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November 09, 2022
Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
It's just a little privation
Yes, there was an election yesterday. No, that's not what the rant is about today. I figure we'll be getting it from all sides today, so I thought a different topic might be welcome. If that assumption is wrong, you're welcome to go off-topic below.
The one common theme in all of the "climate change" agitation is that we need sweeping changes to energy and industrial production in order to save the Great and Glorious Earth-Mother. Every joule of energy we consume and every scrap of every product manufactured is literally killing our Mother!
The climate change hysterics always promise that things will be just great in the future after we get through a modest period of readjustment. It will be worse tomorrow, but the next day will be a fantastic world in harmony with Dearest Gaia and then everyone will be richer, happier and better fed than ever. The streams will run with milk and coffee and everything will be just grand.
Setting aside the absurdly bad deal it proposes - guaranteed privation today in exchange for possible improvement tomorrow - there is another serious problem with this concept. An inhuman and murderous problem. These cloistered yahoos who jet around from continent to continent and have never met a poor person look at everything through one lens: the lens of the comfortable, coddled academic (or political, or corporate) elite.
But there is a group of people who are poor. Desperately poor. You won't find many of them in the West, but you will find plenty of them elsewhere. The people who are clinging to survival in absolute poverty are the ones who will be killed off, wholesale, by what the climate goons preach day in and day out. People who are one dime or one bite of food or one watt of energy away from starvation won't survive "just a little bit of privation" on a global scale.
But these simpering cowards who deign to be kings all advocate - whether they understand it or not, desire it or not (and far too many do) - for the unnecessary and barbaric death of millions. The people in rich western countries might - but only maybe - manage to survive the deliberate imposition of privation, but it will be a death sentence for the poor ones. At absolute best, the climate hysterics simply don't care.
Even assuming that their plans to bring about a golden age of climate stability would work in the first place (spoiler alert: they won't), none of them have asked the question about whether those plans should be executed. Not one of them has questioned whether the cost of those plans - costs in wealth, yes, but more importantly, the costs in human life - are worth the benefits they would achieve if successful. The end state is assumed to be an essential and unalloyed good, and any cost is justified. No amount of starvation is too much to achieve such a noble goal.
The entire "climate change" scheme is, bluntly, genocidal. Whether the monsters advocating for it know it or not is somewhat beside the point. Like the conclusion of various grand plans that preceded it in every other utopian experiment since the dawn of time, the outcome from this one is easily predictable: blood and misery.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:00 AM
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