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March 21, 2022
The Morning Report - 3/21/22
Good morning, kids. Monday and first up, it was announced that over the weekend, Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized with some sort of infection after experiencing "flu-like symptoms." The nature of the infection was not revealed, nor has it been identified as the General Tso's Sickness. Nevertheless our prayers for a full and speedy recovery go out.
Nothing really new to report with Russia's war in Ukraine, other than to remember to dress in blue and yellow and that Zelensky good and Putin evil while the drumbeat for us to actually go to war against him grows gradually louder. That is madness.
Meanwhile, just when you thought the two-week global brown acid trip over a virus marginally more lethal than seasonal flu was in the rearview mirror, after several weeks of blessed absence, Mengele fanboi Anthony Fauci pops up like zombie alien radioactive herpes onto the Sunday shows, hot and horny to put y'all back in chains via yet another relatively harmless variant of the already relatively harmless Omicron.
“We’ve seen this relaxation of restrictions all across the country right now. Any reason to reverse that?” [leftist propaganda hack George] Stephanopoulos asked.
“I don’t think so George, not right now,” Fauci replied. “I don’t see us going back into any more really very strict of restrictions.” Then he cautioned, “But you always have to have the kind of flexibility: Remember when the CDC came out with the kind of modifications of their metrics which would lead to the guidelines of what regions or counties in the country should have a masking indoor? They made it very clear that as you pull back on restrictions, if we do see a significant surge, particularly one that might result in an increase in hospitalizations, we have to be prepared to pivot and perhaps reinstitute some of those restrictions.”
Well, of course "we" have to. Just to remind people, Anthony Fauci never practiced medicine, nor worked in a lab one single day in his entire accursed existence. The instant he got his shingle, he parked his rodentine ass at the NIAID and has been pushing pencils, as well as leading some highly dubious medical experiments on animals and even helpless children, for decades. So, what does this criminal's sudden appearance on the boob tube indicate? The polling on the lockdowns and mandates in real America is horrendous and the Dems recognize his presence as a political liability as we inch closer to the midterms. That said, the longer the Ukraine distraction continues without a conclusion one way or another, the more people here at home will return their focus on trivia like the soaring cost of everything, out of control crime, the criminality of Joey Soft Serve and his bastard son, and the descent into madness with everything from men being celebrated as women to the rape of our children mind, body and soul.
Is Fauci's sudden Punxsutawney Phil-like possible prognostication of six more weeks of nuclear winter of our discontent laying the groundwork for more mail-in ballot shenanigans, or has he gone rogue? Someone put it out there that the 81-year-old vole was going to announce his retirement, so maybe he was indignant at that. The little midget fairly oozes megalomania and is absolutely drunk off his ass on the power that he wields. He pretty much singlehandedly turned America upside down and far too many people's minds have been completely warped by the garbage coming out of his Reichsministerium. Plus the kickbacks he doubtless gets from Big Pharma on top of being the highest paid bureaucrat in DC has got be something that even at his age he just doesn't want to let go of.
Whatever the hell is going on, I'm sick to death of this already. The only aspect of this virus that I am concerned about is its origins, both geographic and immunological. Beyond any doubt, it came from China and was Frankensteined from a level 4 biological weapons research lab in Wuhan. There is almost overwhelming evidence that it was Fauci himself, using American taxpayer dollars, to help the Red Chinese alter naturally benign animal viruses to make them transmissible and toxic to human beings. This story alone is proof positive that America itself, that is the government if not too many other crucial areas of our society, have been overthrown by nefarious actors of the globalist variety and/or the PRC itself.
Mercifully, Chinese COVID-19, its variants and sub-variants are medically as, or only slightly more, lethal than seasonal flu. We have always had cheap, effective and readily available therapeutics which have been used for decades to combat all sorts of viral infections all over the world. In fact, you might even have one of the most effective therapeutics against the General Tso's Sickness right in your own kitchen or medicine chest.
Recently, I got a letter from a friend about the fact that both he and his wife had pneumonia that wouldn’t retreat even with a hospital stay and antibiotics. What finally ended the pneumonia was a nebulizer with saline solution and food-grade hydrogen peroxide.
