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September 30, 2021
The Morning Report - 9/30/21
Good morning, kids. Thursday and honestly, with everything else that is happening, it seems almost pointless and stupid to get all excited about the seeming collapse of both this infrastructure bill and the insane socialist transformation bill. For all intents and purposes, despite the transparent illusion that "republican democracy" and "robust debate in the world's greatest deliberative body" continuing to be played out to the masses, it is indeed a sham. Our governmental system is a corrupt, one-party bureaucratic state, now rapidly devolving into a totalitarian tyranny. We can no longer delude ourselves otherwise; the truth is now out in the open, having been exposed to millions and confirmed to millions more by President-in-Exile Trump. Frankly, there are more than a few links that scare the hell out of me for their implications to each and every one of us.
First, while Vanilli Milley, a fat, fruit salad-festooned fraud who makes Idi Amin look like Audie Murphy, struts, preens and crows about his alleged patriotism by declaring Trump to be Hitler (and worse, colluding with Malig-Nancy Pelosi to seize power a la Gen. Jack D. Ripper), we have the horrendous story of a real officer, gentleman and patriot declared an "enemy of the people" and chucked into the Garland Archipelago to rot alongside the scores of others still rotting there as January 6th political prisoners.
Stu Scheller Sr. and Cathy Scheller, parents of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, spoke out against the U.S. Military's decision to throw their son in the brig after he spoke out against military leadership over President Joe Biden's Afghanistan pullout.
Cathy Scheller said that they don't know what the charges are against their son, although Stu Scheller Sr. suggested that it was tied to his son's decision to break a gag order that he was under.
"Probably a week or two ago, or maybe it was a week ago, they put him under a gag order. They took away his right to post, to talk on social media, to email, to text," Stu Scheller Sr. told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. "He shared it with America. And he knew this weekend, when he posted again and he broke his silence, that they were probably going to arrest him on Monday. So, he is a very intelligent man. He understands what's going to happen to him."
"And I said last night on a program, Tucker, his crime was speaking truth to power, and power couldn't handle it."
Right there is a quote-of-the-year contender, not just about this issue but about the entirety of the madness consuming us. From the sacred we now go to the profane, in the form of former Obama apparatchik Kathleen "Supercilious" Sebelius:
Sebelius said, "I think what [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden has done is -- [blah, blah, blah, blah, verbal boilerplate fellatio of Biden's shriveled yutzick, etc.] -- But what people don't have a right to do is make other people sick, put other people in jeopardy, risk other people's lives, risk children's lives. So I think the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has been walking a line of balancing science and safety and security at every step along the way. Hoping that the mass majority of the American public would follow that lead."
She added, "It's a lot like secondhand smoke. You have a right to be a smoker. The science is very clear what smoking will do to you, what cancer will be caused, what kinds of health conditions. You have a right to be a smoker. You don't have a right to smoke next to my desk, to blow smoke on people, on my children, to force me to live in a housing facility where I am subjected to more smoke. That is a line that we have in this country, which delineates what your individual rights are. I think we're looking at very much the same situation. OSHA, you're absolutely right, has always provided guidance and mandates about safety in a workplace. This is not a safe workplace if I'm working with a person that may make me and my family sick. That's not acceptable."
Aside from the knob-gobbling and semen-guzzling which I deleted in the interest of preserving your breakfast and sanity, which was shot to hell by the balance of that pull quote, the abject stupidity of using secondhand smoke as a metaphor for the unvaccinated is radiant. Secondhand smoke being just as dangerous if not more dangerous than the inhalant itself has more or less been debunked. I cannot remember where I saw it but I recall reading a very good essay (or maybe it was a George Carlin rant?) identifying the war on smokers as an opening salvo in the current drive of the war on liberty. First it was smoking sections, then you could only smoke at the bar, then only outdoors, then you had to be 50 feet away from the patio, and on and on and on until you could no longer even smoke in your own home.
