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September 06, 2022

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (9/6/22)

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The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"I am like one of those booster rockets that has fulfilled its function. I will now be gently re-entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the Pacific." Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Quote II

"Colbert is a highly overrated LOSER!” President Donald J. Trump

Quote III

“Today’s action gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety standards across the industry. I’m proud to sign this legislation on Labor Day when we pay tribute to the workers who keep our state running as we build a stronger, more inclusive economy for all Californians.” Gov. Gavin Newsome (D-CA)

What is the appropriate collateral for a Big Mac loan?


Quote IV

“I think a gutsy woman is determined to make the most of her own life but also to try to use whatever skills, talents, persistence that she has to bring others along,” Chelsea Clinton


To fry or not to fry that is the question..............

International Bacon Day is an unofficial holiday that takes place on the first Saturday of September. But we think bacon deserves more — hence, InsideHook’s Bacon Week, a collection of stories old and new celebrating salt-cured pork (and in some cases, non-pork or even non-meat) in all its sizzling glory.

Bacon is inarguably one of the most perfect foods on the planet. Salty, crisp and full of meaty umami flavors, bacon is a welcome food any time of day. There’s room for bacon-related debate, however, on the optimal cooking method. Most prefer to pan fry, others deep fry and a select few simmer before frying. While all fine methods, the perfect (and easiest!) way to cook bacon, scientifically, is to turn to the oven and bake.

Before we get into the best way to cook bacon, let us explore some of the other methods of bacon cookery to learn which techniques sizzle and which fall flat. A strip of bacon is constructed out of two distinct sections, essentially the meat and the fat. These two parts cook at different rates, with the fat rendering out slower than the meat. This is extremely important to the balance of the optimally cooked strip of bacon; crisp yet tender, meaty with just enough fat to carry the flavor. This dichotomy makes cooking tricky, as the fat and the meat need to remain in harmony throughout the process.


Fourteenth Amendment Citizenship, Equal Protection, and Other Rights of Citizens
Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Couy Griffin, an Otero County commissioner was convicted of misdemeanor trespassing in relationship to his J6 presence. Now a judge has ruled he has to be removed from office. Funny thing. Trespassing is not insurrection or rebellion.

A county official in New Mexico who was convicted of entering a restricted area during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol must be immediately removed from office for his involvement in an insurrection, a judge decided Tuesday.

District Court Judge Francis Mathew ruled that Couy Griffin, an Otero County commissioner, is now disqualified from holding public office because he violated Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment by participating in the Jan. 6 siege.

"He took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States ... [and then] engaged in that insurrection after taking his oath," Judge Mathew wrote.

The decision against Griffin, who made headlines earlier this year by refusing to certify his county's election results, comes after some similar, high-profile Fourteenth Amendment challenges to incumbent lawmakers across the country failed.

Some Republicans in Washington state cast a wary eye on an election security device
Some Republicans in Washington state cast a wary eye on an election security device
Griffin told NPR that he was shocked by the ruling. He said the civil lawsuit that led to it was unfair and "purely political." He claims the plaintiffs in the case were from liberal counties in the state and were being supported by liberal groups. He also said he was a target because of his relationship with former President Donald Trump.

"I don't think it's fair to accuse me of insurrection," he says. "I didn't have any intent of being a part of an insurrection or a violent mob. My intent of going to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 was because I had concerns that our elections had been compromised."

I hope to hell he fights this judicial overreach.


Break out the hammers and nails for these martyrs. To be honest with you I wouldn't want my children in Durrell Nash's classroom.

Durrell Nash (@rello7414) posted a TikTok on Saturday saying he had just received his first paycheck as a teacher.

“What the fuck I’m finna do with $1,300,” Nash says in the video. “I see why motherfuckers be quittin’ this shit, man.”

In the video’s caption, he wrote that teaching is a “poor ass job.” On Tuesday, Nash’s video had almost 375,000 views.


It is always fun to read My Planet, My Rules. This episode takes a closer look at New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

It is, indeed, most unfortunate that New York State produces the worst-ever "leaders" in America, and seems intent on doing so with gusto.

Case in point, New York's "Governor", Kathy Hochul, who is to New York Politics what the Wicked Witch of the East was to the Wizard of Oz. One prays, nay one demands, that someone toss some water her way in the hopes that she will melt, melt and resolve herself into a dewy mess (to paraphrase Shakespeare) and flow into the nearest sewer from which she spawned.

