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August 12, 2021
The Morning Report - 8/12/21
Good morning, kids. Thursday and we're just coming apart at the seams. With a $1 trillion so-called "infrastructure" bill that tees up the $3.5 reconciliation bill that destroys our economy, way of life and freedom while entombing what's left of this nation in the vault of socialist horror and Chi-Com/Islamic global domination, it's neck and neck between SMOD and Cloward-Piven.
I don't even know where to begin with this insanity but here's one example that just makes you want to scream:
Joe Biden began his [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"] by destroying one of the few sectors in America that was still working after [Chinese] COVID lockdowns and that was benefitting Americans -- the oil and gas industry. Within what seemed like minutes, oil and gas prices shot up. Now, Joe Biden has listened to Americans crying out for succor from the economic fallout from his decisions. His [junta], therefore, has announced that . . . OPEC+ countries (Muslim Gulf states and Russia) should increase their oil and gas production to export to America. At this point, you must believe that the Democrats are pursuing a Cloward-Piven strategy of destroying America entirely so that they can rebuild it as a third-world socialist nation under the control of a cadre of rich, White leftists. . .
. . . Biden and his fellow Dems, however, have no decency. And when you have no decency, you have your National Security Advisor announce that the United States wants OPEC+ (Muslim Gulf nations and Russia) to increase oil and gas production
Not quite two years ago, for the first time in decades America became a net exporter of oil thanks to PIEOTUS Trump going all in on fracking and opening up of Federal lands for exploration. With that technology we have IIRC the second largest reserve of oil and natural gas on the planet, perhaps at least a 300-year supply -- now, lying fallow.
Moving on to something completely different but just as enraging, after spouting the outrageous lie about President in Exile Trump telling people to inject Lysol and drink bleach to cure them of the Peking Pox, Piss-Hockey Psaki let this telling bit of insanity emerge from her whore mouth:
Leftists are utterly detached from reality. They think people can magically change sex, accept that there are over 100 genders, put their faith in filthy and porous masks against infinitesimally small viruses, are certain that being lenient with criminals will lessen crime, and believe that socialism just hasn't been done right. Given all that, perhaps it shouldn't be so surprising that Jen Psaki, the most vapid and snarky press secretary ever, seemed to state in all seriousness that the Taliban need "to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community":
.@PressSec: "The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community."
The Taliban are very clear about their role: It is to be a leading edge of a worldwide Islamic caliphate.
That Piss-Hockey can be so utterly clueless is just remarkable. But it's not that she's stupid; it's just that she grew up and was educated by faculty lounge eggheads whose worldview is 180 degrees out of phase with reality. Multiply her by 99% of DC, the media, the arts and a growing cross section of business and society, such as it is, at large. That's why Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou is a Congressman and why an Earth Liberation Front terrorist may very well be confirmed as the Secretary of the Interior but why some guy who was allowed in to the Capitol on January 6th and did nothing more than take a selfie sitting at Malig-Nancy Pelosi's desk represents "the greatest threat to our precious democracy since the Civil War."
In case you've already forgotten, as most people have, Miles Taylor shot to a kind of fame in September 2018, when he wrote an anonymous op-ed in the New York Times that was one of the first open acknowledgments that there was a coterie of federal bureaucrats that is determined to thwart Trump's agenda by any means possible: "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration: I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."
Taylor followed that up in November 2019 with the ostentatiously anomymous book A Warning, one of the first publications in what became a cottage industry of Trump-is-stupid-and-evil books. A Warning was credited to "A Senior Trump Administration Official"; both the op-ed and the book gave rise to a great deal of speculation as to who the author really was: John Kelly? John Bolton? Mike Pence? The disappointment was palpable when Anonymous turned out not to be a senior Trump administration official at all, but just little Miles Taylor, a thirtysomething former chief of staff to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. That's right: a nonentity. . .
. . . What Taylor is doing is tilling the fertile soil for the Left to portray all who oppose it as potentially violent extremists, or just outright violent extremists even if they've never espoused violence, and accordingly to criminalize dissent from its agenda. Taylor predicted: "You're going to see that because radicalized elements of the Republican party now represent a bigger threat to our democracy than organizations like al-Qaeda or ISIS ever did."
