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March 22, 2022
Groomer Teachers Are Absolutely Determined to Talk About Their Sexual Fetishes With Your Children
Teachers organized a "Pride" march inside a publicly funded government grade school -- in Texas. Check out the video. Teachers are waving rainbow flags at elementary school students on their "Pride" march.
All inside the school. All during school hours. All paid for by school funds.
Note that school officials told students not to tell their parents about the "Pride" march, and to keep this "confidential" between the kids and their adult groomers:

What happens in elementary school, stays in elementary school.
Seems like it's the Groomers themselves who are telling kids "Don't say gay," as in "Don't tell mommy and daddy we're giving you instruction in homosexuality and transgenderism."
From the social media account of the vice principle who posted the video of the elementary school "Pride" march:

Apparently the school district itself is sending out "Pride packs" -- encouraging teachers to bring gay propaganda into the classroom.
Why do your students need to know you like dick?
As many people are noting: This isn't about teaching kids. This is about drafting children to be your therapist. And also compelling emotional validation from a captive, government-mandated audience of easily coerced children.
They just won't stop:
A Twitterer pointed out the "Education Is Activism" sticker on this Groomer's computer.