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December 23, 2021
The Morning Report - 12/23/21
Good morning, kids. Thursday and in the depths of all the insanity, a little bit of schadenfreude is good for the soul. Not one but two - count 'em two! - leftist fools got mugged by reality. Literally.
Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) was carjacked at gunpoint in Philadelphia and was left unharmed on Wednesday, her office said in a statement.
Philadelphia Police said the incident occurred at 2:45 P.M. EST on the 1900 block of Pattison Avenue in FDR Park following a tour which included fellow Congress members. . .
. . . Scanlon, represents Pennsylvania's 5th Congressional District, which includes a part of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney (D) said of the carjacking: "It's disheartening, and quite frankly infuriating, that criminals feel emboldened to commit such a reckless crime in the middle of the day in what should be a place of tranquility and peace-one of Philadelphia's beautiful parks. My thoughts are with her during what I'm sure is a traumatic time."
It is to laugh. Philadelphia and every other major Democrat-controlled metropolitan area have made it priority number one to abolish police forces and to decriminalize crime itself. And this bloated turd has the temerity to utter a statement like that? Yes, I'm sure his thoughts are with Scanlon but what about the citizens of Philly who have been shot, stabbed, raped looted and pillaged for the past two years? G-d help me for saying this, I have two very dear friends who live in Center City and, bless their hearts, liberal as the day is long, but I have very little sympathy for them since year after miserable year, they vote for schmucks like Jim Kenney, as well as Tom Wolf, Joey Softserve and all the rest, unfailingly, unflinchingly and uncritically.
Okay, I get it; you've been brainwashed into believing Democrat = good and Republican = evil. But for fuck's sake, can you pause just for one moment and turn off your reflexes and engage in critical thinking, employ logic and look at the actual policies that the people you vote for implement? I guess that's asking too much, all things considered. Ironically enough, and even more infuriating, the "marginalized communities" and "communities of color" that supposedly are oppressed and persecuted because of white supremacist policing and the criminal justice system wind up with the highest body counts and casualty rates as a result of embracing the BLM line to defund the police. I doubt very much that Jim Kenney's thoughts are with those folks during what has been a traumatic time. A time that has lasted since we "built back better" in 1965 with the Great Society/War on Poverty.
But wait! There's more!
Illinois Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford (D) and her husband were victims of a carjacking Tuesday evening in suburban Broadview. Law enforcement said that the carjackers sped off the scene in Lightford's vehicle along with the Durango.
Lightford has yet to issue a statement on the matter.
You mean she didn't crib a page from the LoPecia Pressley playbook and blame "white supremacy" for being forced out of her car with a jammie shoved in her face? I have to say that my give-a-shit-ometer is not registering, but my funnybone status is at full tickle. Will Scanlon, Lightford, and every other fool who believes this racialist commie poison ever deprogram themselves long enough to put two and two together in a non-woke math way to arrive at four? Doubtful. For what they and their ilk have done to this nation and the constituents whose only value to them is when they are dead to be used to further sow discord and hatred, there isn't a trauma too severe to haunt their accursed and poisoned souls for all eternity.
And that brings up the point that CBD and I discussed in our latest CJN Speaks! podcast, our traditional, ingrained sympathy, respect and fealty to law enforcement and a criminal justice system that since the coming of Trump (and really many years before that) has been shown to not only be corrupt, but given today's political climate, will follow orders that put our inalienable rights in jeopardy. And that piggybacks with my editorial from yesterday wherein our military leadership is openly threatening a coup should the 2022 and 2024 elections not go the way they want them; that is, maintaining the actual coup that overthrew the 2020 election.
In a recent Washington Post op-ed, three retired generals, Paul Eaton, Antonio Taguba, and Steven Anderson warn of a supposedly impending coup should Donald Trump be elected in 2024.
The column seemed strangely timed to coincide with a storm of recent Democratic talking points that a reelected Trump, or even a Republican sweep of the 2022 midterms, would spell a virtual end of democracy. Ironies abound . . .
. . . The three retired generals say nothing about the Russia collusion hoax in which Obama Administration officials at the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the CIA helped to seed a fake dossier -- paid for by candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign. Ex-British intelligence operative Christopher Steele's made-up opposition research was designed first to derail Trump's campaign, then to disable his transition and finally sabotage his presidency. All that seems rather coup-like.
