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September 23, 2021

The Morning Report - 9/23/21


Good morning, kids. Thursday and the law of totalitarian physics is certainly in evidence. To wit, the more ruin the Left inflicts and the more it is rejected, the louder and more vituperative the vitriol hurled back at us, and the tighter the screws are turned. At the risk of mixing metaphors, only two things can happen; our thumbs ultimately get crushed into bloody pulp or we use an unshackled leg to deliver a swift kick in the nads of our tormenters.

I cannot make predictions and I'm not going to make predictions. Too many things that I thought were going to be a lead pipe cinch turned out to explode in my face while things that I thought I'd only see in a low-budget sci-fi dystopian B picture are playing out right in front of my eyes in glorious technicolor reality that is anything but virtual. What I will do is make some observations and try to put it into some perspective.

Let's take a look at two aspects of this. Yesterday, as an addendum to one of the links, I quoted Winston Churchill, who remarked:

"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

The link not only caused me to raise an eyebrow, but you can bet your ass it did not go unnoticed at Kalorama Klown Kontrol either:

Anyone with a brain cell saw this coming a mile away.

New York City has a [Chinese] COVID vaccine mandate. Officials think it will encourage people to get the vaccine. How nice of them to reward or punish you based on you injecting something into your body.

Officials proved they don't research or emerge from their echo chamber because we all know a lot of black people are not vaccinated. A simple Google search backs up that statement. Blacks do not trust the government.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) NYC and other organizations lashed out at NYC in front of Carmine's in the Upper West Side over the mandate.

Three black women from Texas showed their vaccine cards to get a seat at Carmine's. Two men attempted to join them but the hostess refused one since he did not have proof of the vaccine.

An argument happened and the manager led the party outside as the women joined the men. Then a brawl broke out with the women attacking the hostess.

The women accused the hostess of using a racial slur. The hostess accused them of using fake vaccination cards. A fight broke out and NYPD arrested the three women. BLM NYC and others held a "Cancel Carmine's" protest outside of the restaurant . . .

. . . [BLM NYC chief Hawk] Newsome warned: "We're putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise. The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism."

Now, the cynic in me realizes that all the Junta will do is create a carveout that exempts blacks and other minorities from the vaccine mandate. There is no way on earth to make such an announcement that even the lowest of the low information set will swallow without touching off a massive reaction against it. I would add that legally and constitutionally, that alone would kill the mandate in court but considering the nature of the judiciary, I wouldn't make book on that either. Then again, thinking two or three steps ahead, maybe these fools really do want to touch off a race war to distract from their failures and hasten the inevitable societal collapse. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The story continues:

A woman named Maya told National Review her community has trouble realizing it's the Democrats who have led the charge over vaccines and lockdowns:

"Most black people aren't going to acknowledge that the Democratic Party has disenfranchised us. Malcom X said it's fox and wolves. The fox pretends to be your friend to your face but passes laws behind your back to harm you. The wolf is not your friend, they don't like you, and they treat you as such. But who do you respect more? Black people tend to fall for the fox," Maya said.

She said her job is in jeopardy now because she's refused the vaccine, another issue of economic equity that she says Democrats are not acknowledging.

"This vaccine mandate is disproportionately affecting people of color. People shouldn't be forced to do it. It's 'for your health,' but they're willing to ruin people's lives to protect against a virus with over a 99 percent survival rate. . . . This is going to be the new Jim Crow, and it's going to affect mostly people of color," she said.

Look, let's be crystal clear. Black Lives Matter is a violent, racialist Marxist political terrorism organization. If they are not directly in league with or coordinating with the Democrat Party, then the latter has benefitted tremendously from a symbiotic relationship. But Hawke Newsome and Patrice Cullors are not going to bend a knee to Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. For sure, they (BLM) are seeing this issue and every other issue through the lens of strong-arming and intimidating society to accrue more power. As horrid and repulsive as their ideology and goals are, the issue of vaccine mandates which is the gateway drug for the absolute totalitarian enslavement of every man, woman and child in this nation is so absolutely crucial to our future, I'm willing to raise a fist and declare "right on" at least for this issue.

Naturally, I'd never physically join them in a protest for obvious reasons (not least of which my physical safety), but I'm happy to cheer them on in the same vein as I did with my nightly bowl of popcorn watching the highlight reels of the Iran-Iraq War. More crucially than BLM's objections are the words of Maya. Is she just an outlier? Who knows? Certainly, given the media's control of narrative and opinion, maybe there are a hell of a lot more Mayas out there than we are led to believe.

