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November 22, 2021
The Morning Report - 11/22/21
Good morning, kids. Monday and the big story which broke yesterday afternoon was a possible terror attack when a sicko plowed his SUV through the crowd at a Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas parade. As of this morning, five have been reported dead and 40 have been injured including 12 children. Waukesha is a suburb of Milwaukee, and is only about an hour's drive from Kenosha. Considering the events of last week in that town, the connection is perhaps obvious.
On November 21, 2021, at 4:15pm, the residents of the quiet Milwaukee suburb, Waukesha, Wisconsin, was enjoying their annual Christmas parade. Local politicians, high school and grammar school marching bands and dance groups, were walking down their main thoroughfare in celebration of the beginning of the Christmas season, when, without warning, a criminal drove a red Ford Escape through the crowd, barreling along, blowing his horn, hitting countless innocents from behind. Dozens of adults and small children alike were rushed to local hospitals; the number dead on the scene has not been released, as of this writing.
Unbelievable. Unforgivable. Inexplicable horror.
The alleged perpetrator is known; the motive, however, is in doubt. Darrell Brooks, a 38-year-old rapper with a long rap sheet, is the alleged driver of the vehicle.
Early reports point to two possibilities: either he did this on purpose, as an intentional terror attack, or he and his cronies were fleeing an earlier crime -- reportedly, a stabbing -- and he made the horrible choice of this particular road -- at this particular, rare moment, a parade path -- as his escape route.
So, he may be a terrorist, or he may not be. Either way, he has destroyed the lives of countless families; he has inflicted terror.
But he's still not the worst kind of domestic terrorist.
Why was he out on the street today?
Why was he free to drive down that road at all? . . .
. . . There is only one reason why crime is so high in America today; only one reason why so many known criminals are on the streets, free to rob, rape, brutalize and murder.
It is that Leftist politicians -- elected by their constituents to keep the streets safe; that's their primary responsibility -- have sided with the criminal element, time and again, against the law-abiding citizenry.
And that is a worse crime than any other: that the people we have entrusted with the solemn duty of protecting their communities have instead unleashed these criminals to terrorize those communities instead.
If you're looking for the worst kind of domestic terrorism, I sure can't think of a worse one than flinging open the prison gates -- whether by lack of effort or by executive order -- and consciously setting such criminals loose.
Given the proximity to Kenosha and that barely 48 hours had passed since Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted in a show trial that should never have taken place, I'm now going to write something that I really don't want to write but that the Leftist Enemy have forced me to because they have made what should be an irrelevancy into the prime focus of everything: RACE.
Brooks is black. Why is that relevant, especially given the fact that neither Rittenhouse nor the three subhuman degenerates he justifiably ventilated last year had less melanin than a subterranean albino mole rat five miles beneath the surface of the dark side of Pluto?
Because the enemy and its propaganda arm declared it to be. Just as George Zimmerman was a "white Hispanic" so too now the three "martyrs," one of whom was a convicted child rapist and the other a domestic abuser, are "black whites." Or are they "white blacks?" It would be laughable if the consequences weren't literally life and death to all of us individually and collectively as a nation. Yes, the government was overthrown as of November 2020. But the nation, as represented still by a clear if not overwhelming majority of its citizens still remain. Already enraged by the theft of that election, the anger has been stoked week after week and month after month by a series of direct policy decisions that are destroying us economically and culturally all in the quest for absolute power by enemies domestic and foreign.
"Let's Go Brandon!" is not just an expression of mass irreverence. It's every bit a cry of defiance as the good McAuliffe (General Anthony) declared when he responded to the Nazi call to surrender at Bastogne -- "Nuts!" I think the Leftists made a very big miscalculation in thinking that the theft of the 2020 election and then the inauguration/installation of Team Shits + Giggles into the top slot of the corporation would mean we'd all just shout and scream for a few days and then just shrug our shoulders as we shuffled off towards the mass grave with nary a peep. Surprise, surprise. That didn't happen.
