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April 11, 2022
The Morning Report - 4/11/22
Good morning, kids. Start of a new week and Team Biden continues to furiously wag the Irish wolfhound's body with the teacup Yorkie's tail as more and more contents from Hunter Biden's laptop, you know the one that for 18 months everyone insisted was Russian disinformation but which the NY Times quietly the other day declared true, are revealed. While some of it is lurid and disgusting insofar as Hunter's perversions and deviancies are concerned, more and more of it centers around massive graft and corruption directly linked to "the Big Guy." While the media desperately attempts to feign ignorance as to the identity of that mystery man, everyone knows it can only be the demented pervert occupying the Oval Office.
So, with what's left of our southern border set to be completely erased at the end of next month, the economy nosediving into the ground, and the battle for the minds and now bodies of our children alarming more and more heretofore unaware parents heating up, Biden and the party that foisted him on us all because the orange-complected, nouveau-riche gavone with the comb-over from Queens said "pussy" and sent mean Tweets, is set for an historic wipeout at the polls come November.
Okay. The GOP probably retakes both chambers. Will that really stop a political party as well as the unelected massive bureaucracy and a corrupt rubber-stamp judiciary that carves their edicts into granite from doing whatever the hell it wants anyway? And this same GOP just allowed arguably the most incompetent, nakedly ideological anti-American judge to take a seat on the SCOTUS. That's on top of year after year of promising the moon and stabbing us in the back. Look what they did the last time they controlled Congress and the White House. Not that they controlled Trump, but you get my meaning. Electoral comeuppance only lasts so long and goes so far.
In any case, with the Chinese COVID fever maybe, just maybe, finally breaking and the Ukrainian "front" also dragging on and passing the political expediency expiration date, what's the Klain Kalorama Komintern to do in order to fire up its base? Aside from the surefire, can't miss tactic of hiring paid shills to bellow at you about how wonderful $8.00 a gallon gasoline, junk-tucking swimmers and a nuclear-armed Iran are, once more, it's time to go after gun owners.
“The Biden [junta] will come out with its long-awaited ghost gun rule — aimed at reining in privately made firearms without serial numbers that are increasingly cropping up at crime scenes — as soon as Monday,” the Associated Press reported. “The White House has also been weighing naming Steve Dettelbach, a former U.S. attorney from Ohio, to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF.”
Far-left activist David Hogg tweeted on Saturday that he would be in attendance for the event, writing, “I will be at the White House on Monday for an announcement from the president of the United States on what actions are being taken to reduce gun violence". . .
. . . The Biden [junta] released its proposed rule last May which “would modernize the definition of ‘frame or receiver’ and help close a regulatory loophole associated with the un-serialized privately made firearms that” the [junta] claimed “are increasingly being recovered at crime scenes across the country.”
Here's a thought; instead of going after law-abiding citizens, how about not releasing hardened violent felons or stop refusing to prosecute them in the first place? Of course, that's not even the issue, although insofar as creating violence and unrest in the streets is supposed to engender another crisis that they can't let go to waste, wherein the citizenry will demand curfews or even martial law. No, these so-called ghost guns are a dodge. They want to disarm the citizenry since the Second Amendment is for sure the absolute last firewall before totalitarian tyranny.
All things considered, I don't see this issue firing up their base. All it's going to do is pour that $8.00 a gallon gasoline on the bonfire that is the seething rage of average Americans who are fed up and sickened at the collapse of our society and way of life in just the past 15 months alone. The estimable Roger Kimball's essay starts off with the great news about the FBI-created entrapment scam centered around framing innocent, albeit loudmouthed people for supposedly plotting to kidnap Michigan despot Wretched Whitmer.
. . . it is clear that, at the moment, the primary enemy is anyone associated with MAGA populism. The definition of who belongs in that suspect class is ever shifting. A few months ago, parents who objected to local school boards endorsing the imperatives of BLM or this week’s version of sexual exoticism were on the suspect list. No less an authority than Merrick Garland, attorney general of the United States, called upon the entire police power of the state, from the FBI down to the local constabulary, to identify and ferret out “threats” and “hate speech” directed against school boards by parents angry at efforts to corrupt their children.
The publicity surrounding that imbroglio, and the success of Glenn Youngkin in making it the prime issue in his successful bid to become governor of Virginia, pushed the ill-begotten initiative into the shadows. But its very existence shows how far the radicalized state is willing to go. Ordinary parents are “domestic extremists” because they object to the perversion of their children? Really?