This breathtaking exercise in moral equivalence shows that Taylor knows as little about al-Qaeda and ISIS as he likely does about Republicans and conservatives; perhaps sensing how hysterical he sounded, he immediately began walking his statement back: "Not necessarily to human lives, but a bigger threat to our democracy than those terrorist groups ever did, because these are. . . political institutions that are attacking our democracy, trying to rewrite the rules, and irrevocably breaking our bonds as Americans, and they're doing it all from the inside. It's something that our enemies could never have even dreamed of."
No one seems sure who first said it, maybe Joseph Goebbels, but in any case it's a tried-and-tested Alinskyite tactic: accuse your enemy of what you're doing. Miles Taylor has learned the lesson well, and found an eager Leftist audience for his "insurrectionist" red meat. All he lacks is the insurrection. That's where framing us comes in.
That fuckin' guy Obama. The son-of-a-Stalinist was right when he proclaimed "we're on the verge of fundamentally transforming America." Here we are nearly 13 years later and he sure as hell was right. LoPecia Pressley, the doppelganger of Corey Booker's undescended testicle, crowing about these multi-trillion-dollar madness . . .
Care is infrastructure. Climate justice is infrastructure. Housing is infrastructure.
. . . just confirms the illusion of any sort of opposition from the GOP, who is allowing this to happen. They don't give a shit about our destruction, so long as they can make a buck off of it. But what good is all that graft if there's no country left to spend it, and the animals they let loose on all of us finally come after them?
All this multifaceted chaos is not just faculty lounge stuff. We are beginning to see the collective craziness filter down to disruptions in our everyday lives.
Airliners cannot take off due to fuel shortages. Automobiles, houses, gas, and lumber are in short supply.
Consumers can't get their roofs fixed or their houses painted or the trees trimmed as employers plead to their idle government-subsidized employees to come back to work.
No one knows whether our laws even still exist -- or at least exist haphazardly depending on who breaks them.
Thieves steal with brazen impunity. The police predicate arresting suspects on criteria that have nothing to do with breaking the law.
Scared Americans have lost faith in the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, the CDC, and most of the federal bureaucracies that are as politicized as they are increasingly incompetent.
What started out as elite woke nonsense now warps everyone's daily life. If we don't wake up from wokeness, we will continue on our sure trajectory to self-inflicted, systemic paralysis -- followed by civilizational collapse.
Brace for impact.
- "'Maynard's alleged offenses "show that he is particularly dangerous, even among arsonists,' the federal prosecutors said. Ironically, Maynard in November was concerned about President Trump's supposed propensity for violence."
California Professor Accused of Starting Wildfires Predicted Trump Would "Get Violent" if He Lost 2020 Election
- "Brownshirts of Biden and Fauci."
Pastor Maced At Portland Prayer Rally Alleges Police Complicit In Antifa Ambush
- Robert Spencer: "What Taylor is doing is tilling the fertile soil for the Left to portray all who oppose it as potentially violent extremists, or just outright violent extremists even if they've never espoused violence, and accordingly to criminalize dissent from its agenda. . . No one seems sure who first said it, maybe Joseph Goebbels, but in any case it's a tried-and-tested Alinskyite tactic: accuse your enemy of what you're doing. Miles Taylor has learned the lesson well, and found an eager Leftist audience for his "insurrectionist" red meat. All he lacks is the insurrection. That's where framing us comes in."
Former "Anonymous" Trump Official Says Trump Supporters Are a Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda and ISIS
- "He was convicted of handing out explosives and arson. Here is the kicker: He was stupid enough to boast about it while live-streaming on Facebook." (I would have thought Facebook's "truth detectors" would have erased that entry - jjs)
Felonious Punk Gets Nine-Year Sentence, Longest Yet For a BLM-Antifa Thug (I saw Felonious Punk open for Thelonious Monk at the Blue Note in '71 - jjs)
- "For the Left, banning Trump supporters on social media isn't enough."
Mark Dice Video: Arrest Americans for Questioning the 2020 Election?
