military is struggling to meet its FY 2022 recruiting quotas; so much so that that the continuation of the all-volunteer force has been questioned. Spox say the Pentagon's top leaders are now casting for ways to find new recruits. Panic mode, in other words.
My Navy has come up with a remarkedly bad idea.
Navy to Accept Recruits with Lowest Test Scores as Recruiting Goal Grows
By Drew F. Lawrence
The Navy unveiled new guidelines Monday that allow the service to enlist thousands of sailors with entrance test scores that fall into the lowest aptitude percentile allowed by military standards as it faces a higher recruiting goal, according to a notice from Navy Recruiting Command reviewed by Military.com.
Under the program, the service can recruit and contract up to 7,500 prospective sailors this year who fall under what the military calls "Category IV" recruits, or high school diploma-holding applicants who score within the 10th and 30th percentile on the Armed Forces Qualification Test, or AFQT. Up to 20% of this year's active-duty enlisted pool could fall into the lowest allowable aptitude percentile.
I wonder why capable young men aren't interested in military service any longer.
Oh, right: That's why.
This is real. Content warning for Colonel Cornhole's gay perversion puppy porn Twitter page. (He actually is a Colonel.)
It's literally gay porn, featuring bondage and him ejaculating on other men.
I wonder if any of the men serving under this noxious pervert felt "uncomfortable" or "unsafe."
I sure know one thing -- they wouldn't have felt "safe" saying so. Because they'd have been court-martialed for breathing a word of their discomfort.
We're going to lose any war we ever fight -- in fact, we'll be so weak we will never even credibly threaten to use force again -- but at least "Pup Ravage" got to live his best life in the US military.
The US Military will become what the left always dreamed it could be: A government program for paying for expensive experimental transgender surgeries in exchange for signing up for two years of desk duty.
And it will become that with the support of most of the current officer corps.