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January 18, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/18/22
Good morning, kids. Tuesday and with all the tyranny, crime, immiseration and threats from within and without our nearly non-existent borders ready to wipe us out, one item this morning just caused me to laugh for an instant, before collapsing into paroxysms of despair.
"I'm a [substitute teacher], and the most important thing we do is take roll, so the school gets paid" the teacher rants. "So, I'm looking at the seating chart as I'm going up and down the rows and marking who's here and who's not. I get to the third row and I hear this 'meow.' Uhhh, excuse me?"
The woman goes on to say that a little girl told her that the teacher needs to meow back because the boy identifies as a cat. The substitute jokingly asked if there was a litterbox in the classroom. The boy then stormed off, and the teacher barked at him.
She ends the video by stating that, when she went to the main office to check out for the day, she was told, "We no longer need your services if you can't identify with all the children in the classroom."
"I told the lady, I said, 'I didn't know cats were considered people. I thought they were pets."
Let me step off of the ledge for a second, take a breath and ponder. Am I being played? Is this complete bullshit/clickbait? Let us assume, for the sake of all of our sanity that it is. The fact that I had my initial reaction to it just underscores the fact that our society and culture have degenerated to such a degree that something I would have dismissed out of hand a few years ago is now within the realm of possibility. And not remotely either.
Two or three generations of children - and counting - year by year have been force fed higher and higher dosages of abject poison, until their brains and their souls were lost to us. Beyond the government, the courts and the bureaucracy, we find ourselves surrounded by far too many people who, as children, guzzled this Kool Aid brewed by fiends from Howard Zinn and Edward Said to Nikole Krylon Klown Hair and Ibram X. Krement. You'll find them behind a cash register, a Fryolator, the operating theater, an airliner cockpit and the C suite -- from Wall Street to Main Street (the bits that were not mostly peacefully looted and burned over the past 18 months) to even the pulpits of our houses of worship, and everywhere in between. Worse than useless pod people, they will denounce you as evil for not wearing a face diaper or getting shot up with Dr. Fauci's Gene-Altering Laudanum, to claiming that there are only two genders.
Meh, too many of these people evidently aren't even working at all.
They say you have to work hard to get ahead, but some are finding that you can work very little and still do pretty well.
On Reddit, the "antiwork" subreddit is now one of the social network's most active and engaged pages, after seeing explosive growth during the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic. It currently has more than 1.6 million users, up from 180,000 in October 2020. People post epic text and e-mail screenshots of quitting their jobs, but the real heroes are so-called "idlers" -- those who stay in jobs doing the absolute minimum to get by while still collecting a paycheck.
"Those who stay in jobs doing the absolute minimum to get by while still collecting a paycheck" are otherwise known as government employees, usually found at the DMV or Postal Service. If only they did the barest of bare minimums at say the IRS or EPA.
She noted that the general idea behind the anti-work movement "is to reduce the coercive element of labor as much as possible by subverting capitalism," and said that those active on the page are mainly far leftists who support Bernie Sanders and AOC, and, often also identify as socialists, communists and/or anarchists. . .
. . . Some fear anti-workers could have far-reaching consequences for the economy. The Financial Times recently reported that Goldman Sachs was fretting that the movement posed a "long-run risk" to labor force participation.
It comes at a time where a record number of workers are quitting, a phenomenon that's been dubbed the Great Resignation. In November, 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.
So, what does the sub getting fired for refusing to meow back at a student have to do with this? Everything. The work ethic, that is, earning a living via hard work - whatever that work may be - is one of the pillars of of our nation and society. It is in many ways an essential component of freedom and independence. NB the reference to Sandersnista and Titty Caca and you'll see what I'm driving at. To them, self-reliance is like showing the cross to Dracula. Remember during the halcyon (by comparison) days of "recovery summer" when Malig-Nancy Pelosi crowed about how being unemployed liberated you from "job lock," so you can be free to pursue your dream to be a poet, painter, toe-dancer or whatever -- while being financed with free money from Uncle Sugar?
Of course, there is no free money. It is a Faustian quid pro quo. Eventually, when you're on the dole, you'll have to pay them back, especially when you waste so much time on your ass that you become unemployable. And then, they own you. Worse still is when corporatist cronies (for a multitude of reasons too extensive to go into right now) ship almost our entire manufacturing sector overseas leaving millions unemployed. Even more "worser-er" still is that as decades pass, skills like welding, carpentry, tool and die making, foundry work, etc. etc. are not taught because those with that priceless knowledge retire and die off and there is no job market to support those skills in the first place.
