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Good morning, kids. Happy Columbus Day! Today we celebrate a man (a real one) who brought civilization such as it was at that time to a savage, in every sense of that word, undiscovered part of the world. The usual suspects are prancing about in a skin-suit demanding we instead observe "Indigenous Peoples Day." We must recognize all the decent, innocent original inhabitants of the lands conquered and colonized by evil supremacist enslavers and dominators. Of course that never includes the millions mostly peacefully butchered, raped and degraded over the course of the last 1,500 years of the devotees of the "religion of peace." In any case, considering what took place between November 3rd, 2020 and January 6th, 2021 - that is, the overthrow, dispossession and concerted effort to enslave over 200 million indigenous people of the former United States of America, as a member of that group I say let the festivities commence.
"Festivities." Like being officially labeled a domestic terrorist for raising your voice at a school board meeting to protest you child's involuntary lobotomy and absorption into the collective hive mind of Marxist socialist nihilism. Or being thrown into prison and held virtually incommunicado for months on end in conditions that would make Papillon wince for showing up at the Capitol on January 6th. Worse, being shot in the back and assassinated by a uniformed goon with a badge. Or being fired for refusing to be needlessly injected with what amounts to snake oil (and highly profitable for Big Pharma at that) for what is at the end of the day an easily treatable respiratory virus (the origin and nature of it notwithstanding).
To the true believers, the mind-altered pod-people that no amount of logic, fact or reason will ever be able to reach, it is us "indigenous" Americans that are out of our minds for not accepting that men are women merely because they say so, or that your children are to be taught the wonders of anal penetration by men posing as women, that killing a baby in utero is an act of love, that there can be no wrong answer to the problem of 2 + 2 because math is racist, fossil fuels are evil, money is evil, "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength."
It was from the 1940s through the 1970s, the height of the Cold War, that Soviet authorities notoriously politicized the field of psychiatry. One should always be very suspicious of any government official appealing directly to the "science." Politicians know science like they know ethics. In 1963, Russian-Jewish poet and essayist Joseph Brodsky was twice placed in a pyschiatric facility against his will, and ultimately charged with the crime of "social parasitism" (according to the lawful authorities, not making sufficient contributions to society). He was eventually expelled from the country.
The Soviet government even went so far as to make up fictitious psychological illnesses like "sluggish schizophrenia" to justify the forcible psychiatric incarceration of people who committed no obvious wrongs, but were simply brave enough to criticize the Soviet regime or to reject communism altogether . . . This is really quite normal for "law" and "order," but adding the "crazy" element to the equation (placing people in institutions Russians came to call "psikhushkas") was really the cherry on top. Using phony science to discredit and destroy enemies of the state for rejecting the state's official ideology is a quintessentially lefto-bolshevist tactic.
Which is why it is quite interesting that our own government has now entered a very similar business, a softer form of politicizing lunacy to be sure, but no less absurd or sinister. You are all probably familiar with Stuart Scheller, the Marine who famously criticized the sloppy, poorly planned, poorly conceived Afghanistan withdrawal. Our corrupt government's unconscionable treatment of the man has been nothing short of scandalous, throwing him in the brig, accusing him of a litany of crimes, and refusing to allow him to resign his post. However, what really jumped out at me was that to top it all off they demanded he get a "psychiatric evaluation." There is absolutely no evidence or reason to think there is anything wrong with Col. Scheller psychologically. None. Zero. So why would the government order him to get a psych eval? Well, Scheller thought his superiors were trying to do him a solid, maybe get him diagnosed with PTSD so that he might be found less than fully (legally and otherwise) responsible for his public statements. I happen to think that is a very naive take.
This kind of thing is never done with good intentions. Governments are not benevolent entities. This was a tyrannical assault on the state's critics, just as in the case of Brodsky, Grigorenko, and Solzhenitsyn. It is an attempt to discredit critics of power. The mention of a psychiatric evaluation taints the source of the ideas/critiques, and thereby strengthens the position of the state, especially states run by criminals. . .