Psaki-Psircling back to Rittenhouse, yesterday's attack and more broadly the decriminalization of crime in the wake of George Floyd's regrettable but justifiable entrance to the Choir Invisible, or the Infernal Reaches, if our nation's law enforcement and national security elite were willing and even eager to try to sabotage and overthrow a candidate, and then failing that a duly elected president, then there is nothing that they and their allies in an out of elected office won't do to maintain and increase their power. When attorneys general and DAs are willing to empty our jails and judges give wrist slaps to violent criminals, and when bona fide domestic political terror organizations are allowed to roam at will and destroy anyone and anything in their path with little to fear in the way or repercussions, then we have crossed a Rubicon and put an exclamation point over it. The American Left is using both mass street crime as well as more organized political terrorism via Antifa/BLM as a means to disrupt/distract the public, as well as a pretext to consolidate their power and control.
This is why Derek Chauvin had to be destroyed. This is why scores of innocent people are still rotting away in the gulag of the Garland Archipelago. And this is why Kyle Rittenhouse was put through hell for over a year before at least 10 brave souls did the right thing and let him go (the other one or two thankfully got their minds right for whatever reasons). It's also why this entire incident was made into one about race. Yes the rioting in Kenosha that fateful day was because of Jacob Blake and in the wake of George Floyd. But the "victims" were not negro, great or otherwise. You better believe that if they were, Rittenhouse would've been found guilty within a minute of the jury retiring to deliberate, if that. The Dems applied political blackface to that trio in order to hang Rittenhouse and more importantly keep their narrative of America as an illegitimate, irredeemably racist white supremacist society intact.
Look at the reactions across the board to Rittenhouse being acquitted. As horrendous as they were, I guarantee you that the vitriol spewed would've been 1,000 times worse had he been convicted. So now, we have this Darrell Brooks who just plowed into a Christmas parade. Let's see which propagandist is going to be first to have sympathy and understanding for this guy and his actions. I'm betting it's that bloated, sub-literate fool Joy Reid. But that said, given the fact this was a Christmas parade, if Brooks is discovered to have certain ties to "the religion of peace" and/or Calypso Louie, this story is going to be buried faster and deeper than the US Navy in Sandra Fluke's thighs during Fleet week.
* * * * *
My book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World, is available now at the link.
Note, regardless of how you purchased it, please leave a review on Amazon as it helps boost visibility while putting me on Moloch Garland's watch list. Win-win!
ALSO . . . I was a guest on Rob Schilling's podcast "Schilling Show Unleashed" where we discuss my book. Listen here!
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Where was Biden's moral indignation over the murder of David Dorn?"
Rittenhouse Verdict Leaves Biden "Angry" and "Concerned"
- Stockholm Syndrome or transparent and futile attempt at self defense? I bet the latter.
Rittenhouse: "I'm Not a Racist Person -- I Support the BLM Movement"
- "The Left may choose to live in a post-legal, post-rational world where ill-educated, propagandized mobs rule, but the rest of us do not."
Heroes and Zeros: The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict
- "At long last, a small victory -- and cause for hope -- against mob rule."
The Rittenhouse Peace Dividend
- "Thanks to the Rittenhouse verdict, our nation lives to fight another day."
How 12 Ordinary Americans Saved Their Country (one or two were reluctant to say the least - jjs)
- Roger Kimball: "It's possible that the fates will smile kindly on Kyle Rittenhouse. More likely, however, he will be rendered radioactive, a pariah."
The Right Outcome for Rittenhouse, But . . .
- "[Former U.S. assistant attorney Neama] Rahmani likened Rittenhouse's legal situation to that of OJ Simpson, who was found civilly liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and ordered to pay $33.5 million in damages despite being acquitted in an earlier criminal trial for their deaths."
Kyle Rittenhouse's Legal Troubles May Be Far From Over Despite Acquittal, Former Assistant US Attorney Warns
- "The only thing surprising about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict was how long it took the jury to reach it. As should be obvious to anyone who understands the law and had the merest familiarity with the facts of the case, Rittenhouse should never have been charged in the first place."