But this horrendous hag's words are more than a mere warning of totalitarian overreach (which is sure to come). Her words can kill. And history has shown time and again that words indeed do kill. When you start labeling people as carriers of plague, disease and death and a threat to "the children," how long before some insane Karen (BIRM) pulls a James Hodgkinson on some unmasked passerby in the street?
Those are just two things that I did not want to get lost in the sauce with the hoopla over the apparent Hindenburg-ing of these multi-trillion dollar fiascos. But it is consuming a lot of real estate, whatever the kabuki/bukkake theatrics or the actual machiavellian maneuverings backstage so I suppose it is worth mentioning.
""At some point, all of us, regardless of party must ask the simple question -- how much is enough?" [WV Sen Joe] Manchin said. "What I have made clear to the President and Democratic leaders is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs, when we can't even pay for the essential social programs, like Social Security and Medicare, is the definition of fiscal insanity. . . "
"Overall, the amount we spend now must be balanced with what we need and can afford -- not designed to reengineer the social and economic fabric of this nation or vengefully tax for the sake of wishful spending," Manchin continued. "While I am hopeful that common ground can be found that would result in another historic investment in our nation, I cannot -- and will not -- support trillions in spending or an all or nothing approach that ignores the brutal fiscal reality our nation faces."
Manchin concluded, "If there is one final lesson that will continue to guide me in this difficult debate ahead, it is this: America is a great nation but great nations throughout history have been weakened by careless spending and bad policies. Now, more than ever, we must work together to avoid these fatal mistakes so that we may fulfill our greatest responsibility as elected leaders and pass on a better America to the next generation."
Wow. Our hero. Joe's Man-Chin I guess is not a glass jaw. As the great Milton Friedman PBUH once said,
"The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office."
I guess even Milton Friedman could not predict that it's politically and incredibly financially profitable for the wrong people to do the wrong thing AND keep getting re-elected for decades. While I was tempted to put in the Autistic Green Jesus "blah, blah, blah" but I think we all can infer it from the utter horse shit coming out of Manchin's mouth. That said, I guess he knows he'd be shit-canned in his next election for voting us over the cliff, but would he? West Virginians should've dumped his ass years ago but still for whatever reasons they persist.
Meh, I don't mean to dump all over him. And despite my thoughts above, that $3.5 trillion bill is chock full of crap that will be the final nail in the coffin of whatever vestige of our freedom is left. But for him to go on about "fiscal responsibility" is as insulting as Kathleen Supercilious. Joe Manchin as well as virtually every other REPUBLICAN senator and congressman has voted time and time again to raise the debt ceiling, borrow trillions, waste trillions and excoriate the citizenry for not "paying our fair share" (puke). Where was Manchin back then? Where were the Republicans? Yes, I guess it's all well and good that for whatever reasons he and McYertle are letting the Democrats form the circular firing squad and torpedo this madness.
But what happens in 2022 and 2024 if by some miracle Dao-Min Yen contracts dementia and we take over the shooting match again? Do you think the GOP will not only not borrow trillions on their own let alone propose bills that CUT spending, pay down the debt and abolish the bureaucracy?
So, okay, pass the popcorn, as Kyle Smith gloats. But it's a temporary reprieve either this time around or in the coming months and years. Unless things radically change. One way or another.
- "Bank customers are not subjects of the federal government. Banks do not work for the IRS. This is an invasion of privacy. Wyoming's people literally will find alternatives to traditional banks just to thwart access to their personal information -- not because they are trying to hide anything, but because they are not willing to share everything."
Sen. Lummis Confronts Yellen Over IRS Plan to Force Banks to "Rat on Their Customers" Every $600-Plus Transaction
- "Egalitarians seek the radical transformation of our society."
The Menace of Moralism
- Rep Louie Gohmert: "Make no mistake, the evil, deadly, coordinated globalist attacks we are currently witnessing on ivermectin will go down in history as a vicious crime against humanity."
The Coordinated Attack on Ivermectin Is a Crime Against Humanity
- "Hollywood veteran Greg Ellis delivers a gripping, first-person account of family breakdown - and the forces fueling it."
