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November 30, 2022
Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
When I was in grade school, my fellow students and I went through some classes on "tolerance" to teach us that we had to put up with people even if they're different from us. It made sense to me, but I got a different perspective on it when I went home. My dad asked me what I learned in school that day, and I told him. He told me something along the lines of, "be careful, boy. That's not what they mean." I objected to that and told him that tolerance - that, as long as they're not hurting me, I should put up with different kinds of people, even if they're not like me - sounded like a decent approach to things.
He agreed, but insisted that what they were preaching was not about tolerance - that is, putting up with people who aren't like you - but rather about forced compliance. The way he put it to me was, "today it is tolerance, but tomorrow it will be acceptance. Next week, it will be celebration. Next month, you'll go to jail if you disagree with the celebration." I didn't really get what he meant at the time - I was just a child - but he turned out to be correct.
A wonderful example of this comes from our neighbor to the north. Justin Trudeau - paragon of asinine, virtuleless leftism - was pretty clear about it. Trudeau recently made a visit to Canada's "Drag Race" spin-off. For those who are unfamiliar with it, "Drag Race" is a competition/beauty pageant show where drag queens compete to become the "next drag superstar." It isn't new, and the obsession with drag with is much more recent. In keeping with that obsession, Trudeau visited the show and said this:
Can we move beyond 'tolerate' and start embracing and loving and accepting and learning from and being challenged by. That's how you build a resilient society, that's what we're trying to do in Canada and we got a lot of work still to do.
It gave me flashbacks to grade school. This is precisely what my dad told me back then, just being said plainly and clearly and in public by the head of a major government. It isn't enough to merely tolerate different people, you have to "embrace and accept" them or you're a bigot. This isn't even couched in old-fashioned "diversity" language anymore. The pernicious pivot from "tolerance" to "inclusion" - championed and advanced by corporate HR departments and academia with their DIE obsession - is complete and we're on to the next chapter. Forget tolerance and forget inclusion - neither is sufficient. You must love it or you're a bigot.
Yet, oddly, if you're not down with the program, you don't have to be tolerated. You have to be destroyed. Tolerance - and inclusion, and "embracing and loving" - do not, of course, apply to you. After all, you're bad. If you will merely tolerate different kinds of people and get on with your life but not embrace, celebrate and love them, you're a monster.
It isn't just Trudeau, of course. This is the attitude of everyone in the Western elite. He just talks about it more.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:00 AM
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