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September 15, 2021
The Morning Report - 9/15/21
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and a quote attributed to the great 18th century British writer Samuel Johnson comes to mind in the wake of Gavin Newsom's recall. Upon hearing of a widower about to be remarried soon after the death of his first wife to whom he had been unhappily wed, Johnson remarked that it was "the triumph of hope over experience." On the face of it, Newsom is projected to have beat the recall effort handily. Yet, all things considered and in my opinion he "cheated the beat."
Sour grapes? After everything we witnessed last November 3rd and in the run up to that horrible day, I am never going to look at any election ever again and blindly assume it's even minimally fair, honest and above board. Especially in any city or state controlled by the Left. In fact, it is axiomatic that the longer and deeper a government is controlled by Democrats/Leftists, the more likely that an election will be rigged in their favor, regardless of the size of the majority they have. Here's the most irritating observation I've seen so far from A.J. Kaufman at PJ Media:
Gov. Gavin Newson survived a feisty California recall election Tuesday night the only way he could: by stoking fear, vilifying opponents, and adding in some bigotry.
Having piloted a failing state into the ground, Newsom could not run on his record, so he and his acolytes simply attacked Republican frontrunner Larry Elder and former President Donald Trump.
Absolutely true. But here's where old A.J. goes off the rails.
Trump gave Democrats an opening when he claimed Monday, "Does anybody really believe the California Recall Election isn't rigged? Millions and millions of Mail-In Ballots will make this just another giant Election Scam, no different, but less blatant, than the 2020 Presidential Election Scam!"
Much like when Democrats won two crucial Georgia U.S. Senate elections in January, Newsom appeared thrilled that Trump inserted himself into the race, as liberals believe the former president keeps suburban moderates in their tent, especially in California.
Oh please, give me a freaking break. Considering Georgia was one of the epicenters of the fraud that installed Biden in the White House, especially with the collusion after the fact of the state's Republican governor, secretary of state and legislature, to then claim those two senate seats were won fair and square in the runoffs also because OrangeManBad was fighting for his life and perhaps the life of whatever vestige of the nation remained, is an insult. As for California, despite having a 2-1 margin or more of Dems to GOPer voters - more than likely including untold thousands of illegal aliens - I think that the 2020 presidential race was a lot closer than reported. We'll never know, of course but localized corruption went national that year in the wake of the Beijing Breathing Blight COVID-19 psy-op.
Yes, gentle reader. It's deja vu all over again. Mail-in voting, which even banana republics and the UN reject as crucial for election theft, in a virtually top-to-bottom Democrat-controlled state that has devolved over the past 20 years into a de-facto banana republic, made Newsom's "win" pre-ordained. By the way, a commenter (maybe a troll, maybe not) dropped a little note yesterday after we had moved on to the Art Thread in which he/she/it was affronted by my referring to California as Tijada on the Pacific.
An easy example of how little sense you make, "...the sleazy, pompous, brilliantine criminal dictator of what is arguably now a third world Latin American banana republic will more than likely retain his stranglehold on what once was the Golden State."
If California were an independent country it would be the fifth-largest economy in the world, by definition a 1st world country. OTOH, West Virginia would be the 110th economy between Guatemala and Syria(!).
As I replied...
"WAS the 6th largest economy. Importing third world replacement serfs while the tax base flees is not a recipe for long term growth. And comparing what WAS the Golden State to W VA is apples and oranges. California is on the road to ruin. When a handful of [insanely] wealthy residents lord over a nearly vanished middle class and a majority of people at or near the poverty line, that is a third world banana republic by any definition of the term. Want a real comparison? Here: California and Venezuela. Look at the history of the latter, especially everything [that has transpired] since the installation of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. You are heading there at warp speed, and dragging us down with it.
Add to this the fact that Newsom will now double, triple and quadruple down on his "emergency" edicts, be it for Chinese COVID vaccines or anything else he can dream up in the name of "safety," meaning the safety of his and his party's perpetual hold on power, he's going to do it. If nothing else, that right there is dictionary definition banana republicanism. And as we all know, as goes California eventually so goes the nation.