I put the term "Governor" in quotes for two reasons. The first is that Hochul was never elected governor; she rode Andrew Cuomo's coattails (which is sort of like hitching your wagon to Bubonic Plague) to the office of Lieutenant Governor, and simply assumed his position (which was usually face-down with his ass in the air) when Cuomo turned out (unsurprisingly) to be a serial accoster of unwilling females.

If it wasn't for attempted rape, Andy could only get some by marrying Kennedys, who are all-too-familiar with (and tolerant of) actual rape.


A funny thing is happening at funeral homes.

Embalmers Are Making Shocking Discoveries in the Blood of the Dead

It sounds like a bad horror movie script from the 1960s, but it isn’t.

The Epoch Times is reporting that embalmers from around the nation are speaking out about strange blood clots they have been finding in the bodies of the deceased since around 2020 or 2021.

The clots are said to be white, fibrous, and rubbery and can be the size of a grain of sand or as long as a human leg. They can be as thick as a pinky finger. One embalmer claimed they can be “nearly the strength of steel.” Embalmers across the nation are contending that these clots are not normal.

Some bodies have so many clots that the embalmers are forced to drain blood from several points instead of just one. The embalming process takes roughly two hours but can take four hours if the bodies have a lot of clotting.

“Prior to 2020, 2021, we probably would see somewhere between 5 to 10 percent of the bodies that we would embalm having blood clots,” licensed embalmer Richard Hirschman told The Epoch Times.

Today, Hirschman, who embalms in Alabama, claims that 50% to 70% of the bodies have clots.

Those clots can't have been caused by the Kung Flu prick. We were told that the pricks were super safe and effective. (Cough, cough)

It's from the internet, so it may not be true. 'My neighbour forcibly mows my lawn then demands payment - I don't know what to do'

Despite refusing time and time again, one unlucky person has been left with an aggressive neighbour who threatens to destroy their garden if they don't cough up the funds - leaving many in shock over the nightmarish saga

Interesting problem to have if true.





***SNORT*** You reap what you sow.

Portland Sues Louis Vuitton for Refusing to Pay 2020 Taxes When Rioters Ransacked Store


With Republicans RINOs like these: Who needs enemies?

The federal judge who issued an unusual Labor Day ruling appointing a special master to review thousands of files seized from the 45th president’s Mar-a-Lago estate issued a brief order on Tuesday refusing to allow several onetime GOP officials from filing an amicus brief in opposition to the special master appointment.

In late August, several anti-Donald Trump former officials who served under Republican administrations moved to submit a “friend of the court” document that would help U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon sort through the various legal issues at stake in the unprecedented criminal inquiry into the former U.S. head of state.


He seems to be a serious candidate who has thought this entirely through. John Fetterman Names Black Panther Cop Killer Ally for Board of Pardons

Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman nominated a self-described “friend” of cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal to serve on the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons. Fetterman has referred to the office as his “bully pulpit for criminal justice reform.”

Fetterman tapped Celeste Trusty to serve as secretary of the board in January. The Board of Pardons is currently part of the lieutenant governor’s responsibilities as lieutenant governor, which he presents as a centerpiece of his senate campaign,


Obviously a number of these elected officials never heard their mother say, "If so and so was jumping off the bridge, would you join?" Oh California is so cool we must do everything they do.

The regulations for that policy were finalized last month by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), to which many other states have linked their own emissions policies, since California is often the most ambitious state regarding pollution and climate change.

As a result, Fox News notes, seventeen states are on the hook to follow California’s policy — though some states are already showing misgivings about the plan:

Several of the 17 states are likely to move forward with the plan, including Washington, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon and Vermont. California’s restrictions are the strictest in the country, mandating that all new vehicles run on either electricity or hydrogen by 2035.

The mandate is facing fierce pushback in states like Minnesota, where the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association argues the weather prohibits the use of solely electric vehicles.

Colorado is also among the states where the measure faces firm opposition.


A face only a mother could love? You be the judge.

COPS have released what could be the “scariest mugshot ever” as they hunt an alleged gunman whose face is covered in neo-Nazi tattoos.

Police issued the frightening image of 27-year-old Hendrix Rawiri Jury whose face is plastered in disturbing tattoos including highly offensive words and Nazi symbols above his eyes and nose.


Yawn. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Police in the Windy City reported at least 44 people shot and seven killed between Friday night and Sunday night.

Just as the holiday weekend was getting underway, a 24-year-old man was shot multiple times in the back by several gunmen who ambushed him while he was standing on the sidewalk in the West Garfield Park section at around 6:30 p.m., ABC 7 Chicago reported.