The Respondent: Exposing the Cartel of Family Law
- "It also sued another mother of a special-needs student who runs a blog that published portions of the records. The documents are billing records showing how FCPS paid Hunton Andrews Kurth, a law firm that hired now-Virginia gubernatorial candidate McAuliffe as a top advisor, to do much of what parents say is the school system's dirty work, including seeking to dismiss a class action lawsuit filed by special-ed parents who allege that their children were systematically physically abused by educators."
Fairfax Schools Sues Special-Ed Parents, Demanding "Damages" for Publicizing Embarrassing Records the Schools Gave Them (Eichmann Sues Israel for Unlawful Imprisonment, Kidnapping - jjs)
- "Definition of fiscal insanity." (what about the trillions and trillions in society-killing, government-empowering waste you and your colleagues eagerly voted for for decades??? - jjs)
Joe Manchin Deals Death Blow To Biden's $3.5 Trillion Agenda
- "The End Times are upon Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without some kind of miracle, Biden's entire agenda is ready to collapse into a heap of smoking rubble." (the "miracle" is usually RINOs rushing in to be bipartisan - jjs)
Republicans Get Out of the Way as Democrats Form a Circular Firing Squad
- Kyle Smith: "Let me get this straight: nutjob Democrats almost unanimously back a cockamamie supervillain scheme to remake an evenly divided country into a socialist wonderland with a $4.3 trillion spending extravaganza -- but they might just blow the whole thing, and a stupid infrastructure package too, because of petty infighting? I'm loving it!"
Get the Popcorn! It's Wonderful to Watch Dems Rip Each Other Apart
- "Accept it, Democrats. There are rules and you cannot get your way all the time."
Senate Parliamentarian Rejects Democrats' "Plan B" to Insert Amnesty in Infrastructure Bill
- "State power at all costs -- trillions, if need be."
$3.5 Trillion Democrat Fantasies
- "Democrats control the entire government -- the Senate, the House and the White House. They intend to sideline Republicans and go it alone to slam American families with historic tax hikes and borrowing," McConnell added. "So they will need to raise the debt limit on a partisan basis as well."
Cuck Schemer Claims Senate "Cannot" Use Reconciliation to Raise Debt Ceiling
- "What are you talking about?"
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Sharply Responds To Reporter Asking About Debt Ceiling
- "America has a massive infrastructure problem. The Democrats would exchange new pipes for progressive pipe dreams."
"Biden's 'Build Back Better" B.S.
- "Stu Scheller Sr. and Cathy Scheller, parents of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, spoke out against the U.S. Military's decision to throw their son in the brig after he spoke out against military leadership over President Joe Biden's Afghanistan pullout."
Parents of Imprisoned Marine: "His Crime Was Speaking Truth to Power, and Power Couldn't Handle It"
- "Charges have not even been filed yet by the Marine Corps. We don't even know why he's in jail other than breaking a gag order, so it's kind of hard to mount a defense if we don't know what he's being charged with," Stu Scheller Sr. told the DCNF. (he's going to be made an example of by the junta - jjs)
Jailed Marine Who Demanded Accountability For Afghanistan Offered To Resign Honorably But Was Rejected
- "Are you embarrassed by the book?"
GOP Congressman Confronts Vanilli Milley For Talking To Woodward
- "Initially, according to reports, the flight was cleared to land in New York City but the destination was later changed to Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C., before being disallowed altogether." (I actually know the guy running this rescue program and he has got to be beside himself with rage - jjs)
Biden Junta Bars Flight Carrying Americans From Kabul From Entering U.S.
- "This was a war we could have and should have won."
A Marine's Reflection on Afghanistan
- "However, over one-third of Democrats believe that Americans should lose their job for rejecting the vaccine -- the highest 'yes' percentage of all groups."
