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January 24, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/24/22
Good morning, kids. Start of a new week and the second year of a criminal, illegitimate junta with a decrepit, demented crook fronting the sham. I'm shocked he lasted a full year (that is, allowed to last a full year) but there is just no way he can go on, neither physically nor politically. And yet, the hits just keep on coming! First, the situation in Ukraine is shaping up to be Afghanistan 2: Bug-Out Boogaloo. Only this time, we're not fleeing and leaving thousands of Americans and other friendly foreigners to be taken hostage, or worse. This time, we're leaving them behind as Biden and his handlers have stumbled into a potential shooting war against the Russians.
Democrat [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden was widely slammed online on Sunday evening amid numerous reports that indicated that the situation in Ukraine is rapidly deteriorating amid an increasingly likely invasion by Russian forces.
New reports indicate that the administration has ordered the families of all American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine to immediately leave the country, has warned U.S. citizens in the country that it will be unable to evacuate them, and is considering sending U.S. military forces to Eastern Europe. . .
. . . "Given that the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has said military action by Russia could come at any time, the U.S. government will not be in a position to evacuate U.S. citizens." Biden's State Department said, according to Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin. "So U.S. citizens, currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly. . ."
. . . Karol Markowicz, : "We're just going to make leaving Americans in war zones an ongoing thing, huh. I remember, in my 20s, arguing with someone that one of the great benefits of being an American was that no matter what, and no matter where, my country was going to come get me. Whoops. . ."
. . . "The security conditions, particularly along Ukraine's borders, in Russia-occupied Crimea, and in Russia-controlled eastern Ukraine, are unpredictable and can deteriorate with little notice. Demonstrations, which have turned violent at times, regularly occur throughout Ukraine, including in Kyiv," the department said. "Do not travel to Ukraine due to the increased threats of Russian military action and [Chinese] COVID-19. Exercise increased caution in Ukraine due to crime and civil unrest. Some areas have increased risk."
A separate report on Sunday indicated that Biden was considering deploying U.S. forces to Eastern Europe in an apparent attempt to not appear weak, although many experts warn that it is too little too late.
Evidently, a virus akin to bad flu is potentially just as deadly as a burst from a Kalashnikov. Yet another self-inflicted atomic rake-step in the face, with deadly serious consequences for G-d knows how many Americans, and the junta just had to throw that stupidity in there. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry. So, a carrier group with the USS Harry Truman is steaming towards the Mediterranean, supposedly for exercises that were already on the calendar. My guess is it will probably wind up somewhere in the Aegean Sea perhaps close to the Dardanelles Strait -- the waterway that leads right into the Black Sea. That would be a Ho Lee Fook moment, my pretties.
And that's on top of reports of upwards of 5,000 troops being sent to Eastern Europe and the Baltics. You know, for the alleged party of peace, love and understanding, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism and unconditional American disarmament, these Democrats sure seem hot and horny to untuck their junk and swing their dicks all over the place and start all kinds of trouble. The RINOs of course are right with them but we're beyond party politics; that illusion was shattered for good in the wake of the 2020 election theft. But I digress.
IIRC, one of the pillars of the so-called "Obama Doctrine" was to abandon a centerpiece of American post-World War 2 military policy; being able to engage in a war on one side of the world while either preventing or if need be effectively engaging in military action against a different opponent on the other side of the world.
The United States discarded its oft-misunderstood "two war" doctrine, intended as a template for providing the means to fight two regional wars simultaneously, late last decade. Designed to deter North Korea from launching a war while the United States was involved in fighting against Iran or Iraq (or vice versa,) the idea helped give form to the Department of Defense's procurement, logistical and basing strategies in the post-Cold War, when the United States no longer needed to face down the Soviet threat. The United States backed away from the doctrine because of changes in the international system, including the rising power of China and the proliferation of highly effective terrorist networks.
But what if the United States had to fight two wars today, and not against states like North Korea and Iran? What if China and Russia sufficiently coordinated with one another to engage in simultaneous hostilities in the Pacific and in Europe?
Could Beijing and Moscow coordinate a pair of crises that would drive two separate U.S. military responses? Maybe, but probably not. Each country has its own goals, and works on its own timeline. More likely, one of the two would opportunistically take advantage of an existing crisis to further its regional claims. For example, Moscow might well decide to push the Baltic States if the United States became involved in a major skirmish in the South China Sea.
