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February 25, 2022
Friday Night Meme Madness
Yeah, the title is reused. Sue me, I can only be so clever for so long. Let's open up this week's Big Box O' Meme Goodness™
This is cool
I'm so glad this place hasn't fallen as so much of the internet has, and that's due to you, dear readers, thank you.
How many of you remember those days? Man, video class was the best!
I want a medicinal machine gun
Completing the mission
Lucky Bobby
Here's a question for the ONT. We're buying a half side of beef. This week, we went out to the ranch to sign the paperwork, and the rancher took us out into his fields. We met the steer that would be butchered for us (actually, there were about 10 steers in the pen, one of them would be ours. I don't know which one). While I was standing by the fence, I felt a nudge against my ribs. I turned around and was face to face with Charlie, A MASSIVE Charolais bull who was the father of the steers we were looking at. And when I say “massive”, I mean “OMG! MASSIVE! SHIT, THAT THING'S BIGGER THAN A CHEVY!”. Charlie was 2500 lbs if he was an ounce, and he was about as friendly as a Black Lab. I skritched his nose, he licked my hand and then he said something to me in cow. MOOOO! If I recall correctly. His offspring are Charolais/Longhorn crosses, and one of them will be feeding me and my family well for the next 6 months to a year. So. My question: Is it weird to meet the cows you're going to eat? Personally, I don't think so. Beef is a product, and it comes from somewhere that isn't a Styrofoam tray in the grocery store. A city friend of mine told me it was weird, but I don't think so. It's not like the steers were pets or anything, they were raised to be eaten. And I anticipate eating the everloving fuck out of my steer. Don't like it cows? Should have evolved opposable thumbs.
I hope AOP doesn't mind my posting this picture of him that I snapped as he was just going about his life.
Just what I needed (sarcastic)
Wholesome content
Upgrades we at the ONT like
Why isn't it spinning?
You're a jerk chicken!
James Bond stuff
To be fair, ticks would have a field day
Fido Friday: Save the pup!
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by.....Naming Contest!
Name this subdevelopment:
BTW, "Dick Acres" is taken. You're better than that.
A pretty damn scary story. Probably not real, but a good shiver nonetheless

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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