I think we are at a sort of crossroads. The acquittals of Messrs. Martin, Harris, and Caserta shine a light on one road out of the crossing. The activities of the deep state and its media publicity arm describe another, less sanguine path. The state, as Joe Biden memorably put it, has all the F15s and nukes. But the other side has the vast majority of people. No movement without recognized legitimacy can last. That’s the good news. The bad news is that “not lasting” can describe a lengthy and turbulent time.
Agreed that things are not going to change overnight. But there are things brewing out there that will be where the real course correction comes from, or has a chance to come from. Stay angry. And engaged.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "Lurid and false atrocity stories have been used before to encourage Western involvement in unnecessary wars."
Who Really Committed War Crimes in Bucha?
- "The allegations of the Bucha massacre are false."
Was There Really a Massacre at Bucha?
- "Oh, but this war won’t be like those, our masters tell us. And we believe them?"
Russian Crimes, Even If Real, Don’t Justify Another Children’s Crusade
- "As regional authorities rushed civilians out of harm's way, European Union leaders arrived in Kyiv to offer Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy support and reassurance that there will be a path to EU membership for Ukraine. . . Reuters was unable to verify what happened in Kramatorsk."
Ukraine Says 39 Killed in Russian Rocket Strike on Railway Station
- “Ukraine is preparing for “big battles” against Moscow’s forces in the east of the country.”
Ukraine Updates: Civilians Flee as Ukrainian Military Brace For “Big” Russian Offensive in East
- "With a sociopath in the Kremlin and an imbecile in the W.H., the old clock doesn't seem to be right even twice a day."
Time to Recalibrate the Doomsday Clock
- "And Clinton is now trying to cover for himself by publishing an article in a prestigious magazine."
Bill Clinton's Supreme NATO Screwup Comes Back to Haunt Us
- Robert Spencer: "It is a vital American interest that Russia be defeated." (true, but not by us and certainly not directly - jjs)
What If Russia Wins?
- Daniel Greenfield: "Leading from behind has an exciting new name."
Biden's "Integrated Deterrence" Military Strategy Failed in Ukraine
- "There's a lot we don't know about what Russia's been doing the past decade or so to protect itself from American economic power."
Why BRICS and MINT Might Save Russia and Sink the US
- "The pause on student loan repayment could morph into cancelation in the foreseeable future."
Biden Toys with Student Debt Cancellation
- Anchor Dana Perino said, “On December 11 of last year, you had said that getting loan rate payment back on track was the goal.”
Bait and Switch?: Peppermint Piss-Hockey Now Sez Student Loan Borrowers Likely to Have to Pay Debt at "Sometime"
- "California introduced new regulations for the trucking industry that would worsen supply chain issues and hurt industry workers, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation."
California is Single-Handedly Making the Supply Chain Crisis Even Worse
- "Biden SEC regulations continue costly climate folly.
Another Chapter in the Climate War Against Democracy and Prosperity
- "Without re-examining its uranium supply chains, the U.S. energy market will be vulnerable similarly to Europe’s present situation."
Without New Uranium Mines, U.S. Runs Risk Of European-Style Reliance On Russian Energy
- "It's not just Big Oil production that's being repressed in the U.S. in the Biden era."
Dig, Baby, Dig!
- Julie Kelly: "In a huge defeat for the U.S. Department of Justice, a jury today acquitted two men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in the fall of 2020."
Two Acquitted in Whitmer Case, FBI Misconduct Central
- Julie Kelly Part Deux: "The only people pushing to do something big before Election Day resided in the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C."
FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference
- "The idea of a coordinated assault undermines the narrative Donald Trump was responsible for spontaneously inciting an ‘insurrection.’"
Trump Haters Impeached Him for "Inciting a Riot" -- Now They’re Claiming the Riot Was Premeditated
- "A furious Screwtape, Wormwood, and other evils are at this moment hounding Americans away from what is good and Godly toward that which is profane, angry and vindictive."
Screwtape Comes to America
- "There are some who reduce all truths to the pursuit of power."
There Is Nothing More Dangerous Than Substituting Politics for Religion
- "Go ahead and try to look for real evidence of large-scale modern institutional racism."
What Disproves the "White Supremacy" Narrative
- "Spotify's Abolition X podcast pushes far-left policies, labels America 'white supremacist' state."