In any case, the war would start on the initiative of either Moscow or Beijing. The United States enjoys the benefits of the status quo in both areas, and generally (at least where great powers are concerned) prefers to use diplomatic and economic means to pursue its political ends. While the U.S. might create the conditions for war, Russia or China would pull the trigger. . .
. . . The bulk of American carriers, submarines and surface vessels would concentrate in the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, fighting directly against China's A2/AD system and sitting astride China's maritime transit lanes. Long range aviation, including stealth bombers and similar assets, would operate in both theaters as needed.
This excerpt from an extensive analysis was published almost exactly one year ago. Talk about prescient. Emphasis mine. Aside from numbers, our preparedness to fight actual enemies and not "climate change" or "transphobia" is in doubt. A number of incidents involving the Navy by themselves, are alarming indicators. I don't think either Joey Soft-Serve or Putin really want to pull the trigger. Putin thinks he can bluff his way into getting what he wants, yet Team Biden giving the green light with Joey's "limited incursion" gaffe might have no choice but to respond with force should the Russians roll across the border.
And with that scenario a possibility, Taipei has got to be sweating bullets. Back over in Europe, I've got to ask the rhetorical question, where the hell is NATO? Well, for all intents and purposes the US is NATO. But with this schmuck and his Marxists in control, Germany and France are seeking some sort of accord with Moscow, and the former East Bloc countries are scrambling. If I were them, I'd announce some sort of emergency alliance right now because Ukraine isn't the only target in Putin's sights.
The one thing that should not be lost in the sauce as it were is none of this would be happening if Trump was still in the Oval Office. The rank insubordination of the flag officer corps, JCS, intelligence community and State Dept. notwithstanding, of course. But, we'll never really know, will we? Frankly, the world could go up in flames, for all I care. Russia would have all kinds of internal problems exacerbated if it swallowed Ukraine whole, and the Chi-Coms for all their bluster are facing long-term demographic disaster, and near term economic busts, a government rife with all sorts of corruption and a population that has been allowed to taste the fruits of western capitalism and don't exactly share Pooh-Pooh Xi's dreams of Chinese glory.
All that said, the Americans as well as truly innocent people in these potential war zones are to be pitied. Moving away from this explosive clusterfuck, there are, sadly, far too many so-called "Americans" right here at home who have no qualms about what has been inflicted on us by the Democrat Party and those who support the dissolution of our society and culture.
But where there is life, there is hope. Both the March for Life as well as the 30,000-strong "Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming" march to protest "draconian COVID-19 requirements" while only two instances that some might call anecdotal, they nevertheless are indicators of an undercurrent of discontent for the ruling class that is only growing in intensity, despite the attempts by the agitprop media to suppress, impugn or otherwise spin it.
Funny how even in all this darkness, the Left has seemingly been stopped cold (for the time being) by two of its own, Manchin and Sinema, and there is a growing possibility that the nearly 50-year abomination of Roe v. Wade could be severely neutered if not overturned completely. Who could've seen that coming? The times they are a'changing. But will they be "interesting?"
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Roger Kimball: "Biden's situation presents the unnamed committee who actually runs the presidency with a huge and delicate problem. It can't last."
The Coming Dethronement of Joe Biden
- "It's time for a second look at the issue, this time from an America First perspective."
Eric Adams May Well Force the Federalization of Elections
- " . . . be warned. Yes, it's better to be tried by twelve than carried by six, but the risk of facing criminal charges after using deadly force in self-defense has never been greater. Los Angeles district attorney George Gascon would gleefully charge someone who acted even in obvious self-defense if the politics of the situation demanded it, which is to say if the racial calculus met certain criteria. The same is true of Kim Foxx in Chicago, Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, and any of the other 'progressive' prosecutors holding office across the country."
Better to Be Tried by Twelve Than Carried by Six
- "The Select Committee set up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the January 6 riot is actin as a judicial branch with no constitutional limits whatsoever."
The 1/6 Select Committee Witch Hunt
- "Hearing the Department of Justice describe them, one would think that the Oath Keepers are the scariest bunch of anti-American knuckleheads to come down the pike since the Ku Klux Klan."
Who Are the Oath Keepers?
- "We live at a '1776 Moment' where our governing principles, law, and society are changing into something America has never known."
Our 1776 Moment: Either a Liberal or Progressive America
- "We will either reclaim the mantle of republican self-government or bid a sad farewell to the American commonwealth."