Intrigued, I investigated and discovered myriad articles (purportedly from doctors) discussing hydrogen peroxide and respiratory health (e.g., Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for Respiratory Health or Dr. Mercola’s Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide—A Simple Remedy for COVID-19, from March 2021).
However, and this is very important, I also discovered mainstream media articles, complete with quotations from doctors, saying that, whatever you do, don’t nebulize hydrogen peroxide . . .
. . . At this point, I was stymied. Do I believe the traditional medical establishment or do I trust random people, including random doctors, giving their opinion on the internet? Once upon a time, trusting the medical establishment would have been a no-brainer. Now, though, given that the establishment hasn’t covered itself with glory and has aggressively rejected any early treatment for COVID...let’s say that my trust is diminished. Still, those warnings are scary.
However, with hydrogen peroxide now stuck in my brain like a burr, I was fascinated to learn that a recent medical study identifies aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (presumably the food-grade kind) as a new weapon in the war against one of the most pernicious infectious diseases in care facilities such as skilled nursing facilities or old age homes:
"Our study showed that persistence in utilizing an aerosolized hydrogen peroxide system had a significant impact on reducing C. difficile infections hospital-wide," said Christopher L. Truitt, Ph.D., Wayland Baptist University, and the paper's lead author.
Why do I hear echoes of stories about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the above report? Could it be that’s because it involves a commonly available, affordable substance that seems to have amazing properties but that is completely frowned upon by the establishment, especially when it comes to treating COVID before a hospital stay is necessary?
"Frowned upon"is the understatement of the decade. The reaction to every other viral outbreak in that time period and further back, from Hong Kong flu to swine flu to SARS to MERS to chikungunya to ebola to hantavirus, has never caused us to stop the world from turning as this crap did. And the death toll of any of those is probably very close to if not greater than that of Chinese COVID. And remember, its people dying FROM the virus, not with it. So, why was this one different? Well, for starters, who was president of the United States in late 2019/early 2020 and what had he done the previous three years? In other words, cui bono?
Chinese COVID in and of itself is just another virus that, like other respiratory illnesses can seriously sicken or even kill the most vulnerable; the elderly, those with comorbidities like obesity, and the immunocompromised. If you do get it and become symptomatic, it can surely knock you on your ass harder than any cold or flu you ever had. But odds are, you will get over it. As a psychological warfare weapon, it succeeded in virtually wiping out rationality and reason around the world, as well as turning the merely corrupt and crooked like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom into power-mad megalomaniacs. Yet, compared to the likes of Justin Castreau-cescu in Canada, Scott Morrison in Australia and Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, the trio of American stooges are pikers. The deaths of uninfected yet fragile senior citizens that they caused, now in the tens of thousands, notwithstanding.
So lockdowns and mandates are both an instrument of control as well as a security blanket for far too many people whose minds have been completely warped with fear. They indeed turned the world upside down in reaction to Trump as a harbinger of a populist movement representing an existential threat to the New World Order of globalism out of Davos as well as the plans of Xi and the Chi-Coms, whether or not they are allied or merely allies of convenience. Right now, we are reaping what has been sown. But events have a way of getting out of hand as we are now seeing in Ukraine as well as the rapid degradation of our economy and way of life. In their eyes, it's a controlled burn. But even an errant spark can touch of a conflagration that they never intended.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "The court did not elaborate on the type of infection Thomas was suffering from or explain the two-day delay in announcing the hospitalization." (yikes; prayers for a speedy and full recovery - jjs)
SCOTUS: Justice Thomas Hospitalized with Infection
- "Once the Left diluted the parental role, it was far easier to extricate the parent completely. This was done methodically, by giving the schools more money, by giving the teachers unions more power, and by creating a culture of dispensable parents. The only ones who have the means and ability to fight back are the parents themselves."
How "It Takes a Village" Turned Into "There’s No Such Thing as Other People’s Children"
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Noble left-wing ends always justify odious means, in this case projecting one’s own conspiracist efforts by smearing innocent others as conspiracists."
Conspirators in Their Own Words
- "The ban was announced on Sunday, and will suspend the operation of the party, which earned 13 per cent of the national vote in 2020 and is most successful in areas of Ukraine with large ethnic Russian and Russian-speaking populations, along with the other, predominantly leftist-branded parties named in the decree."