. . . You see, the neo-Bolsheviks who run America and dominate all of her major institutions really think Stuart Scheller and others like him, dissidents and right-wingers and those who don't want to get the [Chinese] COVID vaccine, and "racists" and "sexists" and "transphobes," and whoever else, really are psychologically unwell. America has become a deeply polarized society and one of the consequences of that is that political differences are increasingly equated with moral shortcomings and even mental disease. So while the self-interest on the part of the Cultural Marxist elite is surely a factor, a lot of these people are true believers. Many Soviets really thought that being devoutly religious for example, was a genuine mental disorder. Many of the left-wing zealots with outsized power in America today likewise truly believe that those who reject their core beliefs are not just politically misguided, they are dangerous, abominable, and downright bonkers.
My lead-in to this excerpt is not quite right. The Left has emptied the asylums and of course the prisons all in the name of "social justice" and in doing so have made average citizens prisoners to the fear of getting on a once safe subway or worse, victims of violence. But to evil, raving maniacs like Bill DeBolshevik or Chesa Boudin, the criminal justice system is merely an extension of white supremacy that came ashore in 1492 (wait, I thought it was 1619?) and has oppressed indigenous persons and persons of color for centuries. And so we have the decriminalizing of crime and the move to abolish the criminal justice system as we know it. But it's more sinister than that. As I alluded to, unleashing actual psychos, criminals and psycho-criminals onto the streets to commit their acts, in the eyes of the Left, IS criminal justice; it is we who are collectively guilty of white supremacy, racism and oppression and so if you're robbed, raped or murdered, you had it coming. Of course, the black on black violence that has stacked up inner city youth like cordwood is to be ignored, or if possible, blamed on white supremacy.
There are two parts to the human dilemma. One is the belief that the end justifies the means. That push-button philosophy, that deliberate deafness to suffering has become the monster in the war machine. The other is the betrayal of the human spirit. The assertion of dogma closes the mind and turns a nation, a civilization into a regiment of ghosts -- obedient ghosts, or tortured ghosts.
It's said that science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers. That's false -- tragically false.
Look for yourself.
This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas -- it was done by arrogance, it was done by dogma, it was done by ignorance.
When people believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, this is how they behave. This is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods.
You don't have to be Dr. bloody Bronowski to see that what he is warning us about is exactly where we are heading.
Victor Davis Hanson: "There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches -- because its claws tear all of us as well." The Left Got What It Wanted -- So Now What?
"America dodged a bullet when he didn't get on the Supreme Court but his authoritarian reach as Attorney General is still proving to be a problem." The True Moloch Garland
Roger Kimball: "Parents across the country have suddenly woken up to the wokeness haunting their schools and poisoning the minds of their children." Garland Just Tipped Over the Dominos
"The divorce should begin immediately and be finished by 2024." (They will never allow a split. When they devolve into Venezuela inside of 5 years and we thrive, their entire worldview and pseudo-religion will be shown to be the greatest lie in history. And they cannot allow that to happen. - jjs) The Great Divorce: Divided We Stand
"Although the media are focusing on polls about America's divisions, the data suggest that the types of divisions in 1860 and 2021 are not comparable." Premature Premonitions of Civil War?
David Horowitz: "The anti-American revolution they are advancing would destroy the most equitable, inclusive, tolerant, and free society that has ever existed." What Kind of Movement Is BLM?
"The ruling elite breezily lives by one set of standards while imposing an entirely different set of standards on their subjects. We must fight back." It's Just Not Funny Anymore
"Of course, Southwest Airlines would want to keep this news of a pilot 'sickout' under wraps. But this isn't news to a lot of aviation experts, so why the news blackout? The obedient puppies are hoping to get a treat from Master Joe, no doubt." Southwest Cancels 1,800 Flights. Is There a "Sickout" Over the Vaccine Mandate?