"Our Democracy (TM)": Oligarchy With Democratic Trappings
- "You're going to hear a lot of people . . . on the left say this is a big, anti-vax rally -- it's people coming in to deny science. But this march is about the mandate, and this march is about the Draconian measures that we're seeing all across this country right now, especially in places like D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco."
Over 30,000 People Marched to "Defeat the Mandates" in Washington D.C.
- If Big Pharma's stock price dips, yup - entirely conceivable. Forever.
Fauci: It is "Entirely Conceivable" That We May Need Boosters Again
- "What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as [Chinese] COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be [Chinese] COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers."
Why are Americans 18-64 Dying? Nobody Knows -- Does Anybody Care?
- "Carhartt's decision to uphold its company mandate was met with outrage by conservative customers, many of whom announced they would boycott the brand."
Customers Call for Carhartt Boycott as Company Keeps Vax Mandate After SCOTUS Ruling
- Attorney General Eric Schmitt argued in litigation filed on Jan. 21 that individual school districts "do not have the authority to impose" public health orders on students. School districts "only have the power to issue those health rules that the General Assembly provides them."
Missouri AG Files Lawsuits Against 36 School Districts "Unlawfully" Enforcing Mask Mandates
- "They adapt better than adults do." (mass child abuse; this filthy, evil slag deserves to be run out on a rail - jjs)
NY Gov "Cuomo-with-Tits" Hochul Defends Mask Mandates for Kids
- "Virginia's new Republican governor wasted no time acting as he promised he would."
Youngkin Rips Off the School Mask Mandate
- "The media will tell you that it's a right-wing conspiracy that whites are discriminated against in [Chinese] COVID treatment and, at the same time, tell you that it's a good thing it's happening."
Trump Is Right About Anti-White Discrimination
- "Newly released emails make more plausible the contention that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins presided over the suppression of the lab-leak theory for political reasons."
A Chinese COVID Origin Conspiracy?
- "Rally to the cause of freedom and reject medical tyranny."
Lloyd Billingsley: The Epistle of Paul to the Washingtonians
- One of the rare instances of a leftist organization or person going after their own and putting their money where their mouth is. If having them in our corner helps take down Fauci, I'll cheer them on.
PETA VP Blasts "Crazy" NIH Transgender Monkey Experiments, Demands Fauci Be "Fired"
* * * * *
- "England, France, and Ireland start their journey back to normalcy."
Chinese Covid Restrictions Ending in Europe as Rollback of Rules Begins
- "Last week Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, walked into the British Parliament and made the most consequential statement by a political leader since the fall of the Berlin Wall."
Boris' Salvo of Freedom: Johnson Cancels the Pandemic in England
- "It runs counter to everything we've been told about keeping ourselves safe from [Chinese] COVID."
There's Disturbing Vaccine Data Coming Out of Scotland
- "Tennis star Novak Djokovic naively expected Australia to respect his freedom of choice when it has spent two years savaging its own people."
Australian Authorities Treat Average Citizens Even Worse Than They Did Novak Djokovic
- "While the failure of [Chinese] COVID restrictions is certainly reason to end them, as the world seems to be recognizing right now, it's far from the most important reason."
Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines Have All Been Complete Failures, But That's Not the Real Problem
- "We no longer have the inherent capacity . . . 'to resist true evil.'"
Something Wicked Really Does This Way Come
- "And most of them -- but not all! -- are set to keep going strong in 2022."
The Top 10 Chinese COVID Villains of 2021
- "Not only do the recent facts prove the failure of the government reaction to [Chinese] COVID, all these stories should be cause for celebration, as they show that not only has the Wuhan flu never been as dangerous as the fear-mongers have claimed, its limited but serious threat to the aged and sickly is now also fading. The real question is whether the public and governments will actually celebrate, or stick their heads in the sand because they have fallen in love with their fear of [Chinese] COVID."
It is Finally Time to End the Wuhan Panic of the Past Two Years
- "Those in confederacy against reality don't want this pandemic to end -- never again will their negative personality traits purchase such power."
The Uber Class and Their Betters
- "The move is certain to exacerbate existing supply chain issues in the United States."
Biden Bans Unvaxed Truckers From US, Exacerbating Supply Chain Carnage
- "As inflation begins to settle into the American consciousness, expectations collide with reality, and fear begins to take over. A fearful electorate does not normally support the party in power."