In truth, coups were regularly discussed during the last four years -- but only in the context of a by-any-means-necessary way of deposing Donald Trump extralegally before his term ran out . . .
. . . The officers published in the Washington Post are clueless as to why the military is now suffering its most dismal public approval ratings of the modern era -- with only 45 percent of the public registering trust and confidence in their armed forces.
The nation is clearly not blaming the courageous soldiers in the enlisted ranks. But it has had enough of the Pentagon's loud top brass who seem more interested in stirring up political divisions at home than adopting winning strategies in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, or deterring China and Russia.
The officer corps too often broadcasts its woke credentials, calibrated for career advancement. Top-ranking officers upon retirement too predictably head for corporate defense contractor boards and procurement lobbying firms.
To restore the military's reputation, officers should eschew politics to focus on restoring strategic deterrence and military readiness. They should keep clear of divisive domestic issues. They should stop virtue signaling to the media and influential members of Congress.
I truly admire Victor Davis Hanson but that last paragraph is really clueless. Barack Obama may be a jug-eared idiot who Rush Limbaugh of blessed memory rightly described as "the least qualified person in any room he enters," but his purging of the military of actual competent leadership who would obey their oaths to uphold the Constitution and replace them with true believers in Class A drag festooned with fruit salad was brilliant if not evil.
Every bastion of pro-Americanism in our society has been or is well on the way to being thoroughly corrupted. The last and most important one that could have possibly saved us from complete enslavement was the US military. We know where the flag officer corps stands. The question is, whither the rank and file servicemen? When the shit hits the fan - not if - will they too "just follow orders?"
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Michael Walsh: "Here's the American version of Pravda 'debunking' the very thing that Klaus Schwab and others are advocating -- who are you going to believe: Pravda or Schwab's lying lips?"
Merry Christmas from the Great Resetters
- "When will Attorney General Merrick Garland act on Judge Lamberth's referral for a civil rights investigation?"
The Men Behind the Wire: Voices From the DC Jail
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Military officers should quit all their coup porn talk -- either to remove a president they don't like, or to project their own reckless, insurrectionary behavior onto their political opponents. (VDH lays out the facts but gets Pollyanna-ish at the end - jjs)
Please -- Stop the Coup Porn
- "No matter what happens with the Democrats' kangaroo trial -- and it probably won't go well for them -- they'll most likely still be screaming 'INSURRECTION!!!!' right up until election day next year. Again, it's all they've got."
Democrats Want Jan. 6 to Be a Holy Day for Their Dark Church
- "An additional block was placed on the mandate by a federal judge in Georgia earlier this month."
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate in 10 States
- Roberts rules, "it's a tax, it's a sex!"
Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Two Biden Vaccine Mandates January 7
- "The Biden [junta] originally imposed the travel restrictions on November 26."
Biden: Junta "Considering" Lifting African Travel Ban Amid Omicron Concerns
- ". . . I wish that he would go further to restrict the activities of the unvaccinated because they are the ones who are still spreading [Chinese] COVID and prolonging the pandemic for all of us."
CNN Medical Analyst and Baby-Killing Enthusiast Wen: Biden Should "Go Further to Restrict the Activities of the Unvaccinated"
- "I can't be part of this."
Private E-Mails Reveal Dr. Birx Balked at Trump Pressers Over Herd Immunity
- 1- Steal patent for Ivermectin. 2 - Jack up price. 3 - ??? 4 - Profit!
FDA Authorizes New Pfizer Chinese COVID Treatment Pill
- "In fact, the highly contagious new variant seems to have devolved to the point that it no longer impacts smell or taste and behaves very much like a common cold."
California Will Now Require Chinese COVID Booster Shot for Healthcare Workers
- "How seriously should we take Collins at this point? This interview followed his cringeworthy farewell to the National Institutes of Health with a pandemic version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Make your own assessment."
NIH Director Clings to the Tired Chinese COVID Narrative as He Prepares to Exit Stage Left
- "The first vaccine that people had to be cajoled by cute pop star videos to get."