- "Establishment gaslighting and threats from the Biden regime's increasingly unhinged national security surrogates is itself becoming a radicalizing agent."
The Biden Junta's Extremism Is Fuel For Domestic Unrest
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "A life full of authenticity and integrity can counter the Left's racist accusations against honest Americans."
Don't Anyone Dare Lecture Me About Race
- "I think the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] deserves a lot of credit for getting the Democrats open to reaching a bipartisan agreement on this bill." (go to hell - jjs)
Mitch McChinless Praises Joe Biden for Successful Infrastructure Deal
- Recall Yasser Arafat at the UN in 1974, holding an olive branch in one hand and a revolver in the other. Or Vito Corleone and Luca Brasi making an "offer he can't refuse" to Johnny Fontaine's manager.
Will Manchin and Sinema Stand Strong Against Pressure to Spend Another $3.5 Trillion?
- "The blueprint propels a legislative process seeking to create the largest expansion of the federal safety net in nearly 60 years. When the House returns from recess next week, committees in both chambers will begin making the vision come to fruition."
American Socialism Takes Another Step Toward Permanence: Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan
- "Establishment Democrats and Republicans and their corporate media mouthpieces view the American taxpayer as an ATM to fund their priorities."
Republican Betrayal on Fake Infrastructure Bill
- It's neck and neck now between SMOD and Cloward-Piven.
Doppelganger for Cory Booker's Undescended Testicle, LoPecia Pressley, Takes Victory Lap, Declares "Climate Justice Is Infrastructure" After GOP Caves to Biden Hoax Bill
- "If the House approves (and it will), taxpayers will be on the hook for $3.5 trillion in leftist policies affecting every aspect of American life."
The Senate Passes the Bernie Sanders Wish List
- "Biden's $3.5 trillion budget was written by a socialist -- and it shows."
They're All Socialists Now
- Sen Tom Cotton: "They want to teach our children that America is not a good nation, but a racist nation. Those teachings are wrong, and our tax dollars should not support them."
Anti-CRT Amendment Passes After Manchin Votes With Republicans
- We have not had a two-party system for the past 30 years or so. Maybe never, really. Lies. Filthy lies. At least Donald Trump exposed it.
Senate Democrats Advance Their "Generational Transformation" With Republican Help
- Molly McCaughey: "The bill includes grants to install solar or wind technologies and generate jobs in areas decimated by closing coal mines or coal-fired electric plants. Here's the catch: When contractors bid, the bill says minority-owned businesses will get selected first. Bad news for small-time white contractors in depressed areas. The same is true for the bill's proposals to improve traffic patterns in cities. Contractors and subcontractors get priority only if they're owned by minorities or women. White male business owners can take a hike. Americans should be outraged -- but not surprised. After all, Biden's American Rescue Plan Act, passed in March, also put into place an ugly system of discrimination against whites."
Biden "Infrastructure" Bill Chock Full of Anti-White Racism
- CDC = Certifiably Deranged Control-Freaks
CDC Recommends Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine for "Pregnant People" Based on "New Evidence"
- "We want to have our own right and have our own decision to decide to wear a mask or not. That's why I'm here today and that's the right that I have to make that for my child as a recommendation."
Protests Erupt in Tennessee and Kentucky over Mask Mandates and Forced Vaccinations
- "Psaki said that Biden 'still doesn't trust Donald Trump, but he does trust scientists' and gives credit to scientists and experts who worked to develop the vaccine during Trump's presidency."
Shameless Lying Slag Piss-Hockey Psaki Says Trump Told People to Inject "Poison" to Cure Chinese COVID
- "Taken to court?!" How about dissolving the union and firing every damn teacher and administrator who defies you?! It is time to declare the judiciary useless at best and an enemy at worst. The Left has crossed the Rubicon. Time to shove the Rubicon up its ass.
Abbott Fires Back At Those Defying Mask Mandate Ban: They "Will Be Taken to Court"
- "The Florida Department of Health called out the CDC for its error."