The Political Power of Inflation Will Destroy Joe Biden and the Democrats
- "Business needs workers, but increasingly workers don't want jobs. Why? Government pays them to stay home."
Is Chinese COVID Jobs Recession About To Get Worse?
- "Biden claims that enforcing antitrust laws will reduce inflation by ending 'price gouging.' Biden is economically ignorant of the fact that it is natural and necessary for prices to increase during a shortage. Rising prices signals businesses that they need to increase supply of goods and services."
Antitrust Will Not Cure Inflation
- "Liberal outlets have responded to this debacle by painting inflation as practically a divine blessing that Biden is bestowing on Americans. . . But it will take more than media pity parties to save the Biden [junta]."
Inflation Only Goes Up, and Will Bankrupt Joe Biden and the Democrats
- "It was a complete execution."
Cop Killer Kept Firing at NYPD Officers Even After They Were Down: Sources
- How about getting the criminals off the street instead of intentionally unleashing them on the citizenry?!
New York Governor Blames "Illegal Gun" in Fatal Shooting of NYPD Officer
- "Gavin the Clueless strikes again!"
California Gov. Gavin Newsom Apologizes for Calling Gangs . . . "Gangs"
- "Leftist indifference to violent crime renders them moral imbeciles, and the blood of innocents is on their hands."
The Repeat Offenders of Criminal Stupidity
- "Centennial Elementary School (CES) in Denver Public Schools (DPS) announced its plans to participate in the 'Black Lives Matter (BLM) at School Week of Action' from Jan. 31-Feb. 4, according to a report from Parents Defending Education (PDE). The school said it will instruct kindergarteners and first graders to be 'transgender affirming' by "recognizing trans-antagonistic violence" and "queer affirming" so "heteronormative thinking no longer exists."
Denver Elementary School To Hold BLM Event Teaching Kindergarteners, First Graders To Disrupt the "Nuclear Family," Recognize "Trans-Antagonistic Violence"
- "Transparency is only bad when the right wants to expose something the left wants to keep hidden."
ACLU Opposing Transparency Laws That Would Expose Stealth CRT Instruction in Schools
- "They are a parasitic class of haters who only pretend to be supporting revolutionary change."
Critical Race Promoters Are More Odious Than Marxists
- "Richard Robinson, a member of the York Suburban School Board, appears to long for the days when 'nobody showed up' to school board meetings." (I wouldn't object if the parents grabbed this jerk and flung him out the door - jjs)
Pennsylvania School Board Member to Parents: "I Don't Work for You"
- "Bill requires transparency in curricula, school funding."
Republicans Pin National Education Battle to Parents' Bill of Rights
- "Anyone paying attention to this group knows the real reason they are organizing After School Satan Clubs and igniting controversies in local communities: They want to destroy Good News Clubs. Good News Clubs are voluntary after-school programs, some of them held at schools, where children can learn about the Bible and Christianity."
"After School Satan Clubs" Are Invading Schools Again. Here's How You Stop Them (It's Not What You Think)
- "With GOP poised to retake power in 2023, immigration agencies seek writers to draft 'responses to congressional inquiries.'"
Biden's Homeland Security Dept Recruiting Journalists To Help Spin Border Crisis
- "While we take no pleasure in this announcement, the ADP Executive Board has decided to formally censure Senator Sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy."
AZ Democrat Party Formally Censures Sen. Sinema
- "It's not only those two. It's 50 Republicans who have been adamant, not only in pushing an anti-democratic agenda, but also opposing our efforts to try to lower the cost of prescription drugs, to expand Medicare to include dental, hearing and eyeglasses, to improve the disastrous situation in home health care, in child care, to address the existential threat of climate change."
Bernie Sanders Tries to Blame Congressional Gridlock On GOP -- But Admits He'd Support a Primary Against Manchin, Sinema
- "Letter from 70 'donors' includes only 19 who gave to Sinema in 2018, investigation finds."
Only 1 Donor Threatening To Cut Off Sinema Over Filibuster Lives in Arizona
- "This is not the first time [back-bencher sub-literate schmuck Mondaire] Jones has called his political opponents white supremacists. In an April Washington Post op-ed, he compared anyone who disagrees with his positions on voting, gerrymandering, and public campaign financing to 1890s racists who 'killed whomever they had to in order to overthrow multiracial state governments.'"
"Squad" Ally Calls Sinema, Manchin "White Nationalists"
- "If you choose to be unquestionably devoted to any political party you have chosen to be a slave."
