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November 15, 2022
The Morning Report — 11/15/22
Good morning, kids. Tuesday and in contemplating the situation we find ourselves in, France at the outbreak of the Second World War comes to mind. On paper, the French armed forces appeared unbeatable. They had the largest army on the continent, more aircraft, more and even better tanks than the German panzers of the time, and in their eyes the ultimate weapon: the Maginot Line, a chain of fortresses and installations that were described as impregnable. All through the previous decade, the French knew that sooner or later they would once again face off against their neighbor to the east and were determined to be prepared for the onslaught or at least deter an attack. Yet all through that same decade, as the threat became greater, they and their British allies had chance after chance of thwarting it. Even after the invasion of Poland, instead of immediately attacking in the west, they sat on their hands as Hitler and Stalin carved up that nation in less than a month. And they sat on their hands – the "sitzkrieg," "phony war" – until Hitler turned west.
The Maginot Line? The Germans went around it via the low countries where the line stopped and through the Ardennes which the French considered equally impenetrable. The army? Commanded by generals who were miles from the front, without modern communications. The advantage in tanks and airplanes? Frittered away in outmoded tactics and picked off one by one. The men in uniform? Demoralized from the start, commanded by elderly, incompetent, aloof leaders, and lacking the spirit and will to fight. That was the result of years of political and societal infighting and division. In short, the French after fighting mostly with each other since 1919 were now fighting their old enemy with the same strategy, tactics and materiel of the previous war. The result? For four long, horrible years, the French people suffered under the hobnailed boot of Nazism, made all the more intolerable by the grudging or eager collaboration of far too many of their fellow Frenchmen. Then came the dawn of June 6, 1944. And the rest is history.
I'm struck by quite a few parallels between France in 1940 and those of us who are desperate to save if not restore our nation and society. The fear I have is that there won't be the equivalent of 5,000 allied ships off the coast ready to invade. We are fighting both ourselves as well as an implacable enemy that for well over 100 years has been singularly focused on our subjugation or extermination. As has been proven for the past two elections if not longer, we are fighting them with the strategies and tactics of the previous war. Worst of all, far too many of our leadership as well as in the ranks simply refuse to even realize the nature of this enemy and its lethal intentions. Even more worser-er, many of the former are quite happy to go along with the plan and stab us in the back.
There's fraud and cheating, and there's the system that was put into place during the Chinese COVID panic-demic that greased the wheels of the fraud and cheating if not giving them the veneer of, if not legality, which co-blogger and friend Joe Mannix pointed out in the comments yesterday is not and cannot be legal, then let's just call them the moral equivalent of being certified as kosher or a sort of Good Housekeeping seal of approval. If they make the rules, can enforce the rules or ignore them as they see fit, have too many judges in their pockets and the Postal Service, among other things, then the system really is the steal. If abortion mouse Katie Hobbs can be both a candidate for governor AND the secretary of state who is in charge of the election process and the counting of ballots, what does that tell you?
Beyond the corruption of the system and the outright thievery or the state-approved "thievery," we must recognize the fact that far too many legal and legitimate votes and ballots were indeed cast in favor of installing "Lumpy" Fetterman and his cut-rate Edith Wilson-cum-Elsa Lanchester freakazoid wife as Senator of Pennsylvania. That there is an indicator of something much more serious than even an election that has been stolen and/or corrupted.
. . . what nearly everyone fails to understand is that this election further amplified that this nation has effectively and permanently split into two countries tenuously living side-by-side, while exposing the overwhelming importance of the 2024 election.
The United States is currently plagued with uncontrolled inflation spiraling into a severe recession, crime is rampant in the nation’s cities, the borders are open and uncontrolled, the standard of living is rapidly deteriorating, society is sinking into a morass of premeditated cultural decline, and an increasingly bleak future awaits the vast majority of Americans. Yet fifty percent of 2022 voters chose to continue this state of affairs by opting to elect or re-elect the politicians that have created or abetted this ongoing national devastation.
