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Daily Tech News 22 October 2021 »
October 21, 2021
A Whale Of AN ONT
Howdy Horde! Apologies in advance, gonna be a short one tonight, my parents are visiting and I'm also trying to get ready for the TxMoMe tomorrow. Lets see what the ONT drawer of madness holds, shall we?
Product Review Of The Week
Click through and read the whole thing. It's hilarious.
Good News?
Inside TSMC, the Taiwanese chipmaking giant that's building a new plant in Phoenix
How many of y'all think that the current supply chain issues are going to drive businesses back from overseas? That's not what this is, of course, but it's similar. Frankly, it makes a lot of sense. If I were a Taiwanese company, and I saw the feckless “leadership” of Brandon along with the Reds looking hungrily across the Straight of Formosa, I'd be building factories in America and the West too.
Little Bitch
George Takei calls William Shatner an ‘unfit’ guinea pig after spaceflight
So last week William Shatner became the oldest human to go into space. Takei took the opportunity to take a shot at Shatner. This is a feud that goes back decades. I don't know any of the people involved personally, but Shatner has always seem pretty chill and Takei a grandstanding drama queen. Some say it goes back to Takei feeling that his character Sulu was being slighted on the original Star Trek. Dude, Sulu was never more than an interchangeable bit player. They replaced him with a wannabe Beetle with a bad Russian accent for heaven's sake. Others say that aggressively gay Takei wanted a taste of the captain's log, IYKWIMAIKYD, but aggressively hetero Shatner rejected him. I don't know where the real story lies, but to me the whole feud seems about like this:

Original cartoon by Phillip M Jackson, edit by me
”Band Kids Have It Easy”
For anyone who ever thought that the band kids didn't work as hard at their craft as the football team does at theirs, I give you the The Fightin' Texas Aggie Cadet Corps.
I cast “Fireball”
New Zealand city fires $16,000 a year wizard
Christchurch Council has fired their wizard. Dude's done alright, he's made $368,000 over the past 23 years, but I hope no Balrogs show up at the city gates. There could be trouble.
Thursday Night Quiz
Lets have 2 categories for this question. #1 Bands that you would just have to reunite #2 Bands that you wish you could reunite but can't because some of the members have died. In category 2, I think I'd really like to see Led Zeppelin perform live. I would put CCR on the list here too. How about you?
The Media
The Media’s Agenda is Not to Mislead People, But to Demoralize Them
“Nobody believes the press anymore,” said Newman. “The point is not to make people believe these absurdities anymore. The point now is to demoralize people and to really silence us.”
He pointed to the example of the FBI and DOJ being sicked on parents, who are now being demonized as domestic terrorists merely for speaking out against Critical Race Theory brainwashing and mask mandates in schools.
“AG Garland said all these parents are intimidating and harassing school boards. What could be more intimidating than sicking one of the world’s most powerful law enforcement agency on parents expressing their concern? I can’t think of more things that would be more intimidating than that. So, the irony is off the charts, but the goal here is to silence people into submission.”
The author noted how the establishment relies on keeping people constantly black pilled and isolated so they never even attempt to resist tyranny, no matter what the odds.
“They trot out these people to demoralize us and to scare us and make us think that everything is over. Just keep your head down and comply, but it’s not working.”
Source: Infowars, so make of it what you will, but I am reminded of George Orwell (Actually, I am reminded of George Orwell a lot lately):
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell*
Clickbait Of The week
People Share Their Neighbors’ Funny Antics
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Jonah and the whale (Not Jonah the Whale, I'll leave him for Ace to skewer):
*Maybe. Usually attributed to Orwell, but thematically similar statements predate him

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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