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February 11, 2022
It Wasn't There Again Today, How I Wish The ONT Would Go Away!
Friday night and the meming is easy. Next stop: Weekend! Anybody got any plans? I'm gonna be planting. It weird to me to be doing it this early, but average last day of frost around here is March 15, and that means that the “5 weeks before last frost” plants can go out this weekend. And what the heck, it's going to be 75 tomorrow anyway. Hope we make it, the moon is melting.
One of those days
Crack open a cold one
We're going to be in New Jersey in a few weeks for the baptism of our godson. Hope they've loosened the distancing rules
Guys, no matter what you think, your wife knows you
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One thing I love about memes is that they're not all just references to video games and anime.
We have so many brown bananas in the freezer
Breaking news
Fido Friday: Smart man
Something is wrong here. I just can't put my eye on it out....
This is actually fun. More so if you can keep a straight face while doing it
So, apparently Cochran moved to New Mexico
Friday ONT quiz! I ask you to order a pizza. What are your toppings of choice? I always get mushrooms, onion and chicken.
So you have some dramatic battle footage. Choose your soundtrack option, do you go the Platoon route, or do you opt for The Untouchables?
Vote in the comments!
And a very special hello to Alex the Chick
Soon they'll be up to AP standards!
Boy, nothing like a glass of sparkling cold uranium dioxideperoxide!
A smart military blog
If you don't promote yourself, who will?
Friday Puzzle
The New Yorker published this cartoon this week. I fixed it
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by topless chicks in short skirts:
PSA: If any of y'all are teachers and have been thinking of moving to East Texas, Little's private school is hiring for next year. Algebra, biology, language arts. Also coaches, football (asst), volleyball and cheer. Non-union, respectful kids. Drop me an email (my nic at gee, mail!) if you'd like more information.

posted by WeirdDave at
09:55 PM
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