"At least 60 of the Coast Guard's 340 elite Aviation Survival Technicians - better known as helicopter rescue swimmers - are seeking exemptions from the vaccine mandate, retired rescue swimmer David Kroll told the Daily Caller in an exclusive interview. The Coast Guard is already short on rescue swimmers, Kroll said, and a loss of dozens more would threaten the effectiveness and stability of the force." Elite Military Unit Risks Mass Exodus Over Vaccine Mandate, Retired Member Says
"Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats' 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that 'willfully,' 'repeatedly,' or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees," CEO and founder of Adam Andrzejewski said. Biden Plans to Fine Businesses for Violating Vaccine Mandate
"A website has been created that lists 61 businesses that promise not to enforce the city's vaccine mandate, according to Fox. 'For those who are unvaccinated or don't have identification, the businesses on that website are the only places they can go out to eat with their family,' the website creator said." 14 NYC Businesses Hit With $1,000 Fines For Not Complying With Vaccine Mandates
"The high number has nothing to do with the number of people actually sick from [Chinese] COVID and more to do with intentional inflation." Why Is the Chinese COVID Case Count So High?
"Why the United Kingdom will never be the same." (Chinese Covid is one thing, but England was screwed decades ago when it turned socialist and then opened itself up for invasion and conquest by Islam - jjs) The Most Frightened Nation
"Even as moderates and left-wing members stuck together to fund the federal government and raise the debt ceiling, the sides remain far apart on the size and scope of the Build Back Better Act, which will be passed through the budget reconciliation process. Furthermore, a wave of insults between members and protests by left-wing activist groups have left the two sides mistrustful of each other." Democrats Turn Back to Infrastructure, and Moderates Are Upset
"The clock is ticking on Biden's [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"]. And unless the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] can find a way to reconcile the two wings of his party, it's not likely to be saved." Biden's So-Called Quote-Unquote "Presidency" Is a Ticking Time Bomb
"I don't want to get into criminal referrals. We're still at the interim level. I would point to the geographic fact of just so much of what took place at the Department of Justice being focused on Georgia, sending letters to the Georgia legislature saying they could open up in special session and redo the election and send a separate slate." Sheldon Whorehouse: Trump's Involvement in Georgia a "Ripe Area" for Further Investigation
"Mark Finchem, the State Representative from Arizona who has also received the endorsement of former President Donald Trump in a bid to become that State's Secretary of State in 2022, has effectively taken his Arizona Ballot Integrity Project (BIP) national as of this past Wednesday when he and approximately 30 others from around the country gathered at the suburban Dallas offices of international authentication leader, Authentix, to create a process for introducing a highly counterfeit-resistant paper ballot." Counterfeiters Beware! Arizona Rep. Turns State Ballot Integrity Project into National Opportunity
". . . Then get the right people elected to the school boards." Boycott the Schools!
"Time and again we have seen arrogant school board members turn off microphones, shut down meetings and then, behind closed doors, ridicule these parents. So now the heavy hand of the DOJ has been deployed to silence them. Good luck with that. The mama bears aren't shutting up." (we shall see - jjs) AG Moloch Garland Is At War With American Families
"The heretofore innocuous office of school committee member has now risen to a position of about the highest visibility and importance at the local level." The Challenge of School Committees
"Funny, she's not showing up to the Mexico City talks about root causes of illegal immigration with Mexico's heavyweights; only the top cabinet secretaries seem to be allowed into that one." Has the White House Dumped Kamala?