Far too many, particularly the younger generations who voted overwhelmingly Democrat, dwell in mindless loyalty to a collectivist tribe, its leaders and its attendant ideology. In their addled thinking this fidelity outweighs the well-being of themselves or the nation and its citizenry.
As half of the populace is content with the current state and trajectory of this nation and the other half is not, it is clear that these two populations can no longer maintain their increasingly fragile and potentially volatile relationship. The United States is at that defining moment when one side has to win and the other lose; there is no middle ground.
There is no middle ground as this nation is beset with dichotomous ideological and societal differences that are irreconcilable as one side (blue America) is hellbent on defeating and subjugating the other (red America). . .
. . . The election in 2024 represents the last chance to defeat blue America at the ballot box and maintain the United States as founded. If red America does not prevail in 2024 within a decade or two the United States will be impotent and unrecognizable.
There is a generational shift underway as the younger, woefully indoctrinated generations will evolve into increasingly dominant segments of the voting populace. Post 2024, blue America will grant citizenship to 30-40+ million illegal immigrants and millions more through unfettered chain migration. Further, they intend to permanently embed voter fraud and manipulation through federal legislation. If they are not soundly defeated in 2024, this demographic change and these legislative initiatives will assure that blue America never loses a national election. . .
. . . Red America will be faced with three options if it cannot win the presidency and control Congress in 2024. First, it can meekly and unconditionally surrender, thus abetting the collapse of the United States. Second, it can hope for a catastrophic depression wherein everyone will inordinately suffer and, thus, oust blue America from the corridors of power. Third, the states controlled by red America can begin the process of a national divorce by refusing to live under the dictates of blue America.
Emphasis mine above, and I do agree. Except, given the results of the past two election cycles a) what makes one have any sort of hope for an electoral victory, either by a red wave or a red pubic hair, if the same systems, "fortified" by orders of magnitude even more than the previous two will be in place and, even more frightening, b) the reaction of the Left if we do actually manage to beat their system and win in '24?
The vilification, blood-libeling, other-ization and even declaration via the law enforcement and national security bureaucracies at the behest of the junta in power of us as criminals, insurrectionists and terrorists for merely expressing an opinion contra the official line, is only going to get worse from here on out. Imagine us winning in '24 with that mindset hanging over our head.
Yet, as the link above dictates, that eventuality may not even play out in '24 and as time goes by, less and less with each passing year.
Not only was the youth turnout this year the highest for a midterm election cycle in 30 years, but this particular generation turned out to vote exactly the way they had been told to do. Behold, the seeds of decades of indoctrination in education, pop culture, and social media have finally sprouted now that these kids are all of legal voting age. Sprinkle on the finishing touch that is Biden’s unconstitutional student loan forgiveness plan, and these loyal voters were ready to swarm the polls to reward Democrats.
The generation that believes global warming is real, embraces sexual degeneracy and mental illness as “pride,” and is willing to live and die before the altar of “multiculturalism” and “diversity,” is now prepared to express these delusional beliefs at the ballot box. Republicans may very well have been targeting the parents of these brainwashed kids, who are justifiably angry at what their children have been put through for years; but they did not count on those very same brainwashed kids turning out to vote themselves. . .
. . . There will soon come a time when the most reliably Republican age group, Baby Boomers, are no longer around in the large numbers they are today; we may already be seeing this shift, as many of these older Trump voters who cast a ballot in 2016 are not around anymore. When that happens, the relatively smaller Gen X will be completely outvoted by Millennials and Zoomers. If 2022 is any indication, this eventual demographic shift paints a very dark picture for the future of our civilization.
And there may very well be nothing we can do to stop it.
While there are some silver linings to Tuesday’s results, the fact remains that the America of November 8, 2022 is very different from the America of November 8, 2016. The slow march of time only pulls us further and further away from the glory of 2016, which is now starting to feel less like the “dawn of a new day,” and instead appears to more closely resemble a last defiant breath.