CDC Corrects "Mistake" with Florida's Weekend Chinese COVID Numbers
- "O'Farrell, in a statement, 'tried' to clarify that it is 'not a vaccine mandate' but noted that 'We need to stop fighting the science and start fighting the virus.'" (you can have the car in any color, so long as it's black? - jjs)
L.A. City Council Unanimously Votes Vaccination Requirement for Indoor Public Spaces
* * * * *
- I simply refuse to believe this. This is akin to the polls in late October of '16 that called for Hillary in a 50-state landslide.
Fox News Poll: Americans Support Vaccine Mandates and Passports
- "The White House has consistently ruled out returning to the lockdowns of 2020, but has indicated that they would be open to certain types of restrictions if recommended to them by the experts."
Hawaii Reimposes Chinese COVID-19 Restrictions Despite Seven-Day Average of Zero Deaths From the Chinese Virus
- "New public health order applies to public and private K-12 schools."
Newsom Announces Mandate Requiring 320,000 CA Teachers and School Staffers to Get Chinese COVID-19 Vax or Test Regularly
- "That activist organization told Breitbart News that Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, which oversees NIAID, should be fired from her post."
PETA Slams NIH for Grants Dooming Beagles to Parasite Experiments
- "There is no such thing as a personal choice in a pandemic."
Liberal Prof Cries Over Lack of Mask Mandate
- "Keep your school-supply receipts because it won't be long before the CDC flip-flops again to satisfy the demands of people who don't have your child's best interest in mind."
It's Only a Matter of Time Before the CDC Shuts Down Your Child's School
- "Abbott's office said they are working with the Office of the Attorney General to enforce the order but did not offer any specific plan of action." (dissolve the Dallas county government - jjs)
In Blue Dallas County, Leftist Officials Defy Gov. Greg Abbott's Ban On Mask Mandates
* * * * *
- "In a statement, Pfizer said it 'expect[s] to be able to develop and produce a tailor-made vaccine against that variant in approximately 100 days after a decision to do so, subject to regulatory approval.'"
Biden Junta Concerned as Mayo Clinic Study Shows Pfizer Vaccine Dropped to 42% Effective
- "Malone, who has experienced censorship himself, said the CDC is censoring people by 'using these incredibly powerful new tools to suppress any dissent or discussion. 'It's bizarre. It's rewriting history. It's rewriting the language in a very Orwellian way, and then applying that punitively in using authoritarian measures.'"
Immunologist, mRNA Pioneer Urges Health Experts to Adjust Chinese COVID-19 Policies
- "Why isn't good news about [Chinese] COVID ever shared with the public?"
Three Charts the Delta Variant Scaremongers Don't Want You To See
- "A review of the evidence."
Do Masks Work?
* * * * *
- "The Edwards persona had Facebook and Twitter accounts, both of which have been deleted."
Chinese Media FABRICATED "Swiss Biologist" Who 'Claimed US Had Pressured WHO into Investigating Wuhan Covid Lab Leak Theory'
- "The Chinese Communist Party has repeatedly asserted that the Chinese coronavirus -- which originated in central Wuhan, China, in late 2019 -- is actually American in origin."
Wild Goose Chase: China Floats Florida as True Chinese Coronavirus Origin
- "With [Chinese] COVID as the excuse, the state in which Australia's most populous city is located has taken the lockdown to manic, paranoid extremes."
Totalitarian Madness Comes to Australia's New South Wales
- Happened in Germany. To me, all things considered, she's a hero.
Anti-Vax Nurse Injects 8,600 With Saline Instead of Chinese COVID Vaccine: Police
- Daniel Greenfield: "From Harvey Milk to Andrew Cuomo. . . "
The Human Rights Campaign's 40 Years of Colluding With Sexual Predators
- "My administration will be fully transparent when I am governor. I am not governor yet."
Kathy Hochul Hints That She Will Release NY Nursing Home Data
- "The media played cheerleader instead of investigator, enabling a powerful man to exploit women and elderly people for personal pleasure and political points. Who else are they covering for?"
How Many Other Angel of Death Cuomos Are Elites Covering For?
- "At the time of this publication, Navratilova has not responded."
"My In-Laws Died': Janice Dean, Tennis Superstar Go At It On Twitter Over Angel of Death Cuomo and PIEOTUS Trump
- "ActBlue remains [a] haven for Democrat sex criminals, pedophiles, and wife beaters."