But work, money, a home and family, upward mobility and individual freedom are damned as evil by the acorns that fell from the poisoned tree of Bill Ayers and his acolytes. If we vest our hopes in just elections, or in a few people like Trump, DeSantis, MTG and a couple others, we've already lost. The rot is so pervasive, dark and deep and goes way beyond just government. There are positive signs out there such as the parents in Virginia, which I should think (and pray) is just the tip of the iceberg. That is where the battle is going to be won or lost. We are going to have to do everything we can to protect the hearts and minds of our children not yet poisoned by the Communists, and try as best we can to reach and win back the hearts and minds of those already in their clutches.
If we don't, you better learn to meow and put your heart into it.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "I told them to go, I threw a chair at the gunman, and I headed for the door," Cytron-Walker said. "And all three of us were able to get out without even a shot being fired."
Rabbi Nailed Terrorist With Chair in Escape From Texas Synagogue
- Lloyd Billingsley: "The FBI, Joe Biden, and willful blindness about Islamic terror."
From Colleyville to Fort Hood
- The ADL is now the Theresienstadt of Potemkin villages.
In Wake of Texas Synagogue Hostage-Taking, Anti-Defamation League Warns Against "Islamophobia"
- "This insistence on pretending that Akram's motives are unknown is troubling but not surprising. So much of this incident doesn't fit the preferred narrative of the political left."
Biden Called Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist, but Won't Speculate on Motive of Malik Faisal Akram
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "The haters will learn what real humanism looks like."
When a Rabbi Like Me Hears About an Attack on Jews
- Robert Spencer: "In light of what he did when he got here, Americans need an answer to those questions, but it is not likely that any will be forthcoming and the Leftist establishment media sycophants certainly cannot be counted on to ask any [junta] officials any probing questions.
Why Was Texas Synagogue Jihadi Allowed Into U.S. Two Weeks Ago Despite "Long Criminal Record?"
- ". . . That's only one of many questions surrounding the Brit's attack on a Texas synagogue, but it's one of the biggest." (he didn't do what he did because he was a Brit, geniuses at the NYP!!! - jjs)
Why Was the Dallas Synagogue Terrorist Allowed Into the US?
* * * * *
- "The Boulder massacre took place less than a year ago. Why is it so difficult to remember?"
Forgetting Jihad
- Julie Kelly: "In a stunning move, defense lawyers now want prosecutors to offer immunity not to their clients but to FBI agents and informants."
More Trouble for the FBI in the Whitmer Kidnapping Case
- "The Constitution and the separation of powers are at stake."
Jeff Clark in His Own Words: Why I Fight to Honor Executive Privilege
- "Antifa had to go out of their way to be offended by the image. It was found on page 110 of a 110-page manual."
Portland Police Training Manual Calls Antifa "Dirty Hippies." The Dirty Hippies Aren't Happy.
- "A new book argues that the country's anger has spiraled out of control."
America's Unruly Temper
- "We are now living Barack Obama's 'fundamentally transformed America.' And we got here by way of a mostly peaceful insurrection that actually happened in early November 2020, not January 6, 2021." (he read my book! - jjs)
A Mostly Peaceful Insurrection
- "It has a very different face today."
Prager U Video: Totalitarianism -- Can It Happen in America?
- "Mask mandates have always been more about showing compliance than keeping people safe, and the CDC's latest embarrassing disclosure further proves it."
CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater
- "The Biden [junta] needs a very big win before November and what could be simpler and easier than simply declaring one?"
The Political Timing of the End of the Pandemic
- "The survey listed a series of potential [Chinese] coronavirus-related actions, gauging support for a series of penalties, including fines, stay at home orders, and designated facilities for the unvaccinated and critics of the vaccines."
Poll: 59 Percent of Democrats Favor Government Confining Unvaccinated Americans to Their Homes
- "The executive order provides parents with the opportunity to decide whether or not to mask their child during school hours. Youngkin's executive order claims that incorrectly wearing a mask -- as many children do -- makes the benefits of masks largely ineffective."