Poll: Majority Voters Say People Should Not Lose Their Job for Rejecting the Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine
- "We're getting tired of protecting people who do not want to protect themselves and get vaccinated." (and the tree of liberty is parched, asshole - jjs)
L.A. City Council To Vote On New, Massive Vaccine Requirement
- "Sixty-six parents would pull their kids the day before the Ankeny school district's Oct. 1 student count date, and some would reenroll the Monday after the count, which would result in more than $465,000 in lost funding,"
Parents Threaten to Pull Students and Funding Over Mask Mandate, Could Cost District Over $400,000
- "The scary part about Fauci's redefining 'fully vaccinated' is the implications it has for those impacted by Biden's vaccine mandate. Will people who've had their two doses of Pfizer and Moderna not be considered fully vaccinated and face termination under Biden's vaccine mandate?"
Of Course: Quack-enstein Fauci Revises the Definition of "Fully Vaccinated"
- "Self-appointed pope of all New Yorkers [Yokel] Hochul appeared at a megachurch to preach her [Chinese] COVID doctrines, saying 'I need you to be my apostles' for preaching universal vaccination to the unsaved."
New York Governor Confirms Chinese Covidianism is a Pagan Cult
- Is she that stupid to use secondhand smoke, the allegedly toxic effects of which have generally been debunked, to make this claim? Meh, it's not even that. It's the making of the unvaccinated into carriers of plague and death that gets into blood-libel territory. How long before someone in an environmental suit kills an unmasked stranger because of talk like this? Absolute reprehensible cvnt.
Supercilious Sebelius: Unvaccinated Are "Like Secondhand Smoke" -- They Can Make Me and My Family Sick
- "Anti-vaccine passport bills are a step in the right direction, but they do not go far enough."
Vaccine Mandates: A Tale of Two Legal Battles
* * * * *
- "That's not a free country. It's not a free country at all," DeSantis said. "In fact, I mean, I wonder why we would still have the same diplomatic relations when they're doing that. Is Australia freer than China, communist China, right now? I don't know. The fact that that's even a question tells you something has gone dramatically off the rails with some of this stuff."
DeSantis Suggests Cooling Diplomatic Relations With Australia Over "Off-the-Rails" Chinese COVID Lockdowns
- "As far as [Chinese] COVID pandemic leadership -- who wore it better? Joe Biden or Donald Trump?"
Choosing Senility Over Substance
- "Instead of spreading 'democracy' by bombing foreign nations, America will be spreading 'health' by delivering vaccines produced by untouchable pharmaceutical conglomerates to some of the poorest countries in the world. Is that what some are now calling the vaccine- or [Chinese] COVID-industrial complex?"
Vaccinate for Global Democracy? The US Empire Turns Therapeutic
- "The repetition of the big lie, suppression of facts and lack of personal experiences have skewed perceptions on [Chinese] COVID."
Are Perceptions of Chinese COVID Changing?
- "The result is the Rome Declaration, posted on September 23, with 7,200 signatures from doctors and researchers. They are demanding a restoration of the doctor/patient relationship, an end to political intrusion into the practice of medicine, and a restoration of their rights to prescribe treatment under the principle of 'First do no harm.'"
We Must Insist on Autonomy in the Practice of Medicine Before It's Too Late
- While millions of unvaccinated third world, real disease-carrying peasants, criminals and terrorists have the welcome mat, and instant citizenship with automatic Democrat Party voter registration with all the trimmings from Tio Azucar, rolled out for them . . .
Whistleblower: Biden Junta Plans to Terminate Unvaccinated Border Patrol Agents
- "A source within Customs and Border Protection notes the unofficial apprehension record shows more than 1,646,000 for the year as of Wednesday."
Border Patrol Breaks All-Time Migrant Apprehension Record in 2021
- Texas mayor Pete Saenz: "It was working under Trump, call it whatever you want to call it, but it was working."
A Border Town's Democrat Mayor Has Had Enough
- "Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) asked the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to step in and halt the reimplementation of Remain in Mexico while the case makes its way through the courts. SCOTUS denied the plea, requiring DHS to reinstate Remain in Mexico. Now, as the agency is supposed to be reinstating the program, Mayorkas said in a statement that DHS will end Remain in Mexico, again, "in the coming weeks" via 'a new memorandum.'" (aka "meme-o-random" - jjs)
Biden's DHS Planning to End Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' Policy, Again
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has a duty under the law to protect the U.S. border, so why won't he do it?"