10 Scandal-Plagued Democrats Who Remain on ActBlue
- "The former Governor is the personification of liberal hypocrisy, narcissism, and media manipulation."
The Liberal Establishment Ran Interference for Angel of Death Cuomo Until They Couldn't
- "He clearly figures the public will forget the sorry details. It's the Legislature's duty to see that he suffers the full consequences for his actions. Cuomo hopes to mount a comeback someday. Heck, he even hasn't admitted any real wrongdoing, even when it comes to harassment. His legal team was still attacking his accusers minutes before he announced his resignation."
Impeach Angel of Death Cuomo Anyway -- So He Pays the Full Price for His Crimes
- "Clearly, you've made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you've employed in this county."
Loudoun County Teacher Resigns: "I Quit Being a Cog in a Machine" That Pushes "Highly Politicized Agendas"
- "We've lost sleep trying to figure out why would a person do this."
Elementary School Allegedly Created "Black Classes" to Segregate Students. One Parent Is Fighting Back
- "A brief look at the progressive agenda in education reveals that critical race theory is just the latest in a long series of attempts to deform and ultimately fracture the country."
The Hundred-Year Road To CRT
- "This is not acceptable. Our children go to school to be challenged in academics and prepared for the future. If students aren't meeting standards, it's up to our leadership to find a way to reach them, not simply lower the bar."
Parents Beware: Lowering the Bar on Education Standards Is Happening at the Federal, State, and Local Level
- "Despite these modern progressives' positions of privilege and systemic advantage, a new constitutionalist critique of progressivism prevents them from claiming final victory."
- "Police said Flores kicked a hospital officer in the groin and then continued to resist arrest and demand to see her son."
Mother of Sub-Human Animals Charged With Killing Cop Goes to Hospital to See Her Spawn, Gets Handcuffed for Allegedly Attacking Security
- "Carlton Waterhouse has come under fire for racially driven politics."
Biden Nominee Praised Movement to Defund Police in Interview With Chinese State TV
- Well, clip my joy buzzer and call me Fatima.
Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's Office Claims Pro-Israel Lobby is Putting Her "Life at Risk"
- "We aren't even a full year into Biden's [junta] and the IRS is already returning to the Obama era's politically discriminatory practices."
Biden's IRS is a Partisan Weapon in the War on Religious Freedom
- "Jack Phillips' persecution is a chilling emblem of a legal system disfigured by the elevation of unfettered egoism over civility and the common good."
What Happened When a Craftsman Refused to Sell Me the Wedding Ring of My Dreams
- "[Junta] report omits references to Palestinian government's calls for violence and support for BDS."
Biden Junta Decision to Hide Info About Palestinian Terrorism From Congress Broke Law, Watchdog Says
- "Supporting vile Palestinian propagandists and their western enablers."
The Ford Foundation and Anti-Semitism
- "In the months after the crime, Newsom not only signed new financial protections for PG&E into law, his office hired private lawyers in New York who wrote the legislative language."
Report: Newsom's Office Protected Electric Company After It Caused Deadly California Fires
- "Interestingly enough, Pelosi is putting the vulnerable members at risk by calling them back. Still, Pelosi threatened many times that she would not take up the infrastructure bill in the House until the Senate finishes the trojan horse-like reconciliation package that costs trillions of dollars and is filled with many radical left agenda items." (they pass this garbage and electoral politics have no meaning anymore; we will have been transformed - jjs)
Report: Malig-Nancy Pelosi Considers Sacrificing Vulnerable Democrats by Pulling them Off Campaign Trail Early to Advance Swamp Agenda
- "Live by the ballot harvesting, die by the ballot harvesting: Democrats will mail ballots to the 'unsophisticated' voters who most want Newsom gone."
California Gov. Gavin Newsom Facing "Wall of Apathy" in Recall Voting
- "Will California's recall election herald seismic changes for the state -- and the country?"