Meh, I've spent more time on this than I wanted to but I guess it means there was more to say than I had thought. Newsom surviving in no way shape or form IMHO reflects on the discontent of a growing segment of the citizenry there and across the nation. Elections do have consequences, rigged or otherwise. The vaccine mandates, which is Biden's handlers' attempt to distract and bury the greatest disaster in American foreign policy history, which will have ramifications for us and the free world for decades to come if not a century or more, are backfiring on him and anyone who supports them. If that is the spark that somehow awakens and unites disparate people, even for a short while, against this tyranny, then so be it.
According to a Twitter feed from Leeroy Johnson, a group of MAGA and BLM activists joined together to demonstrate outside the Manhattan home of New York State Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, who is sponsoring a bill to make Covid vaccinations mandatory. Johnson identified himself as an "independent photographer" and says that he takes no sides.
Here is his tweet with film of the smallish demonstrations, followed by MAGA and BLM activists identifying themselves and speaking of their joint effort:
Black Lives Matter and MAGA activists team up in solidarity and are both upset about the mandatory vaccine bill NY state legislator Linda Rosenthal put in. Protesters were outside Linda's home yelling NO FORCED VACCINE
Filmed and owned by Leeroy Johnson
#CovidVaccine #blm #MAGA
. . . I don't think there is much that Dems can do to assuage the suspicions of many Blacks, rooted as they are in bitter history. But they have also committed themselves to forcing vaxes on the public -- and demonizing Republicans, Trump voters, and Fox News viewers. If they keep on pushing that line, they risk driving some African Americans toward checking out the very groups the Dems want to demonize.
Politics does indeed make for strange bedfellows, perhaps none stranger than this. That or it's a VERY wide mattress. Considering BLM is a Marxist front group, hell not even a front group but openly avowed Marxist, I don't expect this marriage to last, or that it's even no more than an anecdotal incident. But that said, the fact that it did happen should not be discounted out of hand. The key is somehow finding the supertanker filled with 100 octane aviation fuel to put on this spark and the other little sparks just like this that have got to be out there.
Meanwhile, there's this abomination that would have otherwise been lost in the sauce, that just jumped out and kicked me in the teeth:
Sidhartha Kumar Mathur, 35, of West Friendship, Maryland, threatened to kill GOP Rep. Andy Harris and his family. His punishment? Mathur will be spending the next eight weekends in jail. That's 16 weekend days for threatening to kill a member of Congress. He will conveniently be done in time for Thanksgiving. Then Mathur has to stay home for six months. He must do 100 hours of community service and will be on probation for two years.In December 2020, Rep. Harris, who represents Maryland's Eastern Shore, was one of 126 House Republicans who supported the Texas lawsuit that sought to overturn President Biden's election victory. The Supreme Court later rejected the lawsuit.
Mathur didn't approve of Harris' involvement in the lawsuit and let his congressman know.
"I know where you and your family lives. You will be ended," Mathur wrote to Harris via the congressman's website. He wrote that Harris is an "animal that needs to be tortured and skinned alive."
Two minutes after sending the message, Mathur left a voicemail at Harris' Maryland office in which he threatened to slit the congressman's throat and kill his family "if you even mess with my vote," prosecutors stated. . .
. . . We can only wonder what would happen if a white guy in a MAGA hat threatened to skin AOC, slit her throat, and slaughter her family.
Mathur's simple sentence was handed down by Judge Richard D. Bennet, a Republican appointed by George W. Bush.
The sentence was announced by Acting United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Jonathan F. Lenzner and Chief Tom Manger of the United States Capitol Police.
The same Capitol Police keeping Trump supporters in solitary confinement? Hmm...
Mathur was also caught lying to federal investigators and still got a lenient sentence. Gen. Flynn was busted for "lying" to the feds, and Robert Mueller wanted Flynn sent to prison for it.
But California, hell America, isn't a banana republic, and Trump inserted himself into elections and lost them for us. And he also said "pussy!" Well, at least no more mean Tweets, right A.J. Kaufman?
- "There's real questions right now as to who's making the decisions," Foreign Relations Committee's Ranking Member Sen. James Risch (R-ID) began in his opening statement.
Republicans Question Blinken on Who Is Really in Charge: "The President Speaks for Himself"
- "You think you'd kind of know before you off somebody with a Predator drone."
Rand Paul Blasts Blinken On Drone Strike
- Daniel Greenfield: "The hack at the heart of the Afghanistan betrayal must go!"
Impeach Secretary of State Antony Blinken
- "According to him, the 'best estimates are that there's several thousand [U.S.] green card holders in Afghanistan.'"