Jonas Brothers and Biden Make Cringy Pro-Vax Video
- "Government public health leaders were so wed to their chosen mitigation strategies that they launched a coordinated smear campaign to end the debate. Ultimately, their policies saved no one and harmed people in ways we may not fully understand for decades to come."
Dr. Fauci, Biden Junta Begin to Pivot on Chinese COVID Narrative Amid Increasing Criticism
* * * * *
- "More than 10,000 requests from across the Total Force have been received, of which approximately 2,100 have been disapproved due to military readiness considerations."
US Air Force Denies Over 2,100 Religious Exemption Requests From Vaccine Requirement
- "So far, there has only been one confirmed death in the United States from the Omicron variant." (if you can believe it - jjs)
STUDY: Omicron Variant is 80% Less Likely to Cause Hospitalization Than Previous Strains
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Look at the number of [Chinese] COVID outbreaks among fully vaccinated groups..."
Is Chinese COVID Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?
- "Califf has a history of greater solicitude towards pharmaceutical corporations than toward Americans."
Robert Califf, Joe Biden's Nomination to Head the FDA, is Tied to Big Pharma
- "Communist China risibly claims to have ended the pandemic within its borders over a year ago -- all of its [Chinese] coronavirus outbreaks since then were supposedly caused by visiting foreigners, including the one that currently has 13 million people under lockdown in the city of Xi'an."
China: Pandemic Won't End in 2022
- "Lies, damn lies and statistics."
SCANDAL in Germany Over Scapegoating of Unjabbed
- "Corporate America inspired the Right's new economy; they just don't know it."
Born of Necessity
- "The young should think twice before joining the so-called no-work movement."
Idle Now, Pay Later
- "Beyond pet food, American consumers are witnessing tremendous inflation in grocery items. Meat, poultry, and fish prices have risen 13.1% since November 2020, while milk and produce prices are up 4.6% and 4%, respectively."
A Dog-Eat-Dog Economy: Pet Food Shortage Hits United States
- She'll probably blame herself and her being caucasian.
House Democrat Mary Gay Scanlon Carjacked at Gunpoint in Philadelphia
- See above. Except she's a black caucasian. I'm so confused . . .
Illinois Democrat Senate Leader Kimberly Lightford Gets Carjacked
- "The state's residents deserve better than to be trapped in the lawless world that ineffectual criminal justice reform has spawned."
California's Zero-Bail Policies Have Been a Deadly Failure
- "In a bizarre email exchange with the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, James Kraus, who acted as part of the prosecution team in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, wrote that he and prosecutor Thomas Binger are not -- I repeat, NOT -- having a homosexual affair."
Kenosha Prosecutor From Rittenhouse Case Wants the Public to Know He's Not Gay
- "Florence wouldn't say who owns the drugs that were wrapped around his business, but he assured cops they were not his."
Florida Man Found With Drugs Taped to His Privates, Claims They Aren't His
- "A disaster for students and good teachers alike."
It's Time to Abolish the Teachers Unions
- "Rep. Elaine Luria's district swung for anti-CRT Glenn Youngkin."
Swing District Dem Calls Opposition to Crackpot Disg-Race Theory a "Racist Dog Whistle"
- "Baker is a professor in the Department of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, according to the university's website. His expertise and areas of interest include, 'Economics of Education,' 'Charter Schools' and 'Funding Inequalities.'" (in other words, he's a dribbling sub-moron know-nothing, and raging hypocrite - jjs)
Rutgers Professor Who Compares School Choice To Child Brides Sent His Kids To Private School
- "Xiyue Wang says the university acted to protect their relationship with Tehran."
Historian Says Princeton Left Him to "Rot" in Iranian Prison
- "The question of American identity and citizenship has always been complex."
Between Creed and Clan
- Send them to Chappaqua.
Haitian Border-Crossers Suing Biden for 'Abusive' and 'Discriminatory' Treatment
- "The American people have witnessed too many chaotic scenes at the border, and they know who caused it."
Abbott Safeguarding America Because Biden Won't
- "In law school, every lawyer learned that a contract cannot contradict an established public policy. Congress said the election records that ERIC is hiding are public. It's time for ERIC to get back to doing what it is supposed to do -- help states do what they cannot do alone and find and remove dead and duplicate registrants across state lines."
