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September 22, 2022
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Mandates That Parents Must Be Consulted Before Any School Official "Transitions" A Student's Gender
It's incredible that such a common-sense position has to be forced on to the schools through a decree.
Christopher Rufo, who fought for this harder than almost any Republican official, shares the good news.
Christopher F. Rufo
Winning: The Youngkin Administration has created a new model policy that protects parental rights and mandates parental notification and consent before a public school can facilitate a child sexual transition.
Excerpts from the new policy at that tweet.
David Strom at Hot Air echoes a lot of what I've been saying.
It may seem radical, but Youngkin's policies will return care for the moral and physical development of students to their primary caregivers, not to some 25 year-old rainbow-colored-hair social justice warrior.
The current push to promote teachers and school bureaucrats as child development experts with superior knowledge and judgment to parents strikes me as totally bizarre.
First of all, it is really creepy to have non-caregiving adults speaking secretly to kids about their sexual identity and sexual practices, as is now common in the schools. There is word for that, but no social media site will allow it to be used without censorship. But sexualizing children is predatory behavior, especially since the people involved are promoting a particular identity or lifestyle.
Secondly, sad to say but many school teachers are barely equipped to do their primary job of educating kids in their subject matter. A quick look at student performance in the public schools will tell you that the public schools are doing a piss poor job of just teaching the basics. There are many good teachers, but as a class they are not especially impressive.
I was struck by the case in California of two mere teachers beginning the secret gay-trans club and transitioning kids themselves. As an angry parent railed at a school board meeting -- after their "transitioned" child attempted suicide -- what psychological or psychiatric training did these two know-nothings possess?
None at all. They were mere teachers. What they knew of psychology would be the one- or two- credit "Intro to Child Psychology" type stuff that is part of a teaching degree. Completely superficial, basic-bitch stuff.
And yet these two incompetent narcissists believed that this -- and their leftwing political fanaticism -- equipped them to decide which of their kids were gay and which were trans and when and how to properly transition them to their proper sexualities and genders.
The idea that teachers who can't teach will suddenly become intimates with students and guide their moral development is ridiculous and dangerous. The belief that schools that can barely maintain order could become nurturing environments for mentally disturbed children is utterly ridiculous.
It is indeed true that many children who have gender identity issues are at risk from severe mental health problems. That is an especially compelling reason to keep strangers who are ill equipped to deal with such weighty matters completely out of the issue. With kids who are suicidal it is probably best to keep the blue-haired body-pierced freak as far away from the child instead of encouraging that person to mentor them.
Those who can't do, teach.
Those who can't teach, transition.
It also seems to me that the teaching field has been inundated by mentally ill individuals who are evangelists for mental illness, and want to mainstream their own mental illness by infecting as many healthy children as possible with it.
And yeah, if you've got blue hair and fake genitals and you insist your pronouns are not pronouns but made-up non-words, you are mentally ill, and should be getting help from non-mentally-ill people, not training children in how to emulate your mental illnesses.