Northern Virginia School Districts Go to War With Youngkin Over Repeal of Mask Mandates
- Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist, tweeted, "Jen, if for some reason you want to mask your children, you are still free to do so. This isn't a ban on masks, this is a ban on *forced masking* of children against other parents' wishes."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Slammed For Cheering On Schools To Ignore Youngkin, Parents Over Masks
- "Apple will also require employees who have yet to confirm their vaccination status or those who are unvaccinated to provide proof of a negative test beginning January 24."
Apple to Require Corporate & Store Employees to Get Chinese COVID-19 Booster
* * * * *
- "World No. 1 and defending champ out of Oz Open."
Novak Djokovic Denied Visa to Australia
- "The left can bloviate about 'civilized society,' but it's safe to say that when your side resorts to cheering on authoritarians, you're probably not the hero."
In Djokovic's Story, Those Cheering for Authoritarians Aren't the Heroes
- "Tablet Magazine's chief technology officer Noam Blum posted images of two posters put up in the Glover Park neighborhood of D.C. One of the posters features Biden with a halo of syringes with the slogan 'Good Kids Are Compliant Kids'. . . SABO's other [Chinese] COVID-related poster features a cranky-looking Alec Baldwin. The red and black poster combines Baldwin's shooting of the cinematographer from his latest movie and the wounding of the director with COVID mandates. The poster says, "Take the shot."
(the ones in DC look like Peoples Cube style - jjs)
Street Artists on Both Coasts Take Aim at Chinese COVID Authoritarianism and the Lefties Can't Cope
- Funny. We've been sounding the same alarm bells -- about both of you.
Fauci Warns World About "Disinformation." Xi Jinping Warns About "Shifting Blame."
- "Austrian student punished despite having an exemption."
9-Year-Old Disabled Boy Forced to Take Exam Outside in Freezing Weather Because He Didn't Wear a Mask
- "[Harvard economist Kenneth] Rogoff added that policymakers at the Federal Reserve must balance the need to cut runaway inflation while avoiding a recession."
"We'll Still Have Inflation" for the Next Two Years, Harvard Economist Warns
- "Yeah because I'm G-d. Yes I did. I'm G-d. I can do it."
Homeless Man Faces Murder Charges for Allegedly Pushing Michelle Go in Front of NYC Subway Train
- "Alvin Bragg vs. law-abiding New Yorkers."
Far-Left Manhattan DA Hands Criminals a Stay-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card
- "'The client of the public schools is not the parent, but the entire community, the public,' the Facebook post pontificated. If you thought that message sounded familiar, perhaps it is because it is similar to what failed-Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said on the 2021 campaign trail."
Michigan Democrat Party Trashes Parental Rights in Education, Then Deletes Post and Backtracks
- "Asking for and getting empty apologies has proven to be utterly useless. Symbolic acts, such as passing laws or issuing executive orders banning the teaching of critical race theory, don't accomplish anything. As long as the advocates of sex in the classroom and anti-white racism are working in the schools, they will always find a way to get around these laws or edicts. School boards that do bad stuff have to have their funds cut off entirely, immediately, and without mercy. Teachers and principals who teach their kids to hate whites need to be fired, now. Bad partisan organizations like the NSBA need to be rejected, forcefully."
Pushback: For Calling Parents "Terrorists," National School Board Association Facing "Collapse"
- "The only intersectionality in today's world is a struggle between civilized people of all races and depraved violent savages of all races."
Does CUNY's Professional Union Enable Terrorism?
- "Professor slams 'abhorrent' law that keeps members from leaving union."
CUNY Professors Sue to Break With Anti-Semitic Union
- "Campus MLK Day celebrates radical violence."
King's Woke Usurpers
- "The last thing children need is to be told they and their classmates are either oppressors or oppressed based simply on the color of their skin."
Crackpot Disg-Race Theory: Wrong for K-12 Education
- "The woman goes on to say that a little girl told her that the teacher needs to meow back because the boy identifies as a cat. The substitute jokingly asked if there was a litterbox in the classroom. The boy then stormed off, and the teacher barked at him."
Substitute Teacher Claims She Was Fired for Not Meowing Back at Student Who Identifies as Feline
- "We have concluded that a properly regulated legal immigration system is in the national interest. Immigration is not a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to anyone in the world who thinks they want to come to the United States. Immigration is a privilege granted by the people of the United States to those we choose to admit. We are a country of laws . . . we disagree with those who would label any effort to control illegal immigration as somehow inherently anti-immigrant. Unlawful immigration is not acceptable. The commission finds no national interest in continuing to import lesser-skilled and unskilled workers in the most vulnerable parts of our labor force."