The sad truth, at least from my perspective, is we lost America almost to the second that Douglas MacArthur declared "These proceedings are closed," when the Japanese signed unconditional surrender aboard the USS Missouri. At that point, the cancer that came here from abroad in the form of the exiles from the Frankfurt School like Herbert Marcuse and Theodore Adorno as well as the homegrown variety of socialists and communists like John Dewey began the "Long March through the institutions," most notably our education system until we have lobotomized upwards of three generations of our children to be useless, mind-numbed automatons and Red Guard cadres eager to kill their parents and serve up America on a silver platter to some Maoist version of Moloch and Pazuzu.
The good news, if you can call it that, is our economy is set to absolutely crash long before they can hoist the homosexual rainbow flag with the hammer and sickle motif over the White House. We might even have nuclear war in the Middle East or even with the Chi-Coms as Admiral Rachel Levine goes down (no pun) with a carrier battle group off the coast of Taiwan.
Nothing motivates people like running out of food, shelter and clothing. Meh, they'll blame Trump and decades from now, Auntie Entity will create Thunderdome based on the voting laws of Arizona and Pennsylvania.
- Cleta Mitchell: "There are many crucial steps in our election process for the electorate to have confidence in the outcome. They didn’t happen last Tuesday."
We Need To Talk About What Didn’t Happen On Election Day
- ". . . we have to face the hard truth that we are now in a vicious war with some very vicious and vindictive people whose numbers are not small and who have many allies in power working to aid them. Good will and playing nice in any way will not work. Relying simply on legalities will not work either, as they have shown more and more that they do not think these laws apply to them."
Time to Face Some Hard Truths About America's Political Future
- "Time only pulls us further away from the glory of 2016, which is now starting to feel less like the 'dawn of a new day,' and instead appears to more closely resemble a last defiant breath."
The Last Election?
* * * * *
- Julie Kelly: "Gamesmanship aside, it’s now evident the FBI infiltrated these two 'militia' groups well in advance of January 6."
Feds Had Informants In Proud Boys and Oath Keepers for J6
- "Ban people from flying on planes."
He Said the Quiet Part Out Loud
- "Climate zealots believe renewables are our ultimate salvation. Their virtue signaling and wishful thinking are a detriment to society."
The ABC’s of G-R-E-E-N
- “The injunction will remain in effect until further order of this court or the Supreme Court of the United States,” a three-judge panel of the court said.
Federal Court Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Nationwide
- Glenn H. Reynolds: ". . . the United States government operates largely on reputation. Would you lend money to someone whose debt kept climbing with no apparent limit? As I write this, the US Debt Clock places the national debt at more than $31 trillion and climbing steadily. There’s no plan to bring that amount under control, no realistic plan to pay for it over the long term and no way to fund the federal budget without borrowing. If interest rates on federal debt were to rise to levels we’ve seen in past years, we wouldn’t even be able to make the payments."
Uncle Sam is Playing the Same Game as Broke, Disgraced Crypto King
- "Lost in the election chaos of the past week was the news that Bidenflation is still chugging along. Inflation came in lower than forecasted for October even though housing, food, and energy prices remained significant contributors to rising consumer prices."
The U.S. Misery Index: Bidenflation Cools Even as It Continues to Burn Everyday Americans
- "As [Chinese] covid cases rise in Beijing and other Chinese cities, Biden [junta] makes 'friend-shoring' moves toward India."
Chinese Citizens Use Cantonese to Denounce Covid-Zero Policies to Avoid Censors
- "Koopmans, Fouchier and Drosten all have glaring conflicts of interest that call into question their ability to be impartial regarding the possibility that a lab accident released a genetically engineered virus that went on to cause the global pandemic. Koopmans is the head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, and Fouchier is her deputy. Erasmus is a collaborator with EcoHealth Alliance, a now-infamous non-profit responsible for funneling U.S. taxpayer money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to Science."
Landmark Anti-Lab Leak Paper Was Covertly Influenced By Compromised Scientists
- "On one level, it makes sense to focus on the future and remedying the problems that the pandemic and governmental policies caused. But an amnesty — in other words, declining to hold accountable those who kept edicts and mandates in place long after they were proven to be ineffective or detrimental — sounds like a bridge too far for many people."