How Spotify is Pushing to Abolish Police and Prisons
- "It does one’s heart good to see a sizable number of Democrats promoting a bill that would slow the invasion and sapping of the United States by globalism’s unskilled colonists with high levels of social needs. And with the midterms looming, perhaps enough of them will even vote for this thing to get it passed." (meh, they'd gladly trade the "emergency" for a shot at mass amnesty for tens of millions - jjs)
Bipartisan Senate Bill Would Keep Title 42 Until After Chinese COVID National Emergency Is Lifted
- “The Biden [junta] cannot ignore the law, nor should it place American lives in jeopardy by allowing criminal aliens to escape the long arm of justice,” Marshall said in a statement.
Alabama Sues Biden Junta for Not Deporting Illegal Immigrants
- "This many people being released into the U.S. this fast is going to change the demographics of U.S. cities because nothing stays at the borders."
No Matter if Title 42 Stays or Goes, a Massive Migrant Influx is Coming
- Jeh Johnson: “Numbers at these levels are difficult to handle on the southern border. Communities on the southern border, catholic charities, the volunteers, difficult to absorb these types of numbers under almost any scenario. It’s challenging for the Border Patrol, for ICE to properly process and track these individuals. And, obviously, the Biden [junta] is paying a political cost for these.”
Obama’s DHS Secretary Issues Major Warning to Democrats About Biden’s Border Crisis
- "Starving people who feel they have nothing to lose can become very difficult to control."
Brutal Chinese COVID Lockdown and Food Shortages? What Is Happening in Shanghai, China?
- This malignant cancer and what he represents must be resisted and ground into dust.
Fauci Predicts "Uptick" in Chinese COVID, Floats Indoors Mask Requirement
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Are thoughtful and reasoned approaches to treating [Chinese] COVID wrong but taking a similar approach with schools teaching young children about gender identity applauded and codified into law?"
And Just Like That, Doctors Have Their Autonomy Back
- "More than anything, we should be ashamed with the police who enforced Murphy’s edicts. My opinion of the men and women who wear these uniforms has plummeted. When I see them now, I see an enemy of freedom, not a protector of it."
Pushback: NJ Gym Owners Who Refused to Obey Chinese COVID Edicts Regain Business License
- "No jab, no organ."
Hospital Refuses to Give 9-Year-Old Boy Life Saving Kidney Transplant Because Father is Unvaccinated
- On the other hand, Judge Rhesa Hawkins Barksdale argued in a dissenting opinion that the relief plaintiffs seek does not fall within the CSRA’s jurisdiction, arguing the “case at hand is instead a pre-enforcement challenge to a government-wide policy, imposed by the [so-called quote-unquote "president"], that would affect the 2.1 million federal civilian workers.”
Federal Appeals Court Deals Win to Biden, Upholds Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers
- "Here comes Social-Emotional Learning (or SEL), a backdoor for CRT and gender ideology."
Why the Classroom Activists Never Give Up
- "Are schools racially biased in suspending a higher percentage of blacks, or are these students misbehaving more often than whites?"
Racially Sensitive "Restorative" School Discipline Isn’t Behaving Very Well
- "Why civic instruction should be the highest purpose of public schools."
The Telos of Education
- Margot Cleveland: "This evidence should be enough for the Pennsylvania legislature to recognize there is a real problem when private money and private actors collaborate with election officials."
Explosive Pennsylvania Testimony Explains How Leftist Money Infiltrated Election Offices In 2020
- He reported that he found it difficult to get county officials to cooperate with his requests for information and revealed that his office’s Election Integrity Unit “has uncovered instances of election fraud by individuals who have been or will be prosecuted for various election crimes.”
Arizona AG: "Serious Vulnerabilities" in Maricopa County "Raise Questions" About 2020 Election
- "What if we applied the principles of election integrity we expect from other countries to the United States?"
Applying International Standards to 2020 Elections
- "The Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law claims to promote — you guessed it — ethics and the rule of law, but James Clapper has done the opposite."
Why Does Russia Hoaxer, Hunter Biden Laptop Throttler James Clapper Still Sit on the Board of an Ethics Center?
- Ben & Jerry's and Unilever "effectively concede that the only reason for not renewing [Zinger's] license is [his] refusal to engage in illegal conduct. They do not dispute [Zinger's] understanding of the Israeli and American laws and policies that Defendants' demand would have forced [him] to violate," Zinger's lawyers argued in a rebuttal brief on Thursday.
Lawyers for Ben & Jerry’s ‘Effectively Concede’ Opponent’s Central Argument in Israel Lawsuit
- "His HHS is moving to tighten the regulatory screws on them."