Lessons from Kenosha
- "The only solution is communist revolution," the crowd is heard chanting. "That's right, we need communism. That's what we need. We need that! We need that, sister, we need that very much," a female demonstrator said. (you should only get it . . . good and hard - jjs)
Rittenhouse Protesters Chant For Communist Revolution
- "Judiciary chairman calls not guilty verdict a 'miscarriage of justice.'" (Nadler's miserable existence is a miscarriage of justice - jjs)
Sick, Farting Fatberg Nadler Calls on DOJ to Review Rittenhouse Verdict
* * * * *
- "There's a strong case he is a public figure, meaning a high standard needs to be met to prove defamation, and many of the claims made against him are assertations of opinion, not fact." (he wasn't a public figure until the public figures in media and politics made him one, or tried to - jjs)
Rittenhouse Faces Uphill Battle In Potential Defamation Cases, Legal Experts Say
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "The jury found Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts."
Understanding the Law, What Took the Rittenhouse Jury So Long, and the Appeals Process
- "Within all the insanity, Kyle Rittenhouse might have been facing actual insanity in the form of a man who perhaps had nothing to lose except what he wanted to -- his life."
Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse
- "Kyle Rittenhouse is the latest victim of systemic leftist persecution, but he's certainly not the first. American progressives hate men, especially young, white, patriotic men, and they have developed a sick process by which they target for destruction any lad who refuses to cower before them."
Welcome to the Club, Kyle: Rittenhouse Joins Pantheon of Young Men the Left Tried to Destroy
- "It seems the left cares about borders, after all, depending on the border and who crossed it."
Why The Left Keeps Talking About Kyle Rittenhouse Crossing a State Line
- "Even 17-year olds are entitled to self-defense, Mayor de Blasio."
The Rittenhouse Case Was Never About Race
- "Rittenhouse was denied crowdsourced funds for a political show trial charging him with first-degree homicide in a case that was clearly self-defense."
GoFundMe Denied Rittenhouse Fundraising While Crowdsourcing Funds For BLM Rioters
- "While Kyle Rittenhouse was listed as the defendant, it was the right of self-defense that was on trial."
The Rittenhouse Trial Underscores the Left's Determination to Eliminate the Natural Right of Self-Defense
- "The aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial exposes a bitter divide across the nation . . . America still stands on the precipice of a dark abyss. The fact is, we live in a society where mass political violence has been normalized, and because it's being used as a political and ideological bludgeon to threaten and intimidate the people of this country, the authorities have abdicated their responsibility to protect life and property."
America on the Verge
- "As we daily slip further under the yoke of illegal, unconstitutional, authoritarian -- but so far unopposed -- Democrat usurpation of liberty and law via their unconstitutional [Chinese] Covid-CRT-Climate Party (CCCP) power grab, it's important to remember America's history. We've been here before"
CCCP Redux -- Who Will Stop Them
- "No surprise that China's president called Biden his 'old friend.'"
The Biden Junta vs. Law-Abiding Americans
- "Over the past several days, there have been many anti-vaccination marches in European nations as one government after another tightened measures. Dutch police arrested more than 30 people during unrest in The Hague and other towns in the Netherlands on Saturday, following much worse violence the previous night."
Tens of Thousands Protest in Brussels Against Lockdown Measures in Belgium
- " . . . For bombarding Fauci with negative messages."
NIH Director Calls For Chinese COVID Conspiracists to be "Brought to Justice"
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Two years into the [two-week] pandemic, and with a large vaccinated population, [Chinese] COVID cases are going up."
If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren't They Working?
- "The past week -- four days, actually, from Nov. 15 to 18 -- demonstrated how Florida has led the pushback against federal overreach and the Biden administration's tyrannical mandates."
"You're Damn Right I Overruled Forced Mandates": What a Wild Week in Florida Politics Can Teach America
- "We're hurtling into a dystopia where citizens' rights have evaporated from public and individual consciousness."
Vaxxocalypse Now
- Gottlieb replied that he believes "at some point they're going to, but not this year." (no thank you - jjs)
Former FDA Head: "I Think Eventually This Will Be Considered a Three-Dose Vaccine"
- "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation last week protecting Florida workers from losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates. Employers face a $50,000 fine per violation."
Disney World Pauses Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
- "Drastic times call for drastic measures."
Video: They Want to EVICT All Unvaccinated People From Their Homes!
- "There's something apocalyptic about how the churches handled the outbreak of an eminently survivable but panic-sowing [Chinese] virus."