BOMBSHELL: Blinken Just Told Us How Many Biden Really Left Behind in Afghanistan
- "U.S. troops are trapped in what is often called the world's largest and most bureaucratic organization."
The Bloated Bureaucratic Failure of Afghanistan
- "I'm very disappointed that Secretary Austin declined our request to testify today. A full accounting of the U.S. response to this crisis is not complete without the Pentagon, especially when it comes to understanding the complete collapse of the U.S.-trained and funded Afghan military."
Bob Menendez Threatens to Subpoena DoD Secretary If He Keeps Skipping Afghanistan Hearing
- "The American people deserve better answers than that, Mr. [so-called quote-unquote "president"]. You care more about saving the political career of Gov. Gavin Newsom than you do about the mess you've made in Afghanistan."
Biden Junta Stonewalls on ISIS-K Strikes -- Which Means They Were Failures
* * * * *
- "Are terror-linked Afghan refugees being helped by terror-linked ICNA?"
Radical Muslim Group Assists with Afghan Resettlement in America
- UN Human Rights chief "said there had also been cases where ex-government officials and their relatives had been arbitrarily detained and were later found dead."
Afghanistan: UN Cites "Credible" Reports of Taliban Killing Former Gov't Officials and Their Family Members
- "Director of National Intelligence, Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier, told the summit Tuesday that Al Qaeda is still active and ready to rebuild, and it is likely that their target remains the United States."
Intelligence Experts: Al Qaeda Could Re-Form In Afghanistan in "One to Two Years"
- "The country has long consisted of multiple ethnicities, including Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara."
Afghanistan: Nation-Building Without a Nation
- "More than one blunder is required to screw things up as badly as the U.S. has done in the war with the Islamo-Fascists."
The Strategic Blunders That Gave Us Defeat in Afghanistan
- "The start of a very dangerous movement -- for Democrats."
Democrats Worst Nightmare: BLM Thugs and MAGA Activists Jointly Demonstrate Against Vax Mandates
- "There's always going to be a small percentage that say no."
Joe Biden Declares "By and Large" Positive Support for Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates
- "His vaccine mandate is a red herring meant to distract us from his Afghanistan debacle."
Biden's Deflection Mandate
- "The federal government cannot force people to get the [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccine. The Biden Administration is once again flouting our laws and precedents to push their radical agenda," Brnovich said in a statement. "There can be no serious or scientific discussion about containing the spread of [Chinese] COVID-19 that doesn't begin at our southern border."
Arizona Becomes First State To Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandates
- "OSHA has resorted to emergency rules only "sparingly," but in the few cases it has used them, the agency's moves have not stood up well against court scrutiny. Prior to coronavirus, OSHA issued an ETS only nine times, and courts fully overturned four, and partially vacated a fifth."
Congressional Research Service Raises Questions About OSHA Vaccine Mandate's Legality
- "DeSantis also derides Biden for ignoring 'natural immunity' in vaccine mandates."
Gov. Ron DeSantis Plans to Fine Florida Counties, Cities if They Implement Vaccine Mandates
- "While she said she is used to dealing with government overreaching, she has 'absolutely had enough.'"
Watch: Rep. Kat Cammack: "Hell No" to B.S. Vaccine Mandates
- "Accordingly, we respectfully request that you work closely with our organization and the broader business community to create immediate clarity on how the plan can and should be implemented."
Major Companies Demand Biden Clarify Chinese COVID Vaccine Mandate
* * * * *
- "The lawsuit argues that the 17 medical professionals have religious beliefs which compel them to 'refuse vaccination with the available [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccines, all of which employ aborted fetus cell lines in their testing, development, or production.'" Indeed, Judge David Hurd of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York granted the temporary halt Tuesday morning."
Federal Judge Blocks New York Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Employees
- "While we do believe our members should get the vaccine, we do not believe it should be a condition of employment. Clearly, the courts agree. The fight is not over, but we are energized by this decision and ready to keep going on behalf of our members."
NYC Court Temporarily Blocks City Hall's DOE Vaccine Mandate
- "Constitution anyone?"
Biden's Bad Vaccine Mandate
- "It flies in the face of everything our country has always stood for, and is only furthering the damage and division done to the people of this wonderful nation."
