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Daily Tech News 23 October 2021 »
October 22, 2021
Howdy from the TxMoMe! Well, howdy in advance, we're not there yet. As soon a Little's football game ends (probably in about 20 minutes) we'll be heading down to Corsicana. Last week someone asked me on the ONT if I knew who would be posting tonight's ONT, because of the MoMe.
Live look in at the TxMoMe
Fun fact of the day
I don't think they thought this ad campaign through...
How is this racist?
Women, please be careful. Don't be fooled
Fido Firday: Fool the labo, you get the stabo
I'm sorry, cum again?
Raise your hand if you didn't know someone who did this. My grandparents rinsed and reused Ziploc bags for heaven's sake!
Days of future past
Quiet please
WTF Japan?
You have to be careful with Stone Toss, I've seen some stuff that's pretty anti-Semitic, but he also nails it a lot of times
How to pick up Norse women. This was the line I used with my wife (direct descendent of Leif Erikson*)
Fact check
Real life Paladins
Not all heroes wear capes
Slip of the tongue
Got Milk?
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Teddy Roosevelt:
*Funny story about Leif. After he abandoned the settlement in Newfoundland, her returned to his native village, where he found that he was no longer listed as a citizen. Incensed, he went to the village clerk and demanded to know why. The clerk investigated, and then reported back “I'm sorry. I must have taken Leif off my census”.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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