Chinese COVID-19 and the Smoke of Satan
- "The average cost of a holiday dinner has climbed 14 percent from last year."
Increase in Cost of Thanksgiving Dinner Highest in 31 Years
- The poll also surveyed participants on how they "feel things in America are going." Only 30 percent categorized things as going well, with four percent responding things are going "very well" and 26 percent reporting things are going "somewhat well." Seventy percent of respondents stated things were going badly. Of those, thirty-seven percent said things were going "somewhat badly" and 33 percent stated things are going "very badly."
Poll: 61 Percent of Americans "Disapprove" of Biden's Handling of Economy
- "The current nominee is, without doubt, the most radical nominee for that office in history . . . Government in control of your money and what it is used for, perhaps leading to government in control of everything."
Why Americans Need to Speak Up and Against OCC Nominee Saule Omarova
- "The [junta's] choice to be comptroller of the currency would take control of money by taking it out of private hands."
The White House's Hammer and Sickle
- "We've reached the point where a Leninist might be running our banks."
"I Am a Communist"
- "We are heading for hard times."
Goya CEO Blasts Government For Becoming the "Competitor" of Private Businesses
- "The Biden [junta] has floundered over how to respond to rising gas prices -- but a solution to the problem is simple."
Pump Politics
- "With so many days of public school instruction coopted by activism, is it smarter to get out than to opt out?"
Opt Out, or Get Out?
- "The trend of outright denial despite contrary evidence is national."
It's Not Hard To Find CRT Influencing School Curriculum, So Why Do They Keep Lying?
- "No amount of racialized propaganda in K-12 public schools can change the fact that ownership of one's own future is required for success."
Racial Essentialism Has No Place in Education
- More of the same: "It's not just that Republicans want a bigger role for parents in education, it's that Republicans are willing to let white supremacists write curricula."
Democrat Strategists Have Plan To Turn Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Controversy To Their Advantage In 2022
- "No sooner had he secured the nomination than Biden began spurring illicit migration into America."
A Border Sheriff's Reality
- "So many Afghans want to go to Texas, Virginia, and California that Biden's officials are trying to persuade them to instead resettle in cities like Birmingham, Alabama, and Chattanooga, Tennessee."
Texas, Virginia, California Among Top Destinations for Afghans Brought to U.S. by Biden
- "DHS puts DEI ahead of 'customer experience' and 'cybersecurity.'"
Border Crossings Are at an All-Time High. The Homeland Security Department Is Prioritizing "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion."
- Margot Cleveland: "A complaint alleges Pennslyvania election officials were tearing tapes 'into pieces and placing . . . them into the trash stating they will have a campfire to burn the data.'"
Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence
- "Whether one is pro- or anti-Trump, election shenanigans in Pennsylvania were brazenly accomplished. Again."
Post-Election Swindles in Pennsylvania: There They Go Again
- "The retired prelate who covered up abuse has resumed his left-wing lectures."
The Notorious Cardinal Mahony Resurfaces
- "Cobalt is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than two-thirds of the world's cobalt supply originates, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. In recent years, American elites have allowed -- if not enabled -- Chinese-backed companies to buy "two of the country's largest cobalt deposits over the past five years," the New York Times reported. One of those companies is a private equity firm registered in Shanghai in which Hunter Biden reportedly owned a stake, along with business partners Eric Schwerin and John Kerry's stepson, Christopher Heinz. (John Kerry was Secretary of State under Barack Obama and now is President Biden's climate envoy)."
Report: Hunter Biden Profited from Joe Biden Losing Energy Race with Communist China
- "Roseanne Barr might want to come out of retirement to comment on the latest example of things Democrats can say that would get anyone else canceled. Former West Virginia state senator Richard Ojeda compared Black Lives Matter protesters to animals in a zoo and is going to get away with it because he doesn't like Kyle Rittenhouse."
Elected Democrat Compares BLM Protesters to Animals in a Zoo . . . And No One Calls Him a Racist
- "Stakes are really, really high."
Titty Caca AOC Warns Senate Changes To Spending Bill Could Meet Resistance in House
- "Radicals don't understand the 'process' and don't want to. They think people who disagree with them should sit down and shut up. And that includes the [so-called quote-unquote "president"]."