Later on Friday, a 15-year-old boy was walking in South Chicago when he was accosted by four men, who fired nearly 45 rounds at him, with two of the bullets striking the teen in the back. He was hospitalized in critical condition.

Shortly after midnight on Saturday, Garvis Jones, 31, was shot in the chest on the city’s North Side and later died at a local hospital, police reported.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but misgendering me will cost your jail time.

A Christian teacher who refused to use a student’s preferred gender pronouns has been jailed in Ireland for contempt of court charges.

Enoch Burke was a teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath until he refused to call a “transitioning” biological male transgender student “they” instead of “he.”

The high school teacher was arrested and escorted by Gardaí Irish police to the High Court in Dublin on Monday.

The arrest was ordered by Judge Miriam O’Regan last Friday when Mr. Burke failed to attend court following an alleged breach of an injunction against him.

The court order stated that Burke could not teach at his Westmeath high school, or be physically present there, following his suspension for “misgendering.”


The Trumps & McConnells will not be exchanging Christmas Cards this year.

Former President Donald Trump has torn a strip off of one of his oldest rivals in the Republican Party, Senate Minority Leader and Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell.

The former president was furious with Sen. McConnell for endorsing Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski against her primary opponent backed by former President Trump.

“Mitch McConnell, one of the worst & most unpopular politicians in the U.S., and the man that gave the Radical Left Democrats Trillions of Dollars for their Green New Deal Fake Infrastructure Bill (9% Infrastructure) without so much as a fight, is spending a fortune of donor’s money (the only way he holds power!) on pushing Left Wing Alaska hater Lisa Murkowski rather than great Republican candidate Kelly Tshibaka – a close race. Murkowski killed ANWR, Voted to Impeach, & against Supreme Court!” he said on Truth Social.


Fun and frivolity ensue after a 10 year old is handed a loaded RPG.

Two Ukrainian soldiers are being investigated after allegedly bringing an RPG to a funfair exhibition and handing it to a ten-year-old, who fired the rocked and injured at least 15 people.

A video from state broadcaster Suspilne shows the ensuing panic as people fled in Chernihiv fearing the northern-Ukraine city was under Russian attack.

But it wasn't a new bombardment from Vladimir Putin's forces. In fact, local children had been allowed to handle a deadly rocket-propelled grenade launcher with devastating consequences.


Has the Used Car Market Bubble popped?

"Sell My Car" Search Trends Explode 222% To All Time High In September

It looks as though the spike in used car prices that we endured through 2021, and that continued as a result of the devastating inflation we have had so far in 2022, may finally be coming to an unceremonious end.

That's because search trends for the terms "sell my car" have exploded higher leading into September 2022, a new study from found this week.

The site performed an analysis of Google search data and found that "searches for ‘sell my car’ exploded to over three times the average volume in September, an unprecedented increase in people searching for ‘sell my car’",


The ONT Musical Interlude & Goldenrod Emporium

On this day: September 6, 1994 - Nicky Hopkins
English keyboard player Nicky Hopkins died aged 50, in Nashville, Tennessee, of complications from intestinal surgery. Was a highly respected session musician, worked with The Rolling Stones, Jeff Beck, The Beatles, The Who, The Kinks, Small Faces, Led Zeppelin, John Lennon, George Harrison, and the Jerry Garcia Band. The Kinks song 'Session Man' from Face to Face is dedicated to (and features) Hopkins.via


Born on this day: September 6, 1925 - Jimmy Reed
Jimmy Reed, blues singer, guitarist, 1964 UK No.45 single 'Shame Shame, Shame'. Wrote 'Big Boss Man', Bright Light's Big City'. Major influence on The Rolling Stones. Elvis Presley covered 'Baby What You Want Me To Do'. Reed died on 29th August 1976. via

One of the first blues songs I remember hearing as a yute.


When will they learn to stay off social media? Genius Award Winner.

LOVINGTON, N.M. (KRQE) – A prank at a New Mexico park might be considered a crime. Police in Lovington said they know who is behind the prank, too.

A man allegedly poured dish soap into a fountain at Chaparral Park and posted the prank to social media. In turn, the soap mixed into the sprinkler system and sprayed out onto the grass. The grass could potentially die due to the soap exposure.


Once again Social Media being used is causing problems for Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Canadian paratrooper under investigation for living his best life during a jump

You’re in a parachute harness, floating in the sky over a lake somewhere in Canada, what else is there to do other than crack open a can of beer?

He's an Honorary Moron at the moment.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by the Sense of Superiority.

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Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. The ONT often imitated never duplicated.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:04 PM

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