"On every major issue, from Chinese COVID hysteria to critical race theory indoctrination to Afghanistan, the rottenness of the American ruling class has been exposed." The American Ruling Class Reaches Its Inflection Point
"A real whistleblower takes real risks and opposes corruption at the top, rather than aligning with those at the top to usher in a more perfect form of surveillance capitalism." Beware of Regime-Approved Whistleblowers
"I've taken a position that censorship, particularly as it relates to Facebook, working in conjunction with the government -- and that seems to be a pattern in regard to the pandemic -- that Facebook, working with the government, is just like if the government violated my freedom of speech, so it's an unconstitutional act." Sen. Grassley: "It's An Unconstitutional Act" for Facebook to Censor Speech
"They're coming for you next: Matt Schrenger, a police officer in Louisville, Kentucky, was suspended for four months simply because, while off duty and not in uniform, he quietly prayed with his father on the street outside an abortion clinic." Today's Blacklisted American: Policeman Suspended for Four Months for Praying
"Out of 21.52 million permit applications, I'll wager that not all of them were Trump voters. I suspect that even some of the most vocal progressives are secretly worried about the current state of the nation. They've worked so hard to achieve utopia but may be wondering why their vision seems farther away than ever before." State of the Nation: The Explosive Growth of Concealed-Carry Permits
"Our position on cross-strait relations remains the same: neither our goodwill nor our commitments will change. We call for maintaining the status quo, and we will do our utmost to prevent the status quo from being unilaterally altered." (should've demanded the filthy commies surrender and prepare for the occupation of the mainland - jjs) Taiwan President Stands Up to China, Says Island Won't "Bow to Pressure"
"But Xi's saber-rattling carries risks. With so many planes and ships operating in a confined area like the Taiwan Strait, a mistake or miscalculation could involve the U.S. and China in a situation neither wants." (meh, we have a brain-dead crook who's in China's pocket; now is the perfect time to strike and fear zero repercussions, at least not from us - jjs) Xi Says He Wants "Peaceful Reunification" With Taiwan After Sending 150 Warplanes Near the Island
"The feds say Jonathan Toebbe of Annapolis stashed secrets about the country's Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarines on a blue, plastic-coated SD memory card -- then sandwiched the tiny device between two slabs of bread slathered with peanut butter." Navy Engineer, Wife Busted for Trying to Sell Nuclear Sub Secrets
"According to Politico, new evidence has emerged that virtually confirms that some kind of directed energy device is responsible. And the evidence strongly suggests that Russia's military intelligence unit, the GRU, is directing the attacks." New Evidence in Finding a Cause for Havana Syndrome
"Our generals spend too much time in meetings and grifting on corporate boards, and not enough time prepping their bodies and minds for real war." Un-Fat for Command
"Israeli police had barred Rabbi Aryeh Lipo from visiting the Temple Mount for 15 days for praying at the site -- the most sacred location in Judaism -- but the court lifted the ban early, on the grounds his quiet and private prayer was not sufficient to violate relevant police regulations." Arab, Islamic Leaders Say Rabbi's "Quiet" Prayer on Temple Mount Will Provoke the World's Muslims (wait I thought Islam was the religion of peace? - jjs)
". . . the crater first held a lake, which as it slowly dried out was periodically renewed by flash floods. The distinct delta of material that made Jezero Crater the prime landing site was apparently formed during the period when the lake existed. The conditions that caused the subsequent flash floods is as yet not been determined, though it likely is related to the red planet's long term evolution." Data From Perseverance Confirms Jezero Crater Once Held a Lake
"The uncertainty of science: The lunar samples returned to Earth by China's Chang'e-5 lander have been found to be the youngest ever found, about two billion years old and a billion years younger than any other previous sample, with a composition that confirms the material in this area was also the youngest volcanism so far found on the Moon." Chang'e-5 Lunar Samples Youngest Ever Found (so young, Joey Copperfield wants to sniff 'em - jjs)
"This bill would require a retail department store that is physically located in California that has a total of 500 or more employees across all California retail department store locations that sells childcare items or toys to maintain a gender neutral section or area, to be labeled at the discretion of the retailer, in which a reasonable selection of the items and toys for children that it sells shall be displayed, regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys." Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Toy Sections at Large Retailers
"How to combat the rising woke regime." Breaking Free
"CRT's goal is indoctrination, not empowerment, something easy to see by looking at Bettina Love, one of CRT's rising stars." The "Spirit-Murdering" CRT Agenda
"The history of Christopher Columbus is actually less messy and more consequential than many of the other heroes of our national holidays." Why Columbus Day is Worth Defending
"It's easy to fantasize about what you would have done in history. It's a lot harder to speak up about something that's happening now." Do You Have Schindler's Courage?
"Looking down from the summit of Grand Teton, Angelo Codevilla observed, 'What a beautiful sight. What a beautiful country.'" "We'll Conquer That One, Too!"
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.