Biden’s Unfolding War on Religious Hospitals
- Robert Spencer: "When challenged as to why they hosted this divisive, racist, pseudo-Christian nonsense, the university invoked the principle of free speech and free inquiry that has seldom, if ever, resulted in their inviting any dissidents from the Leftist agenda to speak on campus."
Pittsburgh Catholic University Hosts Speaker Who Says Whites Must "Crucify Their Whiteness"
- "Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested in 'IMVU,' which Hunter had an account on in 2017."
Hunter Biden Firm Invested In VR "Metaverse" Used by Child Sex Groomers… And His Laptop Shows He Had an Account
- "As the Biden gang’s corruption is exposed, the kingpin shouldn’t feel too secure in his seat of power."
All the Big Guy’s Bag Men
- John Stossel: "The popular and overused Biden mantra."
Never Admit Anything
- Miranda Devine: "As public awareness of this scandal grows, Democrat political consultant Doug Schoen, in a careful article in The Hill over the weekend, expressed his party’s concerns. If Joe Biden is found to have profited from Hunter’s business deals or used his position as vice president to benefit his family, Schoen wrote, 'what is now likely a red wave election could turn into a massive blowout that is more substantial than anything seen in recent history.' He’s not kidding."
The Biden Family Scheme Unravels
- "Lamb has portrayed himself as the pro-labor candidate of the Democratic field, but his reliance on Cozen's support could undermine that claim. Labor activists and liberal media outlets have in the past accused Cozen O'Connor of helping corporations kill unionization efforts."
Union-Busting Firm Backs Labor Darling Conor Lamb
- "A pair of Illinoisians seek to root out corruption in the state—and scale their model for citizens in other states."
Prairie Watchdogs
- "Two companies still active in Russia, according to the Yale list, are Chinese tech giants Tencent and Lenovo. Tencent operates numerous internet streaming platforms and the popular chat service WeChat. A hedge fund started with seed money from Yale's endowment was one of the biggest early investors in Tencent in the early 2000s. Lenovo is one of the largest computer makers in the world."
Yale Has Ties to Two Chinese Companies on Its Russia Boycott List
- Michael Walsh: "From [Chinese] Covid to the Chinese suborning of America's institutions to the sitting daffy duck called Disney, DeSantis has staked out positions in direct opposition to the Biden Democrats—exactly what you'd expect from a Shadow President who's looking forward, not backward. Obama was 47 years old when he became president; DeSantis, should he run, and win, would be 46. Trump will be 78. You do the math."
The Shadow President
- "DeSantis, who is considered a popular 2024 option for the GOP, was in the house for the highly-anticipated UFC event in Jacksonville, and when he entered, the crowd treated him like an absolute rock star."
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Gets Rock Star Welcome AT UFC 273
- "The poll found that the top issues for voters were the economy, inflation, and crime, and that Biden gets 'low marks on handling them' with more than 60% of Americans disapproving of the way that Biden has handled all three issues."
New Polls Signal Major Problems for Democrats Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections
- Clarice Feldman: "Between rabid foxes and [Chinese] COVID, life is getting more dangerous for congressional Democrats."
I Learn Something New Every Day
- "What can go wrong?"
Democrats Plan To Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People To Nag Their Friends About Politics
- "Dressing up a corpse as a leader can occur in more than just wartime."
The Leader Who Never Was
- There goes any shot this buffoon ever had.
Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Mike Gibbons: "Middle Class Not Really Paying … Fair Share" in Taxes
- "Cortez Masto trailed former Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt by seven points in a March poll by Democratic Blueprint Polling, which showed Hispanic voters evenly split between the two."
Democrats in Danger of Losing Key Senate Seat
- "Pelosi is worried that her party’s radical cultural policies will doom Democrats going forward."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi: Titty Caca AOC Wanted to be "Queen Bee" of the Left and It Cost Democrats
- It's all a culture war. Always has been and always will be as Andrew Breitbart PBUH noted all those years ago.
Meet the Press Panel Predicts ‘Culture War’ Will Be a "Real Problem for the Democrats" in the Midterm Elections
- "The newest Supreme Court Justice contributed political dollars to the Florida prosecutor who was investigated for going easy on Jeffrey Epstein."
Ketanji Brown-25 Jackson, Dave Aronberg and Jeffrey Epstein
- Dick Durbin falling into an open sewer and breaking his neck would make the world that much better a place.