Chinese COVID-19 Amnesty? Not So Fast, Says a New Poll
- "While an overall tax burden to New Yorkers, the arrival of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens is proving lucrative for the city’s real estate investors and luxury hotel owners who are scoring city contracts to house hundreds in their properties."
Analysis: New Yorkers to Pay ‘at Least’ $600 Million for Illegal Immigration Influx
- "My crime was being the friend of a man Democrats needed to destroy to protect mass abortion up to birth."
How I Found Myself Inside ‘The Devil’s Triangle’ of Oppo Researchers, Democrats, and Corporate Media — And Nearly Didn’t Get Out
- "New York City is bleeding students as schools embrace the equity agenda."
NYC Schools Ditch the Meritocracy
- "Parents and freedom-loving Americans are standing up and fighting against the evil that has consumed American education."
Youngkin and DeSantis Deliver on Educational Reform
- "At the end of a press conference in Bali, Indonesia, a reporter shouted a question about what Americans should expect from Congress as it relates to abortion rights after the midterms. . .
Biden: ‘I Don’t Think There’s Enough Votes to Codify' Roe 'Unless Something Happens Unusual in the House’
- "Rabbis call State Department’s condemnation of Israeli politician while ignoring Palestinian terror ‘blatant double standard.’"
American Rabbis Blast Biden Junta for Funding Palestinian Terrorism
- "Criticizing Israel can be anti-Semitic." (criticism is not the same as rabid, unfounded attacks - jjs)
Academic Anti-Semites Who Don’t Like Being Called Out for What They Are
- "Bankman-Fried himself emerged as a major donor to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s campaign during the 2020 election cycle. The self-proclaimed “effective altruist” more recently donated nearly $39 million to support Democrats in the midterms, which occurred days before his company imploded, according to data from Open Secrets. He had been preparing to spend as much as $1 billion during the 2024 election cycle to keep Democrats in the White House."
Biden, Ukraine, and a 30-Year-Old Crypto Billionaire: How the Implosion of FTX Connects to the Global Elite
- "Disgraced crypto guru continues a storied tradition."
Sam Bankman-Fried Is Not Alone: Some of History’s Greatest Monsters Were Democratic Megadonors
- "Move would allow lawyers to grill Warnock on unpaid child care expenses."
Ex-Wife Asks Court To Bring Ebenezer Baptist Wife-Beater Warnock in for Questioning in Child Custody Battle
- "When it was all over, Democrats potentially increased their hold on the all-important U.S. Senate by one seat. Democrats could cement that increase if current Democrat U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock wins Georgia’s December runoff against Republican Herschel Walker. Last week, Warnock did beat Walker by nearly a full point. Because no one topped 50 percent in that race, the state requires a runoff."
NBC News Projects GOP Wins House of Representatives 219-216
- "The Associated Press (AP) called the race for Hobbs at 9:20 p.m. Eastern, nearly a week after Election Day. With more than 95 percent of the statewide vote reported, Hobbs garnered 1,265,331 (50.41 percent), while 1,244,850 percent (49.59 percent) voted for Lake, according to the New York Times. Hobbs leads by 20,481 votes."
Projections: Democrat Katie Hobbs "Wins" Arizona Governor’s Race
- The GOP thought the race was locked up. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC), during a National Republican Senatorial Committee phone call Friday, went as far as to say, “There is no mathematical way Laxalt loses. If he does, then it’s a lie.” (well, then, what are you going to do about it? - jjs)
Nevada County Confirms Livestream Video of Vote-Count Areas Went Dark for 8 Hours, Responds to Criticism
- "Republicans gain another seat in the House."
Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer Flips Oregon 5th District
- "No matter what it sounds like the district will have a recount in the end."
‘Ballot Curing’ Might Cost Lauren Boebert Her Colorado Seat
- "Biden spent hundreds of billions of your money buying votes in the midterms."
Democracy WAS on the Ballot
- "As bad as it was for them, Republicans could have faced a blue wave."