Democrats' Hypocrisy on Voting Rights Advances the Cause of Political Slavery
* * * * *
- "The voter registration data from Wisconsin suggests that something very peculiar happened in a state pivotal to Biden's gaining the White House."
Did Over 100,000 People Older Than 124 Years Vote in Wisconsin?
- "Our American system functions only if citizens believe in its integrity. That's why it still matters that we reveal the truth about the 2020 election."
It's Still Timely and Necessary to Get the 2020 Election Right
- "This is what America will soon enough become if Biden gets his way."
The Criminalization of Christianity in Finland
- ". . . as we witnessed in the Texas synagogue last weekend, even in the United States, where religious freedom is regularly defended, people of faith continue to face violence and persecution. Sadly, the attack in Colleyville is just one of many examples."
Protecting America's First Freedom
- "Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said Biden's son Hunter, while the elder Biden was serving as both vice president and president, was engaged in deals with individuals tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. He called the Biden family's business dealings 'unprecedented.'"
Schweizer: Biden Family Received "Some $31 Million" From Individuals Linked to "Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence"
- "Senate majority leader blocked sanctions on the Kremlin-backed project."
Companies Linked to Putin's Pipeline Contributed to Cuck Schemer Campaign
- "'Squad' member Jamaal Bowman criticized Republicans last year for disregarding 'Capitol security."
Dem Congressman Arrested After Defying Orders From Capitol Police
- "In Baltimore, crime-tolerant state's attorney Marilyn Mosby seems willing to break the law herself."
A Culture of Corruption
- "The generous subsidy program costs the city treasury up to $1.6 billion a year in property tax revenues, according to the comptroller's office. The median property tax for city homeowners is more than $5,000. . ." Curtis Sliwa: "Jeffries walks around like he's a man of the people. Meanwhile he's ripping people off. It's a ripoff of the taxpayers. He's happy to get this sweetheart deal while screwing the public."
Raging Hypocrite Asshole Hakeem Jeffries Pays Just $200 in Property Taxes Thanks to Sweetheart Subsidy Law
- "In the aftermath of the violent encounter, the then 25-year-old woman threatened she would 'make it worse than 2008,' for Spitzer, when he resigned as governor after it was revealed he was patronizing another prostitute, according to a lengthy text message exchange between the disgraced Democrat and the purported former $5,000-a-night hooker."
"Client 9" Spitzer Used Alias at Hospital Hours After Allegedly Choking Russian Prostitute
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden also scored a new low on another issue. 52% disapprove of his handling of the [Chinese] coronavirus pandemic, while 46% approve."
POLL: Just 20% of Voters "Strongly" Approve of Biden; 60% Would Vote for Someone Else if Next Election Held Today
- "A whopping 61% of respondents said their family's income is falling behind the cost of living, compared to the 30% who say they are about even. Only 7% say their income is going up faster than the cost of living."
Poll: 72% Think the U.S. Is Headed in the "Wrong Direction"
- "I'm perplexed. At some points, I'm angry. I'm trying to see if there is anything redeeming," said George Hart, 73, a professor and faculty adviser to the student chapter of the NAACP at Benedict College, a historically Black institution in Columbia. "I'm just so disillusioned, I don't know what to say. (where the fuck have you been for nearly the past 60 years, asshole?! Stop voting Democrat! - jjs)
Black Democrats in South Carolina Giving Biden Mixed Reviews
- "Harriet Hageman, whom Trump endorsed in September to challenge Cheney in the Republican primary, won the straw poll conducted by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee with 59 votes, the Casper Star-Tribune reported on Saturday. Cheney came in a distant second with six votes."
Trump-Endorsed Candidate Beats Liz-ard Cheney in Wyoming GOP Straw Poll
- "It's not just that Biden is decaying and the Democrats' biggest bills are failing. Instead, the Democrats are suffering an existential collapse."
There's a Reason for the Chaos That Controls Within the Democrat Party
- "It's not looking too bad."
There's Actually a Lot of Good News
- "Rampell went on to suggest that coverage also focused on promoting the fear of issues that were less likely to be 'mortal threats' while downplaying issues that she believed were more serious."
XiNN Guest: Fox News "Invented" Scary Stories About a "Senile President" and CRT "Brainwashing Kids"
- "Advance Democracy activist group 'investigates entities undermining the global consensus on climate change.'"
