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August 31, 2021
Quick Hits: The Education of Phil McCracken Edition
No grim milestones permitted by the Democrats:
Authentic Frontier Gibberish:
Necessary and hopefully amusing flashback: The nearly developmentally-delayed Biden has consistently claimed that he has a very very high IQ, and that he received all sorts of academic accolades. None of these things are true. Obviously.
They're so untrue, in fact, that even the leftwing DNC newsletter the Washington Post has been forced to confess them.
Another poll -- today's Morning Consult poll -- finds Biden underwater, 48% approving, 49% disapproving.
Apparently fat weakling leftist unfunny clown Andy Richter is complaining that his son had to play rent six months in advance.
Due to the eviction moratorium he no doubt supports.
John Ekdahl is beside himself with Concern.
John 'pro-norms' Ekdahl
I can't stop thinking about Andy Richter's son having to pay 6 months up front for a rental apartment. Ugh, what a week.
John 'pro-norms' Ekdahl
I can't stop pacing back and forth. Confused, angry, sad. I just can't make sense of this. Why would a landlord do this to Andy Richter's son? #SearchingForAnswers
John 'pro-norms' Ekdahl
Sleepless night last night. Tossed and turned. Hardly caught a wink. Confusion turning to anger, anger turning to pain, pain turning to grief. I keep asking myself why. Why would Andy Richter's son's landlord do this to him? #StillSearchingForAnswers
Courage, a fraudster once advised.
In fairness, Ned Beatty has a chin.