Biden's Border Lies Show Contempt For Constitution
- Dear Lord, it's a gaggle of self-gassing fake Jooz who equate massive illegal alien invasions with FDR turning away real refugees from Hitler.
Protesters Confront Mayorkas's Wife, Unfurl 30-Foot Emergency Blanket Outside D.C. Home: "Biden Presidency Trump Policy"
- "Despite the cliche, words are not cheap. They are quite costly when those in high office choose them so poorly."
The High Cost of Biden's Foolish Border Rhetoric
- Sean Davis: "Democrats on the January 6 inquisition are setting up a massive and murky legal fight over executive privilege, legal experts and insiders told The Federalist."
House Democrats Use January 6 Inquisition To Provoke Major Court Battle Over Executive Privilege
- "The obstruction charge on which the government is relying so heavily may, in fact, be unconstitutional as applied to most of the Jan. 6 defendants."
The Government's Case Against Many Jan. 6 Defendants is in Legal Jeopardy
- "This is proof of overt acts and statements made in furtherance of the illegal but thus-far uncharged conspiracy.
John Durham Dissects a Smear Campaign
- Lloyd Billingsley: "California completes the institutionalization of voter fraud."
You've Got Mail
- "This dispute originated in June 2020 when a non-black student asked Plaintiff to grade his 'Black classmates' differently than other students. Plaintiff rejected this request . . .
UCLA Prof. Gordon Klein Sues After Suspension and Smears For Refusing Preferential Exam Treatment For Black Students
- "CAPA Global, a major study abroad program, is employing lecturers to teach a mandatory lesson on 'unconscious bias,' full of critical race theory."
Major Study Abroad Program CAPA Global Mandates Left-Wing Propaganda Webinar
- "We need to bulldoze the education establishment and privatize schools." (we need to privatize society and the individual -- just like those white slave owners did in the Constitution - jjs)
It's Time To End Government-Run Schooling
- "In a C-SPAN video, Harris stands and nods calmly while a female student launches into a minute-long harangue in which she accuses Israel of 'ethnic genocide and displacement of people.' In response, Harris said the young woman's 'truth' 'cannot be suppressed.'"
Veep Throat Harris Tacitly Endorses George Mason Student's Anti-Semitic Rant
- "Nourhan Mesbah faces calls to resign from student Democrats across the country."
College Democrats Leader Under Fire For Anti-Semitic Tweets
- "Why the Left thinks it's perfectly acceptable for Jews to die in the name of Palestinian 'self-determination.'"
The Murderous Anti-Semitism of the Effort to Kill Iron Dome
- "Abortion giant NARAL's anti-law enforcement position sparks backlash."
"Punk" McAuliffe Ally: Defund the Police and Pay for Abortions
- Daniel Greenfield: "The number of black murder victims rose 62% in one year."
Black Lives Matter Killed 2,000 Black People
- We replaced the Angel of Death with a female (on paper) doppelganger. Except her nipple rings are rusty 10-penny nails.
Second Yokel Hochul Appointee is a Titty Caca AOC-Backed Maoist Who Wants to Defund NYPD
- "Alexandra Souverneva is charged with felony arson to wildland. Authorities suspect she started other fires, too." (the root cause is still climate change, h8trz! - jjs)
California's "Fawn Fire" Allegedly Started By Student-Turned-Shaman Claiming She Boiled Bear Urine To Drink
- "We will need incarceration for as long as we have people who need to be incarcerated."
The Fallacy of Elder Parole
- "O'Neill, who served as the 43rd Police Commissioner from 2016 to 2019, addressed the America China Public Affairs Institute (ACPAI) three times during his tenure, speaking at the "Police Commissioner Luncheon" in August 2016, September 2017, and November 2018."
De Bolshevik's Police Commissioner and Chinese COVID Advisor Spoke at Chinese Communist Party Influence Group Seeking "Law Enforcement Cooperation"
- "The American public deserves much better than what Secretary Haaland's Department of Interior is delivering."