When [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden announced that an authoritarian vaccine mandate would be imposed on roughly 100 million Americans by OSHA, the glee on the left was palpable. Today, the unintended consequences of Biden's attempt to distract from the botched withdrawal in Afghanistan are becoming apparent. According to Morning Consult, hardly a right-wing pollster, Biden's net approval among black voters have fallen 17 points since the mandate. The share of black voters who disapprove of Biden's job performance increased 7 points, to 24%, with 14% saying they strongly disapprove.

The mandate is a dubious public health move, given the number of recovered Americans. It could also prove to be a catastrophic political move. Democrats are already concerned about shifts in the Hispanic vote toward Republicans in 2020 and the recent California recall. While there might not be a similar shift in the black vote, all they have to do is stay home in 2022 to kneecap Democrats. Even Morning Consult notes that Democrats are suffering from an enthusiasm gap. . .

. . . When you consider the percentage of the black population that is not vaccinated, the breakdown from Morning Consult becomes an even bigger problem. Keep in mind, approximately 70% of black Americans are not fully vaccinated, and only 34% have taken an initial dose, according to the CDC.

There were also more significant declines among black voters in their view of Biden's handling of specific policy areas than the decline among all voters. He is five points underwater with black voters on his handling of immigration and barely making 50% on foreign policy and national security. As Barack Obama reportedly said, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up."

Well, "fuck things up" Biden has done. And in spades (no pun [pun?]) And it's funny because more than likely Obama is the one that's really running the show. Well just like in Hollywood as the late Don Simpson quipped "it's not how you play the game, it's how you place the blame." The other titanic fuck-up is the absolutely intentional catastrophe that is the erasure of our borders. Now with tens of thousands of Haitians streaming in, and the logical reaction of responsible people trying to keep them the hell out, here comes the race card in the nick of time to pull the Democrats' chestnuts out of the fire, or so they are desperate to believe.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) claimed Wednesday that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents apprehending Haitian migrants illegally entering the United States through the southern border is "worse than what we witnessed in slavery."

"What we witnessed takes us back hundreds of years. What we witnessed was worse than what we witnessed in slavery," Waters, who serves as the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, stated during a rainy press conference steps away from the U.S. Capitol.

Cowboys with their reins in hand whipping black people, Haitians, into the water where they're scrambling and falling down and all they're trying to do is escape the violence in their country," the longtime California Democrat added.

Democrats have seized on the images, accusing horse-mounted CBP agents of using whips to prevent migrants from attempting to cross from Mexico into Texas -- a claim that agents say is patently ludicrous.

"With basic knowledge and two brain cells, anyone knows those agents use split reins. They do use them as a whip, on their horses," one agent told Fox News. "This helps get a quicker response from the horse to move out when needed, especially when the horse may be hesitant with groups of people or other animals.

Maxine "Love Canal" Waters. I guess the question is, is this putrid, filthy criminal's ravings going to once more bamboozle black folks into ignoring their revulsion at the vaccine mandates and other disasters inflicted on them in just the past 9 months alone? The fact that a diseased filthy shit-whore like Waters has been planted comfortably in a congressional seat for 30 years as the district she represents yet lives 5 miles away from continues to devolve into Mogadishu on the Pacific does not fill me with confidence. And yet, and yet . . .

And speaking of Mogadishu on the Pacific, like day follows night we are having Kabul in Wisconsin!!!

And yet the people of Australia have had enough of this garbage and are fighting back. Unfortunately they disarmed themselves willingly and watch as senior citizens are pepper sprayed and beaten. Same over here as a Republican running for lieutenant governor in Nevada gets beaten up by uniformed thugs for protesting the mask and vaccine mandates.

All things considered, I'll still make a deal with the Devil to be rid of these bastards. Forever.


  • "The global elites' response to the pandemic and climate change is the same: the Great Reset."
    The Great Reset and Chinese COVID
  • Victor Davis Hanson: "Deterrence at home and abroad is now dangerously lost."
    Civilization Requires Deterrence
  • "Biden created this dumpster fire and refuses to front up to reporters and answer to the American people for the humanitarian catastrophe he has set in motion. Is it deliberate or just incompetence? The [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] benign neglect of the crisis suggests that he welcomes unchecked illegal migration. Surely he is not so clueless he doesn't know what is happening. Without a border we have no country, and he seems to like it that way."
    Americans Know Who's to Blame for the Border Crisis
  • Robert Spencer: "The Intercept is not likely to be singular in this. Watch for other publications to feature [John Walker] Lindh's writings, and for him to become a regular on the Leftist speaker circuit, appearing at conferences seated on the dais next to the likes of Reza Aslan and Mehdi Hasan. The American Left's orgy of cultural and civilizational self-hatred will make Yahya Lindh a star. If, that is, it survives its own suicidal impulses long enough to feature him in its comfortable salons before the people it has incited burn them down."
    Lefty Rag Publishes Self-Serving Op-Ed by American Taliban on 9/11 Anniversary

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:36 AM

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