Ukraine: Zelensky Uses Martial Law to Ban Main Opposition Party in Crackdown on "Division"
- "There’s been a shift in Washington. The talk is no longer about sanctions on Moscow but how best to escalate U.S. involvement in the war."
The U.S. is Mindlessly Marching Toward War With Russia
- ". . . we are not – we are very much aware that we need to act in a way that prevents this conflict from going from being a very bloody, ugly, horrific conflict in Ukraine, to something that turns out to be a full-fledged war between NATO and Russia in Europe and also potentially involving, of course, the United States directly."
NATO Secretary General Reveals What Will Happen If Russia Uses Chemical Weapons In Ukraine
- "An evil Gulag endgame, or Ukrainian propaganda?"
Chilling: Russia Forcefully Deporting Thousands of Mariupol Residents Into the Interior of Russia?
- Associated Press: Russia “carried out a new series of strikes on Ukrainian military facilities with long-range hypersonic and cruise missiles.”
Ukraine: As Ground Invasion Stalls Russia Fires More Hypersonic Missiles
- "Blinded by his own arrogance, Zelensky completely misread Putin. So deep runs Zelensky’s naivete that he refused to believe that Putin would invade even though Russian armies stood assembled on his country’s borders."
Zelensky’s Reckless Gamble
- "The tragedy of that is that we have infinitely more effective military aid readily available, while still giving us plausible deniability."
Biden’s Military Aid Will Only Kill More Ukrainians
- Terry Jeffrey: "As a result of the disparity between imports and exports, the United States ran a merchandise trade deficit of $1,562,500,000 with Russia in January."
U.S. Imports from Russia in January Nearly 5-Times as Great as Exports
- "Impossible to rewrite the terrible history of the Holocaust."
Zelensky Slammed By Israeli Lawmakers for Comparing Russian Invasion to "Final Solution"
* * * * *
- "About three dozen would-be asylum seekers from Russia found themselves blocked from entering the U.S. on Friday while a group of Ukrainians flashed passports and were escorted across the border."
Reports: Ukrainians Seek Asylum at U.S. Southern Border, Russians Turned Away
- "We should all be pressing might and main for a negotiated settlement to end hostilities, repatriate the dispossessed, and rebuild the country as best as realpolitik allows before we 'sleepwalk' into an unprecedented and far more costly conflict. And this, too, I believe, is not a matter of interpretation."
Ukraine: What Do We know?
- "The Russian-Ukrainian divergence goes way back — and try as he criminally might Putin cannot rewrite history."
Russia’s Flawed Victory Vision
- "Even his prescience, though, was unable to see just how bad things would become in the West after the Cold War ended."
Samuel Huntington Correctly Predicted What’s Happening In Ukraine
- "The ghost of the great Prussian statesman explains Russia’s blunders."
Bismarck Advises Putin
- "Why is Putin doing this?"
Putin’s Death Mirror
- "They would much rather shout 'Slava Ukraini' than 'God Bless America.'”
The Vicarious Ukrainian Nationalism of the Liberal Elite
- "Renewed anxieties about global supply shortages, soaring oil prices and a recovery in fuel demand from the pandemic are predicted to combine in coming months to help drive prices upwards again."
Global Oil Giant Saudi Aramco Says Annual Profit Doubled in 2021
- "Gas prices surged to record highs earlier this month. Prices have slid downward slightly, but experts warn that the summer travel season and the switch to more expensive summer blend gasoline will likely cause prices to surge again."
Maryland, Georgia Suspend State Gas Tax To Offset Record-High Prices
- Alberta Minister of Energy Sonya Savage: "US now looking to replace Russian barrels with Venezuelan? You can’t make this stuff up - desperate times require desperate measures. A reminder of the folly of energy policy over the past decade. Canada, with the 3rd largest reserves, could have supplied the US and the world."
Canadian Official Offers the U.S. Plenty of Oil From "Right Next Door"
- "The nation can ill afford for this amount of economic activity generated by airlines to remain depressed or absent."