Care About Election Integrity? Let Me Introduce You to ERIC.
- "Meghan Urisko, who has worked at the Facebook founder's philanthropic group since May 2021, identifies herself as a member of the communist-aligned group's Steering Committee on her LinkedIn profile. While it is unclear whether Urisko still holds the leadership position within the DSA, she appears to be an active member of the group while working as a Senior User Experience Researcher for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative."
Zuckerberg's Election Rigging Group Hires Far-Left Democratic Socialists of America "Steering Committee" Member
- "[Cuomo with tits] Hochul has chosen to ignore the voters' will. The day before Thanksgiving, she signed a law to gut the work of the bipartisan, voter-approved redistricting commission and let simple majorities of the Democratic-controlled Legislature approve new redistricting lines. Meanwhile, New York City Council Democrats moved to let hundreds of thousands of non-citizens vote in citywide elections, cancelling out the votes of US citizens."
Politicians Looking to End-Run NY Voters Demand for Clean Elections
- "As the saying goes, the wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine."
Hmm -- Is Durham Planning to Charge Team Hillary?
- "It is our expectation that Florida State University will not permit MESA to operate a boycott of Israel through a public institution, will not accept the academic boycott of Israel, and will not allow university funds to be paid indirectly or directly to any organization that endorses BDS. The same goes for any other institution that receives state funding."
DeSantis Office: Florida Opposes Middle East Studies Association Conducting BDS Anti-Israel Academic Boycott Through FSU Or "Any Other Institution That Receives State Funding"
- "Two recent decisions in federal courts demonstrate the positive difference these law firms can make in protecting the rights of individuals, churches, church-schools, and other faith-based institutions."
Religious Freedom Bolstered by Recent Federal Court Decisions
- "Analysis: The Omicron variant doesn't care about your quirky selfies."
California Dems Sip Champagne, Violate State Mask Mandate While Celebrating Successful Gerrymander
- I'm sure Joe Manchin is on the verge of suicide because he's denied the honor and privilege of gazing upon a buffoon's semen-stained donkey teeth.
Titty Caca AOC Posts Photo of Her "Glaring" at Joe Manchin: Not "Obligated" to Smile at People Doing "Hurtful Things"
- "If these new polling numbers are right, even if they're just sort of right, this is the end of the Democratic Party as a governing majority."
Tucker Carlson: "This is the End of the Democratic Party"
- "When he entered office, Biden promised to be a unifier. After what we've seen this year, it's undeniable he's only been a divider."
Fake Unifier-In-Chief Ends First Year In Office The Same Way He Began
- I think the Klain/Kalorama Klown Komintern has other plans.
Biden Says He Will Run for Reelection if He "Is in Good Health"
- "A map approved Wednesday by the New Jersey Congressional Redistricting Commission creates a tough road to re-election for Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski while shoring up the districts of three other Democrats." (insert large Nelson Muntz laugh here; and Malinowski is a real piece of shit - jjs)
New Jersey's New Congressional Map Locks Out One Democrat
- "Nature abhors a moron."
Sen. John Kennedy Addresses Actions of Sen. Cuck Schemer
- "Laxalt and Walker are both favored to win their Republican primary races, according to current fundraising and polling numbers."
GOP Poll: Republicans Adam Laxalt, Herschel Walker Leading Democrat Opponents in Senate Battlegrounds
- "Clearly, Democrats have been slow to learn them."
The Lessons of History
- "When progressives say 'democracy,' they don't mean what you think it means." (and, we're supposed to be a republic, not a democracy - jjs)
Our Potemkin Democracy
- "Not all 'no' votes are created equal."
To the MSM, John McCain Was a Maverick. Joe Manchin Is an Obstacle.
- "The Chinese call it 'kowtowing' -- to 'kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom.' Whatever you call it, it's anti-American and sickening."
Amazon Is Deleting Negative Reviews of President Xi's Book on Orders From the Chinese Government
- Daniel Greenfield: "Would you pay 6 bucks a month to watch CNN?"
The Last Days of CNN
- "As of December 1, Joe Biden has done just 18 media interviews in the entire year, while Donald Trump had already done 89 at the same point in his presidency."
