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October 28, 2021
Kentucky High School Stages a "Man Pageant" Where Boys In Lingerie and Hooters Girl Outfits Give Lap-Dances to Male Teachers and Principal
Some more of that trumped-up fake culture war that Former President Satan told us just doesn't happen, ever.
This is an official school assembly.

What a gay old time. I'm glad to see the male teachers and the male principal are enjoying the attentions of their underaged male cross-dressing students.
I'm not sure if the below are girls, or are boys in wigs and Hooters Girl hot-pants.
It's inappropriate either way.

The CYA letter from the school repeatedly insists that the rally for "Spirit Week" is "student-led" -- meaning, don't yell at us, it's your filthy kids who did this.
As if teachers and school officials weren't supervising this activity. As if they weren't enjoying getting lap-dances from male students.
As if this weren't bad enough -- in Broward County, a teacher took an elementary-school class on an "LGBT field trip" to a... gay bar.

The fact that these kids have been not only brought to a gay bar, but then forced to wear masks, is just mwah, chef's kiss.
Another David French Blessing of Liberty (TM) horror inflicted on young, impressionable, groomable young children.
Barely more than toddlers. They're virtually babies!
What do you think these kids are thinking? What do you think they're feeling?
What message do you think the kids are getting as to what sexuality their authority figures want them to have? That they should have?
Update: Another trumped up culture war, fake outrage.