To Fly or Not to Fly? That is the Question
- "Inflated by taxes and regulations, prices at the pump are higher in Democrat-leaning states."
Pain in the Gas
* * * * *
- "Bidenomics has hit another ugly milestone. In 2021, for the first time ever (per Census data analyzed by Zillow), the annual dollar growth in the value of a typical home was bigger than the inflation-adjusted median pre-tax income of a full-time American worker. "
Thanks to Biden, You Can't Heat (or Buy, or Rent) a Home
- "GM Electric Battery Engineer: 'We have neither the raw materials nor the manufacturing capacity' to support massive transition away from fossil fuels."
Metal Shortages and Escalating Costs May Short-Circuit Green Energy Schemes
- "Given the IPCC’s leftist political orientation it ignores the data which show that increases in available energy sources and capitalism demonstrably lift more boats and improve the environment faster and more substantially than handing over money to government agencies and restricting conventional energy production. The proposals the IPCC advances require a lot of fast and fancy footwork to obscure the fact that they can’t withstand close scrutiny."
U.N. Climate Report: Cloudy, with No Chance of Silver Linings
- "Environmentalism is almost always a cover for enacting socialist policies."
Putin's Invasion Shows Green Activists Still Red on the Inside
- "The sweetheart who sent this message to Libs of Tik Tok has recently changed her handle to @Skyracergirl and made her tweets private. As you can see above, her bio reads, 'Yo, my name is Jamie. I enjoy video games, reading, drawing and getting to know people although I am pretty shy. That’s all you need to know!' Apparently, she’s not too shy to threaten the Libs of Tik Tok founder."
Libs of Tik Tok Founder Faces Death Threat
- "The treatment of Smollett stands in stark contrast to not just the treatment of Guy Reffitt but of hundreds of J6 defendants. And it’s not just Smollett."
Jussie vs. J-6: Unequal Justice
- "When was the last time that government institutions reacted to any crisis in a way that could be understood as expanding personal choice?"
The Three Cs Preventing Total State Control
- " . . . And it's already half-swallowed all of us."
A Great Reset Is Already Underway in Utah
- Lockdowns forever.
Fauci Returns to Sunday Shows; Spouts We Have to Be Prepared to Reinstitute Some Restrictions for Chinese COVID Variants
- “For petty tyrants like Fauci, they only have one tool in their toolbox: authoritarian restrictions. Enough is enough.”
"Hell No": Cruz Slams Fauci For Suggesting Chinese COVID Restrictions Might Be Reinstituted
- "Rather than easing off, the Biden regime looks to be ready for a new [Chinese] COVID crackdown with its appointment of a radical pro-vaccine passport White House advisor."
Biden’s New Chinese COVID Coordinator Wants Vaccine Passports, Claims "We Aren’t Anywhere Near the End of This Pandemic"
- "China clearly hasn’t been honest in its reporting of [Chinese] COVID deaths for at least two years now."
Something Very Suspicious Is Happening With China’s Latest Chinese COVID Reporting
- "Those among us who are perfectly healthy and remain dutifully masked despite the general lifting of mask mandates are making a political statement. For them, the masks meant something they continue to hold dear, cannot relinquish."
The Still-Masked Among Us
- Ted Noel, M.D.: "There’s a huge body of data from reliable sources that the medical establishment, from the CDC on down, seems determined to ignore."
The Medical Establishment’s Willful Blindness About Vaccines and Children
- "Despite new sub-variant proving milder than original Omicron."
Austria to Reintroduce Chinese COVID Mask Rules Just Two Weeks After They Were Abolished
- "In journalist Nina Burleigh’s new book, Virus: Vaccinations, The CDC, and the Hijacking of America’s Response to the Pandemic, public health and journalism takes a back seat to left-wing political rants."
Ignorance Goes Viral in a New Book on Chinese COVID
- "Unfortunately, the suffering continues in the form of PTSD and addiction."
Lockdown Mania vs the People
- "This substance, found in many households, is the subject of fierce dispute but may yet defeat some nasty diseases."
Hydrogen Peroxide, the Stuff Sitting Under Your Kitchen Sink May Be a Lifesaver
- Margot Cleveland: "For those who care about our country’s future but don’t want to be buried in the minutia of the Russia collusion hoax scandal, here is your big-picture primer."