Press Records Show Joe Biden is the Least Accessible So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" in Modern History
- Robert Spencer: "It is noteworthy also that the Post saw fit to highlight, out of 65,000 pages of surveys, racist and sexist remarks, rather than material that might have provided insight into the challenges that the men who won World War II faced and the difficulties they overcame."
Washington Post Discovers World War II-Era Survey, Cancels the Greatest Generation
- "What is it with CNN's on-air talent acting like the lamest characters out of The Godfather? First, it was Chris "Fredo" Cuomo, and now we have Cillizza whining like crybaby Johnny Fontane."
YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN! XiNN's Chris Cillizza Melts Down Over Omicron
- "Twitter blue checks across the Northeast are utterly divorced from the reality of pandemic life in the rest of the country."
The Corporate Media Freakout Over the Omicron Variant Isn't Normal, It's Psychotic
- "For decades the left has been immune from punishment, and so like all bullies now takes full advantage of that immunity. Until we as a society cry "Enough!" and make these jack-booted thugs pay for their actions, they will remain empowered and will continue to escalate their oppressive ways."
Today's Blacklisted American: College Football Coach Fired for Putting Up Handwritten Sigh Saying "All Lives Matter"
- "Leana Wen, who was Planned Parenthood's top CEO until 2019, had a salary of more than $1.2 million during her brief stint at the organization, the report said."
Five Planned Parenthood CEOs Make Over $500,000: Report
- "We will take appropriate military-technical measures in response."
Putin Beats the War Drums in Worrying Speech
- "I think it was completely on purpose. There were a lot of people gathered on the pavement at the point at which he decided to mount the pavement -- you could hear the glass smashing and the women screaming. I heard wheels spin and he went from car to car."
Eyewitness Describes Truck Ramming Into Pedestrians, Cars at Dublin Airport
- "The Obama administration withdrew the last of U.S. armor from Europe in October of 2013. NATO works when the U.S. leads, and the absence of U.S. Armor meant that no meaningful NATO ground response to the early 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea."
Biden, Trump, NATO and Ukraine
- "Artist says "Hong Kong has become a brutal place without laws." (just like the former USA - jjs)
Tiananmen Massacre Statue Removed
- "American businesses routinely seek to benefit from China's large and rapidly growing consumer economy -- even if it means acquiescing to the Chinese Communist Party's narratives."
World Bank Slashes China Economic Growth Forecasts, Suggests New Free Market Reforms
- Robert Spencer: "Biden's handlers are playing an extremely dangerous game; let's hope for the sake of all of us that it doesn't blow up in their faces." (if it were only limited to their faces, I wouldn't be so alarmed - jjs)
Biden's State Department Paving the Way for Iran to Get Nukes, Blames Trump
- "Bipartisan coalition presses Biden admin to hold terror groups accountable."
Biden Junta Ignores Law To Sanction Hamas and Hezbollah for Civilian Shield Use, Lawmakers Say
- Arab-Islamist party's leader Mansour Abbas: "Israel was born a Jewish state, . . . it was born this way and it will remain this way."
Top Israeli Arab Party Leader Says Israel "Will Remain" a Jewish State
- "Being healed by the people you want to kill."
After 20 Years of Blindness, a Nazareth Arab Gets Her Sight Restored by Israeli Doctors
- ". . . Biden's handlers are once again pandering to the jihadis. No good ever came out of that approach, and no good will come out of it now. Count on the Biden administration to embrace failure, as it has in every single arena since it came into power."
Biden's Handlers Risk Escalating Israel/Palestinian Conflict in Their Haste to Stick It to Trump
- "It's infecting governments all over the world."
Javier Milei v. the Socialism Pandemic
- "Enabling Hinduphobia under the guise of protecting Islam."
Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's Anti-Islamophobia Bill Will Target India and Hindus Worldwide
- "The U.S. military is at a crossroads. Its leadership must validate the trust and respect that has been afforded to it by the public, or risk watching that respect evaporate." (Obama put literal "poison fruits" in its leadership to destroy the military except in its ability to subjugate the American citizenry - jjs)
The Poison Fruits of Identity Politics in the Military
- "A professor is canceled for questioning the concept of Islamophobia."