Golden State Reckoning
- "The problem for the Democrats is that she is unelectable. It's the fake laughter, the handmaidenly comportment around Biden, the car-crash interviews and the complete inability to succeed at any of the tasks she has been handed, from immigration to vaccination.Not for nothing was billed the "most unpopular vice president in 50 years" by UK broadsheet The Daily Telegraph. She's so unpopular that Hillary Clinton staffers, of all people, reportedly have been consulted for likability lessons." (Dao-Min Yen sez, "I got this covered" - jjs)
Dems Shudder at "Kamala 2024"
- "The Democrat party has never shed its racist past."
A Racial Reckoning for the Democrats
- "The past year's devastation reveals elite special interest groups as liberalism's master."
Liberalism Drops Its Mask
- Long essay from a self-proclaimed progressive, but much of his venting is on target and shows the scales falling from his eyes.
What Happened to "Yes We Can?" Politics of Victimhood Has Replaced Hope and Optimism
- Rep. Andy Biggs: "Secretary Mayorkas is a threat to the sovereignty and security of our nation."
Republican Congressman Files Articles of Impeachment Against DHS Secretary
- Margot Cleveland: "It is unsurprising the Biden [junta's] apologists seek to spin his use of Title 42 expulsions because the truth shows how his border policies have caused the immigration crisis."
XiNN Caught Lying About Biden Junta's Illegal Immigration Fiasco
- Tucker Carlson: "Why would an NGO have control over U.S. government policy? But in fact, it's happening and we can prove it."
Biden's DHS Keeps Illegal Alien Felon in U.S. at Behest of "Abolish ICE" Activist
- "Slate magazine founders and editors including Jacob Weisberg -- whose podcast company produces shows including Ibram Kendi's 'Be Antiracist' show -- have participated in trips to China sponsored by the China-United States Exchange Foundation: a Chinese Communist Pary-linked group courting journalists for 'favorable coverage.'"Teen Webzine Slate Magazine's Editorial Board Took CCP-Sponsored Trips To China
- "It was a terrible mistake with terrible racist implications." ($13.75, in a plain brown wrapper - jjs)
American Booksellers Association Implements New "Oversight" to Prevent Accidentally Promoting Authors Like Candace Owens
- "YouTube is once again curbing free speech, this time censoring Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., for disagreeing with the government."
YouTube Will Censor You if You Disagree With the Government -- Even if You're In the Government
- "Meet the libelous 'Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.'"
My Goodness, Am I Really Assisting a Violent Extremist?
- "U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra violated federal conscience-protection laws when they told the Department Of Justice to drop a lawsuit against a hospital that forced a nurse to assist an elective abortion, Republican lawmakers said in a Wednesday letter."
GOP Lawmakers Accuse Biden Officials of Working at the "Behest of the Abortion Lobby," Ignoring the Law
- "The department has denied allegations of 'slow-walking its response.'"
Lawmakers Accuse State Dept. of Blocking Efforts To Restore Internet to Cubans
- I'm more concerned with the takeover if this country and how to eject the traitors who did it.
Fall of Kabul Imminent: Taliban Could Take Over Afghanistan Within Weeks
- "Authoritarian governments could use software to hunt political dissidents."
China Could Abuse Apple's Child Porn Detection Tool, Experts Say
- "Seeing bodies on the street is an every day thing."
North Korea Defector Yeonmi Park Details Horrors of Life in Communist Dystopia
- "U.S. vaccine diplomacy appeals to Philippine leader Duterte more than China's bullying tactics."
After Flirting With China, Philippines Back In U.S. Camp
- "With all of the illusory glitz and glitter of a nation hoping to rule the world, China's lure of gleaming gold medals will be a garish attempt to hypnotize the masses and erase its failure to preserve human dignity."
Boycott the Beijing 2022 Olympics
- "What makes it even worse is that she says it even as news is emerging from Afghanistan about mass murder and child sex slaves."
Piss-Hockey Psaki's Utterly Inane Comment About the Taliban Defies Belief
- "'American Airlines is providing the Chinese with a means of accessing [passengers] while they're basically held as a captive audience,' J. Michael Waller told The Federalist."
American Airlines Risks US National Security by Partnering With China-Owned TikTok
- "Experts warn America's outdated nuclear arsenal threatens national security."
White House Gives in to Liberal Push to Stall Nuclear Modernization
- "Muslim Federation advertises job positions for terror-linked Miami madrassa."