Civil Rights Icon Barbara Jordan's Legacy, 26 Years Later: Protecting Americans from Mass Immigration
- Robert Spencer: "The Party of Hate does what it does best."
Biden's Voting Rights Speech: The Same Old Democrat Race Demagoguery
- "The two bills will fail as they require 60 votes to pass through the Senate. From there, Schumer will attempt to pass the bills by bypassing the filibuster rule. However, bypassing the filibuster rule would require buy-in from all 50 Senate Democrats, and Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have consistently rebuked efforts to nuke the filibuster."
Senate Democrats to Push Voting Rights Bills by Trying to Break Filibuster
- "Sane people know that every last measure inside the Democrat's voting bill is an attempt to codify corruption."
The Democrats Embrace Voter Intimidation
- The unmitigated gall of these bastards, after brazenly stealing the 2020 election, as well as two or three senate seats is just beyond belief.
Democrats Whip Up Fear of "Subversion" of Midterms
- Oh please, go choke on the flaming, diseased phallus of Pazuzu already.
"Tears In Their Eyes!": Malig-Nancy Pelosi Goes Ballistic Over Opposition to Filibuster Change, Dems' Voting Agenda
* * * * *
- Margot Cleveland: "This video provides yet another example of the widespread violations of election law during the last presidential election."
Video Shows Pennsylvania Official Admitting Election Laws Were Broken In 2020
- "Americans worry about the level of violence and discrimination against religion and religious rights in the 'woke' era."
I&I/TIPP Poll: Is Religion Under Attack? A Majority Say Yes
- "Justice delayed is justice denied: Jack Phillips has 'now been in courts defending his freedom nearly a decade.'"
LGBT Activists Have Been Using Courts to Harass This Christian Baker for Ten Years
- "Kurt Campbell revised financial disclosure on eve of wife's Senate confirmation hearing."
Biden's Asia Czar Failed to Disclose Speech Payments From Pro-China Investment Firm
- Former palace guard Paul Page said that Maxwell first became a regular visitor in 2001. "From the way she was allowed to enter and exit the palace at will, we realized . . . suspected, that she may have had an intimate relationship with Prince Andrew," Page told the documentary. "A colleague of mine remembered her coming in four times in one day from the morning till the evening -- she kept coming in and out, in and out."
Upcoming Documentary Says Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew Were Dating While He Was Allegedly Having Sex With Epstein Accuser
- "Good luck in the midterms!"
Democrats in Decline: Poll Finds 14 Point Swing in Party ID Since Biden Took Office
- "His ineptitude is causing a great deal of weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Democrats Bemoan Biden Failures
- "Begala made the remarks in response to comments from Arndrea Waters King, daughter-in-law to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who suggested to Politico that Biden was not putting the 'same power and passion' behind voting rights that he did in getting the infrastructure bill passed." (way to go Begala; insult and demean your base - jjs)
XiNN Democrat Strategist "Forehead" Begala: Democrats Don't Have "Bad Leaders, They Have Bad Followers"
- "Even Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's death did."
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden's Crazy Claim About MLK's Assassination
- "Is it possible that deep inside the Joe Biden [junta] there is a conspiracy of cunning manipulators at the very center of the Deep State determined to completely discredit our current ruling class?"
Joey 2022: The Worse the Better
- "Until we find political leaders who appreciate the vitality of the political heritage they have repudiated or ignored, the politics of "systematic organization of hatreds" is all we will see."
The Sorry Remnant of Joseph Biden
- Conrad Black: "The media cheerleaders are taking to the boats as Biden's approval numbers sink."
Who Will Follow Biden Into No Man's Land?
- Mostly in the basement playing Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, Candyland, Operation, and Go to the Head of the Class . . .
Joe Biden Spent a Quarter of His First Year as So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" in Delaware
- "A wide variety of little-publicized polls do show deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs young U.S. graduates seek. This opposition is growing, anti-establishment, multiracial, cross-sex, non-racist, class-based, bipartisan, rational, persistent, and recognizes the solidarity that Americans owe to one another."