Titty Caca Ocasio-Cortez Thinks Joe Biden Can Bypass Congress to Spend Trillions
- "When the Uyghur provision was stripped from the bill, Republican congressional officials accused Democrats of trying to appease Beijing amid efforts by the Biden [junta] to strike a climate accord with the CCP. Climate czar John Kerry, who is leading the push for a climate deal, was also said to be lobbying Democrats to oppose separate legislation that would ban the import of all Chinese-made goods that are produced using Uyghur slave labor, a claim Kerry's office denied."
Bilk Bolshevism Biggerer: Dems Ignore Pressure to Include Measure Preventing Taxpayer Dollars From Going to Entities That Use Slave Labor
- Doing the choreography for the kabuki-bukkake surrender theater floor show.
Schemer and McYertle Talk Amongst Themselves in Lead-Up to Debt Ceiling Vote
- "The House passed Biden's social spending bill and the cornerstone in his Build Back Better agenda on Friday morning. The bill includes provisions that hike state and local tax deductions, which overwhelmingly favor Democrat-run states, while raising taxes on up to 30% of middle-class earners."
Biden's Bilk Bolshevism Bigger Bill Enriches Blue State Fat Cats, Dings Middle Class
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden should focus on growing the economy, not making big government even bigger." (umm, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I&I editorial board, but . . . - jjs)
"Bilk Bolshevism Biggerer" is Climate-Change Socialism, Not the Smaller Government We Need
- Daniel Greenfield: "Give the media $1.9 billion and they promise to stop Republicans from winning elections."
Bilk Bolshevism Bigger Act Offers Media Billions To Go After Republicans
- Even Biden disapproves of them, until he gets two scoops of Broken Cherry Garcia.
Gallup: On 5 Key Issues, Majorities of Americans Disapprove of Biden's Performance
- "As they take steps to deflect concern about the 79-year-old [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] commitment to another campaign and growing Democrat fears of a coming Republican return to power . . . "
Biden and Allies Insist He Will Run for Reelection in 2024
- Miranda Devine: "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden went for a colonoscopy Friday and his doctor pronounced his brain is fine. So now he and his inner sanctum have let it be known he plans to run again in 2024, when he would be 82. No one really believes any of it." (Peter Puffer is being groomed - jjs)
White House Doctor is Hiding Joe Biden's Brain Drain
- Lloyd Billingsley: "As Harris polls worse than Joe Biden, a Clintonista contender could be emerging."
Kamala's Collapse
- "The Democrats might not be able to drag their limping heroes to victory this time."
Kamala and Pete -- Two Peas in a Woke Pod
- Biden campaigning for O'Rourke is like a cement mixer giving Jimmy Hoffa a ride to the Meadowlands.
Irish Beto "Mickey" O'Rourke Doesn't Want Biden's Help in Gubernatorial Campaign -- It's About Texas
- "Maybe Beto O'Rourke's hubris shouldn't come as a surprise after he essentially claimed he was 'born' to be president in 2019, but that's only one of his problems."
The Incredible Self-Confidence of Robert "Beto" Francis O'Rourke
- "Progressive organizations seek to standardize attitudes, language, and thought."
Building Babel
- "Whatever the reason for holding the [Kenosha] piece, covering the suffering after the riots was not a priority. The reality that brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we reporters were meant to ignore."
Former NY Times Reporter Says Paper Held Damaging Kenosha Riots Article Until After 2020 Election
- "Are James J. Morrison and Irene Byon just MSNBC's next Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny?"
MSLSD's History of Doxxing Normal People Shadows Attempt To Follow Rittenhouse Jury
- "Yes, you read that right."
MSN's Sources on a False Story About Rep. Matt Gaetz and Kyle Rittenhouse Are a Left-Wing Bot Account and a Masturbation Blogger
- I would've thought the Murdoch momzers would've fired TuCa first. I guess they like profitability too much. Go figure.
Never-Trumpers Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes Quit Fox News in Protest of Tucker Carlson's January 6 Documentary
- Keep talking, toots. Keep talking.
