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Daily Tech News 18 September 2021 »
September 17, 2021
The ONT Is The Teacher Of The Man
Welcome to the Friday ONT. Here's a neat map of the US
Well played
Anyone know of any other towns that could join the trinity?
Fido Friday: Playing chicken
I'd be home before the weekend
A good start
Friday Night Lights
This is Little's team entering the stadium last week.
Total dick move. But funny
Friday night question: What is the best practical joke you've ever played on someone? When I was a teenager, I wired my mom's toilet so that when she sat down a very loud siren went off. Scared the crap out of her (not literally).
This is funny. How to trick a monkey.
Feel like some light reading?
Even the Pokémon know
Gun for sale, At least he has the right name
This doesn't alliterate as well as I expected
You can see it on her face when she realizes.
Friday night question, part II: What's your best/funniest brain fart? Something like the girl in the clip above.
Survival strategy
Survey says: True
Meanwhile, on Muldoon's farm
Fido Friday: Kitteh demands equal time!
He used to travel the south seas, getting into fights. Some of them were real melees. That's how we got the name for the Malay Archipelago. And now you know the rest of the story
The Great Red North
And by “right wing” they mean “anything that questions leftist orthodoxy”
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by interstate travel:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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