For the 2022 Midterm Results, Thank the Supreme Court
* * * * *
- "It is truly startling to review the extent to which conservative thinkers, writers, and commentators have joined in the vituperative Democrat and media campaign against their former president and benefactor. Blaming Trump causes evident glee in conservatism’s enemies, who have had Trump in their crosshairs for six years and more. Democrats report conservative disputes and backbiting with great satisfaction."
Blaming Trump
- "Any midterm autopsy ought to focus on how to close the national money gap, and how to turn out less engaged voters."
J.D. Vance Op-Ed: Don't Blame Trump
- "In the 2022 midterms, single women voted Democrat by 37 points. Marriage detachment needs to be addressed because it’s not going away."
How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage
- "The midterms reveal trouble for Republicans among a growing 'eds-and-meds' demographic."
A Suburban Reckoning in Pennsylvania
- "There isn’t just one reason for the midterm shortcomings but none are more important than the party’s neglect in adapting to our new jungle of an election process."
Republican Leaders Have a Choice: Roll Back Early Voting and Mail-In Ballots or Learn to Take Advantage of Them
- "The 'cancer' of early voting needs to be removed from the body politic."
When Election Day Lasts for a Month
- "Democrats are truly accomplished at silencing any concerns conservatives may entertain about the outcome of today’s voting systems."
Round-Up: Election Night Follies
- "The red wave proved to be a red mirage. And one, not the main reason but one of the main reasons for sure, was that average American folks, even those in the middle, even those who tended to be Republican, said, ‘I’m afraid of this MAGA. They’re trying to ruin our democracy.’ If you look at the numbers, if you look at the results of the House and Senate, the MAGA Republican way didn’t work. The MAGA Republican candidate, across the board, lost. If you’re a good leader of a Republican Party, you say continuing to follow them is a path to disaster.” (this Schemer guy is really irritating, no? - jjs)
Schumer: I’m Meeting with McConnell to Push for Ditching ‘MAGA Republicans’
- Robert Spencer: "Can we survive six more years of Joe?"
Biden Feeling Frisky After Midterms, Vows More of the Same Punishment
- ". . . when you have 50 senators…obviously, any one senator can say, I’m not voting for it unless I get this, this, or this. When it’s 51, it’s harder to do.”
Chuck Schemer: Winning GA Runoff Will Help Us Confirm More "Progressive Judges"
- "Get ready for more abortion and more critical racism—and the nation poised to become the world’s fourth-largest economy."
Gavin Biden
- "We have rewritten the political map."
How the GOP Turned Florida Into a Red State
- Robert Spencer: "For Nancy Pelosi, the gourmet ice cream never runs out."
Why Don’t These People Ever Go Away? Malig-Nancy Pelosi Likely Staying on as House Democrat Leader
- "No one is going to stop President Trump when no one could stop candidate Trump."
Not Even Ron DeSantis Can Stop Donald J. Trump for President
- "Don’t listen to the hype from Fox News and other Trump-hating media that Trump is finished."
Trump/DeSantis 2024
- "As he has already made abundantly clear, Trump will be his own bad self throughout his campaign. If anything, he seems to have become even more abrasive than he was the last time he was on the trail. Good."
How Trump's Big Announcement Will Help Republicans
- "[U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY)] made the remarks while talking about the Republican Party’s underperformance in midterm elections last week and the upcoming U.S. Senate runoff race in Georgia between Herschel Walker (R) and Raphael Warnock (D)."
U.S. Senator On Endorsing Trump For President: "Current Leader of the Republican Party is Ron DeSantis"
- Who let the RFRA-raff in? Total two-faced fraud.
Pence: Americans Will Have "Better Choices" Than Trump in 2024
- The resolution passed with 94 countries in favor and 14 opposed, with Russia, China, and Iran among the disapproving parties, while 73 countries abstained. Stronger than other stances taken against Russia by the international body, the resolution also calls for the creation of an “international mechanism” for the reparations.
United Nations Call On Russia To Pay Ukraine War Reparations
- "No one should be put in a situation where they have no way out—especially Putin’s Russia."