"Intellectual Terrorism" in France
- Raymond Ibrahim: ". . .this is precisely why the Christian priest is so reviled by some Muslims: as he frequently laments, everything he discusses 'is from your books -- the Koran, hadith, sira, and tafsir! The things you get angry at me for saying were first said or done by your prophet -- or so you teach. I'm just the messenger!'"
A Profanity Laced Islamic Tirade
- "A large explosion was reported at an Exxon/Mobile refinery in Baytown, Texas after what local sheriff's deputies called 'a major industrial accident.'" (yeah, the eco-terrorists seem to have a lot of accidents - jjs)
Huge Explosion at Exxon Refinery in Texas Leaves Several Injured
- "The report prepared by Paul, who is chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee's Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight, divided the government's "wasteful spending" in 2021 into subcategories, which included [Chinese] COVID-19 expenditures, Afghanistan and other miscellaneous spending."
Rand Paul Announces "Festivus Report" Found $52,598,515,585 In Government Waste
- "Mount Sinai embraces ideologically charged DEI programs in medicine."
A Blueprint for Woke Medicine
- "Is climate religion worth the destruction of our society?" (substitute "Islam" for "climate religion" and you'll get the picture - jjs)
Can a Struggling America Afford Costly Climate Hysteria?
- "The uncertainty of science: Astronomers today announced that they think they have detected from 70 to 170 exoplanets in a nearby star-forming region that are apparently free-floating, unattached to any star or solar system."
Astronomers Detect 70 to 170 Free-Floating Exoplanets
- "The sense is one of helpless panic among astronomers who want to use Webb. They know it will do really cutting edge science, but they also know that many things can go wrong, and the history of the telescope (ten years late and 20x over budget) will likely make replacing it impossible."
ESA Delays Webb Launch One Day Due to Weather
- "The $10 billion, 21-foot telescope features a massive umbrella-like sun shield. It also boasts 15 times the range of motion and six times the light-gathering capability of the Hubble Space Telescope -- NASA's next best instrument for peering deep into space and far back in time."
NASA To Launch Telescope Stronger Than Hubble That Can See Back In Time
- "Much of what groups like this do involves publishing information that fits their agendas. This is normal, understandable, and sometimes even noble. But it isn't objective information."
NBC News Acts as Megaphone for Child Sex Change Advocacy Group
- "The Downtown Hope Center sued the city in 2018 when officials sought legal retribution against the charity over its refusal to allow an inebriated and injured biological man who identified as a woman to sleep at its facility alongside homeless women. The shelter referred the man to a hospital instead where he was sent in a taxi paid for by the group."
Judge Rules Anchorage Women's Shelter is Allowed to Remain a Women's Shelter
- Molly McCaughey: "Truth is, if students are to be educated, rather than indoctrinated, parents will have to stand up to the transgender militants. No one else has the nerve."
How Public Schools Brainwash Your Kids With Harmful Transgender Ideology
- "Corporations including woke Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Bridgestone, and Visa are proudly listed as some of China's collaborators for the coming international games, even as China continues to enslave its minority Uyghur population in forced labor camps."
The Multi-National Corporations Sponsoring China's Genocide Olympics
- "West Virginia, it should be noted, boasts a higher literacy rate than liberal bastions of California, New Jersey, and New York."
The Coastal Elites Prove Their Ignorance About West Virginians
- ". . . Admit to attempting to inject left wing political messages into new movie."
Woke Matrix Scriptwriters Complain About the Phrase "Red Pilled" Being "Kidnapped By Right Wingers"
- "Wokeness is divisive, exclusionary and hateful, wants to make comedy illegal."
Elon Musk Hits "Woke Mind Virus"
- "A reflection on what G-d said at the beginning of human history."
Faith and Fertility vs. Plague of the Century
- "The film A Journal For Jordan, which stars Michael B. Jordan as an Iraq war veteran, was based on the life of real Army Sergeant Charles Monroe King, who was killed in action in 2006."
Denzel Washington Says He Wanted To "Please G-d" With New Movie
- Christian Toto: "Garth Jennings reveals how the U2 superstar finally found his [animated] voice."
Sing 2 Director Shares Why Bono Almost Passed on Musical Sequel
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:54 AM
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