Arkansas Sheriff's Office: No to Vaccine Mandate, Feds Are Pushing "Absolute Tyranny," "Absolute Dictator-Like"
- "Forcing all truck drivers to take injections against [Chinese] COVID-19 poses significant challenges to an already struggling U.S. transportation industry, on which the nation's commerce depends."
If Truckers Like Me Won't Comply, Biden's Vaccine Mandate Could Tank the Economy
- With all due respect to Steve Cuozzo, even if every restriction was lifted and we went back to where we were 18 months ago, DeBolshevik's insanity has set my hometown on an irreversible trajectory towards ruin.
Mindless, Unscientific Chinese COVID Rules are Hindering NYC's Great Comeback
- "They know it's illegal. They just don't care."
The Subjugation of the Deplorables
* * * * *
- "Why is one omnipresent and the other omni-absent?"
How Bad is Chinese COVID NOW? A Tale of Two Charts
- As Fauci fails to give a "firm answer" to query on natural immunity, experts are now questioning if "herd immunity" is a reasonably achievable goal.
Study In Nature Journal: "You'll Probably Make Antibodies for a Lifetime" Against Chinese COVID-19
- "Over half the grant cash came from Fauci."
America Has Given Millions for 'Research' At Chinese Communist-Run Facilities Since Chinese COVID Outbreak
- "We had a vacuum of good data to answer those questions and, as a result, political opinions filled that vacuum."
Why in the World Does the CDC Have to Rely on Data From Israel to Guide Our Chinese COVID-19 Response?
- "At long last, someone has taken a deep dive into those numbers and the reality is very different from what the media present."
Don't Freak Out About Hospitals Filled With Chinese COVID Patients
- "New Rasmussen data reveals a dark underbelly to the Biden regime."
Half of America Says Jan 6 Protesters Are "Persecuted, Political Prisoners"
- "Excerpts from the new Bob Woodward book reveal a partisan coup at the heart of the U.S. government." (and Eddie Slovick was stood up in front of a firing squad for, what exactly?! - jjs)
Coup: Bob Woodward Claims Vanilli Milley Secretly Pledged to Warn Chi-Coms if Trump Planned a Strike
- "I don't care what you think of President Trump, the Chairman of the JCOS working to subvert the military chain of command and collude with China is exactly what we do not accept from military leaders in our country. He should be courtmartialed if true. Couple that with his inept handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and it is clear General Milley is no longer fit to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and should be removed immediately."
Rand Paul Calls for Vanilli Milley to Be Courtmartialed, Removed if He Went Around Trump, Colluded with China
- "Fadel Alkilani claims using American flags to commemorate the dead is 'insidious.'" (dunk Alkilani in a vat of acidani - jjs)
Washington University Student Desecrates Memorial to 9/11 Victims
- "We got nothing out of Bush's eight years in office." (we got Obama, McCain and Romney - jjs)
The Disgracefulness of George W. Bush
- "Bush's complete misunderstanding of that day, coupled with his apparent desire to rub our noses in his own failure and the failures of his class, is profoundly offensive."
The "Foul Spirit" of George W. Bush and America's Ruling Class
- "Dividing people by color is essential to maintaining the power of the leftist elites."
Democrats Fiddle an Old Tune On Race
- "There are a great many things coming from Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the State Department, the military, the Justice Department, and basically the Deep State that make no sense."
Because They Are Evil
- "While the new version of the 'For the People Act' has dropped several of the more objectionable elements, it has kept many more, including the ability of Congress to override several state laws dealing with ballot integrity. This is a non-starter for all Republicans in the Senate."
Democrats Continue Their Dog and Pony Show on Voting Rights
- "There is no easy or gentle way to break bad habits that have formed, and any attempt to do so is only stalling. The kids have already had their dessert. It's time to eat their vegetables."
Post-Pandemic Kids Don't Need Teachers to Go Easy. They Need Structure and High Expectations
- "Throwing billions at a failing education system is the California way."
California's Misguided Education Spending
- While scores of innocent American patriots continue to rot behind bars as political prisoners in the Garland Archipelago.
DOJ Allows Former Intel, Military Who Hacked for Foreign Country to Pay to Escape Prosecution
- "The arrest of Afanador came as protesters took the streets nationwide to speak out against police brutality in the wake of George Floyd's death. . . Chokeholds have been banned by the NYPD for years, but the tactics came under scrutiny after the death of Eric Garner in 2016."