Is Ukraine Just the Beginning?
- "Ukraine is not blind to its power over the U.S. government."
Reckless and Ridiculous: The Current State of US Funding for Ukraine
- Daniel Greenfield: "Biden, who usually needs a nap and calls a lid after eating ice cream, spent over three hours meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping who, hopefully if the meeting went well, offered Hunter Biden a job. . . 'The United States stands ready to do just that – work with you – if that's what you desire.'”
Only Nixon Could Go To China, Only Biden Could Bow to China
- "It strikes me as low-cost, low-risk state-sponsored terrorism in the 21st century," Hoffman said.
Report: China and Iran Use Private Detectives To Target Dissidents in America
- "Would you have allowed America to owe the Soviet Union almost one trillion dollars?"
Confronting Communist China: 'Would You Have Let the Soviets Do It?'
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Not a word about [Chinese] COVID-19."
Biden Bends Over For Xi
- "What better way for Trudeau and Biden to stand up to the pinkos than by dressing like their exalted, draconian leader? It reminds me of Jen Psaki wearing a Soviet hat in Russia."
Biden and Trudeau Beclown Themselves by Parading Around Asia in Commie Mao Jackets
- "New intelligence shows the Islamic Republic is still trying to assassinate former U.S. officials, including former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and his top aides. A State Department official echoed this stance when asked by the Free Beacon on Monday."
White House: Nuclear Talks ‘Not on the Agenda’ Amid Renewed Iranian Assassination Plots
- "Critics say reforms would centralize control under Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador."
Tens of Thousands Protest Mexico President’s Left-Wing Election Overhaul
- "Are you studying Mandarin yet?"
Xi’s Military vs. Biden’s Ideology
- "What lies behind nearly 14 centuries of the abuse of dogs by Islam?"
Why the Jihadist Hebron Mayor Is Paying Palestinians to Kill Dogs
- "Media and policymakers put 'social justice' above child welfare."
The Anti-Adoption Drumbeat
- "It appears, based on the amount of information released after landing, that the Space Force is making more of what it does and will do on this and future X-37B flights more public."
X-37B Returns Successfully to Earth After 908 Days in Orbit
- "The FCC and the Biden [junta] should stop playing empire-building games and focus on what it is legally supposed to do."
Several Major Rocket Companies to the FCC: Stay Out!
- "The resounding results are a victory for the coalition of local churches and LGBT residents who agreed that sex shows aren’t for kids."
Suburban Saint Louis Voters Reject Drag Shows at Libraries and Schools by 40-Point Margin
- "Before transgender ideology came along, Jan Morris was THE 'male-to-female.'"
An Old-Fashioned Transsexual
- "High School teacher Jeremy Adams describes a dystopian youth culture of cell phone addiction, isolation, and inability to sustain human relations or spirituality. Hollowed out youth. It’s chilling."
Hollowed Out Youth Crisis
- Claims that Theatre Development Fund decided it’s “no longer appropriate to have white interpreters represent black characters for ASL Broadway shows.”
Sign Language Interpreter Sues, Alleges Lost Job at Broadway Production of The Lion King Because He’s White
- "Is the home of country music and Vanderbilt University turning into Portland?"
Say Hello to My Little Friend in Nashville
- Christian Toto: "One year later, no other major show, film has tackled woke’s core manifesto."
Morning Show Still the King at Skewering Identity Politics
- “The antidote to bespoke community is actual community ... rooted in geography.”
Against Fake ‘Community‘
- "Calling Budd a giant is actually a bit of underselling. The comedy club world had already been dominated by just two people — Budd and the Comedy Store’s Mitzi Shore — seemingly forever when I first began performing in 1982. When young comics first got to Los Angeles, all they wanted to do was get a spot at either the Hollywood Improv on Melrose or the Comedy Store on Sunset Boulevard. That was the dream. Budd helped mine come true."
Some Personal Reflections on the Death of 'World Famous Improv' Founder Budd Friedman
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:46 AM
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