MSLSD Host "Disgusted" By Kenosha Verdict, Calls Rittenhouse a "Little Murderous White Supremacist"
- "A judge laid down the hammer on the New York Times by blocking the paper from publishing articles based on internal documents from Project Veritas, which sued the newspaper for defamation last year."
New York Times Colludes With Corrupt DOJ to Steal Legal Documents From a Journalist Suing NYT
- "Nobody likes a snob."
Bill Maher Picks Apart the Modern Democrat Party And Gets Brutally Honest With Titty Caca AOC
- "The NY Department of Education (DOE) is supporting Singh by noting that teachers are not supposed to advocate political positions while at work. Sounds good, eh? The problem is that the DOE did nothing to stop teachers from promoting BLM and feminist causes, continuously. It clearly has a double standard, designed to silence one side of the debate."
Today's Blacklisted American: School Bans All Pro Israeli Clothing
- "The elite American media apparatus is disturbingly similar to the Chinese propaganda machine."
When No News is Good News
- "Off to the Gulag for violating the Bolshevik One-Party Line."
Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov Permanently Suspended From Twitter
- "In Bad News: How Woke Media is Undermining Democracy (2021), Newsweek deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon argues that 'the identity culture war has allowed journalists to cast our nation as hopelessly divided along partisan and racial lines as a smoke screen for the actual impenetrable and devastating division that's happening along class lines.'"
Media Have Ditched Middle Class, Book Argues: How Nation's Newsrooms Went "Woke"
- "YouTube notified Enjeti and Ball that their video discussing communist China's censorship of Peng Shuai had been found not 'suitable for all advertisers.'"
Google Is Now Censoring American Journalists On Behalf Of Communist China
- "There is a Holocaust taking place in America right now. We can't hear it, because there are no barking dogs; we can't see it, because there are no goose-stepping Nazi soldiers and no concentration camps; we can't smell it because there are no gas chambers. But the net result is exactly the same. If we fail to act now . . . [t]he 'silent Holocaust' will have done its job, Hitler will have emerged victorious."
Jewish Pro-Life Leaders to SCOTUS: Abortion is "Child Sacrifice," Must Overturn Roe v. Wade
- "The looters' method is apparently to travel in large convoys of vehicles, block roads, and then seize whatever they can before leaving."
WATCH: 'Mass Looting' Moves to San Francisco Bay Suburbs; "It Was Insane" (so was Crazy Eddie - jjs)
- "Virginia Commonwealth's attorneys frequently let criminals walk."
Nazi Collaborator Soros Prosecutors Let Sex-Offender CVS Burglar Free
- "Those who supported this change feel the 'sex offender' label is not nuanced enough and can impede rehabilitation."
Sex Offenders in Colorado Will No Longer Be Called "Sex Offenders"
- "Isaczai and his counterpart at the U.N. in Geneva, Nasir Ahmad Andisha, were both were appointed by the elected former government, which collapsed when President Ashraf Ghani fled the country as the Taliban entered Kabul."
As Taliban Again Demands UN Seat, Afghanistan's Current Ambassador Appeals Against Recognition
- "Peng made serious and credible allegations of sexual assault against a high-ranking Chinese government official. The assault allegedly occurred three years ago. The online accusation was scrubbed, Peng was seized, and no one, except Communist lackeys in their state-controlled media, has seen or heard from her since she disappeared two weeks ago."
China Loses Control of the Peng Shuai Narrative as the World Demands Answers
- Robert Spencer: "Even the fact that Blinken thinks that gaining one million Twitter followers is some kind of affirmation is ridiculous in itself and raises inevitable questions about the man's priorities."
With U.S. Foreign Policy In a Shambles, Secretary of State Blinken Finds Something to Celebrate
- "Will Biden champion freedom? He could by inviting China to the Dec. 9-10 Summit for Democracy."
Red China Persecutes Tennis Star
- "Eliyahu David Kay, who had immigrated from South Africa to Israel, died after a man identified to be a member of Hamas fired a submachine gun into a crowd of people near the Western Wall outside of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism."
Israeli Man Engaged To Be Married Killed By Hamas Terrorist Near Judaism's Holiest Site
- "Gaza-based terror group called UK ban 'a new crime committed by Britain against our Palestinian people.'"