Watchdog Group Sues Interior Department Over Access To Secretary Deb Haaland's Schedule
- " . . . Not so good."
How's the Anti-Trump Doing?
- "A moderate Republican House member [a.k.a. rat-bastard scum RINO criminal] told The Post that between 22 and 24 GOPers were expected to support the $1.2 trillion bill as of Wednesday night, despite instructions from party leadership to oppose it."
Biden Booed at Congressional Baseball Game as Hopes Fade for Infrastructure Bill (if only he brought zombie James Hodgkinson pour encourager les autres - jjs)
- "Biden's most recently revealed Afghanistan lie is just the latest in a string of outright falsehoods and deceptions the White House is resorting to in the face of failure."
So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies
- "Get your eyepatch and cutlass ready."
National Lie-Like-a-Democrat Day
- "If further proof were needed that white leftists don't believe a word they say when it comes to their great concern for racism and diversity, look at Matthew Dowd."
Matthew Dowd Proves White Democrats Don't Care About Advancing Ethnic Minorities
- "Mandela Barnes hobnobs in Bay Area with liberal prosecutor [and diseased spawn of literal terrorists] Chesa Boudin, state lawmaker who wants to abolish ICE." (perfect timing; I could be moving to Wisconsin within a year - jjs)
Dem Senate Frontrunner Fundraises With Radical San Francisco Liberals to Flip Wisconsin
- So, they're a publisher and not a platform. Time to break them the hell up.
YouTube Announces It Will Ban All "Anti-Vaccine" Content
- "Historically, the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas have been neglected," the Lancet Journal wrote in a piece on how "the silence, shame, and stigma surrounding menstruation are increasingly being challenged from various cultural domains."
Lancet Journal Apologizes After Referring to Women as "Bodies With Vaginas" in Latest Edition
- Mollie Hemingway: "This is a common technique of moral blackmail, regularly used by the left to silence opposition to progressivism's march through American institutions."
Left-Wing Media Borg Orchestrates Yet Another Bogus Hit On Tucker Carlson
- "A blistering New York Times report on Sunday raised questions about Ozy, a digital media company aimed at millennials and founded in 2013, and whether the company was being honest about how many people it reached through its various products."
Ozy Media Executive Apparently Impersonated YouTube Executive, Company Allegedly Inflates Site Statistics. Company Defends Itself
- "CNN landed an Emmy Tuesday in the breaking news category, one of seven the network captured on night one of the News and Documentary Emmy Awards."
XiNN Rewarded With Emmy For Downplaying Violence Of Floyd Riots
- "The ethical corruption of our national new media has extended to a degree that once would have seemed unimaginable."
What the Press is Leaving Out About the Arizona Election Audit
- "Where are the American journalists defending the First Amendment?"
Pope-Fiction Pope Calls an American TV Network Satanic for Criticizing Him
- "The new organization will be lead by Pro-Life San Francisco founder Terrisa Bukovinac, who also served temporarily as president of Democrats for Life of America."
Ahead of Women's March, Feminists, Liberals, LGBTQ Persons to Announce New Pro-Life Group
- "Aborting reason."
My Body, My Choice
- "Tickets will be sold exclusively to spectators residing in China's mainland, who meet the requirements of the [Chinese] COVID-19 countermeasures," the IOC said. "Specific requirements on [Chinese] COVID-19 countermeasures for spectators from China's mainland and the details of ticketing arrangements are under discussion and development, and will be released to the public in due course once they are finalized."
No One Outside of China Allowed to Attend 2022 Winter Games in Beijing
- "The consequences of the collapse of a large corporation like Evergrande, however, are different in a command economy than they would be here."
The Mother of Real Estate Bubbles Looms in China
- "The Biden [junta] urges 'Iran to provide the IAEA with needed access without further delay.'"
Iran Denies UN Inspectors Access to Key Nuclear Site
- "Sen. Hagerty slams Biden for ignoring sanctions meant to halt pipeline."