If You Liked Chinese Covid Censorship, You'll Love The Latest "Climate Change" Censorship Pus
- "While Biden didn't explicitly accuse those who don't support the voting bill of being racists, he did say that their vote would be remembered unfavorably in history, much like the actions of those past figures who didn't support civil rights or an end to slavery."
Politifact Rushes to Biden's Aid After "Bull Connor" Smear Backfires
- What's the difference, Senator?
Kennedy: People Who Voted for Biden Thought They Were Getting the 2nd Coming of Obama; They Got the 2nd Cousin of Bernie Sanders
- "As Justice Clarence Thomas inquired: 'If we were talking about the 2nd Amendment, I know exactly what we're talking about. If we're talking about the 4th Amendment, I know what we're talking about, because it's written. It's there. What specifically is the right here that we're talking about?' That is the issue. That is the only issue. If any hope remains of reining in what has become the unaccountable branch of government, it is that Thomas' view will drive the court's decision and return the issue to the states, where it belongs. Which, all by itself, will be an enormous step back to Constitutional government, the rule of law and sanity."
Roe v. Wade: America's Original Sin
- "The March for Life was brimming with optimism for a reversal of Roe."
March With Overwhelming Hope
- "Apparently, according to the newest scare cartoon from the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, outlawing abortion is a big-government move."
Democrats Target the Big-Government Schemes of . . . the Pro-Life Movement
- "For the Gray Lady, it's only right to cancel the right. But don't dare disrespect a fourth-rate Trump-hating comic!"
The Times Goes to Bat for Kathy Griffin
- "The announcement also follows [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's comments in a press conference Wednesday that suggested America and NATO's response to Putin's actions would 'depend on what [Russia] does.'"
State Dept. Orders US Embassy Families To Evacuate Ukraine Amid Rising Tensions With Russia
- "Criminally incompetent."
Biden Slammed Over Reports He Can't Evacuate U.S. Citizens Out of Ukraine
- "The exercises are set to begin Monday and run through Feb. 4, and will 'demonstrate NATO's ability to integrate the high-end maritime strike capabilities of an aircraft carrier strike group to support the deterrence and defense of the alliance,' Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters."
U.S Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Heads for Mediterranean amid Russia Threats
- "Would Joe Biden consider a coup a 'minor incursion?' It's unknown how many -- if any -- Russian troops would be involved in such a coup. Since it's unlikely the Ukrainian army would lie down and allow Russia to waltz in and take over, any coup attempt is likely to trigger a war."
Could Russian-Backed Diplomats Engineer a Coup in Ukraine?
- "Don't forget about pouty-faced Michelle Obama holding up her sign with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, referring to the young Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists."
Biden Junta Revives Useless Obama-Era Tactic of "Hashtag Diplomacy"
- "A government spokesman declined to comment on the report. Both sides hoped now to organize a meeting by mid-February."
German Chancellor Snubs Biden's Request for Meeting on Ukraine Crisis
- Richard Fernandez: "On paper, the forcible reabsorption of Ukraine is a task beyond the capability of Moscow to sustain . . . it cannot long endure the costs of pacifying Ukraine while matching the inevitable European arms buildup even without more sanctions. Moreover, getting pinned down in Ukraine would make it impossible for Moscow to respond to China's belt and road offensive, which is slowly but inexorably tying the resource-rich former Soviet republics to Beijing's economy."
Is Putin Bluffing in Ukraine?
- Margot Cleveland: "After Wednesday's press conference, the Kremlin likely sees little risk to invading its western neighbor. That's not all."
If Trump Had Greenlighted Russia to Invade Ukraine Like Biden Just Did, He'd Be Accused of Corruption
- If I were Taiwan, I'd be a bit nervous.
Biden Considering Sending Thousands of U.S. Troops, Ships, Aircraft to Eastern Europe
* * * * *
- "Except . . . the 'final status' of Jerusalem was decided some 3000 years ago."
US Ambassador to Israel: "The Biden [Junta] Believes it Must Take Care of the Palestinian People"
- "The U.S. is pushing back against a proposal from the WHO's working group on sustainable financing to increase the annual monetary contribution of member states, which proponents say would strengthen the body's ability to respond to threats, according to Reuters."
REPORT: Biden Junta Follows Trump Lead, Turns Against World Health Organization Funding Proposal
- "If you thought U.N. anti-Israel bias could not get any worse, think again."
The UN's Unprecedented Witch Hunt Against Israel
- "Russia proposed interim agreement with knowledge of U.S. officials."
