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November 03, 2021

The Morning Report - 11/3/21


Good morning, kids. And it really is a good morning perhaps for the first time since Qassem Soleimani received an ALCM enema almost two years ago now. Yet that said, I am reminded of the final line from the movie Patton, wherein the general recalls the Roman tradition of a slave whispering in the triumphant emperor's ear that "all glory is fleeting." I'll get to that in due course. But for now, unzip your trousers, dip your nether regions in a cup of Kozy Shack tapioca and drink in the bitter tears of the Leftists and savor it like a '26 Veuve-Clicquot Yellow Label Brut!

"What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on," Kamala Harris had declared while campaigning for McAuliffe.

For the first time in her life, she's right.

The American Revolution was won in Virginia. As General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to the American armies commanded by George Washington, the British band played, "The World Turned Upside Down." The world turned upside down again in Virginia with a new revolution against the tyrannical rule that has gripped the state and the nation.

Glenn Youngkin, the Republican rebel, repeatedly invoked the spirit of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, those storied Virginian rebels, on the campaign trail and in his victory speech celebrating the political world turning upside down with the fall of Terry McAuliffe. It's impossible to overstate the shadow cast by McAuliffe, Bill Clinton's consigliere, DNC chair, Hillary's campaign co-chair, and former governor. Not all that long ago McAuliffe was being tipped for a White House run. Now he couldn't even manage to get his old job back. . .

. . . Virginia may have been the loudest shot of the anti-woke revolution, but it wasn't the only one. . .

. . . Democrats doubled down on accusing their opponents of racism. But the louder they shouted, the more they looked like liars and fools. The Republican ticket brought together Youngkin with Winsome Sears, a Jamaican immigrant, for Lt. Gov, and Jason Miyares, the son of Cuban immigrants, for Attorney General. Democrats were moronically slandering a campaign that had brought together white, black, and Latino candidates with smears of racism and "whiteness". . .

. . . "Racism still works in Virginia," former Gov. Howard Dean tweeted over his own lost cause. Walter Shaub, Obama's director of Government Ethics, falsely claimed that Youngkin "ran on straight up racism". MSNBC's Mehdu Hasan also falsely insisted that, "Youngkin did in fact run 'on straight up racism." The truth was that Youngkin ran on anti-racism. The real kind. As the results came in out of Virginia accusations of racism flooded the mainstream cable news airwaves. Meanwhile voters of all races were turning on the radicalism of the race baiters.

Beyond Virginia, the big news is that New Jersey - New. Friggin'. Joy-zee - might actually have had enough of the truly horrid Phil Murphy, another gerontocidal maniac in the Angel of Death Cuomo mold who racked up thousands of nursing home deaths on his watch - is losing by a red nether hair to GOP opponent Jack Ciattarelli. The margin as of this writing is only a few thousand votes, well within the capacity of a single 1976 Buick LeSabre trunk, and there is no way in hell that the Dems are going to allow a governorship in the solid blue northeast to go GOP. I count that one as good as stolen but we'll see if I am pleasantly surprised. As for New York City? Eric Adams is a milder DeBolshevik who has the horse sense to keep his mouth shut about his real intentions before an election. In any case, who cares. I'm out of here next year anyway.

It should also be noted that McAuliffe's defeat while perhaps not de-railing the Bilk Bolshevism Better multi-trillion dollar destruction, it doesn't exactly help it. These elections were indeed a referendum on the past 10 months so now the politicians and propagandists are going to be tap-dancing like Fred Astaire on speed with a jackhammer to convince you otherwise.

The other huge rejection of the night was the move in several states and cities to destroy the police. Biggest one of all was at the epicenter of that movement, Minneapolis where Religion of Peaceniks Ilhan Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou and Keith "wife beater" Ellison saw their madness go down in rhetorical flames as high as the actual flames that burned out scores of cities and towns in the wake of George Floyd's death.
Shifting back to the high-level view, the estimable Andrea Widburg notes:

Tuesday's elections showed that Democrats do not have a mandate. When Americans see Democrats in action, they hate what they see. (We hope that more congresscritters than Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema pay attention to this fact.)

We also learned what might be the most important thing of all: Conservatives can win if people outside of the cities will vote. If enough rural and suburban voters make the effort, Republicans can achieve victories beyond the margin of Democrats' cheating. It's just a shame that it takes the Democrats putting America on the verge of collapse for so many good, intelligent, and conservative Americans to get to the polls.

Ms. Widburg's analysis is correct insofar as midterm and special elections are concerned, and general elections in normal times. But these are not normal times. The presidency and agenda of Donald Trump overturned the tables of the moneychangers so to speak and after 2016, as we all know, all bets were off. Despite the mail-in balloting, the evisceration of even modest election integrity laws and all the shenanigans due to the pretext of the Beijing Blight, Trump was not only beating the cheat but seemed on the verge of a clear if not decisive victory. There was massive enthusiasm and massive turnout, including new voters and voters crossing party lines to vote for him. That's when the overflowing mystery toilet in Atlanta flooded out six entire states, and the rest is history, or the end of history as the case may be. That said, logic dictated that Virginia, which had been turning blue, figuratively and literally, with a key Clinton crime family capo running, and in the wake of the 2020 theft had this one in the bag. And yet the minions of Dao-Min Yen couldn't tip the scales.

And now, gentle reader, I Psaki-psircle back to my warning about yesterday's results. It's all well and good to win elections. Now that Mr. Youngkin, and victors under the GOP banner elsewhere, have got the brass ring, it is incumbent upon them to now crawl over broken glass and run naked into a volcano to insure that the will of the people who voted for them is done - fully and absolutely. No compromises, no give-backs, no flip-flops. This is not about a tax cut here or a rate reduction there. This is about literal life and death issues and perhaps a slim sliver of hope to at least stop the descent into the abyss, let alone come back from the brink. I'm heartened by yesterday but at the same time I dread that it will all have been for naught.

And that brings me to yet another dumb quote from an otherwise sharp pundit.

"Democrats need to start succeeding or relinquish power soon. Otherwise, for the coming decades, their brand will stink of these bitter times."

Mr. Mill, please understand that right now, the Democrats ARE succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Their only obstacle, such as it is and it ain't much, is the intra-party feud between the Maoists and the mere Trotskyites as to the speed and priorities of our destruction, not its inevitability.

Hearken back to what Rush Limbaugh, of blessed memory, said in January of 2009 about Obama: "I hope he fails." No, Democrats need to be removed from every single elected and bureaucratic position and never allowed to hold any sort of power ever again. Period. And whatever it takes to ensure that outcome, so be it. They are not "the loyal opposition" and have not been for years, perhaps decades. They are a hostile, alien entity bent on our destruction/subjugation merely wearing the moldering skin-suit of a legitimate American political party.

No compromise, no quarter. This is war. Savor the victory for now, but the victors had better remember what earned that victory. "All glory is fleeting."

* * * * *

My book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World, is available now at the link.

AND . . . a reminder that I will be appearing on Dr. Benjamin Braddock's Twitter feed along with Peter Navarro tonight at 7:30PM, Eastern time, linked here.

Be there. Aloha.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:42 AM

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