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October 04, 2021

Illegal Alien and a Dude Stalk Krysten Sinema Into Bathroom to Videotape Her Going to the Bathroom While Harassing Her;
Biden, Democrat Media Downplays and Justifies

Islam divides the world into two houses: the Dar al-Islam, the House of Peace, those within the religion who are owed decent treatment and respect.

And then there's the Dar al-Harb -- the House of War. Those outside of Islam who are owed jihad and violence.

The left constantly divides women into those in the Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb. Leftist women in the first camp, and conservative women in the second.

And if you're a moderate Democrat blocking a socialist spending wish list, you too now join the Dar al-Harb, and get the jihadist treatment.

This is not a nuanced question. It is actually against the law in Arizona to film a woman in a restroom without her consent.

Because of course it is.

Biden -- himself not a great respecter of women's right to consent or refuse advances -- allowed that stalking a woman into a bathroom to take care of her most private of all personal business wasn't "appropriate," but then added: "It happens to everybody."

He also said that getting stalked into the bathroom was just "part of the process" that every public servant agrees to when they take office.

No big deal, in other words.

Let the Dar al-Harb treatment continue.

Joe Biden says it's not appropriate to harass senators in public restrooms, but also says that "it's part of the process," and "it happens to everybody."

Obvious question: If a conservative activist followed AOC or Ilhan "Omar" Nur or Rashida Tlaib into the bathroom and recorded them while they were evacuating their bowels, do you think the left would have shrugged and said "it happens to everybody?"

Should we find out??

I wouldn't recommend it -- you'll be thrown in jail without trial like the J6 protesters.

But for someone in the Dar al-Harb... Jihad is good for the soul. Different rules for those outside the religion as compared to those within it.

Melissa Mackenzie @MelissaTweets

It doesn't happen to Democrats.

Antifa harassed Senator Paul and his wife. His neighbor nearly killed him.

Democrat shot up Republicans at a baseball field.

Now, Democrats harassing other Democrats.

And encouraged by Biden.

It wasn't just Joe Biden. The entire leftwing is aware that the Dar al-Woke has issued a fatwa against the infidel nonbeliever Sinema, and competed with each other to bless the disturbing invasion of her most intimate privacy.

Leftwing aggregator Memeorandum suggested that the invasion of privacy was justified -- after all, Sinema had the audacity to lock the door of the stall inside which she was urinating.

How dare she!

memeorandum @memeorandum

Sinema Locks Door to Bathroom Stall as Protesters Demand Answers (@oldmcdougall / The Daily Beast)

Rapidly-aging former girlfriend of Anthony Weiner Kirstin Powers was almost giddy at the harassment.

The invasion of privacy, Powers says, is justified because Sinema "refused to stop and listen" to these mentally-ill criminals.

Kirsten Powers @KirstenPowers

Which is worse: your grandparents being deported or being followed into a bathroom (bc you refused to stop and listen) by ppl desperate for your help? This is not a trick question.

Bethany S. Mandel @bethanyshondark

I’m flabbergasted by people whatabouting this.

Kristin Powers @KirstenPowers

I'm flabbergasted by people who think a US Senator has been harmed by constituents trying to get her to understand how her actions affect actual lives. If she didn't want to be confronted in a bathroom she could have stopped and talked to them outside the bathroom.

If Kristin Powers won't "stop and listen" to me, then, shall I assume I have permission to stalk her into the bathroom and record the sound of her urinating or defeacating?

I'm sure she still have fans who had a crush on her in 2000 who might want to hear that.

But I assume "no," right? Because Dar al-Islam?

The left is weaponizing its legions of mentally ill criminals to terrorize anyone who refuses to bend to their wishes.

Witness the violent mentally-ill detritus of antifa.

Witness this mentally-ill criminal, who claims she's The Real Victim Here (TM) because people are "tone-policing" her.

Libs of Tik Tok

BREAKING: The woman who followed Sen. Sinema into the bathroom and stood right outside the stall, posted this on Facebook


CNN offers this reason for Sinema's fatwa: she's "unnecessarily moderate."

Screenshot (543).png

Byron York notices that the mainstream media never accused their favorite turncoat John McCain of being "unnecessarily moderate."

Remember the media cheers for Sen. John McCain when he stopped the effort to repeal Obamacare? McCain was a Republican frustrating a Republican policy goal, which was enough to earn the highest praise in some media circles. "It was a stunning moment," the New York Times reported, "a flash of the maverick John McCain, unafraid of going his own way despite the pleas of his fellow Republicans."

That was four years ago, and Donald Trump was president. Fast-forward to today, with Joe Biden in the White House and Democrats desperately trying to pass a massive spending bill that has been compared to legislation from the New Deal and Great Society. Another Arizona senator, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, along with fellow Democrat Joe Manchin, has so far refused to support her party's signature initiative.

Sinema isn't getting the John McCain profile-in-courage treatment. For her stand, she has been called a sellout and a party traitor in the liberal press, portrayed as a nihilistic, angry bimbo on Saturday Night Live, and pursued by leftist activists who actually chased her into a women's room, harangued her while she was in a stall, and posted a video of the entire ugly incident.

The New Republic ran an article headlined, "Democrats, Stop Negotiating With Traitors" -- with Sinema, along with Manchin, being the "traitors" in question. The Nation published "How Kyrsten Sinema Sold Out; The origin story of the Senate's newest super villain." Then blogger Matthew Yglesias wrote simply: "Kyrsten Sinema must be stopped."

"Moderate" Republicans are always praised.

Moderate Democrats are demonized.

The media justifies its constant promotion of Republican "moderates" by claiming "we're just trying to defend against extremism and encourage people to talk to each other and compromise."

But when a Democrat is a moderate, they attack, to pressure that moderate to join the extremists.

By the way, that Saturday Night Live sketch he mentions is jawdropping.

In the sketch, Sinema and Joe Manchin are presented as crazy, evil extremists.

Ilhan "Omar" Nur and AOC are also in the sketch.

You know what they're played as?

Why, as reasonable, compromise-seeking moderates, of course! What else would they be portrayed as?

Note that not only is this not funny and non-comedic propaganda -- it's a retread. Cicely Strong is doing the exact same "impression" she did of Tulsi Gabbard. Gabbard, another Democrat with some forbidden dissident ideas, was also played as a crazy, evil, attention-seeking comic-book villain like Cruella DeVille or a female Bond mastermind.

But the Democrat Party needs word for its fatwa to get out.

They need to let the jihadists know that it's time for suicide attacks on the infidel whores.

digg this
posted by Ace at 06:29 PM

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