Classified Briefing on Nord Stream Pipeline Renews GOP Concerns That Biden Is Caving to Russia
- "The English-speaking world has had it with China." (too bad Australia is now acting worse than the filthy, evil Chi-Coms - jjs)
The AUKUS Treaty: 30 Years of Calm
- "It involves a 'sovereign and democratic Palestinian State.'"
Joe Biden's Prescription For Ensuring Israel's Future
- "League hopes to build 'baseball ecosystem' in China." (great, the Peking Pangolins will be in the Western Division - jjs)
MLB Ships Jobs to China To Build Closer Relationship With CCP
- "'Honor' -- which was sold by Huawei last November to skirt Trump-era sanctions -- still retains links."
Biden Security Agencies Oppose Blacklisting Chinese Gov't Tech Firm.
- Raymond Ibrahim: "The persecution Christians suffered at the hands of Muslims over the course of just one month."
Christians Buried or Burned Alive by Their Muslim Parents
- "By 2031, over three-quarters of taxpayers earning between $100,000 and $200,000 will see higher tax expenses."
Federal Analysis Shows Democrat Tax Bill Will Break Biden's Promise To Not Raise Middle-Class Taxes
- We won't see it for another 10 years, just like the disastrous effects of global warming. Lather, rinse, repeat in 2031. Seriously, this is another front in the assault on private property and freedom by the Globalists.
So Where's That Crisis Leftists Predicted After the Eviction Moratorium Expired?
- "DeSantis has emerged as one of the most prominent political leaders against pandemic restrictions and mask mandates. . . Texas, led by Governor Greg Abbott, has also led the country in preventing businesses and communities from being held back by pandemic restrictions."
DeSantis' Florida and Abbott's Texas See Most Improved Housing Markets
- "The Fed adjusted its inflation prediction from 3.4 percent in June to 4.2 percent."
Fed Heads Increase Inflation Predictions as Dems Push for $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill
- "Instead of trying to expand the regulatory state, Congress should think about the massive economic growth if crypto was addressed by thoughtful legislative consideration instead of piecemeal regulation."
Congress Moves in the Wrong Direction on Cryptocurrency Policy
- "That's racist."
Report: Too Many White People Studying Racial Disparities in Health Care
- "A price on carbon guarantees electricity will be harder to come by."
Despite Europe's Energy Woes, Senate Democrats Want to Follow Its Carbon Pricing Lead
- "This winter, the U.K.'s wrongheaded energy policy may test public devotion to environmentalism."
Will Britain Shiver?
- "Though I personally would be very saddened if Lucy was prevented from launching, that loss would be well compensated for by having the federal government out of business. The evil and corruption promoted by it far outweighs the good work done by several minor space missions."
Government Shutdown Threatens Lucy Asteroid Mission
- "This research only makes the geological and climate history of Mars more puzzling. Though the geological evidence strongly suggests lakes and liquid water once existed on Mars, and this research strengthens that conclusion (as indicated by the highlighted sentence above), no model of the planet's climate has ever satisfactorily created a situation where that was possible. Either there are factors about Mars' ancient history we have not yet identified (likely) and don't yet understand (very likely), or the planet's geology was formed by processes alien to Earth and thus not yet recognized by us."
Flooding From Crater Lake on Mars
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Orwell would say of the woke Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Bernie Sanders, LeBron James, or Ibram Kendi -- and their supposed unwoke, but similarly rich enemies, "It was impossible to say which was which.""
Our Porcine Two-Legged Wokeists
- Christian Toto: "Podcast giant goes 'all in' on freedom vs. vaccine mandates, plays Nazi card."
Did Joe Rogan Just Become the Media's Public Enemy No. 1?
- "There are more and more of these moments because intellectually honest leftists are suddenly realizing that everything they thought they knew was wrong."
Another Leftist Gets Red-Pilled by the Truth
- ". . . Or perhaps the second ugliest library, after LBJ's."
The Obamas Break Ground on the Nation's Ugliest Presidential Library
- "Alluring and exciting at first, it is ultimately not worth the time expended. It lacks focus and is over-reliant on shock value."
Netflix's Clickbait Unfortunately Lives Up To Its Name
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:45 AM
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