First NYPD Cop Charged Under State's Chokehold Law Cleared by Grand Jury
- "A new paper shows it and recommends reforms to capitalize on that experience."
Experienced Cops Reduce Crime
- Abject Criminals, Leftists and Undesirables.
ACLU Becomes Top Legal Defender of Anti-Semitic BDS Campaign
- "The White House has so far dismissed a Senate inquiry into Joe Biden's use of private email as vice president."
White House Blows Off Senate Inquiry Into Joe Biden's Use of Private E-Mail
- "Elizabeth Prelogar may have to recuse herself from landmark affirmative action case."
Lawmakers Silent on Biden Solicitor General Nom's Financial Conflict
- "Made me so miserable." (Parmesan Paypal Jayapal what's-her-face - jjs)
14 Former Staffers Accuse Top Progressive of Running "Harsh" Workplace Environment
- "The self-declared socialist congresswoman drew broad social media scorn for partying at the elite $35,000-per-ticket event while presenting herself as their rabble-rousing foe." (fellow goniff Carolyn Maloney also got freebie tix - jjs)
Titty Caca Ocasio-Cortez Slapped with Ethics Complaint for Accepting Free Met Gala Tickets
- "Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens), a vocal Cuomo critic, said Tuesday's vote "conveys that Kathy Hochul is not concerned about holding Cuomo accountable or rooting out corruption in Albany." "So far, she's failing to meet the moment that demands full accountability and real transparency," Kim said. "Just like Cuomo, she's trying to govern through headlines instead of cleaning up vestiges of Cuomo that reek of corruption."
Hochul Ethics Panel Pick Helps Angel of Death Cuomo Keep $5.1 Million From Book Deal
- "With recall defeated, Democrats are already discussing ways to shut the door on future recalls, debating ways to reform a process that was established over a century ago in the original 'Progressive' era as a last resort to ensure accountability. . . Votes are still being counted, and mail-in ballots will still be arriving for several days, meaning that the margins could change. However, a surge in 'yes' votes sufficient to overcome the 'no' vote is considered a statistical impossibility." (we've seen this movie before, haven't we? - jjs)
Newsom Cheats the Beat
- "It has already passed both houses of the California state legislature, and merely awaits Newsom's signature. He could sign it today; he could also sign it in the interim before the results of the recall election are certified Oct. 22, even if he is ousted."
After Recall Election, Newsom Could Sign Bill to Make Automatic Vote-By-Mail Permanent
- "'To me, this is the most important election to vote in California's history, and it's the most empowering thing that we could possibly do to take back our state,' Angela Marsden said."
Gavin Newsom's Chinese COVID Power Trip Fueled His Recall Election But Outraged Restaurant Owners Popularized It
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Surging protest is a sign of hope and change."
- ". . . Democrats who have been hoping to turn the state of Texas blue are facing the stark realization that the Hispanic vote they seemingly take for granted is far more conservative than they are willing to admit."
Dems Losing Ground In Texas As South Texas Hispanics Vote GOP: Report
- "What country are we living in? Are we really prepared to allow the executive branch of the federal government to run roughshod over the other two branches as well as all the states?"
If You Aren't Mobilizing for Action Right Now, You're Going to Get Boiled Alive
- "Eighteen-year-olds should do a year of public service before they are granted full citizenship and franchise."
Should People Earn the Privilege to Vote?
- "Lawmakers hope tax credits will revive industry as trust in media plummets."
House Dems Propose $1 Billion in Subsidies For Local Newspapers
- "High-profile accounts posed greater risks than regular ones, researchers noted, yet were the least policed."
Report: Documents Reveal Facebook Exempts a "Secret Elite" From the Rules
- "New report shows social media giant knew Instagram encourages eating disorders, depression."
House Republicans Say Facebook Lied About Risks to Teens
- "Despite the rather significant change, no editor's note acknowledging the revisions was added to the story." (gee, I wonder why - jjs)
New York Times Quietly Removes Claim That Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was "Unsubstantiated"
- Robert Spencer: "Unhinged wokeism. . . This is the kind of thing young girls are imbibing in Teen Vogue these days. In a few years, they'll be old enough to vote for AOC and Ilhan Omar and take to the barricades against white supremacist patriarchy."