SpyGate 101: A Primer on the Russia Collusion Hoax’s Years-long Plot to Take Down Trump
- "Targeting potentially 'thousands' of convicts for early release."
Kim Foxx Begins Early Release Program for Prisoners With a Home Invader, an Aggravated robber, and Burglar, All With Lengthy Records
- "The bill now heads to the Arizona House of Representatives, which has a 31 to 29 majority."
Arizona Senate Passes School Transparency Bill Giving Parents Right to See What’s Being Taught
- "The resolution, written in response to a 10-day residency of a Jewish artist, would have called on the university to sever ties with speakers and groups associated with or supportive of Israel. The resolution’s authors retracted the measure on Monday after more than a dozen Jewish students campaigned against it."
University of Virginia’s Jewish Students Defeat Anti-Israel Campaign
- "You catch the fire of love from someone else on fire. So do you also catch smallpox—the smallpox of reducing everything to a political aim."
Who Will Be America’s Teachers?
- "Immigration policies should serve the interests of the nation-state; they should not be acts of charity to the world."
Citizenship, Immigration, and the Great Society
- "Drug cartels and organized crime organizations involved in the black market cannabis industry have set up tens of thousands of illegal grow operations throughout California . . ."
Inside a Cartel Illegal Marijuana Operation Worker Camp
- "Licensee claims Ben & Jerry’s and its corporate owner broke their contract by conditioning license renewal on a boycott that violates American and Israeli law."
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Israeli Company Sues Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever To Maintain License
- Robert Spencer: "The Left doesn’t see inconvenient facts."
ADL’s Anti-Semitism Report Ignores Islamic Jew-Hatred
- "The lawyer representing Lunden Alexis Roberts, the former stripper with whom Hunter Biden has a three-year-old daughter, says that Hunter will likely be indicted for tax fraud."
Hunter Biden To Be Indicted?
- “The officials . . . signed a letter saying that the laptop ‘has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”
No Apologies, No Remorse From 51 Intel Officials Who Spread Disinformation to Blunt Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations
- Miranda Devine: "It is hardly vindication of The [NY] Post’s flawless reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop that 17 months late, The New York Times has admitted the laptop is real. It is an indictment of the Times and a betrayal of their readers who were kept in the dark about the true nature of Joe Biden before the 2020 election.
But now that we are all on the same page, there are some serious questions the administration needs to answer, which go to America’s national security at a time of international peril."
Dodging the Questons: White House Ignores Its Hunter Problem
- "The publication says that Mark Galli, its former editor who called for Trump’s removal from office, has a long record of sexual harassment."
The Scandal at Christianity Today
- "Iowa Dem Senate frontrunner falsely claims she hasn't taken a 'dime' in corporate PAC money."
Another Democrat Quietly Breaks Self-Imposed Corporate PAC Money Ban
- "This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him."
The New York Times Signals the End of Biden's Road
- Roger Kimball: "They must replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable."
Biden’s Handlers Are Preparing to Eject Him (and Kamala)
- "Donald Trump outlines how Americans are going to take back America. . . a transcript of part of Donald Trump’s recent South Carolina speech."
The Plan
- “The Jan. 6 Committee has become the Democrats’ new hoax, aimed not at probing the security failures at the Capitol but at smearing political dissidents in the run-up to midterms.”
Democrats Want to Make the 2022 Midterms All About January 6th
- "What better way to get the word out that there’s an alternative to the Democrats’ foolishness on inflation and energy costs than to register Americans to vote? That’s what the Republican National Committee is doing, and they kicked off a voter registration initiative at gas stations this weekend."
The RNC Has a Brilliant Way to Help Americans Fight Back Against Biden's High Gas Prices
- "Watch what happens, pussy."
Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Gets In His Opponent’s Face With Threats at Debate
* * * * *
- "While Joe Biden is nominally president, his diminished mental status, combined with his pre-existing moral emptiness, invites disaster."