Piece of Shit, Criminal, Mutt, Terrorist-Adjacent Durbin Lists "Notable Moments in America’s History" Prior to Kentanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation, Mentions Thurgood Marshall, Omits Clarence Thomas
- "The difference between the two judges is the difference between nihilism and natural law."
Judge Jackson’s Brown Out and Justice Thomas’ Transfiguration
- "They are coming for your children. They will have an advocate on the Supreme Court." (this is how you get vigilantes and death squads; just saying - jjs)
The Long, Horrifying History of Groomers
- “It seems that eight years of de Blasio dystopia isn’t enough for some people.”
Eric Adams Ran on Solving New York City’s Crime Problem But Crime in the City is Skyrocketing
- "Since Musk declined to join the board, he is not bound by any restrictions on how much of the company he can buy."
Musk’s Decision to Not Join Twitter’s Board Signals Potential Major Move He Can Now Make on the Company
- Robert Spencer: "Once again, the authoritarian heart of the Left is revealed."
Barack Obama Comes Out Against the First Amendment
- "Both sets of questions took the internet by storm, which begs the following question: how does a conference hosting individuals, like Obama, become defined by two conservative leaning students asking simple questions? Americans appear to be interested in confronting sheer hypocrisy head on rather than being lectured by those who bear responsibility for the same problems they wish to eradicate."
How Two Questions From College Kids Derailed a Big Liberal Disinformation Conference
- "We’re not imagining that substantive, conservative e-mails keep finding their way into our spam folders."
G-Mail is Hiding E-Mails From Conservatives
- "One referred to [Sen Tim]Scott as the ;Unclist of all Uncle Toms ever,' adding 'He makes Clarence Thomas look like Uncle Tom’s nephew.'"
Unsocial Media Monitor: In Just One Week, Team Left Twitter Has Found a New Successful Black Man to Attack
- Asked for comment on the resolutions, a Meta spokesperson said, “We value the views of our investors and regularly engage with them to get their perspective. We look forward to continuing the dialogue, including at our Annual Shareholder Meeting in May.”
Meta Shareholders Slam Zuckerberg, Question Metaverse’s "Dystopian Downsides"
- Robert Spencer: "Sure. If those 'free-speechers' were given free rein, they might end up directing people’s attention away from the opinions and views approved by the elites. People might even start thinking for themselves. Can’t have that."
Former Reddit Chief Uses "Free-Speechers" as a Pejorative Term
- "Democrat-led statehouses across the country have moved to protect and expand abortion access, including constitutional amendments that would recognize abortion up until birth as a human right, preempting any potential pro-life legislation at the state level. Other states have proposed bills that prevent legal action against abortion providers, which critics claim could permit infanticide."
With Roe in the Balance, Blue States Push for Abortion on Demand
- Far-left activist David [Little Shitler, the Camera] Hogg tweeted on Saturday that he would be in attendance for the event, writing, “I will be at the White House on Monday for an announcement from the president of the United States on what actions are being taken to reduce gun violence.”
Biden Set to Announce New Crackdown on Gun Rights This Week: Report
- "Valerie Pecresse, whose party is roughly equivalent to America’s Republicans or Britain’s Conservatives in terms of its former dominance of the French right electorally, may have collapsed to less than 5 per cent of the vote in the first round of the country’s presidential elections — a historically poor result described as “catastrophic” by French media. Pecresse claimed in her concession speech that Le Pen’s 'historical proximity with Vladimir Putin discredits her from defending the interests of our country in these tragic times' and that her 'election would mean that France would become irrelevant on the European and international scenes.'”
Failed Candidate for Establishment Right French Republicans Urges Voters to Back Macron over Le Pen
- "Populism vs Globalism."
The French Presidential Election
- "Macron has gotten himself into a political dust-up."
France Goes to the Polls
- "The mullahs want a nuclear deal only to secure financing to pay for repression and warmongering."
The Iran Nuclear Negotiations: What's at Stake
- "Why the U.S. should avoid a nuclear deal with Iran and Russia."
No Dealing With Gangsters
- "The communist nation is reportedly 'accelerating' the development of 'more than 100 suspected missile silos,' each reportedly able to house missiles with nuclear tips that have the ability to reach American shores, according to the WSJ report, which cited anonymous sources familiar with Chinese leadership strategy."
China Stockpiling Nuclear Weapons at an Alarming Rate: REPORT
- "It is past time to re-evaluate key U.S. assumptions about Europe and the European Union."
The United States and Europe Redefined
- Palestinian Authority reported losing control of the city. Israeli military: “Armed assailants are firing at IDF and Border Police troops conducting counterterrorism activity.”
