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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (9/21/22) »
September 21, 2022
I ♥ The 80s Cafe

What an effortlessly beautiful country. Hey remember when the US was effortlessly beautiful? That was nice.
Sound on: Fear me!
Is it Friday yet?
The power of Mom.
Mike Tyson in the 80s (black trunks).
ICYMI: Cat absolutely beating the scales off a cobra. The caption says the cat is defending her kitten, which makes sense; otherwise, why wouldn't the cat just run?
Poor dog is dizzy from all the love in his heart!
Jackie Chan in the 80s: "Begone, gravity! Away from me!"
Dog Jackie Chan in the 80s.
Calgon take me away!
Robotic Beanie Babies were all the rage in the 80s!
In the 80s, everyone was caught up in the Lambada craze.
But the biggest dance craze in the 80s was breakdancing.
In the 80s, we couldn't stop fiddling with the puzzle sensation, Rubik's Pants.
Eighties movies.
Sound on:
They should have included those Kraft cheese slices in individual plastic wrapping, the sound of unpeeling a slice. I know they still have those but in the 80s we thought it was quality cheese. I mean, each slice has its own wrapper, it must be Premium Cheese.
Mothers entered the workforce in record numbers in the 80s, requiring dogs to do most of the housework:
Bears had a different parenting style in the 80s:
The 1984 Olympics had some interesting demonstration sports:
Remember when every kid had one of these in the 80s?