Report: Black Americans Fleeing Democrat-Controlled New York, California
- "Shut the fuck up!"
Fan Heckles NYC Mayor Eric Adams at Madison Square Garden
- "OAN will continue to be provided through Verizon FiOS and various other smaller national pay-TV providers, including KlowdTV and Vidgo, per its website."
CNN Parent Company AT&T to Remove One America News Network From Lineup
- "Is no one in the national media concerned about the very scary brush with anti-semitism that occurred on [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's watch this weekend?"
Why Aren't Corporate Media Concerned About Rising Antisemitism in the Biden Era?
- "The Catholic bishops of New Jersey also issued a statement condemning New Jersey's Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, 'which codifies into state law an individual's right to an abortion, including late-term abortions.'"
Catholic Bishop to Pro-Abortion NJ Gov: "You Have Bowed to the Culture of Death"
- "The slow pace of births is causing the Chinese population to 'age' rapidly. The new data release showed 18.9 percent of the population is now 60 or older, while only 63 percent is 'working age,' meaning 18 to 59. As with many other industrialized nations, including the United States, China faces a declining number of workers paying benefits for a growing number of retirees." {good; now do jihad-loving Muslims - jjs)
China Records Lowest Birth Rate in Modern History in 2021
- "We have information that they've pre-positioned a group of operatives, to conduct what we call a false flag operation."
Video: Biden Junta Says Russia is Going to Carry Out a False Flag Attack on Itself to Justify Invading Ukraine (sort of like what the FBI did on January 6, '21? - jjs)
- "Yet another area where Biden weakness is leading to disaster."
Is Putin Bluffing With Threats of War
- "State Department stonewalling info about U.S. funding for terrorists."
Watchdog Sues Biden Junta Over Funding for Palestinian Government
- "Beijing's whole approach to the outside world is 'we win, you lose."'
Xi Jinping WIns the Chutzpah Award for 2022 With Call for International Cooperation
- "'Of all the things that I care about, yes, it is below my line,' says Biden-tied Chamath Palihapitiya."
Dem Megadonor: I Don't Care About the Uyghurs
- "Two people drowned by high waves in Peru after eruption."
Death Toll on Tonga Remains Unknown After Tsumani Wipes Out Internet
- "A Marines spokesman told the American Military News that this is the first time in 10 years that the branch granted a religious exemption for a vaccine."
Marine Corps Issues Two First-of-a-Kind Religious Vaccine Exemptions
- "Meanwhile, 1-million expired [Chinese] COVID tests sitting in a Florida warehouse get FDA approval for use."
After 70 Years, FDA Dumps Rules Regulating French Dressing
- "Law would 'prevent or limit motor vehicle operation,' give law enforcement access."
Bill Would Give U.S. Government "Kill Switch" in All New Cars
- "A proposed New York State evictions bill would lead to bad consequences for rental-property owners and tenants alike."
The War on Landlords Continues
- "Capitalism in space: Stratolaunch today successfully completed the third test flight of its giant Roc airplane, now being optimized to provide a test bed for launching hypersonic test vehicles."
Stratolauch's Giant Roc Airplane Makes Third Test Flight
- "After studying more than 200 samples from ISS brought back to Russia, researchers have identified more than 20 types of microorganisms that make their home on ISS, including some pathogens and fungi."
Russian Researchers: ISS Home to More Than 20 Types of Microorganisms
- "As in the ancient Roman state, mutilation is being sacralized, and the practice incorporated into civic worship."
The Trans Sect Is a State-Sponsored Religious Cult
- "American Express pledged a whopping $1 billion to advance 'social justice,' yet the company is trying to hide some of those supposed racial justice efforts from the light of day."
Why is American Express Blocking an Audit of Its Race-Based Staff Training?
- Robert Spencer: "Flying and double standards."
American Airlines: Black Lives Matter Yes, 'Let's Go Brandon' No
- Christian Toto: "Singer on Biden protest song: If Trump were president, 'I'd write the same song.'"
Ondrasik on YouTube Cancellation: Why Didn't Rolling Stone Defend Me?
- "Emery's career spanned over 50 years and saw an induction into the 1989 Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Fame, as well as an induction into the 2007 Country Music Hall of Fame, according to the Country Music Association."
Country Music Broadcaster Ralph Emery, the "Dick Clark Ooff Country Music," Dies at 88
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:36 AM
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