Palestinian Terror Wave: Israel Ramps Up Counter-Terrorism Ops In Jenin
- "For Americans who seek forward-looking inspiration, the lesson is simple: The nation-state, and the tangible flourishing of the nation-state's people, must always come first."
The Great Sovereignty Reclamation Movement
- "Foreign nationals vastly overrepresented."
Alarming Crime Stats Out of Germany
- Robert Spencer: "So why is he appealing his death sentence now? The Qur’an guarantees a place in paradise to those who 'kill and are killed' for Allah (9:111). Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has killed for Allah; if in the course of time, he is in turn killed, he likely believes that he will forever enjoy the favor of the 'large-breasted maidens' (78:33) that the Qur’an promises as the reward of the just in paradise. So what’s the downside? Unless all the years young Dzhokhar has spent in prison have given him time to reconsider his core assumptions. It’s unlikely. But it’s possible."
Wait – Doesn’t the Boston Marathon Bomber Want His Heavenly Virgins?
- The problem is that no one is held to account for the lousy “returns” on their “investments.” If they were, they’d be fired immediately.
Democrats Are Terrible "Investors" of Your Tax Dollars -- Report
- "Biden, his [junta], and his congressional allies need to make a concerted push to phase out deficit spending and get America back into the black. Real deficit reduction, not tired tax schemes, is the key to renewed prosperity."
New Capital Gains Proposal Would Fleece the Middle Class
- A new academic collection focuses much-needed attention on the challenges facing America’s small cities and towns."
Struggling Communities and Their Prospects
- "Don’t wait until another social justice crisis fans the flames of violent wokism."
Leaving Blue Cities for Red Cities
- "A 'Pill' for men is the last thing a dying society needs."
Make America Mate Again
- ". . . these results could suggest that the standard model, the consensus theory for decades, is either incomplete, or wrong. The former would be more likely, but no possibility should be dismissed. And even if wrong, much of that model still works so well any new model must include large parts of it."
New Data Contradicts Accepted Model of Particle Physics
- "The court case was apparently instigated by two French environmental groups, who are demanding more regulations against the large satellite constellations."
Starlink Delivers 5,000 Terminals to Ukraine, Loses License in France
- "One doesn’t need the authority of a biologist to state the obvious."
The Tyrannical Roots of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s "Woman" Confusion
- "A large part of woke ideology revolves around the unrealistic idea that we should construct a society where no one’s feelings are hurt."
Trans Ideology and Making Sense Make Sense Again
- "It is a sad day in America when the secretary of Health and Human Services is using his position of influence to promote gruesome gender reassignment surgeries on children."
Rep. Boebert to Biden Junta: "These Are Our Children, Not Yours. Back the Hell Up"
- “Across the country, as we’ve talked about a bit in here, Republican elected officials are engaging in a disturbing, cynical trend of attacking vulnerable transgender kids for purely partisan, political reasons,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.
White House Calls Alabama’s Bill Banning Hormone Therapy, Puberty Blockers for Transgender Kids "Discriminatory"
- "Putting on a women’s bathing suit and tucking your equipment doesn’t make you a woman any more than putting on blackface made Al Jolson an African American."
Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Lia
- "Here's what the Florida anti-grooming law is doing that really blows the mind."
The Truly Remarkable Thing About Florida's Anti-Grooming Law
- Wayne Allyn Root: "It's time to stand up to the assault on conservatives, Christians and patriots."
Defund Disney
- "It turns out that, nowadays, children aren’t really a profit center for Disney."
There is an Explanation for Disney's War on Children
- "The truth is that neither Disney nor DeSantis can afford to use the nuclear option. Disney can’t threaten to leave Florida and DeSantis can’t really threaten to shut them down. But DeSantis can bleed Disney until it hurts." (meh, kick Disney out and give the same breaks - with caveats - to a chip manufacturer or a steel mill - jjs)
Disney's Colossal Political Error in Challenging DeSantis Will Cost It Dearly
- Christian Toto: "The Daily Show alum embraces Identity Politics at its most corrosive."
Is this the Reason Jon Stewart Went Woke?
- "Dwight Chapin’s new book shows that the narrative of Nixon as villain and Democrats and the press as heroes is crumbling."
Another Crack in the Watergate Edifice
- "Along with Christians around the world this time of year, I find myself thinking about Christ's crucifixion."
Finding Meaning and Courage in Holy Week
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:05 AM
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