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September 20, 2021
The Morning Rant

THESES ON COVID-19Covid-19 is an airborne respiratory virus, and is here to stay. Get used to it.
90% of our Covid crisis is political.
Lurking behind our Covid crisis is our obesity crisis.
A "zero-covid" or "stamp out covid" (whatever you want to call it) policy is stupid and counterproductive.
Any federal, state, or local government that is attempting to implement a "zero-covid" policy is interested in public control, not public health.
Covid-19 will become less lethal over time.
Each succeeding Covid-19 variant will be less lethal than the previous one.
We need more research on what constitutes an effective treatment strategy, not only for the unvaccinated, but for the vaccinated who nevertheless come down with Covid.
"Go home and wait until you're sick enough to come to the hospital" is not an effective treatment strategy.
Outdoor masking is silly and stupid.
Forcing little kids to wear masks all day is silly and stupid.
Forcing little kids to wear masks all day should be declared a criminal act.
Most masking is virtue signaling.
Instead of inadequately tested, rushed-to-market vaccines, the government should be passing out free vitamin D, especially during the winter months.
I would rather have the government force me to take a daily dose of vitamin D than an inadequately tested, rushed-to-market vaccine.
Anthony Fauci should be fired.
Anthony Fauci should be investigated for channeling federal dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund their gain-of-function research.
Anthony Fauci should be keelhauled.
Forced vaccination is immoral.
Withholding medical care from unvaccinated persons is insanely immoral.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought out the worst in too many Americans.
Compare & Contrast (I):
Compare & Contrast (II):
The Sept. 18th Protest Went About As Expected:
Applaud This Man!
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3 (cheeky!)
Photo 4Photo 5 (busty!)
Photo 6Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2 (shirtless!)
Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5 (shirtless!)
Friday Who Dis: Belinda Lee never did rise higher than 'B' movies, although it could be argued that she never really got the chance, having been killed in an automobile accident at the age of 25. She had a minor part in the biblical drama Joseph and His Brethren (1961), which starred Geoffrey Horne, who, a few years previous, was considered for the lead role in the 1959 version of Ben Hur, which eventually was given to Charlton Heston.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Bagels With Cream Cheese & Lox:
(Click for bigger bagel)
Recipe available here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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