Teen Vogue Communist, er, Columnist Takes the Prize for Dumbest 9/11 Take of the Year
- "For writers at Salon 'liberal' signifies whatever they and their circle of groupies would like it to mean and has little attachment to historical reality." (in my day, salon was another word for beauty parlor, where the Joy Behars of this world bloviated before they had TV shows - jjs)
Liberalism Isn't What it Used to Be
- "The new dark age of silencing: Peter Boghossian, one of three professors who revealed the incompetence and bad scholarship that now permeates academic culture by writing and getting published a fake paper in 2017 that claimed the penis was merely a "social construct," has finally been forced to resign from his position at Portland State University in Oregon because of the never-ending harassment and slanders that he has been subjected to by both faculty and staff there."
Today's Blacklisted American: Professor Who Uncovered Academic Incompetence Has Been Forced to Resign from Portland State University
- "Big Tech and, in particular, social media is a huge player and a culprit in this effort at the annihilation of free will. But we can resist it."
Whose Life Is It Anyway?
- "The National Rifle Association tells The Federalist any Biden nominee, like Chipman, will not respect the constitutional rights of Americans." (as I said yesterday, they have an almost infinitely deep bench - jjs)
NRA: Blocking Chipman is a Win But Any Nominee Will Continue Biden's War on the Second Amendment
- "The judge issued an injunction preventing the group from suing certain Planned Parenthoods, its staff, and physicians for breaking the law until at least next April when a trial on the merits of the case is set to be held."
Texas Judge Blocks Pro-Life Group From Enforcing New Abortion Law
- "The Supreme Court will take up Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization in the fall term. Legal precedent since Roe v. Wade has declared abortion bans prior to fetal viability to be unconstitutional, but the Court did not intervene to stop a six-week abortion ban in Texas from being implemented in September."
Abortion Clinic's Supreme Court Defense Rests on Debunked Study
- "Newly installed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has promised that Israel 'will do everything to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons.'"
Time Is Running Out: Iran Could Have Ability to Build a Nuclear Weapon in One Month
- "Claiming that Israel 'doesn't have the capability' to attack Iran, Shekarchi warned that if the Jewish state 'perpetrates any strategic mistake, it will be slapped in the face, and it will not be able to recover.'"
Iranian Armed Forces Spokesman: America "No. 1 Enemy," Israel "Must Be Eliminated"
- "The move completes a tit-for-tat exchange between the United Kingdom and China, which began after Beijing slapped restrictions on five members of Parliament in March. Zheng was set to attend a reception in the House of Commons Wednesday. Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle said extending continued invitations to Zheng after sanctions on British officials would not be 'appropriate.'"
U.K. Parliament Bans Chinese Ambassador
- "Mehrdad Ansari sent advanced weapon parts to Islamic regime."
DOJ Sentences Iranian National Who Sent Nuclear Weapon Components to Iran
- Robert Spencer: "Dr. Sulayman Ali Hassan preached a sermon recently at the Shahe Najaf Islamic Center in the D.C. suburb of Alexandria, Virginia, in which he makes it clear that jihad is an obligation on all Muslims and that it has a violent component. Maybe Old Joe, being one of the world's foremost Islamic clerics, can drop by the Shahe Najaf Islamic Center sometime soon and explain to the good Dr. Hassan how he is misunderstanding Islam. Until then, we can only hope that none of Dr. Hassan's hearers decide that Islam is being attacked in a way that calls for a violent response."
As Biden Says Islam is Peaceful, D.C. Imam Calls for Jihad
- "He ignores that large percentages of Muslims in Western countries want laws replaced with sharia."
Newsweek Whitewashes Islam
- "Cultic ritualism, indoctrination of submissives and damnation of dissidents."
Prager U Video: What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common
- "See, I don't believe you. I think you allowed your political beliefs to cloud your judgment, and I think you said a few years ago, what you said about Brett Kavanaugh, and I think you believe it. I cannot imagine what it's going to be like to be a litigant in front of you, with that demonstration of lack of judicial temperament and judgment."
"I Don't Believe You": Sen. Kennedy Rattles Biden Nominee Over Past Letter Calling Kavanaugh "Morally Bankrupt"
- "Officials blamed the loss of power on human error and the failure to restore power for 84 minutes to inadequate organizational structure and a lack of guidelines."
Half of NYC Subway Lost Power Because Someone Accidentally Hit "Emergency Power Off" Button and No One Figured it Out
- "We have a business that's located in probably, during [Chinese] COVID, arguably the worst state in the union to try to survive unless you're Costco."
