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October 15, 2021
Conservative Member of Parliament and Brexit Supporter David Amess Stabbed to Death in Church
He had been stabbed last night. He died of his wounds within the past few hours.
If you search for more news, note his name is AMess, not ARNess, as it may appear if you're not looking at the letters too closely
A Conservative Party minister in the U.K. has died after being stabbed during a meeting with his constituents at a church, according to police.
David Amess, 69, was speaking at a Methodist Church Friday when a man entered and stabbed him. Police arrived after 12:05 p.m. local times and arrested a man for the stabbing.
"We are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident and do not believe there is an ongoing threat to the wider public," Essex police said in a statement, adding that officers had recovered a knife.
If they're not looking for anyone else, that must mean it was a leftist or Islamist who killed him. Those are the only people who Always Act Alone.
Whenever someone on the right breaks a law, it's part of a Wider Conspiracy that Threatens the Very Pillars of Our Civilization.
People on the left are reacting with their typical class, dancing on the graves of a political opponent assassinated by what will almost certainly turn out to be one of their fellow leftists. This politician, for example, who belongs to the "left-center" Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru:

If you read about this case in the British press, you'll come across statements that he was killed in a "surgery" and that police will in the future be present at "surgeries."
This unfamiliar (to Americans) use of the word "surgery" is explained by Wikipedia: It means one-on-one meetings with constituents, out in the actual constituency (the region), rather than back in a Parliament office.
A political surgery, constituency surgery, constituency clinic, mobile office or sometimes advice surgery, in British and Irish politics, is a series of one-to-one meetings that a Member of Parliament (MP), Teachta Dála (TD) or other political officeholder may have with their constituents.[1] At a surgery, constituents may raise issues of concern in the same manner that a person may directly consult a general practitioner (GP) in their surgery (a "surgery" being the term for the GP's workplace, an "office" in American parlance). The issues may relate to local issues (street crime, litter, a request for intervention by the representative on behalf of the constituent with local or national government) or to national policy matters.[2] Often the constituent's issue will be followed up by a caseworker or assistant. Surgery meetings are usually confidential and differ from town hall meetings, which are open to many people at the same time.