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November 04, 2022
Tonight's ONT Isn't In Kansas Anymore*
Friday night! And you know what that means!
I appreciate y'all understanding about yesterday. Long ride for nothing, the other school is leading the conference and they whomped us pretty good. Little went down on one play – it turned out to be nothing, just the wind knocked out of him, he was back in there 2 plays later – but that's the first time that's happened. It's a...unique feeling, sitting in the stands when it's your kid that's out there being attended to. I think I put grip marks in the steel safety railing.
Fido Friday: Time to work out
So the Covidunisists want amnesty, eh? How do they think that should work, anyway?

Yeah, no. To quote from First Breitbart 17:1 “Fuck you. War”
(BTW, I can't believe that Tatsuya Ishida got redpilled. I used to read Sinfest like 15 years ago, I stopped because he was such a lefty that it bled into his comics)
Wholesome content: I'd buy that for a dollar
Send your entire wallet to PO Box 666, Grand Mich, Rapidigan
Separated at birth?
We are the same
Personally, I usually go for a simple French Manicure, but this is cool if you want more flamboyant nails
How's that degree working out for ya?
The evolution of journalism
In which we engage in a little bit of trickery
I can not believe that a supermarket would use this for advertising.
Then again, you'd have to admit that you knew what it was to complain (Futa is Japanese anime featuring women with male genitalia)
Some things never change (or would never change)
This is cool. Not perfect, but useful to hide. I guess the convex surface refracts light so what's directly behind isn't visible?
Wholesome content part 2: Save your dollar, look in the trash
I feel like YA authors aren't even trying anymore
Sad oil
How to make an exit
Sure, NOW it's obvious
Damn shame this lumbering galoot wrecked the routine the girls had worked so hard on
So, who ya got in the Vols/Dawgs showdown tomorrow? I got a buddy who is a Georgia fan who's been walking around this week singing “Ain't nobody eating corn on Rocky Top, nobody's got no teef”.
I've posted this before, but it's still one of my all time favorite hacks
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by scholars:
*We're under a tornado warning. The sirens in town are going off and there's one on the ground about 10-15 miles away.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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