California Brewery Picks Up Pieces After Months of Newsom's Chinese COVID Tyranny
- "The reason the economy is struggling is that Biden decided to abandon every pro-growth Trump policy."
No, "Anti-Vax" Republicans Are Not to Blame for the Weakening Economy
- Everyone move to San Francisco and shoplift. Problem solved.
Bidenflation: U.S. Consumers Face Steeply Higher Prices on Beef, Bacon, Chicken, Fish, and Even Salad Dressing
- "The tax bill would be the largest increase since 1968. This alone makes the bill 'radical' in the sense that it's out of the mainstream of policymaking and politics. Let's remind ourselves that these were the same people telling us the 2,100-page Affordable Care Act that overturned U.S. health care wasn't 'radical' either."
Biden's Tax Bill "A Money Grab for the Ages"
- "The wind has stopped blowing in the North Sea, where Britain holds the bulk of its offshore wind farms. The resulting shortage in wind-energy production has driven a surge in fossil fuel prices as European countries seek to compensate for the energy shortfall through other sources. . . Britain's electric utility provider has asked a power company to restart its coal power station to lighten the burden on the country's energy supply."
Energy Costs Spike in Europe as Wind Stops Blowing
- "New regulations sacrifice housing affordability on the altar of climate change."
Keeping Mobile Homes Out of Reach
- "Capitalism in space: Let's begin by underlining one fundamental fact about the Inspiration4 manned Dragon orbital space mission, targeted for a September 15th launch tomorrow evening, that makes it different from every other orbital space mission ever flown since Yuri Gagarin completed the first manned mission in 1961: The government has nothing to do with it."
Watching the First All-Private Commercial Manned Orbital Spaceflight
- "What could possibly go wrong? Scientists at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom have developed a new formulation that can use material known to exist on Mars, combined with the addition of astronaut blood, to produce useful concrete."
Make Concrete on Mars Using Human Blood? (Nicky Scarfo's ears perked up - jjs)
- "VAWA never sought to end violence against women so much as to upend the patriarchy."
Biden's Radical Feminist Legacy
- "The pandemic has turned many things upside down. If it also re-sizes our expectations of ourselves as women and mothers, it will have delivered an unexpected gift."
What's Liberating About 2 Million Mothers Quitting Work in the Last Year
- "Slowly but surely, a little sanity and -- dare I say it -- normalcy is creeping back into our lives. Much of America isn't in the mood to play 'New East Berlin' and show our papers, including comedian Jim Breuer."
SNL Alum Jim Breuer Cancels Gigs With Proof-of-Vaccine Requirements
- "They want you to get vaccinated for the Met. If I get vaccinated it won't be for the Met. It'll be once I feel I've done enough research. I'm working on that now," Minaj wrote. "In the meantime my loves, be safe. Wear the mask with 2 strings that grips your head & face. Not that loose one."
Rapper Nicki Minaj Says She Hasn't Yet Been Vaccinated, Gets a Taste of Mainstream Media in Return
- Christian Toto: "The former Man Show host continues his assault on Gov. DeSantis, Carson's legacy."
Jimmy Kibble Mocks the Dead in Florida to Score Partisan Points
- "Woodward is going to have to come up with a lot more evidence to back up his extraordinary allegations. Instead, he plays to people's preconceived notions of the mental health of Donald Trump."
New Bob Woodward Book Promises to Be the Most Anti-Trump of Them All
- ". . . from 1993 to 1998, he was one the brightest stars on a show already nearing its 20th season -- and going through one of its sporadic 'dark times.' (Translation: It was rarely funny. . . save for Norm and a few others including Will Ferrell, Kevin Nealon, Tim Meadows and Cheri Oteri)."
How Norm Macdonald Saved SNL in One of Its "Dark Times"
- "Part Nine: On Deep Red Conservative Dixiecrats Who Kept Liberal Democrats in Power for a Century and on Jews Just Like Them."
Part 9: Rabbi Dov Fischer's Definitive Year 5782 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews
- "We should pray in the merit of our fathers."
On Yom Kippur G-d Judges Nations Too
9/11/01, 20 YEARS ON
- "If you prefer safety to freedom, that's your choice: It's a free country. But I'm for freedom. That is the essence of America."
Freedom at Any Price
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:15 AM
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