There’s a Critical Vacancy in the Oval Office
- "[Stephanie] Murphy blames her party's leaders for the shift, saying they have cowed interest groups into their game of political brinkmanship. During last year's infrastructure discussions, she said, Democratic leadership drove the political action of labor unions more than union members did."
Retiring Dem Rep Decries Party’s Radical Turn
- “There’s enough vitriol there that no matter if Trump is running for president, he will run a candidate against Romney.”
Who’s up for a Primary Challenge to Pee-Air Defecto Romney?
- "It seems there's a move from the Bernie Sanders team to challenge Harris for the presidency should Joe Biden not run for office again."
Bernie Plots Against Kamala
- "Too bad [NY State comptroller Tom] DiNapoli couldn’t find the courage to stand up to Cuomo when he was in office and his findings might’ve made a difference."
DiNapoli’s Belated Nursing Home Audit the Final Nail in Angel of Death in Cuomo’s Political Coffin
- Daniel Greenfield: "Democrats have forgotten how to talk to minorities about anything except racism."
Can Dems Stop Hating White People Long Enough to Win Hispanics?
- "Biden nominated Jackson to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer last month, fulfilling his campaign promise to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court."
Sen. Josh Hawley: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Has "Pattern of Letting Child Porn Offenders Off the Hook"
- "For Brown, politics trumps the law."
Ketanji Brown Jackson: A+ Credentials, D- Judge
- "Hawley’s assessment of Jackson’s record is squarely in the lane of jurisprudential analysis and the Judiciary Committee should take note."
Yes, The Senate Should Investigate Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Leniency Towards Sex Predators
- Can't wait for The Nation to one-up these jerks with "Let Your Children Die."
Bloomberg News: Let Your Pets Die to Fight Inflation
- Paxton was not intimidated, however, and doubled down on his original tweet. “Yesterday I stated an irrefutable scientific fact: Rachel Levine is a man,” Paxton said in a statement posted to Twitter. “I pointed this out after USA Today named him a ‘Woman’ of the Year. But Levine is not a woman. He has one X and one Y chromosome and other male-sex characteristics. I just follow the science.”
Twitter Flags Texas AG’s Tweet Accurately Calling "Rachel" Levine a Man
- "Why science reporters don’t report fairly on the origins of [Chinese] Covid-19."
Journalists, or PR Agents?
- "This ugly story, published on March 12, 2022, takes on even more significance with the admission by the New York Times only four days later that this laptop was real, belonged to Hunter Biden, and contained significant evidence of corruption by Hunter in league with his father, Joe Biden, now the President of the United States."
Today's Blacklisted American: Man Who Found Hunter Biden's Laptop Harassed, Threatened and Driven to Bankruptcy
- "In other words, California is looking to boost its abortion tourism, because, well, it’s California, and you’d expect nothing less of the far-left state."
California Legislators Introduce Abortion Tourism Bill
- ". . . And the ACLU’s support of it."
The Abomination of Abortion Provider Appreciation Day
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra have launched unprecedented attacks on people of faith."
In Its First Year, Biden’s HHS Relentlessly Attacked Christians and Unborn Babies
- "Just 12 hours before the two presidents were meant to speak, a Chinese carrier, Shandong, traveled without men on its deck close to the Taiwan-controlled island of Kinmen, a source inside the Taiwan Defense Ministry confirmed to Reuters."
REPORT: Ahead of Call With Biden, Chinese Aircraft Carrier Crosses the Taiwan Strait
- "Russia’s attack on Ukraine may make China less inclined, rather than more inclined, to attack especially given Taiwan’s bristling defenses."
China May Find That Taiwan is a Hard Nut to Crack
- "A bumbling Biden may not be able to pull off what a smooth-talking Obama could."
The American People Will Not Stand for a Submissive Iran Deal
- "As Britons volunteer to house Ukrainian women and children, the British government attempts to send them grown Afghan men."
Britain’s Government is Abusing Ukraine War-Refugee Generosity to House Economic Migrants
- The driver, y'know, that guy behind the wheel, has yet to be identified. Gee, what a surprise, that.
Six Dead, Over 20 Seriously Injured After Car Plowed Into Carnival Crowd in Belgium
- "Chen Xu, the former party secretary for one of China’s most prestigious universities, has been promoted to deputy head of the United Front Work Department, an agency known for conducting espionage and spreading propaganda focused on influencing foreign elites and coopting Chinese expatriates."