Biden Junta Withholds Secret Iran Agreement From Congress
- "The dangerous delusions about 'diplomatic engagement.'"
The West Barks, But the Putin Caravan Moves On
- "We can successfully take on our domestic challenges while deterring CCP domination, and in doing so, preserve and strengthen American security and the American way of life -- and we must."
How The United States Needs To Start Deterring China From Taking Over Taiwan
- "As Arabs turn towards Israel and survival, the West continues in the opposite direction."
The Emergence of Arab Zionism?
- "Review: The Twilight Struggle."
Lessons from the Last Cold War
- "American Jews are waking up."
What Did the FBI Agent in Colleyville Mean by His Dismissive Comment?
- " . . . And flies them in by private jet -- at taxpayer expense, of course."
Norway's Government Welcomes the Taliban to Oslo
- "Federal prosecutors' decision to drop the case follows the White House tapping another professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Elisabeth Reynolds, for a senior post on the National Economic Council (NEC).
Biden DOJ Drops Charges Against MIT Scientist Allegedly Working For Chinese Communist Party
- "If marines don't receive either a [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccine or an exemption, they will be discharged." (unless they're trannies or Commies - jjs)
Vax Data: Just 0.06% of Religious Exemption Requests Have Been Granted for U.S. Marines
- What could possibly go wrong?
SAY CHEESE! IRS Will Soon Make Taxpayers Scan Face to Access Taxes Online
- "Gov. Gavin Newsom is living the dream with other people's money."
A Better California Doesn't Require a Big-Government Budget
- "Individual scientists are often well meaning and honest. But they are caught up in a system where conformity is enforced."
The Corruption of Science by Money and Marxism
- "What, exactly, is a 'normal' temperature?"
Boulder Wildfires and Media Gaslighting Over Global Warming
- "Without coal, oil and natural gas, civilization would still be stuck where it was 200 years ago."
Civilization Needs Courageous Warriors, Not Pitiful, Helpless Giants
- "A Chinese satellite was almost destroyed on January 18th when a piece of debris from Russia's November 15th anti-satellite test zipped past at a distance of less than a few hundred yards. Expect more such events in the coming years."
Debris From Russian Anti-Satellite Test Just Misses Chinese Satellite
- "Capitalism in space: The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has signed a $102 million five year contract with SpaceX to study the practicality of using its Starship spacecraft as a method for transporting large cargo point-to-point on Earth."
SpaceX's Starship Gets Air Force Point-to-Point Cargo Study Contract
- "Despite what the half-wits and infantalizers in the mainstream media will tell you, the world needs men to be men. Men do dangerous, heroic things, not just to impress potential mates, but because they need to be done. Men fight fires and wars."
Where the Hell Are the Men?
- "An innocent man disbelieved, mistrusted, his reality twisted: This is a moral scandal."
A Feminist Asks: What if Brett Kavanaugh Were Black? ("authentic" or Clarence Thomas? - jjs)
- "The woes of West Elm Caleb teach us something about how the #MeToo movement can help the dating world and how it can't."
#MeToo Could Kill Hookup Culture If We Let It
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Wokeism's natural logic is to destroy the lives of people of both genders, of all races, and -- if need be -- of those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda."
Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult
- "Scotland illustrates how American-style 'wokeness,' complete with its identity-politics, victim-culture assumptions, and lexicon, has seeped across the Atlantic to Europe."
In Scotland, They'll Take the Woke Road
- "Charlottesville's hasty -- and possibly illegal -- destruction of its Robert E. Lee equestrian statue establishes a toxic precedent."
A Monumental Outrage
- Christian Toto: "Billy Ray and Vice director Adam McKay team for Jan. 6 political thriller." (i.e. agitprop hit piece against PDT - jjs)
J6 Is Hollywood's Attempt to Stop Trump 2.0
- "Not only are media pearl-clutching as much over Djokovic as they did over Peng Shuai, this time they're on the authoritarians' side."
If You're a Tennis Star, Being Unvaxxed is as Scandalous as Being Disappeared by a Communist Government
- "The humanism of a now-defunct elite grew out of its virtuous impurity."
WASPs and the Lost Art of Civic Space
- "Mugler, a dominant force in the fashion industry in the 1980s . . . created high-end, extravagant looks that have been favored by a long list of celebrities."
Iconic Fashion Designer Thierry Mugler Dead at 73
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:13 AM
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