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August 15, 2021
Kabul Is Falling As The Taliban Drive The Afghan Government Out Of The Country
Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani leaves the country
As Taliban enters Kabul, for many in the capital the worst is happening
The Latest: Official says Taliban to declare Islamic Emirate
This costly foreign policy debacle can and should be laid squarely at the feet of the Biden administration. They have obfuscated and dawdled and flapped their botoxed lips, but have done nothing substantive to ensure an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Obama 'said Biden has an "ability to f**k things up"' amid 'bitter tensions' after ex-president's 'weak' endorsement
Second on the list for responsibility is our pathetic political generals, who are more interested in having Twitter slap fights than doing their jobs. In a just America, they would be court-martialed...starting with General (spit) Milley.