American Elites Have Deep Ties to a New Chinese Spy Chief
- "Only by securing America’s place in the strategic high ground of space can the country defend itself on the Earth below."
As Nuclear War Approaches, America Needs Space-Based Missile Defense
- Robert Spencer: "There is, however, always a silver lining, even amid all the dark clouds that have gathered today. Given the ideology and outlook of most of our Representatives and Senators these days, maybe it’s for the best that they’re busying themselves with hair discrimination instead of turning their attention to real problems and doing even more lasting damage than they already have. We can be grateful for small favors."
With the World on Fire, You’ll Be Astonished at What the House of Representatives is Doing
- "At least Ukrainian refugees have someplace to go. Where are inner-city refugees in America going to find relief?"
Why Don’t American Cities Deserve the Same Care as Ukraine?
- "Housing First fails because it doesn’t address root causes of homelessness: unaddressed mental illness and substance use disorders."
Most Cities’ Responses To Homelessness Actually Enable Even More Homelessness
- "If Milwaukee wants to lower housing costs, it should look to its past."
City of Duplexes
- "Once you recognize what’s wrong with it, it’s fairly easy to see how to make it right."
It Is Possible To Reform Our Health Insurance System
- "At a time of increased costs and surging demand, it will be vital for Medicare to streamline the documentation and auditing processes so that patient care is not disrupted."Medicare Reforms Need to Protect Continuity of Care for Patients
- "If Starship development proceeds at the pace SpaceX is presently maintaining, this date is wholly doable."
Elon Must Targets 2029 for First Starship Manned Mission to Mars
- "At a press conference yesterday officials from the European Space Agency (ESA) officially announced that the partnership with Russia to launch its Franklin rover to Mars has ended, and the launch will not happen in ’22."
ESA Makes Official the Split With Russia
- Michael Walsh: "There's nothing 'controversial' about Thomas's career, except that the entire deracinated political and journalistic establishment takes it seriously, and insists that we do, too. It's the Emperor's New Clothes all over again, only this time it's an Empress, she's packing, and doesn't care who knows it."
Silence of the Lambs
- “If you don’t think this is going to destroy women’s sports, if this is alright with you, then I’m sorry, but it’s insane. It’s absolutely insane.”
Transgender Swimmer Sparks Heated Argument at NCAA Championship
- "Stealing the brass ring."
Lia Thomas and the "Authentic Self"
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Lia Thomas does Shania Twain's famous song one better."
Man! I Swim as a Woman
- “You know, this is a woman who can — who can outshine each and every one of [the last three people they put in]. Her abilities are outstanding. I mean, she’s outstanding. So, you put in Amy Coney Barrett, you put in the other one, you know, and you’re questioning her?” [Fat Albert Speer] Whoopi whined.
The View Throws Tantrum After Josh Hawley Questions Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Judicial Record
- "A lesson in the 'sexism' of logic and truth."
The Disturbing Omissions of Anita Hill
- Christian Toto: "Channing Tatum's pro-military, anti-woke comedy has serious box office bark."
How All-American Dog Is Defying the Odds
- "We should avoid silencing Russian artists whose speech is already suppressed at home."
Have Russian Filmmakers Become Collateral Damage?
- "The popular podcaster slams Canada's 'figure of loathing.'"
Video: Russell Brand Destroys Justin Trudeau
- "Jussie Smollett and Alec Baldwin have embraced it as only leftists can."
The Rise of Victimhood Culture
- "Welcome to the end of history where everything has progressed and nothing much has changed."
Meat and Marginalia
- "Why a million Jews went to the funeral of an elderly sage."
Rav Chaim Kanievsky: True Greatness
- "Science has its intrinsic limits."
Planning an Exit From Reality
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:10 AM
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"Yup. Flow charts of NGO to NGO and who gets how mu ..."
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Joe Mannix (Not a cop!):
"... This was sent to roughly three dozen employees ..."
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"Rosie will be back
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Soft. ..."
"Yup. Flow charts of NGO to NGO and who gets how mu ..."
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