Hamas Outraged as UK Set to Ban, Declare Them as a Terrorist Organization
- "U.S. intelligence officials are telling our European allies that the move by Putin is not a bluff and that the U.S. and Europe need to coordinate a response that includes economic and military moves."
U.S. Warns Allies of Potential Russian Move Against Ukraine
- "U.S. Navy ships have been holding multinational drills in the Black Sea this month, and last month a pair of U.S. B-1B strategic bombers flew over the strategic waterway."
Putin: "Peculiar" Western Countries Aren't Taking Our Security "Red Lines" Seriously
- "The man is too weak and confused for public meetings with our adversaries."
No More Summits for Biden
- "Another example of Turkish hostage diplomacy?"
Israeli Tourist Couple Freed After 8 days of Illegal Detention by Turkey
- "'It was my conclusion that the federal agencies simply did not have the means and the practical ability to ensure that the money that they gave wouldn't go to parties who would commit grave and horrific crimes,' Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt -- who left the department in January after leading it for two years -- told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview."
Biden Junta Quietly Unfreezes Funds For Groups Tied To Human Rights Abuses In Central Africa
- "Enough is enough. When the recruiter comes calling, just say no."
Stop Joining the Woke Military
- "The Honor Code is broken, as well as the academy's ability to accomplish its primary mission of training career officers of character."
Is the Air Force Academy Honor Code Dead?
- "The United States should use its military might to protect our borders and defend our sovereignty."
The Pentagon's Engagement with "Allies" and Enemies Puts America Last
- Robert Spencer: "A jihad attack exposes asylum-seekers' sham conversion scam."
UK: The Church Enables a Suicide Bomber
- "Crowds gathered to watch with great enthusiasm." (can we send Ilhan the Brother-Fucker there? - jjs)
Couple Flogged Publicly for Extramarital Affair in Sharia-Compliant Indonesia
- "'They view Alaska as their own national park to save for mankind,' Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy said, frustrated at the relentless intervention of beltway bureaucrats."
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy Wants A State Coalition To Combat Federal Overreach. Will It Work?
- "Property taxes should encourage good local government -- but changes since the 1970s have thwarted the will of local voters."
A Benefit, Not a Burden
- "Over 100,000 died of drug overdoses in the U.S. during this last 12-month period measured by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's a 30 percent jump from the year before, and, as the Irish Times (of all papers) notes, that is 'more than the toll of car crashes and gun fatalities combined.'"
Lockdowns Have Continuing Tragic Consequences
- "Capitalism in space: Astra tonight successfully launched a dummy payload into low Earth orbit. This was their first success after four tries. The company now joins Rocket Lab and Virgin Orbit as the three operational smallsat rocket launch providers."
Astra Successfully Completes First Orbital Launch
- "The court's analysis makes Blue Origin's effort here look embarrassing. The company submitted a weak, overpriced bid, and when it lost on the merits, it then cried foul and said it would have done something different had it known. Neither the court, the GAO, or NASA considered this approach a good recommendation for Jeff Bezos' company."
Court: Blue Origin Bid for NASA's Lunar Lander Contract a Failure on All Counts
- Christian Toto: "Pedro Pascal, Mark Ruffalo weep for man convicted of five sexual assaults. . . . 'Rosenbaum anally raped children. Literally. 9 to 11 year-olds. You are glorifying a child rapist.'"
Disney Superstars Mourn Convicted Pedophile
- "A new British film strides far beyond standard Hollywood fare."
Tragedy as Antidote to Wokism
- James Poulos' book, Human Forever: The Digital Politics of Spiritual War, warns that we are already becoming cyborgs and we will pay for our digital dependence with our souls."
In Human Forever, James Poulos Declares War on the Digital Age
- "Lack of representation in corporate boardrooms is not because of mythical white privilege. It is due to the breakdown of the black family."
Thanks to Leftists, the Black Talent Companies Seek to Hire With Racial Quotas Doesn't Exist
- " . . . And you can, too."
How I Survived Being Canceled
- "Angelo Codevilla had every attribute of a king, save that of a kingdom."
A Prince Among Men
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:51 AM
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