Do You Want to Be a Teacher at a Private School Led by an "ISIS Imam?"
- "Will the 'investigation' include the Qur'an and Hadith?"
Germany Will Spend $41 Million to "Discover" Causes of Present-Day Anti-Semitism
- "The federal debt did not surpass $1 trillion until fiscal 1982. . . Over the last 39 years, the debt has ballooned, from $1.1 trillion to $28.4 trillion."
Da Nang Dickweed Blumenthal: "No," $28.4 Trillion in Federal Debt is Not Too Much
- "Even as saner minds on the left condemn packing the Supreme Court, the true believers are still seeking ways to permanently alter the federal judiciary."
Court-Packing: The Left Mounts a Pincer Movement
- "Today, I'm pleased to share more good news with the American people," Biden said during a press conference on Wednesday. "The latest report on consumer price shows, the prices show, that we've expanded some easing, excuse me, the expected easing we thought was going to come has increased, that we are, we've seen a good monthly report." (do you speak jive? - jjs)
Biden On Consumer Price Index Showing Prices Rising at Fastest Pace Since 2008: "A Good Monthly Report"
- "They [the junta] refuse to acknowledge that spending $5 trillion we don't have on pandemic relief has anything to do with the jump in prices. They can spin the inflation threat any way they wish, they're not fooling the American people."
Prices Continue to Rise as Inflation Becomes More Than a "Temporary'"Problem
- "Some conditions are right for a repeat of the persistent rising prices of the 1970s."
Is Inflation Here to Stay?
- "Sometimes, it seems as if the left's plan is simply to randomize politics in the hope that something, anything, utterly destroys America."
Joe Biden Broke America's Oil Production -- And Now He Does This
- "The Biden [junta] tasked National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to urge OPEC nations to increase their production." (the world is rolling on the ground and laughing its ass off at us - jjs)
Biden White House: We Are Not Trying to Increase Domestic Oil Production to Lower Gas Prices
- "Here's a detailed and intimate picture of where we are going and what it will look like."
My Hospital Stay Showed We're Careening Toward Socialized Medicine
- "Far too many scientists have been afraid to test climate doomsday narratives."
Climate Scientists Admit Exaggerated Warming
- "Federal subsidies for electric vehicle charging stations enrich insiders."
Are Electric Vehicle Charging Grants the Next Energy Boondoggle?
- "Rest easy and let the weatherman have his fit."
Scared to Death by the Climate (or Why I Love Beer)
- "Meanwhile, China's main spacecraft maker is developing a human landing system for lunar missions."
Elon Musk Offers SpaceX to Make NASA Spacesuits for Proposed Moon Mission
- They're coming for - and in - our children. . .
Photo Of Child Surrounded By By Men In Bondage Gear Wins Award By Dutch Pride Organizers
- "Look at your life and prioritize what's most important to you. If finding someone to love who will love you back matters, focus your energies there."
Why Women Should Pursue Marriage Just as Intentionally as a Career
- "As the left smears America as irredeemably racist and evil, Asian-American excellence is the embodiment of the American dream, proving, once again, that the American promise is alive and well."
Asian-American Excellence Embodies the American Dream and Threatens Leftist Racism, New Book Argues
- Christopher Rufo: "The firm teaches employees that capitalism is fundamentally racist, then asks them to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities."
Intersectional AmEx
- "[Chinese] COVID-19 has highlighted the human need for intimate connection and good friends and the desire to be part of a shared community."
Loneliness and Chinese COVID-19
- Christian Toto: "Sex, power and corruption aren't enough to coax Hollywood to tell this sordid story."
Why We Won't See Andrew Cuomo: The Movie
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:32 AM
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"[i]What the hell is the point of that?
How abou ..."
Ace's liver:
"Sure, the constitution is set up such that the pre ..."
"Imagine a web site filled with mega-cringe personn ..."
James K Polk:
"[i]How about bringing back patriotic and sensible ..."
"Hunter's best bet is a tell all book about his dad ..."
publius, Rascally Mr. Miley (w6EFb):
There's video from all over of the breakup and ..."
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